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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is.  For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap.  They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.
This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is.  For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap.  They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.
== Schedule==
Date...........game................Location..........(Advanced attendance)<br>
Date................Day.......................Game................................Attendance Notes
8/03/07......Entertain yourself!<br>
8/17/07......Gemini....Ben and Dieter's wonderful gaming wasteland<br>
8/24/07......sucking nuts.....each to his own<br>
8/31/07......WFRP......BnD WGW<br>
9/07/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wunderhaus or the Wasteland!?! (Only you can decide)<br>
9/14/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wunderhaus<br>
9/21/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wasteland<br>
9/28/07......WFRP......THe BnD Gaming Wunderhaus<br>
10/5/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wasteland<br>
10/12/07.....WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wissenland<br>
10/19/07.....Board games............BnD ..........(Dieter and Matt absent)<br>
11/9/07......Board Games...Gabe's ............(Matt gone, Dieter gone)<br>
11/16/07.....Exemplars prequil...BnD..........(Matt gone)  <br>
11/23/07.....Go see the family...???..........(Matt, Ed, Ben, Gabe gone)<br>
12/14/07.....Board Games vs Exemplars....................???..........(Matt Gone to Japan)<br>
12/21/07.....??????....................???..........(Matt Gone, Ben Gone, Ed present)<br>
12/27/07.....??????....................???...........(Ben, Matt Gone, Ed present + brother-in-law)<br>
1/3/07.......??????...............????...............(Ben Gone, Ed present)<br>
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 22:31, 19 November 2007 (MST) What is our definition of quorum these days?  3 or more absent = no quorum, 0 to 2 absent = quorum present (ie minimum 3 players)?
01/15/17..........Sunday: 12pm......... [[Lost Tales of Runners Fore]]............ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], [[User:melonberg|Bruce]], Thor<br><br>
01/21/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
01/22/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave, [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]]<br><br>
01/28/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder............ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
01/29/17 .........Sunday: 12pm............. [[Star Trek: The Triangle Missions]] ........ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], Dave<br><br>
02/04/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
02/05/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave, [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]]<br><br>
02/07/17..........Tuesday: 6pm.......... Dinner Hangout.. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]], [[User: BenofZongo|Ben]]<br><br>
02/11/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
02/12/17 .........Friday: 7pm............. [[Star Trek: The Triangle Missions]] ........ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], Dave<br><br>
BEN: I'd like to play if there are 2+ players and a GM, at least for a bit.  I'm tired of skipping sessions, we've missed a lot a lot of sessions this year.  Given attendance records and our loss of players, requiring 3 or more means we'll be playing twice a month probably.
==Food & Scheduling Talk==
<u>What is Being Scheduled?</u> 1/15, [[Lost Tales of Runners Fore]]<br>
<u>What Time Are We Starting?</u> 3pm<br>
<u>Where Are We Playing?</u> Rumi's<br>
<u>What Are We Eating?</u> Eat lunch ahead of time<br>
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 11:42, 20 November 2007 (MST) I would say that requiring 4 players plus a GM is way too strict.  3 players is easily doable and 2 players is ok, but might get sketchy depending on who the characters are and how they interact.  If you get two like-minded motivated characters, probably ok.  if you get Aedil and Orentes, who hate each other and have polar opposite motivations, probably not ok.
'''[[In next week's episode:]]'''  (A brief look at/reminder where the next episode might go, based on player input)
BEN: my usual rule if I'm GMing is that I am willing to run my game with 2 or more, but at less than 3 (ie, at 2 players) it's up to the players if they want to bother.  At 3 or more its a fixed thing.  Usually this means that at less than 3 we don't play, but I know that if I'm one of the players, I'll vote to play.
<li>[[Jason]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:Megami|Rumi]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:melonberg|Bruce]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter]] is bringing: </li>
<li>Thor is bringing: </li>
== Attendance and Food preference==
--[[User:Megami|Megami]] 22:45, 23 December 2015 (MST) For early 2016 on Fridays, Rumi will be out on 3.11 and 3.18. Will be out of the country so no alternate dates available for these weeks. :(
==[[Weekday Board Games|Monday Board Games]]==
Click above for results and other, more lengthy discourse.<br>
Date..............Requests...............................................Attendance Notes
10/23: 7pm.......... [http://www.meetup.com/South-Seattle-Gaming-Collective/events/214246182/ TBD]......... [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]]
==Ranting and raving or other random comments==
== Magic Talk ==
== Ranting and Raving == 
== Other [[Non-RPG]] gaming Events==
'''Best Trek Movies:'''<br>
Next friday, even though many of you will be gone, I am considering having a board game event at my house.  This would be during the afternoon and in to the evening.  Any of you suckers can come.  <---Not Ed, But accurate  <----I think it actually is Jason (ed will be in oregon)although it may be Santa
Dieter: VI, II, VIII, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V<br>
Jason: VI, VIII, II, IV, IX, VII, III, X, I(?), V(?)<br>
Rumi: VI, VIII, II, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V<br>
Peter: Galaxy Quest
===Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking===
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 12:38, 22 January 2013 (MST)Ladies and gentledudes, I have received an email from Ed and he is officially populating the earth with Edlings. He now has two kids, a boy (Theo) and a girl (Ella). He seems to be doing well, and I continue to be jealous of him. Reckanize.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 18:00, 17 November 2007 (MST) just downloaded [http://www.magic-league.com/guide/magic_workstation.php Magic Workstation].  very nice.  i have this idea that i should log in all the cards in the mongo set to enable deckbuilding.  might take a bit of work though. check it out, free program and seems to have a nice interface.  If any of you blokes want to play some magic online we could try it through Magic Workstation.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]]-- Hmm I should try it out!  Speaking of Magic, I just made an artifact deck I'd really like to try out.  It... has a simple theme so I dunno.
BEN: I made a force of nature deck (which, btw, Jason, has two of your force of nature and one regrowth in it...just to make sure they go back to you as soon as I take the deck apart) that largely got schooled by Jason's decks.  Nevertheless, getting a force of nature out consistently on turn 4 was fun.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 14:46, 19 November 2007 (MST) i have some ideas for that dragon mage.  we'll see if they work.  anyone mind if i steal the magic card horde over christmas, my brother in law will be in town.  we should have some board game/magic/heroscape if anyone is in town christmas week.
