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== Chittering ==
--[[User:BenofZongo|BenofZongo]] 21:31, 8 April 2007 (MST)Remember that Salo indicated that her character installed security systems on the ship, quite good, albeit unorthodoxt ones, so you should spend some $$$ on that.
--[[User:BenofZongo|BenofZongo]] 21:31, 8 April 2007 (MST)Remember that Salo indicated that her character installed security systems on the ship, quite good, albeit unorthodoxt ones, so you should spend some $$$ on that.
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!!!WARNING!!!  *-*THIS IS GOING TO BE A FREAKING LONG LIST*-*  You have been warned, but read anyway, PEON!<br>
!!!WARNING!!!  *-*THIS IS GOING TO BE A FREAKING LONG LIST*-*  You have been warned, but read anyway, PEON!<br>
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 13:15, 11 April 2007 (MST)Thanks for the prices Ben!  I'm also listing this to see what the group thinks.  If we want some of these can we just post it?  Or is there a vote going on?  Seems the power suits may be out of the question... as they are quite costly.
--[[User:BenofZongo|BenofZongo]] 13:38, 11 April 2007 (MST)all space suits include boosters and that sort of stuff, especially the ghost suits.  For increased strength or a sort of "senju" rig, it will be more expensive, but not as much as powered armor.  It just sort of falls into that category.  You can figure that for +5-6 str. on a space suit it'll probably tack 10k onto the price, as well as 2EV.  If you don't want the EV, it'll be a lot more expensive.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 15:25, 11 April 2007 (MST) i feel like the game is getting out of hand when we have to remember to buy a laundry machine and bath supplies.  I mean, come on, a little less real.  We're not in PA, where you have to scrounge for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 15:29, 11 April 2007 (MST)Yes but we ARE on a spaceship, and we could have a whole host of problems with our engines or systems that leave us strandard for a long amount of time.  Instead of having a random amount of supplies left, I think it would be important to know what we have, in the way of food and what not.  That is why I'm getting water regardless.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 15:51, 11 April 2007 (MST) yes, you got the bathroom supplies, but what about food, water, oxygen, CO2 scrubbers, air freshners, fabric softener, eye drops, salt, pepper......  laundry machine?  what about the kitchen sink, a stove, a refrigerator, chairs, beds, sheets, i mean some things just have to come with the ship.  Why don't we just buy "consumable supplies necessary for living in space x __ days"
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] Sure that would work, but as noted a Laundry machine actually isn't included in the cost of a ship.  I was thinking it'd be nice if we could compound everything consumable like that, would make it much easier to keep track!  The reason I ask this is so it doesn't turn into "Well, you guys don't have said item."  Because irl we don't always bring what we should, so as a captin I'm just making sure my ship, yeah thats right MY ship, is stocked correctly.
--[[User:BenofZongo|BenofZongo]] 18:26, 11 April 2007 (MST)Ed is right and so is gabe.  Like I said, you don't have to buy detailed supplies, I'd just like to see people consider what they might need.  Almost nobody travels for longer than a week or so on a ship, so things you might need for more than that aren't typically included.  Most ships stock hydroponic foodstuffs that will last several months (ie freeze-dried plus a small hydroponic grower that runs off the fusion core) but it isn't tasty/fresh/etc.  That kind of stuff takes up a lot of space, energy, and you need someone on board who can prepare it.  Honestly, I'm not trying to give you the impression that I'm gonna nail you every time you didn't expressly mention an item, I'm sorry if that's the impression I gave.  On the other hand, if you want to know about specific items, I'm not gonna complain.  Am I gonna go to great lengths to make an issue about smelly clothes/disgusting food/lack of bath supplies?  Absolutely not. But if want to make a style roll, and you say "well, we bought lots of stuff that would help with that, so I use those things" I'd have appreciation for the fact you had foresight on this issue and probably give you a bonus (that "good RPing bonus I was talking about).  Mostly, I was hoping people would consider for their own character, what sorts of things would they think were important to spend money on.  I agree this has gotten out of hand and again I apologize.  I seem to have miscommunicated what I meant.
--[[User:BenofZongo|BenofZongo]] 18:43, 11 April 2007 (MST)Really, the only reason I ever posted this was because you guys spent 200000/350000 credits on bodyguard even though none of you wanted to do merc work.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 18:53, 11 April 2007 (MST) I think that falls under Ben's old axiom: the more players involved, the better the solution; the fewer players involved and you get lopsided decisions (and it was 1:30-2:30 am).  So Deiter and I wanted some armor and then we bought some for everyone.  stupid?  likely.  perhaps we should reevaluate friday as the first part of the session.
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 20:08, 11 April 2007 (MST) That's quite true, and it's also the fact that it's Cyberpunk, and those without armor either shoot wildly from behind cover, get hopped up on drugs and don't care, or they fucking don't fight. I'm not interested in fighting or merc work, but seriously, it'll happen at some point and I'd like something to soak up the bullets before they start eating my flesh. Still, I bet we could drop the whole "Best Quality" from all the armor for people not explicitly fighters.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 22:21, 11 April 2007 (MST)we put best quality on to negate the -1 encumberance value.  depends on how much that -1 EV scares you.  the best 0 EV armor is stopping power 8, we had it at 14.  options: <br>
