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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is.  For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap.  They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.
This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is.  For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap.  They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.
== Schedule==
Date...........game................Location..........(Advanced attendance)<br>
Date................Day.......................Game................................Attendance Notes
1/4/08.......WFRP............[[BnD]]...............(Ben Gone, Ed present)<br>
1/18/08......totally cancelled<br>
2/8/08.......W-Wolf .........[[BnD]]............... <br>
2/15/08......WFRP............[[BnD]]............... ed likely gone<br>
2/16/08......[[bday one shot]]..[[BnD]]............... <br>
2/22/08......???.............[[BnD]]............... Matt at GDC<br>
2/29/08......???.............[[BnD]]............... ed 50% chance; LEAP YEAR, bitches!!<br>
3/14/08......W-Wolf..........[[BnD]]............... ben gone<br>
3/21/08......W-Wolf..........[[BnD]]............... .ben gone<br>
3/28/08......WFRP............[[BnD]]............... <br>
01/15/17..........Sunday: 12pm......... [[Lost Tales of Runners Fore]]............ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], [[User:melonberg|Bruce]], Thor<br><br>
01/21/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
01/22/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave, [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]]<br><br>
01/28/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder............ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
01/29/17 .........Sunday: 12pm............. [[Star Trek: The Triangle Missions]] ........ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], Dave<br><br>
02/04/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
02/05/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave, [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]]<br><br>
02/07/17..........Tuesday: 6pm.......... Dinner Hangout.. [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Gdaze|Gabe]], [[User: BenofZongo|Ben]]<br><br>
02/11/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], Dave<br><br>
02/12/17 .........Friday: 7pm............. [[Star Trek: The Triangle Missions]] ........ [[User: Dieterthebold|Dieter]], [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]], Dave<br><br>
--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 13:11, 6 February 2008 (MST)That means ed is missing the fireworks party, cause I'm not putting it off any longer!
==Food & Scheduling Talk==
<u>What is Being Scheduled?</u> 1/15, [[Lost Tales of Runners Fore]]<br>
<u>What Time Are We Starting?</u> 3pm<br>
<u>Where Are We Playing?</u> Rumi's<br>
<u>What Are We Eating?</u> Eat lunch ahead of time<br>
-Ed: that would be so lame.  but them's the breaks.  i'll try to make it. coming back from denver that afternoon from a conference and depends on if i can escape husbandly duties.  I would guess yes, but we'll see.
'''[[In next week's episode:]]''(A brief look at/reminder where the next episode might go, based on player input)
GABE: What about coming for maybe just the first hour or so?
<li>[[Jason]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:Megami|Rumi]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:melonberg|Bruce]] is bringing: </li>
<li>[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter]] is bringing: </li>
<li>Thor is bringing: </li>
== Attendance and Food Preference ==
--[[User:Megami|Megami]] 22:45, 23 December 2015 (MST) For early 2016 on Fridays, Rumi will be out on 3.11 and 3.18. Will be out of the country so no alternate dates available for these weeks. :(
==[[Weekday Board Games|Monday Board Games]]==
Click above for results and other, more lengthy discourse.<br>
Date..............Requests...............................................Attendance Notes
10/23: 7pm.......... [http://www.meetup.com/South-Seattle-Gaming-Collective/events/214246182/ TBD]......... [[Jason]], [[User:Megami|Rumi]]
== Magic Talk == 
==Ranting and raving or other random comments==
== Ranting and Raving == 
== Other [[Non-RPG]] gaming Events==
'''Best Trek Movies:'''<br>
'''GABE:'''  Soooo, would anyone be interested in some Heroscape? Not this week of course.  But would anyone be down? I got a nice big table we can use.  Weekdays are fine too.  I was also thinking maybe a Sunday.
Dieter: VI, II, VIII, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V<br>
Jason: VI, VIII, II, IV, IX, VII, III, X, I(?), V(?)<br>
Rumi: VI, VIII, II, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V<br>
Peter: Galaxy Quest
GABE:  What, no more love for Heroscape???
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 12:38, 22 January 2013 (MST)Ladies and gentledudes, I have received an email from Ed and he is officially populating the earth with Edlings. He now has two kids, a boy (Theo) and a girl (Ella). He seems to be doing well, and I continue to be jealous of him. Reckanize.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 10:12, 5 February 2008 (MST) Anyone up for some board games this weekend?  Gabe?  Cheryl's itchin to play Puerto rico.  I could probably con her into half puerto rico and half heroscape.
BEN: Kim and I might be interested...not sure yet.
JASON: Depending on time Rumi and I may want to do this.  I have a ton of new games to try as well.  And as for Heroscape, even though I havent tried it yet, once I get my board set up (and now that I have my truck back its any day) you guys can use it anytime.  Its 4x8 and I have a ton of terrain.