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 15:10, 19 November 2007 (MST)I will be in town and interested.  Ben, what is the reason the FoN deck is losing?  It is significant to produce a dominating creature that early in the game.  You probably just need a few tweaks.  Make sure you arent using one trick pony cards like wild growth to do it, use Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves and Fyndhorn Elders instead, those can attack when not being used for mana.  Consider using Hurricane to keep flyers away and to shorten the game as well.  Decks like that are normally much better in duel than in multi player.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 15:16, 19 November 2007 (MST) we'll plan some xmas week stuff.....  Onward with Magic debates. comparing wild growth to Llanowar elves, I find the elves die much easier because creature kill and Tim are very common while land kill and antienchantment are less common.  As the elves can attack, it seems a toss up which is better to me.  do you encounter more land destruction than I am used to?  this would weigh in favor of the elves.
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 15:36, 19 November 2007 (MST)Llanowar Elves cost a lot less than Prodigal Sorcerers.  They will be in the game a lot more often.  If someone has to use their PS to kill them, so be it.  Wild Growth is pretty much a useless card.  It can virtually never contribute to victory and rarely helps.  Usually by the time a PS has been cast the LE has already served its purpose.  They are all about speed.  Late in the game a Wild Growth has no use, but a LE can still be an attacker, blocker or someone to draw fire.  If you look through successful magic decks generally you will find that cards serve multiple purposes unless they are serious hosers (like Blood Moon) or game winners.  Wild Growth is neither; it helps a little in the early game, but other cards (such as LE) help as much or more and can contribute in other ways.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 15:49, 19 November 2007 (MST) Hmm.  That's interesting.  I think its a difference between early/late usefulness and midgame risk of the elf vs early/midgame useful vs late game useless for the wild growth.  by midgame risk, let me give an example.  lets say it is turn 4.  you have three forests down and two in your hand.  Your opponent cast a Tim on turn 3.  now you draw a Llanowar vs wild growth.  you drop a forest (4 forests) and cast Llanowar vs wild growth.  lanowar will die leaving you with 5 forests on your next turn, wild growth will remain and next turn you cast force of nature.  Of course after you have 6 land, llanowar is a good blocker while wild growth is good kindling.
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 16:01, 19 November 2007 (MST)If you are in that situation you are probably going to lose anyway. A LE is always useful. A Wild Growth rarely is. What good is that 1 extra mana most of the time? In anything but early game very little. Plus you cant tap the land for 1 green, its always 2 (potential mana burn). With that kind of deck you should have a dominating creature on the board by turn 4 or 5 at the latest. If you dont, your chances are slim. Big green is about the early game. Lets think about worst case scenarios for opening hands, where things really matter. Your opening 7 cards are 3 forest, 2 LE and 2 big creatures (a pretty standard draw). Turn 1 LE, turn 2 LE and 1 dmg to opponent, turn 3 5 casting cost big creature, opponent in world of hurt. If one of those LE is Fyndhorn Elder, you have FoN or other big dominator. Switch those LE for WG and what do you have? Nothing. You are still building and saving, while the opponents deck is accomplishing its goals. If you cannot get your opponent completely off balance and reacting to everything you do by about turn 3 or 4 with big green, youre done. Dont forget that disenchant and other common white cards (that are very flexible and in many kinds of decks) destroy WG and do nothing to LE.
BEN: it didn't lose all the time.  The flyers thing was a big problem against the discard deck.  It was about 50/50 against the direct damage deck.  I have all those types of elves, plus some wild growth and overgrowths in there.  I'll pull the wild growths and add another llanowar elf.  I'm also going to toss the three krosan drovers and one thorn elemental, and add some anti-flyer stuff, I think.  hadn't thought about cyclone...the deck actually has a little bit of blue in it as well, so I have some counters to protect against terror, swords to plowshares, etc.  A card that worked great was something like "fierce empath": its a 1/1 for 3 mana that lets you search your library when it comes into play for a creature with converted mana cost of 6 or higher.  sweet.
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 16:13, 19 November 2007 (MST)There is actually a much better way to look at this.  With big green, you are winning the game if your opponent is using their creature destruction on your LE.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 16:36, 19 November 2007 (MST) very true.  this is enlightening.  i usually played magic vs cheryl and ryan, cheryl always played decks i made and we always played 3 player, which is very different and much less balanced than two player or 2 headed giant.  3 player ends up being a very slow game and thus a lot of my decks are very slow.  in 3 player, your force of natrue is sure to get terrored by one of the two opponents, and the likelyhood of Tims is much greater.  Whereas who is going to waste a disenchant on a wild growth when that force of nature is going to get terrored anyway.  i think my 3 player experience made for a much less tuned deck construction strategy.
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 17:17, 19 November 2007 (MST)Maybe not less tuned, but different.  My decks get pwned in multi player (with the possible exception of Stasis).
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 18:36, 19 November 2007 (MST) i love your stasis deck, by the way.  i've had one stasis card forever and always loved the concept but needed the quartet to make a good deck out of them.
BEN: dragon mage in a discard deck with megrim would be foul: I mean, you refill and empty their hand each time you manage to hit them.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 21:57, 19 November 2007 (MST) that's the idea.  the other idea is a tricolor deck with dragon mage, megrim and unsummoning stuff from blue.  put that potential blocker back into your hand and then make you discard it and then make you take some damage from megrim to boot.  three color decks are tough to pull off, though.  especially when spells require two of one color, like dragon mage two red and 5.
BEN: course, at 5 damage a hit from the mage, if you're getting through, the other guy's got a lot more to worry about than just discarding cards.  on the other hand, with megrim, it could be over in 1 round instead of 4.
also, there are quite a few cards in the collection that could make the "door to nothingness" work, sort of.
You are welcome to take the cards over xmas as far as I'm concerned.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 23:02, 19 November 2007 (MST) Ive got two decks in magic workstation if anyone wants to give it a go.  the thing comes with world champion decks to play which should kick the living shit out of my decks.
--[[User:|]] 16:05, 20 November 2007 (MST)I think that is the program I have too.  I have about 4 decks in it.  Maybe we can give it a shot.
== The Next Step in [[WHFRP Reboot]]==
[[WHFRP Reboot Recap]]
== The Next Step in [[Exemplars]] ==

