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[[Gemini Index]]
Character Creation:
== Attributes ==
Attributes cost 4/level.  Average human attribute is 4. None at 8 or above without GM permission.  None at 9 or above without an extremely good reason.<br>
'''Strength'''  Physical Brawn: important in lifting/carrying things, breaking things, and doing damage.  You can carry up to (strength)*2.5 kilos without penalty: every (strength)*1.25 kilos above that you lose -1" movement.  Your maximum lift is ((strength)^2)*5 kilos.  See CP2020 for +to damage.
''Strength:'' Physical Brawn: important in lifting/carrying things, breaking things, and doing damageYou can carry up to (strength)*2.5 kilos without penalty: every (strength)*1.25 kilos above that you lose -1" movement.  Your maximum lift is ((strength)^2)*5 kilos.  See CP2020 for +to damage.
'''Dexterity''' Coordination and Precision of Movement.   
''Dexterity:'' Coordination and Precision of Movement.   
'''Toughness''' Ability to resist pain or exhaustion.  used for death and stun savessee CP2020 for 'body type modifier' subtraction from damage (to a minimum of 1, after armor).
''Toughness:'' Ability to resist pain or exhaustion. used for death and stun savessee CP2020 for 'body type modifier' subtraction from damage (to a minimum of 1, after armor).
'''Charm'''  Leadership, tact, friendlinessAt zero, you are completely worthless in social situations: essentially fullblown autism.
''Charm:''  Leadership, tact, friendliness.  At zero, you are completely worthless in social situations: essentially fullblown autism.
'''Attractiveness'''  Physical Appearance: For every point below 4, expect to get the equivalent of -1 to social interactions where a positive reception is desireable.  At zero, you automatically fail any such rolls, and are horribly hideous: probably the equivalent of a person with fullblown lepromatous leprosy.
''Attractiveness:''  Physical Appearance: For every point below 4, expect to get the equivalent of -1 to social interactions where a positive reception is desireable.  At zero, you automatically fail any such rolls, and are horribly hideous: probably the equivalent of a person with fullblown lepromatous leprosy.
'''Empathy'''  Ability to understand/read and manipulate other living things: If your empathy is below 4, you are cold, insensitive, and uncaring.  At 0, you're a sociopath with no concern for other people.
''Empathy:'' Ability to understand/read and manipulate other living things: If your empathy is below 4, you are cold, insensitive, and uncaring.  At 0, you're a sociopath with no concern for other people.
'''Tech'''  Empathy, except for machines: having a low tech doesn't mean you can't use stuff (see caveman disad), it just means that you are clumsy as an ox in trying to work on/maintain machines.
''Tech:''  Empathy, except for machines: having a low tech doesn't mean you can't use stuff (see caveman disad), it just means that you are clumsy as an ox in trying to work on/maintain machines.
'''Intelligence'''  Understanding of Facts and the ability to process them: 4 is an IQ of 100.  3 is probably a 90.  2 a 70.  1 a 60 or below.  zero you are a vegetable.
''Intelligence:''  Understanding of Facts and the ability to process them: 4 is an IQ of 100.  3 is probably a 90.  2 a 70.  1 a 60 or below.  zero you are a vegetable.
'''Cool'''  how well you operate under fire: at a 1, you are completely neurotic, completely at the whim of your emotions and sympathetic nervous system.
''Cool:''  how well you operate under fire: at a 1, you are completely neurotic, completely at the whim of your emotions and sympathetic nervous system.
'''Storytelling'''  How lucky you are.  This stat cannot be purchased, it is determined by Fortune Points.<br>
''Fate:''  How lucky you are.  This stat cannot be purchased, it is determined by Fortune Points.<br>
== Skills ==
Attributes cost 4/level.  Average human attribute is 4. None at 8 or above without GM permission.  None at 9 or above without an extremely good reason.<br>
Skills are typically linked to an attribute: this does not mean that a given skill cannot be combined with a different attribute at GM discretion.  Furthermore, a player may petition to have a given skill moved to a different attribute based on their background.<br>
Normal skills cost one point  per levelAverage Human skill level is 3-4.  Advanced Skills cost 2 points per level and are listed in italics and sometimes indented under a prerequisite skill and listed "(advanced skill)".  No skill at 8 without GM permission.  No skills at 9-10 without an extremely good reason.  In order to make a roll, a character must have at least a “familiarity” (zero level in the skill, costs 1/2 point).  Characters get certain “everyman” skills for free, at familiarity level.
Skills are typically linked to an attribute: this does not mean that a given skill cannot be combined with a different attribute at GM discretion.  Furthermore, a player may petition to have a given skill moved to a different attribute based on their background.
Starred skills are advanced, and cost more pointsA basic skill costs 1 point per dot, an advanced skill costs 2 points per dot.<br>
Strength Feat
*Strength Feat
Martial Arts: same thing as brawling, just using Dex instead of Str.  You will not recieve the bonuses described in the CP2020 rulebook.
*Martial Arts: same thing as brawling, just using Dex instead of Str.  You will not recieve the bonuses described in the CP2020 rulebook.
Personal Weapon Skills
*Personal Weapon Skills
**''Autofire'' (advanced skill) any schmuck can empty a clip on his enemy: but it takes significant skill to do it well: more skill still to provide covering fire, rake an area: and even more to do any of it without running out of ammo.  Without the autofire skill, any multi-shot attack is automatically at -3.  To perform more interesting autofire maneuvers well, you must make an autofire roll; larger margins of success will allow you to use less ammo in the process.  Prereq. is a +5 in the weapon skill you want to apply this to.
Type I Ship Weapon Skills (ie human controlled)