'''GABE:'''Sweet, I got a big ol'table as well although seating may be a problem...  Um that aside if we want to do heroscape I'd like to do it at my place to just so you know, don't have to spend time putting the board together.  And yeah I'm down this weekend.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 12:49, 5 February 2008 (MST) sweet.  we'll plan for at Gabe's new place this weekend.  any preference for Saturday or Sunday?  either is fine for Cheryl and I. 
Who is Rumi?
GABE:  I believe that would be Jason's new woman, although not really that new.  Okay sounds good... um this sounds ghetto but if you have like 2 folding chairs to bring it'd be good... I only have 2 chairs with maybe one more coming for this weekend.
JASON: Gabe would be correct.  She likes games and stuff.
'''GABE:''' Coo', so like Saturday or Sunday works fine for me, I ain't doing nuttin' this weekend.  I guess Sunday would work okay if that is alright with everyone else?  Saturday is all cool too.  Oh, I just got the 40k rp, seems pretty cool over-all though I'm not seeing rules for the floating head servators, lame.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 15:23, 5 February 2008 (MST) Is she the one from Portland that we met at ben's that last time?
JASON: No, that would be Amy.  She and I go way back.
'''GABE:'''So has for gaming, will Sunday work for people?  I'm most likely taking Monday off next week JUST CUZ.  So if Sunday works lets shoot for that.  Otherwise, let me know.
Regarding the 40k RPG, I must say it looks really cool.  Granted the career system isn't around any more but their new method is pretty neat, it reminds me of a level up system from a console rpg.  Basically you buy advances and once you spend a certain amount of exp you become the next rank. You can buy any advance in your current rank or any rank you've held.  Also each career forks in it so you can go down certain paths.  One thing that is new is that raising charateristics now has become more expensive.  Your starting career determines how much each advance costs, an example is 250 for the first +5%, then 500, then 750, etc.  It seems expensive but then you realize that you should be getting 200 exp per sesson.
Two things I'm disappointed about is they don't have the skull drones or the people who are pumped out on drugs and cybernetics that were in the previous book.  Also the equipment section is kinda small.
Oh!  One more thing I found really cool.  When you create your character you get to roll for what your fortune is.  They include things from starting with insanity points to gaining 2 (!!!) extra fate points.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 09:53, 6 February 2008 (MST) saturday is better for us, turns out cheryl has something to go to at 7pm on sunday.  but if we can do earlier sunday until 7.  depends on how late we might go.  also if we did sunday i could stay later if someone gave me a ride home. 
re 40k above, that seems way too random for my taste, when fate points rule the game and they put in that kind of random range.  i'd rather have a random 1000 xp than random 2 fate points if you want to make character power completely randomized.  I know some folks think that playing weak characters is fun, more power to you
'''GABE:'''Saturday is cool too.
I don't think fate points "rule the game".  I mean when you burn them they are pretty much gone.  And why do you assume random=weak?  Thats a rather large jump to reach that conclusion isn't it?  I enjoy it more then characters with polar stats.  Remember, fate points can NOT be used to affect other people, thats just a home-rule (and one I dislike)
I mean really, where are you getting random characters equal weak anyway?
Another thing that is nice is you get to pick your home planet.  Home planet selection makes some starting stats higher, and others lower.  For example Ferial planet origin gives you a base starting wounds of 9 (the highest) +2D5 (I think 2...), plus your WS, S, T, all start at 25.  Of course you can only start with a maxium of 2 fate points.
Its pretty neat cause you can start with corruption points too.
'''GABE:''' OH ALSO!  The new talents are really cool, only problem is they seem at first to be very similar to Feats from D&D.  I'm about to reach that section though so we'll see.
--[[User:|]] 13:23, 6 February 2008 (MST) random means some characters will be more powerful than others is all i meant.  take the northman, for instance.  and I think the temp fortune point and fate points strongly affect game play.  you can take more risks if you know you have rerolls and safety from death.
GABE: Right, it means you can play a character who can take more risks, that doesn't mean your more powerful, just maybe luckier.  Yeah, thats why when I run WH rpgs I at least let the players assigned their rolls.  Cause usually you'll get some good ones, some bad ones.  At least let the player be good at some things they want.  That said I believe the randomness is to enforce the grim nature of their worlds. And yeah, some character might have better stats, but eh, so is life in the grim future/past/whatever. Spending points is too much like D&D and you end up with combat people taking tons of crap in agi, toughness, str, and int characters taking high fel, int, ag.  I'm just surprised you said "if people like playing weak characters", kinda makes it sound like random equals weak, which it really doesn't.
The northman was also powerful because he had that ungodly good sword and his two random talents were very lucky.  I thought it was cool, even more so that he rolled them.  Born to fight!  If someone picked them it'd be like "Oh... you were just trying to make a combat monster..."
===Weekly [[Magic]] Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking===
== The Next Step in [[WHFRP Reboot]]==
[[WHFRP Reboot Recap]]
== The Next Step in [[Werewolf]]==
[[Werewolf Recap]]

