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[[Gemini Index]]
Initiative: Same <br>
Initiative: Same <br>
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Throw is same as strike damage.<br>
Throw is same as strike damage.<br>
Morale:  anytime you or anyone on your side within LOS takes a full set of damage (ie 4 boxes), you have to take a morale check, -1 for every 4 boxes done in that hit.  For every successful morale check, you get +1 on subsequent checks, for every failed, -1.  If you get shot at by a weapon on full auto, even if it misses, you have to make a morale check unless you make an autofire roll difficulty 15.  If you get shot at by a heavy weapon or a ship weapon, you must make a morale test.  If anyone on your side within LOS fails a morale check, you have to make a morale check  To make a morale roll, roll under your cool: if you fail, you run: you keep running until you are either behind cover, well away from the fight, or stunned.  If you can't run or get behind cover, you surrender, automatically.  Morale, as may be becoming apparent, is important.<br>
Task Difficulty:<br>
Task Difficulty:<br>

Latest revision as of 20:14, 4 April 2007

Gemini Index

Initiative: Same

Multiple actions: same penalty unless you succeed in your tactics roll (see tactics rules)

To-Hit Modifiers:
-1 if moving more than 10” (not Dex Based)
Dusk or Dawn -1
Night, streetlights: -2
Night, flashlights/minimal lighting/bright moon): -4
Night, starlight only: -6
Intervening Terrain, sparse: -1
Intervening Terrain, moderate (thin forest) : -2
Intervening Terrain, dense (thick forest, crowded street): -4

Handgun 80m
Shotgun 80m
SMG 100m
Rifle 200m
Sniping 500m

Martial arts give no benefit other than using Dex instead of Strength.

Head hits do not double damage. 8 points in the head is still fatal, and it also incapacitates limbs. The maximum amount of damage a character may take from a single limb is 16 points.

Kick does same damage as strike

Throw is same as strike damage.

Morale: anytime you or anyone on your side within LOS takes a full set of damage (ie 4 boxes), you have to take a morale check, -1 for every 4 boxes done in that hit. For every successful morale check, you get +1 on subsequent checks, for every failed, -1. If you get shot at by a weapon on full auto, even if it misses, you have to make a morale check unless you make an autofire roll difficulty 15. If you get shot at by a heavy weapon or a ship weapon, you must make a morale test. If anyone on your side within LOS fails a morale check, you have to make a morale check To make a morale roll, roll under your cool: if you fail, you run: you keep running until you are either behind cover, well away from the fight, or stunned. If you can't run or get behind cover, you surrender, automatically. Morale, as may be becoming apparent, is important.

Task Difficulty:
Routine 5
Easy 10
Average 15
Challenging 20
Difficult 25
Very Difficult 30
Exceedingly Difficult 35
Near-impossible 40

Different Damage Types:
Brawling: damage done by hands and feet. Take stun saves as normal, but don't take death saves unless you take 40 points of damage. 8 points in a limb will not incapacitate it, nor will 8 points of damage in the head kill you, UNLESS the 8 points in the head are the result of a single strike, in which case this damage functions just like lethal damage.
Improvised: broken bottles, tables, and bludgeons: Take stun saves as normal, but don't take death saves (starting at -0) until you hit mortal 4. limbs will be incapacitated by 8 points, and 8 points of damage in the head is fatal.
Lethal: knives, guns, etc.: like normal damage in CP2020.

Autofire: We will use CP2020 rules. the autofire skill will work as follows: when doing something like raking an area or suppressive fire, make an autofire roll against a static difficulty of 15: for every point you beat it by, you may decrease the number of bullets you need to do your maneuver by 1, down to a minimum of 1 bullet per hex or hit (or vice versa, use the same number of bullets and add the effects to the save).

Fumbles: on a roll of a one, you have fumbled. Roll another D10. on a roll of 10, you may count the original 1 at face value (ie, the die adds 1 to your total). on a 7-9, don't add or subtract anything from your total, the die just doesn't count (ie, the die adds zero to your total). on a 2-6, subtract that value from your total. on a second 1, it is a catastrophic failure: you fail at the task automatically and may have serious consequences at GM discretion. Anytime you fumble using a WEAPON, make a reliability roll or the weapon jams. It will require an appropriate technical roll to unjam it.

For suppressive fire, the roll to avoid getting hit is Dex+evade/dodge+1d10.

Medical rules will stay essentially the same as CP2020

Netrunning will be done via the rules we used when I ran CP2020. I'll explain it to you if you want to make a hacker, but it's much simpler than cyberpunk: just ignore the netrunner section entirely.

Social skills: I agree with Matt that social conflict often takes a back seat to combat in RP. I'd like to at least change that a bit. The first part of this is that while your character can't "convince" other players' characters what the truth of things is unless they can convince the player, they are permitted to influence other players' actions. Thus, you may use skills like persuasion, oratory, or command on PCs. Second, good RPing will get you bonuses in situations: not huge bonuses, +1-+3, but there it is. I also think using "stakes" to some extent might be warranted for social interactions. Ie, if you want to just chat it out and make one roll to get what you want out of the person you are talking to, that's fine. On the other hand, if you think it might be hard to get that, you could ask to break the conversation into a series of conflicts, in which you might say "ok, so now I'm going to try to accomplish x to get the person to trust me" or "now I ask about y so that I can use that to verify the truth of a statement later, or to see what their truthful baseline is". Succeeding here may get you bonuses later. This will be coupled with some system, although I haven't thought of it yet, in which stuff that is important to a character/person will increase/decrease their relative skill for purposes of the discussion.
Social Modifiers: note that many of these can be partially/fully offset by good roleplaying (this is separate from the +1-+3 for good RP.)
Social stigma: -1-(-5): depends on how big of a stigma.
Ugly: -1 for every point below 4: at zero social actions requiring a positive reception are at -5.
Extract Trivial information: +5
Extract non-trivial but non-relevant info: +3
Extract relevant but not conclusive info: +0
Extract conclusive info: -2
Extract info from somebody who trusts you deeply: +2
Extract from someone who trusts you a little: +1
Extract from someone distrustful: -1
Extract from someone hostile: -3
Extract following exposure of logical fallacy: +4 Hide info: +0
Hide info and convince interogator you aren't hiding anything: -2
Hide info and convince, AND give false info as correct: -4