*Type I Ship Weapon Skills (ie human controlled)
Driving/Piloting Skills
*Driving/Piloting Skills  
*Autofire : any schmuck can empty a clip on his enemy: but it takes significant skill to do it well: more skill still to provide covering fire, rake an area: and even more to do any of it without running out of ammoWithout the autofire skill, any multi-shot attack is automatically at -3To perform more interesting autofire maneuvers well, you must make an autofire roll; larger margins of success will allow you to use less ammo in the processPrereq. is a +5 in the weapon skill you want to apply this to.
*Dodge/Escape: Primarily useful in close combat, it also provides limited benefit in avoiding getting shotDifficulty is as follows: in CC 15For ranged combat PB 30, Close/Long 20, Ext. 15.  For every point you succeed by, you subtract from your opponents total by -1, up to a maximum of -5In close combat, this action stacks with your brawling/martial arts roll when defending (ie, you still get to roll to resist the attack with brawling/melee/martial arts).
Dodge/Escape: Primarily useful in close combat, it also provides limited benefit in avoiding getting shot.
*Zero G movement
Zero G movement
Resist Torture/Drugs
*Resist Torture/Drugs
Recovery (how fast you get up after getting knocked down): if you fail a stun/shock save, you have a chance of getting back in the action with this skill.  The difficulty is 10 + (number of damage points taken).  You may only make one attempt at this for each failed stun/shock save.
*Recovery (how fast you get up after getting knocked down): if you fail a stun/shock save, you have a chance of getting back in the action with this skill.  The difficulty is 10 + (number of damage points taken).  You may only make one attempt at this for each failed stun/shock save.
Social (like a broader form of “conversation from Hero)
*Social (like a broader form of “conversation from Hero)
Leadership:  Leadership has many functions, but I'll just mention quickly how it affects combat: A successful leadership roll will mean that anyone on your team can take their morale checks on your effective cool.  If the leader is stunned/shocked or killed, however, everyone on the team must make an immediate morale check on their own cool.  If the leader is part of a group using the "teamwork" skill, he does not need to make a leadership roll for them to get this benefit.
*Leadership:  Leadership has many functions, but I'll just mention quickly how it affects combat: A successful leadership roll will mean that anyone on your team can take their morale checks on your effective cool.  If the leader is stunned/shocked or killed, however, everyone on the team must make an immediate morale check on their own cool.  If the leader is part of a group using the "teamwork" skill, he does not need to make a leadership roll for them to get this benefit.
Etiquette (specific to a given type of social group)
*Etiquette (specific to a given type of social group)
'''Attractiveness:'''  For an appropriate character concept, many charm skills can be easily transferred to attractiveness with GM permission for a given character.
'''Attractiveness'''  For an appropriate character concept, many charm skills can be easily transferred to attractiveness with GM permission for a given character.
*Presence: This skill is a broader variant of "seduction": it is an "all eyes on me" skill; success means that people near you (or even not so near, if you succeed well) make you the center of their attention without you doing much of anything.  Prereqs. are Style, Attractiveness, and Seduction of +5 or better.
*''Presence'' (advanced skill) This skill is a broader variant of "seduction": it is an "all eyes on me" skill; success means that people near you (or even not so near, if you succeed well) make you the center of their attention without you doing much of anything.  Prereqs. are Style, Attractiveness, and Seduction of +5 or better.
Human Perception
*Human Perception
Animal Handler
*Animal Handler
*Interface (necessary for very advanced programs, such as navigation computers, also useful for searching the Internet, etc.): prereq. is computer programming of +3 and lightning calculator of any level.
*''Interface'' (advanced skill) (necessary for very advanced programs, such as navigation computers, also useful for searching the Internet, etc.): prereq. is computer programming of +3 and lightning calculator of any level.
Computer Programming
*Computer Programming
**''Computer Hacking'' (advanced skill) prereq is programming +6
*Computer Hacking: prereq is programming +6
*Security Systems
Security Systems
*Mechanics: (basic, engines, structural, weapons, etc.)
Mechanics: (basic, engines, structural, weapons, etc.)
*''Inventor'' (advanced skill) (choose a specific discipline: examples: structural (for engineering), ship design, weapons, etc.): prereq is a +7 in a relevant technical non-advanced skill, possibly more than one by GM ruling.
*Inventor (choose a specific discipline: examples: structural (for engineering), ship design, weapons, etc.): prereq is a +7 in a relevant technical non-advanced skill, possibly more than one by GM ruling.
*Jury Rig: similar to CP2020.  Allows you to make stuff work for a short amount of time even without appropriate tools, supplies, etc.
Jury Rig: similar to CP2020.  Allows you to make stuff work for a short amount of time even without appropriate tools, supplies, etc.
*Electronics: (Macro/Micro)
Electronics: (Macro/Micro)
*Operate Heavy Machinery (choose a discipline)
Operate Heavy Machinery (choose a discipline)
**''Doctor'' (advanced skill) (choose specialty): prereq is paramedic at +7
*Navigation (Land, Space, Urban)
**''Cosmography'' (advanced skill) understanding and knowledge of space "geography": prereq. is space navigation of +5 or better.<br>
*Doctor (choose specialty): prereq is paramedic at +7