Latest revision as of 18:20, 15 January 2017

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


Date................Day.......................Game................................Attendance Notes

01/15/17..........Sunday: 12pm......... Lost Tales of Runners Fore............ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Bruce, Thor

01/21/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

01/22/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. Dieter, Dave, Gabe

01/28/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder............ Dieter, Dave

01/29/17 .........Sunday: 12pm............. Star Trek: The Triangle Missions ........ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Dave

02/04/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

02/05/17..........Sunday: 1pm........... 5E D&D.............. Dieter, Dave, Gabe

02/07/17..........Tuesday: 6pm.......... Dinner Hangout.. Dieter, Jason, Gabe, Ben

02/11/17..........Saturday: 12pm....... Pathfinder........... Dieter, Dave

02/12/17 .........Friday: 7pm............. Star Trek: The Triangle Missions ........ Dieter, Jason, Rumi, Dave

Food & Scheduling Talk

What is Being Scheduled? 1/15, Lost Tales of Runners Fore
What Time Are We Starting? 3pm
Where Are We Playing? Rumi's
What Are We Eating? Eat lunch ahead of time

In next week's episode: (A brief look at/reminder where the next episode might go, based on player input)


--Megami 22:45, 23 December 2015 (MST) For early 2016 on Fridays, Rumi will be out on 3.11 and 3.18. Will be out of the country so no alternate dates available for these weeks. :(

Monday Board Games

Click above for results and other, more lengthy discourse.
Date..............Requests...............................................Attendance Notes

10/23: 7pm.......... TBD......... Jason, Rumi

Magic Talk

Ranting and Raving

Best Trek Movies:

Dieter: VI, II, VIII, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V
Jason: VI, VIII, II, IV, IX, VII, III, X, I(?), V(?)
Rumi: VI, VIII, II, IV, VII, III, IX, I, X, V
Peter: Galaxy Quest

--Jason 12:38, 22 January 2013 (MST)Ladies and gentledudes, I have received an email from Ed and he is officially populating the earth with Edlings. He now has two kids, a boy (Theo) and a girl (Ella). He seems to be doing well, and I continue to be jealous of him. Reckanize.