''Average'' quality:<br>
8SP 0EV costs 1800 <br>
14SP -1EV costs 3600 <br>
''Excellent'' quality to negate the -1 EV, which also increases SP by 10%: <br>
11SP 0EV costs 12000<br>
13SP 0EV costs 15000<br>
16SP 0EV costs 18000 <br>
Thus, the cost differential is enormous to negate that -1EV.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]]  Could we please get somewhat cheaper armor?  Like good quality?  As it stands this is way too much money on armor... I am however okie with taking that Med combat Best armor... and even the one before it.  Having two good suits would be a good idea.  But lets get back the EV to make the armor cheaper, OR lets take the 14 sp one.  But really I'd say we only need like six pairs of armor, not enough for everyone.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 09:04, 13 April 2007 (MST) Alright, could we have say an hour at the begaining of today's game to spend the rest of our money as a group?  I know we wanted to just jump on in, but I think it'd just be a lot easier.  (Even more so cause not all of us have the books.)  So is that alright Ben?  I would rather not do the spend a point to say we have such and such, plus we need to re-work how much armor we have.  Oh man five hours of sleep, fucking tired as all shit.
--[[User:BenofZongo|BenofZongo]] 09:11, 13 April 2007 (MST)6.5 hrs here, and I went to the gym this morning.  AND I have to be up at 8 AM tomorrow to catch a plane.  Yes, of course you can have more time to work that stuff over.  I just would like it settled before we actually start playing.  I realize now that even though I booked a whole session for all this stuff, it was too much to do in one sitting.  But still, overall, I'm very pleased with the results, so I guess it's just something for me to keep in mind for the next time I use this setup (or if someone else wants to use a variation of it).  So, let's just get started bright and, er, early and try to wrap up the equipment stuff as fast as possible.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 09:18, 13 April 2007 (MST)what, plan?  the horror.  the horror.  I presume Deiter will bring his computer so we can access this list (below)  thanks for posting guys, it has been almost 16 hours and i was getting the DTs.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 09:19, 13 April 2007 (MST)which stands for Delirium Tremens, a symptom of alcohol withdrawal.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] Yeah up at 8 for a flight to HAWAII!  I get to drive down to Olympia for a wedding...  WHEEE!
--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 10:41, 13 April 2007 (MST)Well I've been fighting a tachycardia all week, so I'll gladly partake in some beer, but no caffeine tonight, so I may bow out relatively early.
Also, I say that noncombatants stick to 8EV armor, and if circumstances show that we'll need to "gear up", then that can be part of the fun!
== List of proposed Lootz ==
1.  Plasma Torchs (also if possible one that can operate in space) --[[User:BenofZongo|BenofZongo]] 12:30, 11 April 2007 (MST)Included in general repair kit as well as in your repair bay<br>
1.  Plasma Torchs (also if possible one that can operate in space) --[[User:BenofZongo|BenofZongo]] 12:30, 11 April 2007 (MST)Included in general repair kit as well as in your repair bay<br>
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Well that is all I can come up with for now.  What do you all think?
Well that is all I can come up with for now.  What do you all think?
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 13:15, 11 April 2007 (MST)Thanks for the prices Ben!  I'm also listing this to see what the group thinks.  If we want some of these can we just post it?  Or is there a vote going on?  Seems the power suits may be out of the question... as they are quite costly.
--[[User:BenofZongo|BenofZongo]] 13:38, 11 April 2007 (MST)all space suits include boosters and that sort of stuff, especially the ghost suits.  For increased strength or a sort of "senju" rig, it will be more expensive, but not as much as powered armor.  It just sort of falls into that category.  You can figure that for +5-6 str. on a space suit it'll probably tack 10k onto the price, as well as 2EV.  If you don't want the EV, it'll be a lot more expensive.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 15:25, 11 April 2007 (MST) i feel like the game is getting out of hand when we have to remember to buy a laundry machine and bath supplies.  I mean, come on, a little less real.  We're not in PA, where you have to scrounge for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 15:29, 11 April 2007 (MST)Yes but we ARE on a spaceship, and we could have a whole host of problems with our engines or systems that leave us strandard for a long amount of time.  Instead of having a random amount of supplies left, I think it would be important to know what we have, in the way of food and what not.  That is why I'm getting water regardless.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 15:51, 11 April 2007 (MST) yes, you got the bathroom supplies, but what about food, water, oxygen, CO2 scrubbers, air freshners, fabric softener, eye drops, salt, pepper......  laundry machine?  what about the kitchen sink, a stove, a refrigerator, chairs, beds, sheets, i mean some things just have to come with the ship.

