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--[[User:BenofZongo|BenofZongo]] 13:27, 25 March 2007 (MST)Sounds good: a throw/return weapon could be either something contemporary or a precursor artifact: in either case it would be exotic/useful/powerful enough that you'd have to take the "equipment" background for it.  How nasty it is would be determined by how many points you spent...
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 21:57, 6 April 2007 (MST) Here's the Prologue and the crew:
GABE: K/0 (pilot, captain)<br>
(-Q youngest pilot for Sleipner, fired w/out reason)<br>
(3 convinces Gabe to shop K-tech from Cassandra around instead of just selling to Preacher's contact and gets more $$ in result)<br>
(7 Sola says that she was working for Asimov Industries and was double-crossed when she accidentally ran across secret information; they think this and his firing are related)
ED= Aedil: 7/6 (soldier)<br>
(6 Sola gifts him with an old book of his religion that her brother(dead) belonged to)<br>
(-9 Support Merc turns out to be blood brother of chieftan of the religion and is therefore owed great respect)<br>
(2 Matt intrigues with his math ability)<br>
(-2 the book has gone missing)
MATT: J/1 (gambler, psychonavigator)<br>
(-4 5 day streak at casino Patroclus but finds account has been robbed)<br>
(4 Gabe runs into Matt after the theft and stakes him some $$ that lets him win his money back)<br>
(3 Dieter & Sola reveal who stole his money and that they can get back into their systems)<br>
(-8 handily beaten at cards by a mysterious women while drunk)
DIETER: 10/3 (tech from Glaucus)<br>
(4 Sola lends skilz and helps start business of automated engine systems)<br>
(-8 dragged into Sola's trouble through business connections and have to ditch and run w/out packing)<br>
(2 finds Ed's gauntlet to be intriguing)<br>
(-4 fall very ill and healed by the doctor)
SOLA: 6/7 (hacker)<br>
(4 found by Dieter as a stowaway on a ship running from a double-cross and helped set her back up on Glaucus)<br>
(-J accidentally hax another hacker's database who works for organized crime that runs a scam ring on casino's in low security zone in Patroclus; finds $$ records and gets traced)<br>
(5 Gabe helps rig up the subspace scanner and sees something out there and shows no ambush waiting)
SUPPORT 1: 4 (soldier)<br>
(3 was a merc. buddy of Sola's brother and responds to her call for help fully armed & armored when the K-tech collector comes after us)<br>
(7 soldier finds and returns Ed's book, shaming him)
SUPPORT 2: 8 (preacher, JOAT)<br>
(K lets Dieter & Sola bunk with him on ship to Patroclus)<br>
(10 calls Dieter and says he has contact on Diomedes who's a K-tech collector)<br>
(7 hooks us up with the second K-tech collector who ended up buying the item; but loot turns out to be fake and he comes bleeding to warn us)<br>
(K ship crashes into Nestor 1's oceans and preacher asks us to take a specialist team over to save to save them, which we do)<br>
(2 Matt cleans out the preacher)
SUPORT 3: 9 (medic)<br>
(4 Dieter finds surgeon that left corp hospital due to death of loved one and wants to leave the planet; fixes up Preacher and asks to sign on with the crew)<br>
(J takes care of some last details before leaving and returns with $$ that he cuts with us)
''The Golden Fleece'' SHIP: Q, 10, K, 8, K, J, 9, 10, 9, -6, 8, -8, A, A (117)<br>
(Q mysterious ship won in gambling by Matt; currently inoperable)<br>
(10 Ed hears the ship speaking to him; delivers religious call)<br>
(K while running from 2 attackers, Gambler makes a jump to Cassandra)<br>
(ship breaks down, so the crew takes the time to make exhaustive survey of the ship and figures out controls and how to properly fly and jump it[-A, Matt burns])<br>
(8 Gabe discovers sensory drones slaved to the ship)<br>
(K Sola & Dieter figure out way to work engine into the sensor array that brings)<br>
(J blip on scanner at point on mystery map turns out to be K-tech engines floating in space)<br>
(9 control panel found that can attach and detach the engines to the ship)<br>
(10 active sweep by sensors upon Ed's demand pick up another old piece of ship)<br>
(ship comes out of cloak and takes a shot at us but miss, K-tech engines detach and float off, Salo starts hacking into opposing ship[-A Salo burns])<br>
(9 Salo jury-rigs some stealth abilities)<br>
(-6 subroutines deleted from our sensors degrading their abilities)<br>
(8 rune of Tyr in the cargo hold leads to hidden compart that links to some K-tech)<br>
(-8 ship attacked and defended, but with damage to the interior)<br>
(A while leaving Nestor 1, friends of marines who assaulted us show up and try to attack and Matt finds a blinking button that turns out to be a weapon system that blasts the other ship from the sky)<br>
(A Salo pimps out the server room)<br>
(power overload causes brownout in the last fight with the pirates, but fixed to prevent future overloads[-A Dieter burns])
LOOTZ: Q, -Q, 7, J, 10, 7 (35)<br>
(Q find K-tech lootz in site on Cassandra where Ed's map pointed)<br>
(-Q K-tech lootz turns out to be fake)<br>
(7 Gabe hooks us up with some equipment from a previous employer)<br>
(J Ed storms into K-tech collectors office and proves that artifact is in fact older than expected, so not fake)<br>
(10 Sola installs security system to prevent ship intrusion)<br>
(7 make a delivery run with our jump drive and make some bank)
GROUP STORY: 6, 5, -10, -J, 3, 5, 2, 6, Q, 9 (25)<br>
(6 job post leads Dieter & Sola to ship to fix for low pay, crime hackers show up and fought off by Ed, Gabe & Matt; ship now fixed)<br>
(5 Matt's in a tavern and cleaning out a bunch of vets, returns his winnings in return for their help in fending off the K-tech attack)<br>
(-10 map left in nav room despite security systems that's nigh identical to Ed's map and marks place and time)<br>
(-J odd engine thing turns out to be assault shuttle; we're boarded through airlock by strange soldiers, knocked out and come to to find that both ships are gone but everything else appears to be untouched)<br>
(3 Gabe comes up with way to jam tracking devices on the ship)<br>
(5 take our revenge on the Patroclus crime syndicate and blow their cover to their victims)<br>
(2 Gabe officially registers the ship and crew)<br>
(6 group pools resources to investigate the secret compart and scans its interior)<br>
(Q significantly contribute to saving the crew of the ship crashed in Nestor 1 ocean)<br>
(9 jumped by pirates on delivery run, saved by bounty hunters when ship browns out due to power overload, now known for getting lucky)

