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After a discussion of all the GMs (who's bases belong to us) we decided that the way to continue with a second game alongside exemplars would be to throw out, as we did before, a choice of Genres, let everybody vote, and see what comes out.  When a Genre has been selected, anybody who has an idea for a game they'd like to GM in that genre can put together a SHORT synopsis (a paragraph or two) of the game they want to run: all the ideas will go up on the votin' page and then everybody will get to rank the specific game ideas.  Whichever game idea gets the most votes is what we do, and whoever proposed that idea is the GM for the second game with which we move forward after the Jin Dynasty campaign ends.
So, the Genres:
#1 Continue PA: Not really a genre, and I can't remember how the discussion went for this.  This option would mean that I would wrap up, in an expedient fashion, the events currently in progress, and the group would move onto a PA campaign that Jason has been designing: one focused more on the necessities of survival, on scrounging, and on the everyday challenges of living in a post apocalyptic world.  This game would run in parallel with exemplars after Jin.
#2 Far-Future:  this genre includes space opera, space fantasy, space marines, space hulk, rogue trader, or any other ultra-high-tech based game
#3 Modern or Near-Future:  This includes realistic modern world settings, cyberpunk, drug lord settings, and beating up the jason bessonette.
#4  Historical:  Settings based on actual time periods in human history: rennaisance, the wild west, roman, caveman, whatever.
#5 Fantasy: A historical setting including magic, mythical creatures, etc.  This would also include games like the Iliadic game (if you want to make an argument that it should fall into "historical" go ahead, but I think it fits here better)
#6 Supernatural:  A game focused on things like vampires, werewolves, shub-niggoroth, or anything else sort of world-of-darkness-y.
#7 Genre Mish-Mash:  A catchall for oddball games or unusual combinations: Steampunk, for instance (drawing a blank on other examples right now).
Rank these in your preferred order, 1-7 (1 being the "best", and 7 the worst).  When everyone (including both Nate AND Gabe) has voted, we'll add up the points.  If one wins clearly (ie, by more than 7 points), we'll just go forward with that one: otherwise We'll have as many run-offs as necessary to winnow it down to one.

Latest revision as of 14:01, 16 April 2010