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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is.  For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap.  They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.
This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is.  For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap.  They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.
== Location==
Date...........game.........Location  <br>
Date................Day.......................Game................................Attendance Notes
1/5/07......PA............BEN'S <br>
1/26/07......WHFRP..........Jason's <br>
2/2/07.......Jin Dynasty......Ben's<br>
2/9/07.......Jin Dynasty......Gabe's Bungalow<br>
2/16/07......Jin Dynasty.........Jason's<br>
2/23/07......Nephron One Shot..........ben's<br>
3/2/07.......Toonball and random shit......Ben's<br>
3/9/07.......Jin Dynasty......Gabe's Bungalow<br>
3/16/07......Jin Dynasty......[[Gabe's house of gaming]]<br>
3/23/07......Jin Dynasty......[[Matt's House of Tyranny]]<br>
4/6/07.......Gemini Character Creation...[[Ben's Condo]]<br>
4/20/07......week off......nowhere in particular<br>
4/27/07......Gemini.......ben's house<br>
6/08/07..... CoC one shot.......Dieter's<br>
6/15/17......Space Marines One shot........Dieter's<br>
6/29/07......Gemini.......Gabe's hut<br>
7/6/07.......Gemini....Ben's house <br>
7/20/07......Gemini....Gabe's again!<br>
7/27/07......Gemini....GABES again again<br>
8/03/07......Entertain yourself!<br>
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 19:04, 2 August 2007 (MST) It's official. [[Ben's Condo]] has just been upgraded to Ben & Dieter's Gaming Wunderhaus. More details to come.
01/15/17..........Sunday: 12pm......... [[Lost Tales of Runners Fore]]............ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], [[User:melonberg|Bruce]], Thor<br><br>
01/21/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
01/22/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave, [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]]<br><br>
01/28/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder............ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
01/29/17 .........Sunday: 12pm............. [[Star Trek: The Triangle Missions]] ........ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], Dave<br><br>
02/04/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
02/05/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave, [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]]<br><br>
02/07/17..........Tuesday: 6pm.......... Dinner Hangout.. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]], [[User: BenofZongo|Ben]]<br><br>
02/11/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
02/12/17 .........Friday: 7pm............. [[Star Trek: The Triangle Missions]] ........ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], Dave<br><br>
--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 22:07, 2 August 2007 (MST)Classic!
==Food & Scheduling Talk==
<u>What is Being Scheduled?</u> 1/15, [[Lost Tales of Runners Fore]]<br>
<u>What Time Are We Starting?</u> 3pm<br>
<u>Where Are We Playing?</u> Rumi's<br>
<u>What Are We Eating?</u> Eat lunch ahead of time<br>
== Attendance and Food preference==
'''[[In next week's episode:]]'''  (A brief look at/reminder where the next episode might go, based on player input)
<li>[[Jason]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:Megami|Rumi]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:melonberg|Bruce]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter]] is bringing: </li>
<li>Thor is bringing: </li>
--[[User:Megami|Megami]] 22:45, 23 December 2015 (MST) For early 2016 on Fridays, Rumi will be out on 3.11 and 3.18. Will be out of the country so no alternate dates available for these weeks. :(
==[[Weekday Board Games|Monday Board Games]]==
Click above for results and other, more lengthy discourse.<br>
Date..............Requests...............................................Attendance Notes
==Ranting and raving or other random comments==
10/23: 7pm.......... [http://www.meetup.com/South-Seattle-Gaming-Collective/events/214246182/ TBD]......... [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]]
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 14:02, 31 July 2007 (MST) note on below, it is not metagaming to have Aedil in touch with his religous side. a full 30% of Aedil's character points are invested in bringing the gods into the game (storytelling at 18xp each and a 20xp advantage that allows the GM to bring the gods or their agents into the game).  It is completely within his character to know when one of the gods (ie a storytelling point) has left him.  Were there any other situation where Aedil died, he would be revived by the gods.  Having him burn a storytelling point and then depriving Ed the chance to tell the story means that I have to incorporate the gods into the incident as it exists.  You see the results in the fallout and discussion below.
== Magic Talk ==  