*''Psycho-Navigation'' (advanced skill) prereqs are cosmography at +7 or better, interface +7 or better, Mathematics +9, and lightning calculator at maximal level.
Navigation (Land, Space, Urban)
*Psycho-Navigation: prereqs are cosmography at +7 or better, interface +7 or better, Mathematics +9, and lightning calculator at maximal level.
*Heavy Weapons (Artillery, etc.)
Heavy Weapons (Artillery, etc.)
*''Strategy'' (advanced skill) large scale battle organization.  This skill has a base time of 1 hour: if you succeed in a contested roll with your enemy (or a static difficulty of 15 if they do not contest), your team gets the following benefits: for every 5 points you succeed by, everyone under your command gains a temporary fate point that lasts for the course of the battle (!). prereqs are leadership of +5, tactics of +7, teamwork of +7.<br>
*Strategy: large scale battle organization.  This skill has a base time of 1 hour: if you succeed in a contested roll with your enemy (or a static difficulty of 15 if they do not contest), your team gets the following benefits: for every 5 points you succeed by, everyone under your command gains a temporary fate point that lasts for the course of the battle (!). prereqs are leadership of +5, tactics of +7, teamwork of +7.<br>
*Science (choose discipline: physics, chemistry, biology, geology, archeology)
*Cosmography: understanding and knowledge of space "geography": prereq. is space navigation of +5 or better.<br>
*Academic Knowledge: (history, composition, literature, Law, etc.)
Science (choose discipline: physics, chemistry, biology, geology, archeology)
*''Expert'' (advanced skill) requires other appropriate basic skill at +5 or better.
Academic Knowledge: (history, composition, literature, Law, etc.)
*Expert: requires other appropriate basic skill at +5 or better.
Fast Drawstandard difficulty is 15.  if you succeed, you may either equip an easily accessible item as a "zero phase" action, OR (not "and") take the "snap shot" action without a -3 penalty .
*Awareness/NoticeOk, so I'm a fucking idiot for not putting this skill in earlier...I have no idea how I missed the most obvious/important skill of all.
*Fast Draw:  standard difficulty is 15.  if you succeed, you may either equip an easily accessible item as a "zero phase" action, OR (not "and") take the "snap shot" action without a -3 penalty .
*Streetwise: prereq. is contacts of at least +4, etiquette(street) of +5 or better.
*Tactics: tactics is about understanding and exploiting the strengths and weaknesses of your enemy relative to yourself in a small scale engagement. For game purposes, it allows you to "predict" your enemies likely actions and act accordingly: the game effect of this is that success on tactics rolls will allow you to ignore some of the penalties for multiple actions.  If you fail, you don't get the bonus.  If you fail badly, you lose your whole action.  Prereqs are initiative of +5 or better, Grizzled veteran of +1 or better.
*''Streetwise'' (advanced skill) prereq. is contacts of at least +4, etiquette(street) of +5 or better.
*''Tactics'' (advanced skill) tactics is about understanding and exploiting the strengths and weaknesses of your enemy relative to yourself in a small scale engagement.  For game purposes, it allows you to "predict" your enemies likely actions and act accordingly: the game effect of this is that success on tactics rolls will allow you to ignore some of the penalties for multiple actions.  If you fail, you don't get the bonus.  If you fail badly, you lose your whole action.  Prereqs are initiative of +5 or better, Grizzled veteran of +1 or better.
**''Teamwork'' (advanced skill)  teamwork requires some method of CLEAR communication during action/combat.  Because any team is only as strong as its weakest link, the difficulty of a teamwork roll is 20-(lowest teamwork rating in the team trying to coordinate).  All those team members who succeed may act on the highest initiative rolled by any group member (!).  Prereqs are tactics of +1 or better.
Sleight of Hand
*Teamwork: teamwork requires some method of CLEAR communication during action/combat.  Because any team is only as strong as its weakest link, the difficulty of a teamwork roll is 20-(lowest teamwork rating in the team trying to coordinate).  All those team members who succeed may act on the highest initiative rolled by any group member (!).  Prereqs are tactics of +1 or better.
*Sleight of Hand
normal skills cost one point  per level.  Average Human skill level is 3-4.  Advanced Skills cost 2 points per level.  No skill at 8 without GM permission.  No skills at 9-10 without an extremely good reason.  In order to make a roll, a character must have at least a “familiarity” (zero level in the skill, costs 1/2 point).  Characters get certain “everyman” skills for free, at familiarity level.
== Perks / Backgrounds==
Backgrounds: one point per dot.  None at 8 or above without GM permission, and not at 9 or above without an extremely good reason.  For a value of 8 or above, speak with the Gm about specifics.
one point per dot.  None at 8 or above without GM permission, and not at 9 or above without an extremely good reason.  For a value of 8 or above, speak with the Gm about specifics.
Allies: at 1-3, you have that many friends in low places: they are normals with no more than one skill above 5 and none above 7.  at 4-5, you have either double this number in lowbie allies or half this number (round up) of medium level friends (200 pts ea.).  At 6-7, you have either double this number of lowbie allies, half this number of medium allies (round up), or a sixth (round up) this many powerful friends (300 pts ea.).