Latest revision as of 23:57, 6 April 2007

--Dieter the Bold 21:57, 6 April 2007 (MST) Here's the Prologue and the crew:

GABE: K/0 (pilot, captain)
(-Q youngest pilot for Sleipner, fired w/out reason)
(3 convinces Gabe to shop K-tech from Cassandra around instead of just selling to Preacher's contact and gets more $$ in result)
(7 Sola says that she was working for Asimov Industries and was double-crossed when she accidentally ran across secret information; they think this and his firing are related)

ED= Aedil: 7/6 (soldier)
(6 Sola gifts him with an old book of his religion that her brother(dead) belonged to)
(-9 Support Merc turns out to be blood brother of chieftan of the religion and is therefore owed great respect)
(2 Matt intrigues with his math ability)
(-2 the book has gone missing)

MATT: J/1 (gambler, psychonavigator)
(-4 5 day streak at casino Patroclus but finds account has been robbed)
(4 Gabe runs into Matt after the theft and stakes him some $$ that lets him win his money back)
(3 Dieter & Sola reveal who stole his money and that they can get back into their systems)
(-8 handily beaten at cards by a mysterious women while drunk)

DIETER: 10/3 (tech from Glaucus)
(4 Sola lends skilz and helps start business of automated engine systems)
(-8 dragged into Sola's trouble through business connections and have to ditch and run w/out packing)
(2 finds Ed's gauntlet to be intriguing)
(-4 fall very ill and healed by the doctor)

SOLA: 6/7 (hacker)
(4 found by Dieter as a stowaway on a ship running from a double-cross and helped set her back up on Glaucus)
(-J accidentally hax another hacker's database who works for organized crime that runs a scam ring on casino's in low security zone in Patroclus; finds $$ records and gets traced)
(5 Gabe helps rig up the subspace scanner and sees something out there and shows no ambush waiting)