Latest revision as of 12:41, 13 April 2007


--BenofZongo 21:31, 8 April 2007 (MST)Remember that Salo indicated that her character installed security systems on the ship, quite good, albeit unorthodoxt ones, so you should spend some $$$ on that.

--Gdaze 14:02, 10 April 2007 (MST) Can we just make changes to loot if we want? Like any of us?

--Edmiao 16:37, 10 April 2007 (MST) The group bought stuff last time. I think expensive purchases should be approved by the group, but any this or that I would say go for it, we have a lot of cashola left. I suspect we can buy whatever before gametime friday. Ben said that in gametime, we can spend a storytelling point to "have bought" stuff with the cashola left.

--BenofZongo 17:07, 10 April 2007 (MST)I'd suggest you talk a little bit about what might be useful: once we start on Friday, the money that's spent is spent. Group loot should not equal a cash reserve: it's useful items that your group has acquired. With that in mind, I'd like to point out that your group has spent somewhere around 70% of it's ship loot in body armor. Also, I should point out that the loot list I put together is a far cry from comprehensive: I started work on it, but I haven't had time to work it over to include everything, nor do I plan to as long as the group is doing lots of different activities. If you want a certain kind of equipment, you should post or send me an email asking me about the necessary equipment for x activity, and I'll tell you what that stuff might be or how much it would cost. If you don't ask, don't expect that the stuff on the list I made will be "sufficient" for any activity you might come up with (for instance, an archeological kit includes things like carbon dating, baggies/mini-archeo chambers, forceps, microscopes, and various chemicals, but it doesn't include drills, tents, large tables, chairs, front loaders, etc. I will not entertain the "well, my character has a +whatever in that skill, I would have known that we need that kind of stuff" as an argument once you are in the thick of a dig/rescue op/smuggling run/whatever (at least not without the expenditure of storytelling). If you think your character would know, ask about it beforehand.

--Matts 21:23, 10 April 2007 (MST)What's the neccesary equipment for piloting?

For Piloting: A ship, two hands and two feet, or, barring those, a neural processor and interface plugs (Equipment +1).

For navigation: neural processor/interface plugs in the case of your ship.

Both of these professions might like to have space suits (although almost nobody wears them when doing these jobs...), since they can't exactly scramble for one if the hull is breached or the oxygen cyclers get blown away. In the case of the pilot, a space suit with low encumberance would be excellent, since EV will subtract from his piloting ability.

--Gdaze 23:34, 10 April 2007 (MST) Do we have to be that specific? Could we purchase like "General engine repair kit" or something like that? I just think if we get into specifics about every piece of equipment it could cause a lot of stress.