'''Allies''' at 1-3, you have that many friends in low places: they are normals with no more than one skill above 5 and none above 7.  at 4-5, you have either double this number in lowbie allies or half this number (round up) of medium level friends (200 pts ea.).  At 6-7, you have either double this number of lowbie allies, half this number of medium allies (round up), or a sixth (round up) this many powerful friends (300 pts ea.).
Contacts: At +1, you've got one significant contact, and no network.  at +2 you've got 3 significant contacts, but still no network, at +3, you've got 3 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans a limited geographical area (ie, a single city).  At +4, you've got 4 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans a medium geographical area (a few major cities). At +5 you've got 6 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans a planet.  at +6 you've got 8 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans a system.  At +7 you've got 10 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans both Twins, or 7 significant contacts and a medium contact network that spans a system, or 6 significant contacts and a medium contact network that spans both Twins.  At a minor contact network, you can make a streetwise roll difficulty base 20 (plus modifiers) to see if there is an "acquaintance" of yours nearby within your zone.  At medium, the base difficulty is 15.  At major, it's 10.
'''Contacts''' At +1, you've got one significant contact, and no network.  at +2 you've got 3 significant contacts, but still no network, at +3, you've got 3 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans a limited geographical area (ie, a single city).  At +4, you've got 4 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans a medium geographical area (a few major cities). At +5 you've got 6 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans a planet.  at +6 you've got 8 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans a system.  At +7 you've got 10 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans both Twins, or 7 significant contacts and a medium contact network that spans a system, or 6 significant contacts and a medium contact network that spans both Twins.  At a minor contact network, you can make a streetwise roll difficulty base 20 (plus modifiers) to see if there is an "acquaintance" of yours nearby within your zone.  At medium, the base difficulty is 15.  At major, it's 10.
Followers: at 1-3 you can have that many retainers of some sort, all normals and all without any particular loyalty (ie if you stop paying them, they will leave).  at 4-5 you can have either that number of retainers with some loyalty (they have a reason to be around you, but they won't stick around if you don't treat them well), half that number of normals that are very loyal (round up), or a single normal who is 100% loyal (2 of these at 5).  at 6, same as for 4-5, except that very loyal or 100% loyal retainers are now low powered (200 pts).  at 7, same as for 6, except that the 100% loyal retainer may be medium powered (250 pts.), or you may have 2 very loyal retainers at 250 pts.
'''Followers''' at 1-3 you can have that many retainers of some sort, all normals and all without any particular loyalty (ie if you stop paying them, they will leave).  at 4-5 you can have either that number of retainers with some loyalty (they have a reason to be around you, but they won't stick around if you don't treat them well), half that number of normals that are very loyal (round up), or a single normal who is 100% loyal (2 of these at 5).  at 6, same as for 4-5, except that very loyal or 100% loyal retainers are now low powered (200 pts).  at 7, same as for 6, except that the 100% loyal retainer may be medium powered (250 pts.), or you may have 2 very loyal retainers at 250 pts.
Resources: at 1-7 you get (level)*100 credits a month. at 8 or above you are actually rich.
'''Resources''' at 1-7 you get (level)*100 credits a month. at 8 or above you are actually rich.
Reputation: For minor rep: at 1-3, you're known in a city.  At 4, in a region.  at 5, on a planet.  6, system. 7, both systems.  For medium rep: 3-4 city, 5-6 planet, 7 system.  Reputation may add to some social rolls, typically in the range of +1 to +3.
'''Reputation''' For minor rep: at 1-3, you're known in a city.  At 4, in a region.  at 5, on a planet.  6, system. 7, both systems.  For medium rep: 3-4 city, 5-6 planet, 7 system.  Reputation may add to some social rolls, typically in the range of +1 to +3.
Influence: You are a player in system politics.  I am not going to assign numbers here because of the increased range of variability of the types and extent of influence.
'''Influence''' You are a player in system politics.  I am not going to assign numbers here because of the increased range of variability of the types and extent of influence.
Organization: you rank in an organization. Much like influence, this is one you should work out carefully with the GM.  This background will be strictly limited by the GM.
'''Organization''' you rank in an organization. Much like influence, this is one you should work out carefully with the GM.  This background will be strictly limited by the GM.
Equipment: at 1-3, you can have that number of items worth up to 1000 credits each.  at 4-6 you can have that number of items worth 1-3000 credits, or a single item worth 8-12000 credits.  at seven you can have 7 items worth up to 4000 credits each, 2 items worth up to 14000 each, or one item worth 21000.   
'''Equipment''' at 1-3, you can have that number of items worth up to 1000 credits each.  at 4-6 you can have that number of items worth 1-3000 credits, or a single item worth 8-12000 credits.  at seven you can have 7 items worth up to 4000 credits each, 2 items worth up to 14000 each, or one item worth 21000.  You may take the equipment background more than once if you wish, although this is by GM approval only.
Mentor: Somebody is trying to learn you the ways of the world.  at 1-3, they're probably not powerful, but they take increasing interest the more points you spend (250 pts).  at 4-5, they're reasonably powerful (300 pts.).  At 6-7 they are powerful people and likely care a great deal about you (350 pts).
