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The pack, suitably humbled, worked long into the night (and next morning) cleansing the taint from the various inflicted victims around the hospital.  Christopher got pretty beat up, and then, later, fell asleep like a bitch.  The pack made it home, eventually, and after a bit of sleep, was mildly chastised by their elders.  Then, they made their way (with the egg) to Sola Tower, via Moonbridge, via the Uppity Cairn of Knowitall Silver Fangs, where Dio learned a lot of useful information (with the help of the interweb) and Underdog played some video games.
The pack, suitably humbled, worked long into the night (and next morning) cleansing the taint from the various inflicted victims around the hospital.  Christopher got pretty beat up, and then, later, fell asleep like a bitch.  The pack made it home, eventually, and after a bit of sleep, was mildly chastised by their elders.  Then, they made their way (with the egg) to Sola Tower, via Moonbridge, via the Uppity Cairn of Knowitall Silver Fangs, where Dio learned a lot of useful information (with the help of the interweb) and Underdog played some video games.
The pack was greeted warmly at Sola Tower, and they deposited the egg, made some connections, and did some training of various skills and rites.  Then, the pack was invited to a party/meeting, where they met with a group of primarily Japanese werewolves, learned some stuff about goings on in East Asia, and brought a Stargazer back with them.  Wakhan's wards were sick with the taint, so the pack hustled back to their Cairn.
The pack investigated the downtown headquarters of the company that is responsible for poisoning the food supply.  Underdog got beat up by that bitch who runs his old cairn.  The pack was super sneaky, and spied on a high-level meeting of some dastardly fomori/wyrm-lovers by peeking out of the Umbra.  They learned that there is a warehouse in town where the tainted food is made, and also that there are two people in the company who might not be "in on it."  The pack tracked down one of these folks just in time to save him from a BSD attack, and kicked some spiral ass.  They weren't, however, in time to save the other one.
== The Warehouse ==
The pack investigated the warehouse after finding a hacker and castrating some child porn peddlers.  The warehouse is mightily guarded, and the pack leaves after beating up some black spiral dancers and killing some big smelly lizard dog thing.  Frank headshots a BSD and is happy for week.
The pack also investigates Talos industries, which is crawling (literally) with weaver spiders.
== City Life ==
GABE:  Oh do let me take this one.  The characters had several leads to invistigate.  First Underdog and Sifu went and invistigated the area around the wharehouse.  They learned that bums in the area try to stay away from there and that drugs are easily obtained around that area as well.  They tried to enter the sewers about 3 blocks from the wharehouse but Underdog quickly found the smell to be too awful (even for him) and started vomiting.  Sifu decided going in to be ill advised.  Underdog spotted a sniper on a roof top and decided to head out.
Meanwhile Ragodrag the Mighty, Dio, and Wahkan went to visit an old native American shaman, a deposed kinfolk.  He has a library of occult knowledge of some 100 books, including one written in code much to Dio's delight, he quickly informed Sola Tower who said they will purchase the book for its full worth (which is to say a F'ing lot).  Some things were learned about the Umbra Fortress but not that much.  Frank and Ulque went to pick up the guns she had ordered.  Frank witnessed a strange even but did not pursue it...  Its Frank.
That night there was a large thunderstorm and heavy rains, Dio peered into the Umbra and saw the strom was leaving an image there, not too uncommon for forces of nature.
All the characters met up and decided to invistigate Sammul Waters's house, the scientist who was killed under the disguise of a gang war.  At the sceen were two cops who let the characters in who were dressed as plumpers.
Underdog noticed two people across the street dressed in black suits, he decided it was time to "get coffee".  Meanwhile Wahkan, Frank and Sifu waited in the car.  Wahkan went into the Umbra and was jumped by two black sprials.  Wahkan switched to Chrinos and jumped out of the Umbra.
People started screaming and freaking out, so Wahkan put up shroud.  The cops looked on but didn't seem phased, Dio tried to keep playing it up that he had no idea what was going on.  The cop smiled at him and said "Oh, that is shroud..."
The two guys across the street start to laugh and Underdog tries to switch just his arm into Crinos to finish one off, he fails and just smacks him.  The man in black is annoyed slightly.
Ragodrag switchs to Crinos and engages the cop who also switchs to Crinos.  Ragodrag makes short work of him.  Meanwhile Sufi orders everyone back into the car but few listen.
Dio calls the fire department then sneaks around to enter the house from the rear.  While the others engage in activities outside he finds some books and 3 pages of notes.
Ragodrag tries to take out the other cop/black spiral but the cop holds up a detonator.  Ragodrag walks away only to spin around and throw his glaive through the cop's head.  He hits the button and blows the car up.
Meanwhile, Frank, unaware that there are black spirlas because he has gone to a side street does nothing destructive which means something is wrong with the universe.  He does hear the explosion and approves of it.
Now the characters try to enter the Umbra but the two men in black start firing silver rounds at them.  Drag jumps infront of Wahkan and takes several rounds.  Underdog returns fire, Drag puts up shroud and then charges and makes short order of both.  The characters enter the Umbra but the other 2 dancers are no where to be found.
OH RIGHT BEFORE ALL THIS...  Shadowgaze said she has a lead, but they must work with a vampire.  The characters go and stay in a hotel after this incident due to the fact that the elders may be a little upset.  Redeemer appears and says that Uloque's pack spirit is looking for the characters in the Umbra.
The characters go to meet with the vampire, a Vorgoth, who wants them to wipe out some rival vamps.  Something seems to be going on between Shadowgaze and the vamp.  The vamp will give a book detailing how the Umbra fort works if they do this.
And thats about it.
There are actually some really funny parts like Frank peering up and seeing Underdog pushing around and throwing coffee on men in suits and wondering if he has chosen the right side.  Also the BSDs did little to provoke the characters but giving into their werewolf nature, they decided to press the attack.
I'll let the characters fill you in on some details learned from the notes and books.
== Werewolf: The Vampire Slayer ==
The vampires that needed killing run a club downtown, so the pack went clubbing.  Christopher got a haircut, Dio got laid, and everyone got some new threads.  Then, they killed a bunch of punk ass vampires and got the book.  Frank especially had fun setting vampires on fire.  Everything seemed golden, except certain packmembers have reported seeing things since we killed all those bloodsuckers.  Probably just fatigue . . .
== Scolding ==
The pack went back to the cairn - with the book - to face the music.  Uqule promptly told a spirit to hide the book, and made the pack go to some plane deep in the Umbra to get it back as penance for breaking the litany.  Dio complains, Christopher tries his best to respect the decision, and Frank gets really pissed when his guns are (temporarily) turned into tomahawks.  Woolly Mammoths are sighted, an eerie cave is found, and everyone gets involved in a fucked up vision of the loss of the Wendigo (?) tribe to one of the heads of the Wyrm.  Frank, for some reason, plays the part of the head of the wyrm.  After this, everyone is pretty pissed, but the penance is paid by bringing the book back safely.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 18:45, 3 June 2008 (MST) Some other notes...
It was learned that your pack's totem fought in this same battle.  The characters did get to take on the Wyrm head (not a rolling combat just stuff described).  You may now spend EXP on your pack totem, Frank was given the totem's powers also.