--BenofZongo 00:21, 11 April 2007 (MST)For the most part, yes: that's why I made an archeology kit, etc. You can get a "repair kit" as well, and how good it is is represented by how much it adds to repair rolls. But an archeology kit doesn't include mining equipment, for instance, so if you have to dig a big hole to get at ruins, an archeology kit isn't going to cut it. I don't need you to describe to me every piece of equipment you want, but I'm also not going to just hand you every piece of equipment that you want when you want it just because you bough "general field kit A, B, and C". If you've considered what you might need, it's fair to say that you'll have all the bells and whistles for the eventualities discussed. So your general repair kit that you mentioned would include all basic tools, but it probably wouldn't include stuff like spare parts. Bottom line: I don't need an itemized list, but the onus is on players to think about shit they might need.

--Matts 10:28, 11 April 2007 (MST)But we have near no idea what might be required most of the time. Archeo artifacts might be in space hulks, needing welding equipment, or they might be underground, needing digging equipment, or they might be in zeppelins in a gas giant, or they might be in Gabe's mom. We can think about this shit all day long and come up with a million things we need; what if our guesses don't match your specific ideas of what we'll need? What happens if we screw the pooch in terms of our gear, we have no money left, and equipment that won't help us?

--BenofZongo 11:09, 11 April 2007 (MST)First off, I have no specific ideas about what you'll need. I do have specific ideas about the level of planning that goes into a given activity. I've been on an archeological dig, and it's not something where you just pack the car and drive out to ye olde archeological site, drag precious artifacts out of the dust, and go home with your lootz. Also, like I said, I'm not suggesting you get the specific gear for every possible mission, just that it might be worth considering what kind of general gear you might have use for. Apparently, it was foolish of me to bring this up, since I guess that's what you guys did when you made the loot list in the first place. The reason I'm not allowing you to keep, say, 300000 credits in the bank is because I think the wheeling and dealing that will be involved in getting stuff you want in game will be more interesting than having everything come out of an expense account.
Anyways, I'm sorry I brought it up. You are correct, you can't possibly anticipate gear that you will need, so I guess just spend it on whatever you think is cool.

--Matts 11:55, 11 April 2007 (MST)I understand now what you're getting at though.

As an aside, did we get any medical equipment, and how much did we get? Also, were we planning on getting into so many fights that we need that body armor? My character certainly won't be wearing it every time he gets off the ship.

--Gdaze 12:11, 11 April 2007 (MST) Well after looking at the list, here are some things I feel we could use but are not listed yet.

!!!WARNING!!! *-*THIS IS GOING TO BE A FREAKING LONG LIST*-* You have been warned, but read anyway, PEON!

--Gdaze 13:15, 11 April 2007 (MST)Thanks for the prices Ben! I'm also listing this to see what the group thinks. If we want some of these can we just post it? Or is there a vote going on? Seems the power suits may be out of the question... as they are quite costly.

--BenofZongo 13:38, 11 April 2007 (MST)all space suits include boosters and that sort of stuff, especially the ghost suits. For increased strength or a sort of "senju" rig, it will be more expensive, but not as much as powered armor. It just sort of falls into that category. You can figure that for +5-6 str. on a space suit it'll probably tack 10k onto the price, as well as 2EV. If you don't want the EV, it'll be a lot more expensive.

--Edmiao 15:25, 11 April 2007 (MST) i feel like the game is getting out of hand when we have to remember to buy a laundry machine and bath supplies. I mean, come on, a little less real. We're not in PA, where you have to scrounge for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

--Gdaze 15:29, 11 April 2007 (MST)Yes but we ARE on a spaceship, and we could have a whole host of problems with our engines or systems that leave us strandard for a long amount of time. Instead of having a random amount of supplies left, I think it would be important to know what we have, in the way of food and what not. That is why I'm getting water regardless.