'''Mentor''' Somebody is trying to learn you the ways of the world.  at 1-3, they're probably not powerful, but they take increasing interest the more points you spend (250 pts).  at 4-5, they're reasonably powerful (300 pts.).  At 6-7 they are powerful people and likely care a great deal about you (350 pts).
Languages: At +1 you know one additional language, at 2-3, you know all the languages and dialects of a region.  At 4-5 you speak all the languages of one planet (pts cost depends on the planet), at 6-7 you speak most of the languages of the Gemini.
'''Languages''' At +1 you know one additional language, at 2-3, you know all the languages and dialects of a region.  At 4-5 you speak all the languages of one planet (pts cost depends on the planet), at 6-7 you speak most of the languages of the Gemini.
Status: at one point of status, you have an id card and a file in some dusty computer that says you exist.  at 2-3 you are a low-medium level person on some world: you've got a birth certificate, a credit card (which means you can get into a bar with a bouncer), etc.  At 4, you're a white-collar level person: your name comes up on an internet search on the first page, you're on international registries, and you can get appointments/reservations/etc. at upscale places.  No one will look at you funny walking around the deepest corp-zone, or in a lycurgan city.  at 5 you're important to somebody who's got real power, and it shows (even if you don't have any yourself): you'll probably get into clubs without a cover, and low lifes will clear the sidewalk for you.  at 6, you're a low level exec, a low level lycurgan, or an Aenean officer.  At 7, you're a minor lycurgan aristocrat, a corp exec, or a party member of Aeneas.  At 5 or above, nobody but a bat-shit crazy cracked out fringe-pirate from Castor would even try to sell you into slavery (cause there'd probably be more money in turning him over than accepting the deal).  At one or below, watch your back: they do occasionally take people off the streets when supply is low...
'''Status''' at one point of status, you have an id card and a file in some dusty computer that says you exist.  at 2-3 you are a low-medium level person on some world: you've got a birth certificate, a credit card (which means you can get into a bar with a bouncer), etc.  At 4, you're a white-collar level person: your name comes up on an internet search on the first page, you're on international registries, and you can get appointments/reservations/etc. at upscale places.  No one will look at you funny walking around the deepest corp-zone, or in a lycurgan city.  at 5 you're important to somebody who's got real power, and it shows (even if you don't have any yourself): you'll probably get into clubs without a cover, and low lifes will clear the sidewalk for you.  at 6, you're a low level exec, a low level lycurgan, or an Aenean officer.  At 7, you're a minor lycurgan aristocrat, a corp exec, or a party member of Aeneas.  At 5 or above, nobody but a bat-shit crazy cracked out fringe-pirate from Castor would even try to sell you into slavery (cause there'd probably be more money in turning him over than accepting the deal).  At one or below, watch your back: they do occasionally take people off the streets when supply is low...
No more than one at 8  without GM permission.  None at 9 or above without GM permission.
No more than one at 8  without GM permission.  None at 9 or above without GM permission.
Focus/Path: This is the Grit of the Character: it represents how much they can push themselves in the pursuit of their beliefs. Based on the Prologue and the background you subsequently write, the GM will assign you a focus rating, with a 10 level hierarchy of focus that determines in what sorts of actions you may use your focus.  If you fail on Focused actions, you may lose Focus and/or Path.
'''Focus/Path''' This is the Grit of the Character: it represents how much they can push themselves in the pursuit of their beliefs. Based on the Prologue and the background you subsequently write, the GM will assign you a focus rating, with a 10 level hierarchy of focus that determines in what sorts of actions you may use your focus.  If you fail on Focused actions, you may lose Focus and/or Path.
Path:  The Gemini is a strange place, and not everyone values the same things.  Based on the Prologue and the background you subsequently write, the GM will assign you a path and a level along that path, with a 10 level hierarchy of sins that you must adhere to.  If you fail to do so, you may lose path and/or focus.
Path:  The Gemini is a strange place, and not everyone values the same things.  Based on the Prologue and the background you subsequently write, the GM will assign you a path and a level along that path, with a 10 level hierarchy of sins that you must adhere to.  If you fail to do so, you may lose path and/or focus.
Advantages/DisadvantagesNatural abilities/traits that are not easily characterized as above.  20% of your character's points must be "bought" with disadvantages (I think this may be a bit too high, as of right now): of these, half are assigned by the player, and half by the GM.  The GM will take suggestions by the player under consideration if they are well substantiated.  Also, the GM will base many assigned disads on cards played during the prologue.
== Advantages/Disadvantages ==
Natural abilities/traits that are not easily characterized as above.  20% of your character's points must be "bought" with disadvantages (I think this may be a bit too high, as of right now): of these, half are assigned by the player, and half by the GM.  The GM will take suggestions by the player under consideration if they are well substantiated.  Also, the GM will base many assigned disads on cards played during the prologue. See [[Advantages/Disadvantages]]