--[[User:BenofZongo|BenofZongo]] 14:33, 31 July 2007 (MST)GM's note:  I'm fine with you guys discussing stuff in character if it is fun for you to do so.  However, if it heightens your frustrations out of character, I suggest you avoid doing so.  It's getting apparent that most of the players are rather frustrated with Gemini, and I'd just prefer if it didn't spill over into out of character anger etc: if it is getting to that point, we should curtail the PvP to game time, when we can resolve things rapidly.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 15:17, 31 July 2007 (MST) this doesn't frustrate me personally, I totally got into it, look how long i ranted for.  and gabe started it, so he must be into it.  Sometimes I think it is good to have this kind of discussion via wiki because you can say your bit without being interrupted and can think about things more thoroughly as to what your character's true motivations are.
--[[User:BenofZongo|BenofZongo]] 16:02, 31 July 2007 (MST)That's what I was hoping, I'd just like to provide a "release valve" I guess, if its needed.  Looks like it isn't: and frankly, I've enjoyed your teeth-grindingly conflicted sessions as a GM immensely: people are more in character and more involved than they've been in a long time. So, bring on the fiery rhetoric!
== Ranting and Raving ==  
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] -- True that.  Plus doesn't spend too much time of actual game play doing it, ya know?  But Aedil is most likely gonna be kicked off the ship because there is no way Gloval will believe all the god stuff ya know?  He knows the ship is Norse and is K-Tech, but he is certainly seeing Aedil as a huge cause of problems.  And breaking the mechanic's hand is what upsets him the most because you know... he keeps the ship running.  He needs 'hem fingers.  That being said other crew members can come in, heck maybe even Gloval will be the one to leave as he has been disappointed with his in-ability to unify the crew.  Although he wants to go to his old ship one last time, and fix this little problem with the catalyst.
'''Best Trek Movies:'''<br>
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] -- Also on a quick note.  I fealt that the guard should of had to make a demolition roll, or at least talked with Dieter.  Since he knew there is no way that thing would blow apart the bar.  ALSO.  Dieter most likely should have burned a perminant (or even temp for this?) to make the guard be like whoa... this guy is serious and will blow us all up. 
Dieter: VI, II, VIII, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V<br>
Jason: VI, VIII, II, IV, IX, VII, III, X, I(?), V(?)<br>
Rumi: VI, VIII, II, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V<br>
Peter: Galaxy Quest
Ben could you make up a path for Sola?  I will most likely end up playing here if Gloval leaves.
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 12:38, 22 January 2013 (MST)Ladies and gentledudes, I have received an email from Ed and he is officially populating the earth with Edlings. He now has two kids, a boy (Theo) and a girl (Ella). He seems to be doing well, and I continue to be jealous of him. Reckanize.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 16:28, 31 July 2007 (MST)Orentes did burn a permanent storytelling point in order to allow him to explode the bomb.  Had he not done so, i agree that a demolitions vs demolitions test would have been in order and the whole thing should have gone into combat actions with other players being allowed to act.  But when a player burns a permanent storytelling point, it is so.  In retrospect, we should have taken more time.  I would have preferred to burn just my own storytelling point to counteract deiter's rather than allowing him to blow us all up and then we all burn points.  but board's aplay.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] -- Yeah I don't think any of us handled that too well...  I'm wondering how he knew we had all that crap.  Must be some dang nice cyber eyes and I think we should pick up some.
== Other Nongaming Events==
===Dune BITCHES!!!!!===
My plan is to have a megaDune marathon some weekend day.  <br>
Various links: [http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/135668]<br>
== The Next Step in [[Exemplars]]==
[[Shoot the Midget]]
== The Next Step in [[Gemini]] ==
Also See [[Ship's Log]] for past conversations.
Also See [[Talk:Gemini]]<br>
[[Gloval]] --  This message is only to Aedil "Give me one reason why I should not boot you off my crew?  You attacked our mechanic and broke his finger.  What kind of a body guard are you?  You have until we get back from this mission, otherwise, you will have to leave.  (Sorry gents, but I gotta be in character)
[[Aedil]] -- I address the Captain and the entire crew.  First, I do not consider myself a body guard.  I am an archaeologist first and foremost and an explorer of the Norse people.  I have skills in combat that are sometimes useful. 