--Edmiao 15:51, 11 April 2007 (MST) yes, you got the bathroom supplies, but what about food, water, oxygen, CO2 scrubbers, air freshners, fabric softener, eye drops, salt, pepper...... laundry machine? what about the kitchen sink, a stove, a refrigerator, chairs, beds, sheets, i mean some things just have to come with the ship. Why don't we just buy "consumable supplies necessary for living in space x __ days"

--Gdaze Sure that would work, but as noted a Laundry machine actually isn't included in the cost of a ship. I was thinking it'd be nice if we could compound everything consumable like that, would make it much easier to keep track! The reason I ask this is so it doesn't turn into "Well, you guys don't have said item." Because irl we don't always bring what we should, so as a captin I'm just making sure my ship, yeah thats right MY ship, is stocked correctly.

--BenofZongo 18:26, 11 April 2007 (MST)Ed is right and so is gabe. Like I said, you don't have to buy detailed supplies, I'd just like to see people consider what they might need. Almost nobody travels for longer than a week or so on a ship, so things you might need for more than that aren't typically included. Most ships stock hydroponic foodstuffs that will last several months (ie freeze-dried plus a small hydroponic grower that runs off the fusion core) but it isn't tasty/fresh/etc. That kind of stuff takes up a lot of space, energy, and you need someone on board who can prepare it. Honestly, I'm not trying to give you the impression that I'm gonna nail you every time you didn't expressly mention an item, I'm sorry if that's the impression I gave. On the other hand, if you want to know about specific items, I'm not gonna complain. Am I gonna go to great lengths to make an issue about smelly clothes/disgusting food/lack of bath supplies? Absolutely not. But if want to make a style roll, and you say "well, we bought lots of stuff that would help with that, so I use those things" I'd have appreciation for the fact you had foresight on this issue and probably give you a bonus (that "good RPing bonus I was talking about). Mostly, I was hoping people would consider for their own character, what sorts of things would they think were important to spend money on. I agree this has gotten out of hand and again I apologize. I seem to have miscommunicated what I meant.

--BenofZongo 18:43, 11 April 2007 (MST)Really, the only reason I ever posted this was because you guys spent 200000/350000 credits on bodyguard even though none of you wanted to do merc work.

--Edmiao 18:53, 11 April 2007 (MST) I think that falls under Ben's old axiom: the more players involved, the better the solution; the fewer players involved and you get lopsided decisions (and it was 1:30-2:30 am). So Deiter and I wanted some armor and then we bought some for everyone. stupid? likely. perhaps we should reevaluate friday as the first part of the session.

--Dieter the Bold 20:08, 11 April 2007 (MST) That's quite true, and it's also the fact that it's Cyberpunk, and those without armor either shoot wildly from behind cover, get hopped up on drugs and don't care, or they fucking don't fight. I'm not interested in fighting or merc work, but seriously, it'll happen at some point and I'd like something to soak up the bullets before they start eating my flesh. Still, I bet we could drop the whole "Best Quality" from all the armor for people not explicitly fighters.

--Edmiao 22:21, 11 April 2007 (MST)we put best quality on to negate the -1 encumberance value. depends on how much that -1 EV scares you. the best 0 EV armor is stopping power 8, we had it at 14. options:
Average quality:
8SP 0EV costs 1800
14SP -1EV costs 3600
Excellent quality to negate the -1 EV, which also increases SP by 10%:
11SP 0EV costs 12000
13SP 0EV costs 15000
16SP 0EV costs 18000
Thus, the cost differential is enormous to negate that -1EV.

--Gdaze Could we please get somewhat cheaper armor? Like good quality? As it stands this is way too much money on armor... I am however okie with taking that Med combat Best armor... and even the one before it. Having two good suits would be a good idea. But lets get back the EV to make the armor cheaper, OR lets take the 14 sp one. But really I'd say we only need like six pairs of armor, not enough for everyone.

--Gdaze 09:04, 13 April 2007 (MST) Alright, could we have say an hour at the begaining of today's game to spend the rest of our money as a group? I know we wanted to just jump on in, but I think it'd just be a lot easier. (Even more so cause not all of us have the books.) So is that alright Ben? I would rather not do the spend a point to say we have such and such, plus we need to re-work how much armor we have. Oh man five hours of sleep, fucking tired as all shit.