Latest revision as of 17:23, 13 April 2007

Gemini Index


Attributes cost 4/level. Average human attribute is 4. None at 8 or above without GM permission. None at 9 or above without an extremely good reason.

Strength Physical Brawn: important in lifting/carrying things, breaking things, and doing damage. You can carry up to (strength)*2.5 kilos without penalty: every (strength)*1.25 kilos above that you lose -1" movement. Your maximum lift is ((strength)^2)*5 kilos. See CP2020 for +to damage.

Dexterity Coordination and Precision of Movement.

Toughness Ability to resist pain or exhaustion. used for death and stun saves. see CP2020 for 'body type modifier' subtraction from damage (to a minimum of 1, after armor).

Charm Leadership, tact, friendliness. At zero, you are completely worthless in social situations: essentially fullblown autism.

Attractiveness Physical Appearance: For every point below 4, expect to get the equivalent of -1 to social interactions where a positive reception is desireable. At zero, you automatically fail any such rolls, and are horribly hideous: probably the equivalent of a person with fullblown lepromatous leprosy.

Empathy Ability to understand/read and manipulate other living things: If your empathy is below 4, you are cold, insensitive, and uncaring. At 0, you're a sociopath with no concern for other people.

Tech Empathy, except for machines: having a low tech doesn't mean you can't use stuff (see caveman disad), it just means that you are clumsy as an ox in trying to work on/maintain machines.

Intelligence Understanding of Facts and the ability to process them: 4 is an IQ of 100. 3 is probably a 90. 2 a 70. 1 a 60 or below. zero you are a vegetable.

Cool how well you operate under fire: at a 1, you are completely neurotic, completely at the whim of your emotions and sympathetic nervous system.

Storytelling How lucky you are. This stat cannot be purchased, it is determined by Fortune Points.


Skills are typically linked to an attribute: this does not mean that a given skill cannot be combined with a different attribute at GM discretion. Furthermore, a player may petition to have a given skill moved to a different attribute based on their background.
Normal skills cost one point per level. Average Human skill level is 3-4. Advanced Skills cost 2 points per level and are listed in italics and sometimes indented under a prerequisite skill and listed "(advanced skill)". No skill at 8 without GM permission. No skills at 9-10 without an extremely good reason. In order to make a roll, a character must have at least a “familiarity” (zero level in the skill, costs 1/2 point). Characters get certain “everyman” skills for free, at familiarity level.


  • Brawling
  • Strength Feat
  • Climbing


  • Martial Arts: same thing as brawling, just using Dex instead of Str. You will not recieve the bonuses described in the CP2020 rulebook.
  • Personal Weapon Skills
    • Autofire (advanced skill) any schmuck can empty a clip on his enemy: but it takes significant skill to do it well: more skill still to provide covering fire, rake an area: and even more to do any of it without running out of ammo. Without the autofire skill, any multi-shot attack is automatically at -3. To perform more interesting autofire maneuvers well, you must make an autofire roll; larger margins of success will allow you to use less ammo in the process. Prereq. is a +5 in the weapon skill you want to apply this to.
  • Type I Ship Weapon Skills (ie human controlled)
  • Acrobatics
  • Stealth
  • Driving/Piloting Skills
  • Dodge/Escape: Primarily useful in close combat, it also provides limited benefit in avoiding getting shot. Difficulty is as follows: in CC 15. For ranged combat PB 30, Close/Long 20, Ext. 15. For every point you succeed by, you subtract from your opponents total by -1, up to a maximum of -5. In close combat, this action stacks with your brawling/martial arts roll when defending (ie, you still get to roll to resist the attack with brawling/melee/martial arts).
  • Dance
  • Zero G movement
  • Contortionist


  • Resist Torture/Drugs
  • Recovery (how fast you get up after getting knocked down): if you fail a stun/shock save, you have a chance of getting back in the action with this skill. The difficulty is 10 + (number of damage points taken). You may only make one attempt at this for each failed stun/shock save.
  • Stamina
  • Carousing