Latest revision as of 20:45, 3 June 2008

1/25/08 the Monsters are Moot

There was a moot. Wahkan drew first blood on Ape eater in a challenge. Monsters near North bend. All hunted monster, sniping by Frank and Dio finished it off. Back tracking to it's lair revealed a warehouse where wurm agents grew said monster in a big fuckoff electronic egg. Many (10?) wurm agents returned and were dispatched. Said agents (including a slug-tongued scientist) had with them another egg. The pack plans to bring at least one egg back to the caern for investigation; they will perhaps attempt to bring it the San Diego glasswalker sept for assistance.

2/1/08 Good Intentions and a Considerable Lack of Planning

The pack's return was met with esteem, and Underdog joined up with them (not feeling too well). Since they had to wait a day to use the moonbridge to Noble Hills, the pack decided to check up on some rumors of a strange flu attacking the human population nearby. On the way, they stopped to check up on Murph, Underdog's ill friend. It turns out that Murph's illness was serious; some pipes fell on his head and made him one mean green monster. Frank was surprised by the visit of a Black Spiral elder. The pack got together and chased Murph-Hulk into an ally, only to be jumped by Spiral Dancers. Underdog took out Murph while trapped in a dumpster (there were rats in it, and he almost got mad when no one listened about there being rats), and the rest of the group took out the Dancers with ease, while working as a team.

So far so good.

Then, each individual's shortcomings took over. Christopher, naive and worried about the fate of the sick children in the hospital, and Wakhan, unschooled in the ways of men, decide to go check out the hospital without waiting for the others and get separated inside. Wakhan breaks the Litany in front of a bunch of cameras. Christopher wastes time trying to heal a kid from the flu. Meanwhile, the rest of the pack is trying to come assist. A black helicopter arrives. Frank, whose lack of subtlety may well be his end, attempts to shoot it down. Chaos ensues. Frank's truck gets blown up. Underdog runs around naked. Dio drags a policeman under his car. Christopher gets shot a whole lot by a gatling gun (better him than Frank, I guess). (Nearly) everyone tries to escape into the Umbra. No one (perhaps distracted by all the madness) manages to do it quickly. Eventually the pack regroups and starts working together (they realize that only one of them needs to step sideways, Wakhan heals Christopher, etc.). Then Dio does his (perhaps ill-advised yet) badass thing and takes out the helicopter from the inside. The pack finally escapes into the Umbra, thanks to Underdog's butt-waving dance, only to find evil spirits hanging over the heads of the sick (including Underdog). Redeemer chastises them while they finish off the spirits.