--BenofZongo 09:11, 13 April 2007 (MST)6.5 hrs here, and I went to the gym this morning. AND I have to be up at 8 AM tomorrow to catch a plane. Yes, of course you can have more time to work that stuff over. I just would like it settled before we actually start playing. I realize now that even though I booked a whole session for all this stuff, it was too much to do in one sitting. But still, overall, I'm very pleased with the results, so I guess it's just something for me to keep in mind for the next time I use this setup (or if someone else wants to use a variation of it). So, let's just get started bright and, er, early and try to wrap up the equipment stuff as fast as possible.

--Edmiao 09:18, 13 April 2007 (MST)what, plan? the horror. the horror. I presume Deiter will bring his computer so we can access this list (below) thanks for posting guys, it has been almost 16 hours and i was getting the DTs.

--Edmiao 09:19, 13 April 2007 (MST)which stands for Delirium Tremens, a symptom of alcohol withdrawal.

--Gdaze Yeah up at 8 for a flight to HAWAII! I get to drive down to Olympia for a wedding... WHEEE!

--Matts 10:41, 13 April 2007 (MST)Well I've been fighting a tachycardia all week, so I'll gladly partake in some beer, but no caffeine tonight, so I may bow out relatively early.

Also, I say that noncombatants stick to 8EV armor, and if circumstances show that we'll need to "gear up", then that can be part of the fun!

List of proposed Lootz

1. Plasma Torchs (also if possible one that can operate in space) --BenofZongo 12:30, 11 April 2007 (MST)Included in general repair kit as well as in your repair bay
2. Drills (I don't think I saw these) --BenofZongo 12:30, 11 April 2007 (MST)prices already listed. The plasma one goes faster, makes less noise, and is considerably lighter
3. Mine Shaft Components --BenofZongo 12:30, 11 April 2007 (MST)priced as marked
4. erased
5. erased
6. Mirco Googles (Not sure these exist. Esstianlly a high tech piece of equipment worn over the head that can zoom in on artifacts, or perhaps it can zoom in on mechanics to help our mechanic. Any thoughts?) --BenofZongo 12:30, 11 April 2007 (MST)one pair is included in an archeology kit, as well as in an electronics repair kit (same price as general repair.) Note that the fold magnification is not that high, because your head moves too much for this to be useful (probably maxes out at 100x). The archeology kit and the electronic repair kit include a USB microscope to 1000x or more. The repair bay and med bay also include such a microscope.
7. Diving Suits (I really think we should get at least 3 of these, and I mean full scubba gear as lots of underground places have lots of water, which brings up...) --BenofZongo 12:30, 11 April 2007 (MST)priced as marked
8. Water Pump, gas powered. --BenofZongo 12:30, 11 April 2007 (MST)basically everything is electric, because it can be charged off the ship's fusion reactor. per gallon per minute, the price is 50 credits.
9. Magnetic Straps (Again not sure if these exist. Basically a collection of strong wires in the form of a net. They can be wrapped around slavage in space and then connected to the hull of our ship or another space craft. Basically a way to hull large amounts of salvage in space.) --BenofZongo 12:30, 11 April 2007 (MST)this is a very simple tug setup: you guys have a tug, so you have a fancy version of this already. as for random bits, you do not want to strap them to the outside of your ship, which is a finely precision crafted hull. They should go in the cargo hold.
10. Powered exo-skeleton (For heavy lifting, nothing armored, thinking Aliens or something like that.) --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)A linear frame. An Aliens style loader, with enough strength to lift about 10 tons, costs 30,000 credits.
11. Flares (both normal and ones for space) --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)All flares currently available burn independent of oxygen. But using them in space is like trying to signal a person with a burst of electrons.
12. Fish Tank with fish (for the ship, it would add some atmosphere) --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)250 credits, with install.
13. Booze --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)a 10 pack of standard booze is 10 credits. Nutrient fortified is 25.
14. TNT. Explosives are regulated and expensive. per D4 of heavy damage, the cost is 250 credits. per d6, 500. per D10, 2000. Having anything other than the D4 kind on board is cause for seizure of your ship in many places.
15. Office Supplies (What??? They are important!) --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)Free
16. At least 2 Personal Computers, IE PDAs. These two of course would be linked, as well as linked to some general information from the ship.--BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST) 100 credits apiece, with link to ship's computer.
17. Inflatable Boats (2) Yeah thats right, for water landings. We are in a space ship and if we ever crash in the middle of an ocean I want to be prepared! --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)50 credits each.
18. Space Salvage Suit (I don't think this exists, but maybe? Basically a very light exo-skeleton that is also a space suit. Equiped with a few thrusters and magnetic points, such as the boots. It also has power hydrolic or whatever claws plus a built in plasma torch, as well as lights on the shoulders and head.) --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)I'll put together price/stats for this when I get around to powered armor.
19. There is this really cool device in one of the Chrome books that is this kinda bot thingy that has a bunch of arms and repair equipment on it. I say we check this out and pick one up. Ben could you give us a price? --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)This would be a specialized repair bot. price is already listed, I think.
20. DvD or whatever player with large screen --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)100 credits.
21. Board games --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)Free.
22. Several sealed card decks (for Matt's character)--BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)Free
23. General bath supplies (enough for 5 months) --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)100 credits
24. UV lights --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)20 creds a piece.
25. Some potted planets, like tometos. I dunno if we could grow these on the ship though, maybe no space. --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)Free
26. Grenades --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)expensive: I don't have the prices down yet, but expect 50-100 credits each.
27. Raining weather clothing --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)200 a person for good stuff. 25 for ponchos.
28. Extreme cold clothing --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)200 for good stuff.
29. Dessert clothing --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)200. 'enviro-suits' that adjust to weather are 1000 but are good for any kind of reasonable weather (ie, not vaccuum).
30. SPARE TIRES FOR TRUCK AND MOTORCYCLES, AT LEAST ONE SET. --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)100 for 1 spare set for all your vehicles.
31. General Parts - Is this allowed? Like say 1000 worth of repair/spare parts to use on various things that break down? --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)sure.
32. General Eletronic parts - Same as above.
33. General Cleaning Supplies - For when Matt cleans up at the tables, OOOOOOOH SNAP! --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)free
34. Weights --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)250 for a good set.
35. Laundry Machines - Part of ship? --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)nope: 250 credits.
36. Refridgerator - Should this have been part of the ship...?--BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST) yes, crew quarters come with a fridge and a deep freeze.
37. Doo Dads (Lighters, magnify glass, rags, batteries, etc) Like maybe 40 bucks worth.