  • Social (like a broader form of “conversation from Hero)
  • Leadership: Leadership has many functions, but I'll just mention quickly how it affects combat: A successful leadership roll will mean that anyone on your team can take their morale checks on your effective cool. If the leader is stunned/shocked or killed, however, everyone on the team must make an immediate morale check on their own cool. If the leader is part of a group using the "teamwork" skill, he does not need to make a leadership roll for them to get this benefit.
  • Perform
  • Oratory
  • Etiquette (specific to a given type of social group)
  • Trading

Attractiveness For an appropriate character concept, many charm skills can be easily transferred to attractiveness with GM permission for a given character.

  • Style
  • Seduction
  • Presence (advanced skill) This skill is a broader variant of "seduction": it is an "all eyes on me" skill; success means that people near you (or even not so near, if you succeed well) make you the center of their attention without you doing much of anything. Prereqs. are Style, Attractiveness, and Seduction of +5 or better.


  • Human Perception
  • Interview
  • Mimicry
  • Lipreading
  • Teaching
  • Animal Handler
  • Persuasion
  • Bribery
  • Bureaucratics


  • Lockpicking
  • Interface (advanced skill) (necessary for very advanced programs, such as navigation computers, also useful for searching the Internet, etc.): prereq. is computer programming of +3 and lightning calculator of any level.
  • Computer Programming
    • Computer Hacking (advanced skill) prereq is programming +6
  • Security Systems
  • Mechanics: (basic, engines, structural, weapons, etc.)
  • Inventor (advanced skill) (choose a specific discipline: examples: structural (for engineering), ship design, weapons, etc.): prereq is a +7 in a relevant technical non-advanced skill, possibly more than one by GM ruling.
  • Jury Rig: similar to CP2020. Allows you to make stuff work for a short amount of time even without appropriate tools, supplies, etc.
  • Electronics: (Macro/Micro)
  • Cybertech
  • Operate Heavy Machinery (choose a discipline)


  • Composition
  • Survival
  • Tracking
  • Paramedic
    • Doctor (advanced skill) (choose specialty): prereq is paramedic at +7
  • Navigation (Land, Space, Urban)
    • Cosmography (advanced skill) understanding and knowledge of space "geography": prereq. is space navigation of +5 or better.
  • Psycho-Navigation (advanced skill) prereqs are cosmography at +7 or better, interface +7 or better, Mathematics +9, and lightning calculator at maximal level.
  • Forgery
  • Demolitions
  • Heavy Weapons (Artillery, etc.)
  • Deduction
  • Cryptography
  • Criminology
  • Strategy (advanced skill) large scale battle organization. This skill has a base time of 1 hour: if you succeed in a contested roll with your enemy (or a static difficulty of 15 if they do not contest), your team gets the following benefits: for every 5 points you succeed by, everyone under your command gains a temporary fate point that lasts for the course of the battle (!). prereqs are leadership of +5, tactics of +7, teamwork of +7.
  • Mathematics
  • Science (choose discipline: physics, chemistry, biology, geology, archeology)
  • Cooking
  • Academic Knowledge: (history, composition, literature, Law, etc.)
  • Finance/Business
  • Expert (advanced skill) requires other appropriate basic skill at +5 or better.


  • Awareness/Notice: Ok, so I'm a fucking idiot for not putting this skill in earlier...I have no idea how I missed the most obvious/important skill of all.
  • Fast Draw: standard difficulty is 15. if you succeed, you may either equip an easily accessible item as a "zero phase" action, OR (not "and") take the "snap shot" action without a -3 penalty .
  • Initiative
  • Interrogation
  • Streetwise (advanced skill) prereq. is contacts of at least +4, etiquette(street) of +5 or better.
  • Shadow
  • Tactics (advanced skill) tactics is about understanding and exploiting the strengths and weaknesses of your enemy relative to yourself in a small scale engagement. For game purposes, it allows you to "predict" your enemies likely actions and act accordingly: the game effect of this is that success on tactics rolls will allow you to ignore some of the penalties for multiple actions. If you fail, you don't get the bonus. If you fail badly, you lose your whole action. Prereqs are initiative of +5 or better, Grizzled veteran of +1 or better.
    • Teamwork (advanced skill) teamwork requires some method of CLEAR communication during action/combat. Because any team is only as strong as its weakest link, the difficulty of a teamwork roll is 20-(lowest teamwork rating in the team trying to coordinate). All those team members who succeed may act on the highest initiative rolled by any group member (!). Prereqs are tactics of +1 or better.
  • Intimidate
  • Disguise
  • Gambling
  • Sleight of Hand


  • Scrounging

Perks / Backgrounds

one point per dot. None at 8 or above without GM permission, and not at 9 or above without an extremely good reason. For a value of 8 or above, speak with the Gm about specifics.