Let us discuss the primary matter at hand.  Orentes brought a bomb, A BOMB! to a meeting of truce.  What could possibly be more underhanded and dishonest?  I saw him pull out that detinator when the guard opened the box.  And we all saw his finger begin to depress the button.  In that moment, I felt the presence of Tyr, I felt his light that had guided my path to that very room and I felt the strength which he has given to me all my life.  As Orentes began to press that button, I felt the thread of my destiny begin to fray.  I felt Tyr's hand leave my side as he stayed the guard from tampering with the bomb and as he stayed Orentes' finger on the trigger.  And then the strength of Tyr departed.  I feel it still as a piece of the spiritual light that guides my destiny has gone forever from my life.  I know this abscence, as it happened once before when Freyja brought me water in the desert on Andromache 3.  I was near death at the time and she showed me a fresh spring and then her light left me forevermore.  So it is that Tyr's light has faded from my sight.  This cannot be undone. 
Orentes was a hairs breath from killing us all for what?  Because he was too cowardly to enter a peace session without an "ace" up his sleve?  Captain, how can you tolerate such cowardly dishonesty and disregard for your life and the life of your crew.  The Golden Fleece would have been left without a psychonavigator and without a captain had not Tyr stayed Orentes twitchy finger.  Captain Gloval can you honestly say that you did not feel the light of destiny slipping from your grasp in that moment?  Ules, did you not feel your thread in the tapestry of fate partially unwind?  You will truly need the powers of the Norns to repair it.  As I said, I am not afraid to risk my life for worthy cause, but I will not tolerate my brothers gambling with my life for naught, for I have yet much to do in the service of the gods. 
As I confronted Orentes about this blatant disregard, he had the nerve to insult me!  Such disrespect for life and friendship is INTOLLERABLE!  Like a little brother, I had to teach him a lesson.  You do not say to a child, "oh, you almost killed all your friends, please try not to do that again".  The child must be disciplined.  The gods willing, that broken finger will mend poorly and will nag him every time he considers a cowardly or dishonorable act.
Captain, you are even more incompetent than the rest of us.  You must take full responsibility for the actions of your crew; we act under your authority.  You claim to run a tight ship, yet you allowed Orentes to bring a bomb to a peace offering!  A BOMB!  You turn a blind eye to his cowardice and foolhardyness.  You allowed him to negotiate a deal that turned out to be catastrophe for the ship. He blindly accepted the cargo uncaring of the obvious danger it posed to the ship and then prevented me from scanning it in the pursuit of the truth.  I admit that I was also in error breaking the box open, but Orentes did not lift a finger to stop me either.  I broke it open in front of him in his room and he ignored me.  What other options did I have to find out what danger Orentes had put us all in?  This folly also lies in your lap.  You failed to broker a middle ground between us, Captain.  That is your duty as ruler.  The only thing I have seen you do as a chief lately is to denegrate the crew and destroy our morale.  What have you done that makes you worthy of leadership?  I think that we all have much to improve upon, and I feel in my heart that together we can help to better each other.
I am no smuggler of illegal goods.  I appologize, but when I joined the crew, I was unaware that Captain Gloval wished to run a pirate ship.  If this is the destiny you all forsee for the Golden Fleece, then I fear I must leave, for I am no pirate.  I believe that the Golden Fleece has a higher calling than piracy and smuggling.  But perhaps my faith in kith and ship has clouded my vision.  If you feel that our destinies have diverged, then I will leave the ship and find my own way again.  In my prayers, I see my thread of life to coincide with the Golden Fleece and all of you, my brothers and sister.  But I know I am an outsider and you all think little of my faith and my devotion to honor and righteousness.  I have tried to use my influence on this ship to steer it on a path that we can all be proud of, but it seems that some of the crew has little intrest in their own pride and honor.  The gods willing, I will provide to the Golden Fleece the light of Honor.
[[Gloval]]  --  I'm unsure of what you are talking about...  We were hired to do a mission, running catalyst.  That really isn't anything bad.  Then you smashed the box open.  I have tolerated your extreme polar views of the world Aedil.  But you now say your Gods gave you a "vision" that Orenties would blow us up?  That is utter nonsense.  Your visions are becoming quite dangerous.
How dare you accuse me of being a pirate.  You keep telling me that we shouldn't get revenge on these people, that we should fix what we did wrong, and now you switch yet again! 
Berating my crew eh?  Hmph.  My crew thinks they can run about doing whatever they want.  It was about time you all had your eyes opened to how you were acting.
Yes I allowed him to bring a bomb.  Because I fealt it was a trap.  Nor do I believe in any way that he would do something so insane as blow himself up.  You however, engaged in direct combat in a place of PEACE.  I saw you break a fellow crew member's finger, I saw Orenties do nothing.  You have always had something against him, and if you have that big of a problem with him and are going to be a continued threat to this ship, then I'm going to have to ask you to leave when we get back from this catalyst search.