  • pant wheez* Damn this is a lot, but hey we are in space and I'm gonna try to cover all bases!

38. One HUD computer. This one would go around a person's head, maybe over one eye. It would be similar to the Town Square Marge whatever it is called from Cyberpunk, but not cybernetic. Hmmm, OR just buy Dieter a cybernetic eye with zooming ability plus this. I dunno, thoughts? --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)500 credits
39. Stero, or Ipod or whatever. Some kinda music system.--BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)free.
40. Tarps --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)in archeo kit.
41. Heavy Duty Chopping Knives. --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)25 apiece
42. Candles --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)free
43. One of those things you put outside that acts like a fire providing warmth.--BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)enviro suit covers this, but an independent device is about 100.
44. Some spare gas, but do they even use this? Seems they don't.
45. Commucation Array, allowing those of us on the field to use our computers and communcation gear far from ship.--BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)your sensor array includes this
46. Flash Lights --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)10 eahc
47. Kitchen Supplies --BenofZongo 12:42, 11 April 2007 (MST)free
48. Riveting Gun - For repairs on the ship --BenofZongo 12:49, 11 April 2007 (MST)part of repair kit and repair bay.
49. At least 10 gallons of fresh water. --BenofZongo 12:49, 11 April 2007 (MST)ship has water recycling capabilities as part of crew quarters/life support.
50. Salt --BenofZongo 12:49, 11 April 2007 (MST)Free up to 1kg.
51. 5 month supply of vitemins --BenofZongo 12:49, 11 April 2007 (MST)for 8 people, 100 credits.
52. Backpacks --BenofZongo 12:49, 11 April 2007 (MST)how big, how good? basic pack, 50 credits. big, 100, with small antigrav devices to lighten the load, and gyroscopic stabilizers, 1000.

Well that is all I can come up with for now. What do you all think?