Allies at 1-3, you have that many friends in low places: they are normals with no more than one skill above 5 and none above 7. at 4-5, you have either double this number in lowbie allies or half this number (round up) of medium level friends (200 pts ea.). At 6-7, you have either double this number of lowbie allies, half this number of medium allies (round up), or a sixth (round up) this many powerful friends (300 pts ea.).

Contacts At +1, you've got one significant contact, and no network. at +2 you've got 3 significant contacts, but still no network, at +3, you've got 3 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans a limited geographical area (ie, a single city). At +4, you've got 4 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans a medium geographical area (a few major cities). At +5 you've got 6 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans a planet. at +6 you've got 8 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans a system. At +7 you've got 10 significant contacts and a minor contact network that spans both Twins, or 7 significant contacts and a medium contact network that spans a system, or 6 significant contacts and a medium contact network that spans both Twins. At a minor contact network, you can make a streetwise roll difficulty base 20 (plus modifiers) to see if there is an "acquaintance" of yours nearby within your zone. At medium, the base difficulty is 15. At major, it's 10.

Followers at 1-3 you can have that many retainers of some sort, all normals and all without any particular loyalty (ie if you stop paying them, they will leave). at 4-5 you can have either that number of retainers with some loyalty (they have a reason to be around you, but they won't stick around if you don't treat them well), half that number of normals that are very loyal (round up), or a single normal who is 100% loyal (2 of these at 5). at 6, same as for 4-5, except that very loyal or 100% loyal retainers are now low powered (200 pts). at 7, same as for 6, except that the 100% loyal retainer may be medium powered (250 pts.), or you may have 2 very loyal retainers at 250 pts.

Resources at 1-7 you get (level)*100 credits a month. at 8 or above you are actually rich.

Reputation For minor rep: at 1-3, you're known in a city. At 4, in a region. at 5, on a planet. 6, system. 7, both systems. For medium rep: 3-4 city, 5-6 planet, 7 system. Reputation may add to some social rolls, typically in the range of +1 to +3.

Influence You are a player in system politics. I am not going to assign numbers here because of the increased range of variability of the types and extent of influence.

Organization you rank in an organization. Much like influence, this is one you should work out carefully with the GM. This background will be strictly limited by the GM.

Equipment at 1-3, you can have that number of items worth up to 1000 credits each. at 4-6 you can have that number of items worth 1-3000 credits, or a single item worth 8-12000 credits. at seven you can have 7 items worth up to 4000 credits each, 2 items worth up to 14000 each, or one item worth 21000. You may take the equipment background more than once if you wish, although this is by GM approval only.

Mentor Somebody is trying to learn you the ways of the world. at 1-3, they're probably not powerful, but they take increasing interest the more points you spend (250 pts). at 4-5, they're reasonably powerful (300 pts.). At 6-7 they are powerful people and likely care a great deal about you (350 pts).

Languages At +1 you know one additional language, at 2-3, you know all the languages and dialects of a region. At 4-5 you speak all the languages of one planet (pts cost depends on the planet), at 6-7 you speak most of the languages of the Gemini.

Status at one point of status, you have an id card and a file in some dusty computer that says you exist. at 2-3 you are a low-medium level person on some world: you've got a birth certificate, a credit card (which means you can get into a bar with a bouncer), etc. At 4, you're a white-collar level person: your name comes up on an internet search on the first page, you're on international registries, and you can get appointments/reservations/etc. at upscale places. No one will look at you funny walking around the deepest corp-zone, or in a lycurgan city. at 5 you're important to somebody who's got real power, and it shows (even if you don't have any yourself): you'll probably get into clubs without a cover, and low lifes will clear the sidewalk for you. at 6, you're a low level exec, a low level lycurgan, or an Aenean officer. At 7, you're a minor lycurgan aristocrat, a corp exec, or a party member of Aeneas. At 5 or above, nobody but a bat-shit crazy cracked out fringe-pirate from Castor would even try to sell you into slavery (cause there'd probably be more money in turning him over than accepting the deal). At one or below, watch your back: they do occasionally take people off the streets when supply is low... No more than one at 8 without GM permission. None at 9 or above without GM permission.

Focus/Path This is the Grit of the Character: it represents how much they can push themselves in the pursuit of their beliefs. Based on the Prologue and the background you subsequently write, the GM will assign you a focus rating, with a 10 level hierarchy of focus that determines in what sorts of actions you may use your focus. If you fail on Focused actions, you may lose Focus and/or Path. Path: The Gemini is a strange place, and not everyone values the same things. Based on the Prologue and the background you subsequently write, the GM will assign you a path and a level along that path, with a 10 level hierarchy of sins that you must adhere to. If you fail to do so, you may lose path and/or focus.


Natural abilities/traits that are not easily characterized as above. 20% of your character's points must be "bought" with disadvantages (I think this may be a bit too high, as of right now): of these, half are assigned by the player, and half by the GM. The GM will take suggestions by the player under consideration if they are well substantiated. Also, the GM will base many assigned disads on cards played during the prologue. See Advantages/Disadvantages