[[Aedil]] -- Captain, with all respect, your memory is faulty.  We were hired to do a mission: transport an unknown cargo of unknown risk for a ship that could have easily done the same run themselves.  Still their explanation as to why they hired us lacks merit, as their crew appeard on Glacchus within a day of our arrival, so they could have easily run the package.  The entire job was suspicious to the extreme and as one who is partially in charge of safeguarding the ship, I did what I could to assess the danger.  Would that you had expressed different opinions at the time, but you left the matter up to Orentes and myself. 
And what do you mean I switch again?  I advocated peaceful solution to the problem, how does that make me a pirate?  I say that smuggling unknown goods for pirates makes our entire ship a pirate crew.  I was trying to avoid such a destiny, but if that's your plan for the Golden Fleece, I cannot stand in your way.  Making peace with pirates does not make one a pirate.  Waging war on pirates who are superior in number and experience is simply a fools death. I would never advocate such an end for our crew.
I saw Orentes' finger depress upon that button and nearly kill us all.  I saw the guard a hairs breath from pulling out the detonator, which would have killed us all.  If you did not see these things, then you are a negligent captain in time of crisis, turning a blind eye to potential death for the entire crew.  If you did not feel the hand of fate upon your life in that instant then you have lost touch with your very soul.
I only have two complaints about Orentes: he is a coward and a fool. I would only act against him if he again put the lives of the crew in jeoprardy.
[[Gloval]] -- Orentes wouldn't have pushed the button, I don't see why you keep thinking that.  We have smuggled high powered weapons, but I didn't hear you pipe up about that.  And this mission most likely would have gone just fine if it hadn't been for you breaking the box.  Perhaps this ship is not what you think, perhaps your place is not on a ship with such "sinful" people.  Orentes a coward?  What about when he saved the ship from those attackers?  Or when he was kidnapped he took out their power and 3 guards?  Or what about him brining a bomb and showing the guard that if he fucked around with us, there would be hell to pay?  Although really I don't think he would... although the king snake is dangerous.  I just say you switch because you say running the package makes us pirates, but not righting the wrong we did as a dilvery service by losing it.  It makes no sense.  Even when I sought combat with them you seemed very eerie of going into combat, once again because of your Gods' voices.  They are becoming troublsome and are not providing anything of usefulness to the crew.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 16:43, 31 July 2007 (MST) You don't know the depths of Orentes' cowardice and deciet. He nearly pushed that button, I saw it in his eyes.  Were you asleep, Ivan Gloval?  And are you referring to his bravery when he exploded the space port when the ship was attacked by homeless men with sticks?  It was only be the will of the gods that we are not banned Gracchus and other space ports permanently.  Are you referring to when the kingsnake got himself kidnapped and nearly killed and we had to come rescue him with the Golden Fleece?  He wounded some of his attackers, but remained their prisoner.  It was we who rescued him in the end.  Are you referring to the time when he abandoned one of the crew, myself, in a derelect ship to die of eventual suffocation?  You think bringing a bomb to kill us all is bravery?  only cowards kill themselves and those never go to Valhalla.  A brave man confronts his enemies and fights to the death, he does not plunge the sword into his own heart.
I am not saying that Orentes has to go.  I am saying that he needs to be educated.  The fact that you are blind to these failings makes me question your right to lead this crew, Ivan.
I do not switch my stance.  I have nothing against pirates, they are strong and take from the weak.  And they usually obide by a code of honor; a code that might seem strange to the rest of you, but it is honor nevertheless. That does not mean I want to be a pirate.  I was against making a run for pirates, but once the debt was promised to them we have an obligation to finish it.  I was overruled in the joining of our promise to them, but since we have made that deal we must follow through.  I only question whether that was wise of us, and whether we wish to continue in our career of priacy.  If so, then you would be wise to hire more men at arms, maybe take pointers from the Helen and start robbing banks?  If that is the fate of our proud ship, then I will take my leave of you all. 
Are you arguing that the gods voices were wrong about the Helen?  The situation was resolved peacefully by their grace.  Had we attacked them as you advised, or delayed and allowed them to hunt us down, we would all be dead now.  The gods are wise and you would be wise to heed them.