SUPPORT 1: 4 (soldier)
(3 was a merc. buddy of Sola's brother and responds to her call for help fully armed & armored when the K-tech collector comes after us)
(7 soldier finds and returns Ed's book, shaming him)

SUPPORT 2: 8 (preacher, JOAT)
(K lets Dieter & Sola bunk with him on ship to Patroclus)
(10 calls Dieter and says he has contact on Diomedes who's a K-tech collector)
(7 hooks us up with the second K-tech collector who ended up buying the item; but loot turns out to be fake and he comes bleeding to warn us)
(K ship crashes into Nestor 1's oceans and preacher asks us to take a specialist team over to save to save them, which we do)
(2 Matt cleans out the preacher)

SUPORT 3: 9 (medic)
(4 Dieter finds surgeon that left corp hospital due to death of loved one and wants to leave the planet; fixes up Preacher and asks to sign on with the crew)
(J takes care of some last details before leaving and returns with $$ that he cuts with us)

The Golden Fleece SHIP: Q, 10, K, 8, K, J, 9, 10, 9, -6, 8, -8, A, A (117)
(Q mysterious ship won in gambling by Matt; currently inoperable)
(10 Ed hears the ship speaking to him; delivers religious call)
(K while running from 2 attackers, Gambler makes a jump to Cassandra)
(ship breaks down, so the crew takes the time to make exhaustive survey of the ship and figures out controls and how to properly fly and jump it[-A, Matt burns])
(8 Gabe discovers sensory drones slaved to the ship)
(K Sola & Dieter figure out way to work engine into the sensor array that brings)
(J blip on scanner at point on mystery map turns out to be K-tech engines floating in space)
(9 control panel found that can attach and detach the engines to the ship)
(10 active sweep by sensors upon Ed's demand pick up another old piece of ship)
(ship comes out of cloak and takes a shot at us but miss, K-tech engines detach and float off, Salo starts hacking into opposing ship[-A Salo burns])
(9 Salo jury-rigs some stealth abilities)
(-6 subroutines deleted from our sensors degrading their abilities)
(8 rune of Tyr in the cargo hold leads to hidden compart that links to some K-tech)
(-8 ship attacked and defended, but with damage to the interior)
(A while leaving Nestor 1, friends of marines who assaulted us show up and try to attack and Matt finds a blinking button that turns out to be a weapon system that blasts the other ship from the sky)
(A Salo pimps out the server room)
(power overload causes brownout in the last fight with the pirates, but fixed to prevent future overloads[-A Dieter burns])

LOOTZ: Q, -Q, 7, J, 10, 7 (35)
(Q find K-tech lootz in site on Cassandra where Ed's map pointed)
(-Q K-tech lootz turns out to be fake)
(7 Gabe hooks us up with some equipment from a previous employer)
(J Ed storms into K-tech collectors office and proves that artifact is in fact older than expected, so not fake)
(10 Sola installs security system to prevent ship intrusion)
(7 make a delivery run with our jump drive and make some bank)

GROUP STORY: 6, 5, -10, -J, 3, 5, 2, 6, Q, 9 (25)
(6 job post leads Dieter & Sola to ship to fix for low pay, crime hackers show up and fought off by Ed, Gabe & Matt; ship now fixed)
(5 Matt's in a tavern and cleaning out a bunch of vets, returns his winnings in return for their help in fending off the K-tech attack)
(-10 map left in nav room despite security systems that's nigh identical to Ed's map and marks place and time)
(-J odd engine thing turns out to be assault shuttle; we're boarded through airlock by strange soldiers, knocked out and come to to find that both ships are gone but everything else appears to be untouched)
(3 Gabe comes up with way to jam tracking devices on the ship)
(5 take our revenge on the Patroclus crime syndicate and blow their cover to their victims)
(2 Gabe officially registers the ship and crew)
(6 group pools resources to investigate the secret compart and scans its interior)
(Q significantly contribute to saving the crew of the ship crashed in Nestor 1 ocean)
(9 jumped by pirates on delivery run, saved by bounty hunters when ship browns out due to power overload, now known for getting lucky)