Latest revision as of 18:20, 15 January 2017

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


Date................Day.......................Game................................Attendance Notes

01/15/17..........Sunday: 12pm......... Lost Tales of Runners Fore............ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Bruce, Thor

01/21/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

01/22/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. Dieter, Dave, Gabe

01/28/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder............ Dieter, Dave

01/29/17 .........Sunday: 12pm............. Star Trek: The Triangle Missions ........ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Dave

02/04/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

02/05/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. Dieter, Dave, Gabe

02/07/17..........Tuesday: 6pm.......... Dinner Hangout.. Dieter, Jason, Gabe, Ben

02/11/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

02/12/17 .........Friday: 7pm............. Star Trek: The Triangle Missions ........ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Dave

Food & Scheduling Talk

What is Being Scheduled? 1/15, Lost Tales of Runners Fore
What Time Are We Starting? 3pm
Where Are We Playing? Rumi's
What Are We Eating? Eat lunch ahead of time

In next week's episode: (A brief look at/reminder where the next episode might go, based on player input)


--Megami 22:45, 23 December 2015 (MST) For early 2016 on Fridays, Rumi will be out on 3.11 and 3.18. Will be out of the country so no alternate dates available for these weeks. :(

Monday Board Games

Click above for results and other, more lengthy discourse.
Date..............Requests...............................................Attendance Notes

10/23: 7pm.......... TBD......... Jason, Rumi

Magic Talk

Ranting and Raving

Best Trek Movies:

Dieter: VI, II, VIII, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V
Jason: VI, VIII, II, IV, IX, VII, III, X, I(?), V(?)
Rumi: VI, VIII, II, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V
Peter: Galaxy Quest

--Jason 12:38, 22 January 2013 (MST)Ladies and gentledudes, I have received an email from Ed and he is officially populating the earth with Edlings. He now has two kids, a boy (Theo) and a girl (Ella). He seems to be doing well, and I continue to be jealous of him. Reckanize.