Latest revision as of 18:20, 15 January 2017

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


Date................Day.......................Game................................Attendance Notes

01/15/17..........Sunday: 12pm......... Lost Tales of Runners Fore............ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Bruce, Thor

01/21/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

01/22/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. Dieter, Dave, Gabe

01/28/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder............ Dieter, Dave

01/29/17 .........Sunday: 12pm............. Star Trek: The Triangle Missions ........ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Dave

02/04/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

02/05/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. Dieter, Dave, Gabe

02/07/17..........Tuesday: 6pm.......... Dinner Hangout.. Dieter, Jason, Gabe, Ben

02/11/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

02/12/17 .........Friday: 7pm............. Star Trek: The Triangle Missions ........ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Dave

Food & Scheduling Talk

What is Being Scheduled? 1/15, Lost Tales of Runners Fore
What Time Are We Starting? 3pm
Where Are We Playing? Rumi's
What Are We Eating? Eat lunch ahead of time

In next week's episode: (A brief look at/reminder where the next episode might go, based on player input)


--Megami 22:45, 23 December 2015 (MST) For early 2016 on Fridays, Rumi will be out on 3.11 and 3.18. Will be out of the country so no alternate dates available for these weeks. :(

Monday Board Games

Click above for results and other, more lengthy discourse.
Date..............Requests...............................................Attendance Notes

10/23: 7pm.......... TBD......... Jason, Rumi

Magic Talk

Ranting and Raving

Best Trek Movies:

Dieter: VI, II, VIII, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V
Jason: VI, VIII, II, IV, IX, VII, III, X, I(?), V(?)
Rumi: VI, VIII, II, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V
Peter: Galaxy Quest

--Jason 12:38, 22 January 2013 (MST)Ladies and gentledudes, I have received an email from Ed and he is officially populating the earth with Edlings. He now has two kids, a boy (Theo) and a girl (Ella). He seems to be doing well, and I continue to be jealous of him. Reckanize.