What have we done?


The pack, suitably humbled, worked long into the night (and next morning) cleansing the taint from the various inflicted victims around the hospital. Christopher got pretty beat up, and then, later, fell asleep like a bitch. The pack made it home, eventually, and after a bit of sleep, was mildly chastised by their elders. Then, they made their way (with the egg) to Sola Tower, via Moonbridge, via the Uppity Cairn of Knowitall Silver Fangs, where Dio learned a lot of useful information (with the help of the interweb) and Underdog played some video games.


The pack was greeted warmly at Sola Tower, and they deposited the egg, made some connections, and did some training of various skills and rites. Then, the pack was invited to a party/meeting, where they met with a group of primarily Japanese werewolves, learned some stuff about goings on in East Asia, and brought a Stargazer back with them. Wakhan's wards were sick with the taint, so the pack hustled back to their Cairn.


The pack investigated the downtown headquarters of the company that is responsible for poisoning the food supply. Underdog got beat up by that bitch who runs his old cairn. The pack was super sneaky, and spied on a high-level meeting of some dastardly fomori/wyrm-lovers by peeking out of the Umbra. They learned that there is a warehouse in town where the tainted food is made, and also that there are two people in the company who might not be "in on it." The pack tracked down one of these folks just in time to save him from a BSD attack, and kicked some spiral ass. They weren't, however, in time to save the other one.

The Warehouse

The pack investigated the warehouse after finding a hacker and castrating some child porn peddlers. The warehouse is mightily guarded, and the pack leaves after beating up some black spiral dancers and killing some big smelly lizard dog thing. Frank headshots a BSD and is happy for week.

The pack also investigates Talos industries, which is crawling (literally) with weaver spiders.

City Life

GABE: Oh do let me take this one. The characters had several leads to invistigate. First Underdog and Sifu went and invistigated the area around the wharehouse. They learned that bums in the area try to stay away from there and that drugs are easily obtained around that area as well. They tried to enter the sewers about 3 blocks from the wharehouse but Underdog quickly found the smell to be too awful (even for him) and started vomiting. Sifu decided going in to be ill advised. Underdog spotted a sniper on a roof top and decided to head out.

Meanwhile Ragodrag the Mighty, Dio, and Wahkan went to visit an old native American shaman, a deposed kinfolk. He has a library of occult knowledge of some 100 books, including one written in code much to Dio's delight, he quickly informed Sola Tower who said they will purchase the book for its full worth (which is to say a F'ing lot). Some things were learned about the Umbra Fortress but not that much. Frank and Ulque went to pick up the guns she had ordered. Frank witnessed a strange even but did not pursue it... Its Frank.

That night there was a large thunderstorm and heavy rains, Dio peered into the Umbra and saw the strom was leaving an image there, not too uncommon for forces of nature.

All the characters met up and decided to invistigate Sammul Waters's house, the scientist who was killed under the disguise of a gang war. At the sceen were two cops who let the characters in who were dressed as plumpers.

Underdog noticed two people across the street dressed in black suits, he decided it was time to "get coffee". Meanwhile Wahkan, Frank and Sifu waited in the car. Wahkan went into the Umbra and was jumped by two black sprials. Wahkan switched to Chrinos and jumped out of the Umbra.

People started screaming and freaking out, so Wahkan put up shroud. The cops looked on but didn't seem phased, Dio tried to keep playing it up that he had no idea what was going on. The cop smiled at him and said "Oh, that is shroud..."

The two guys across the street start to laugh and Underdog tries to switch just his arm into Crinos to finish one off, he fails and just smacks him. The man in black is annoyed slightly.

Ragodrag switchs to Crinos and engages the cop who also switchs to Crinos. Ragodrag makes short work of him. Meanwhile Sufi orders everyone back into the car but few listen.

Dio calls the fire department then sneaks around to enter the house from the rear. While the others engage in activities outside he finds some books and 3 pages of notes.

Ragodrag tries to take out the other cop/black spiral but the cop holds up a detonator. Ragodrag walks away only to spin around and throw his glaive through the cop's head. He hits the button and blows the car up.

Meanwhile, Frank, unaware that there are black spirlas because he has gone to a side street does nothing destructive which means something is wrong with the universe. He does hear the explosion and approves of it.

Now the characters try to enter the Umbra but the two men in black start firing silver rounds at them. Drag jumps infront of Wahkan and takes several rounds. Underdog returns fire, Drag puts up shroud and then charges and makes short order of both. The characters enter the Umbra but the other 2 dancers are no where to be found.

OH RIGHT BEFORE ALL THIS... Shadowgaze said she has a lead, but they must work with a vampire. The characters go and stay in a hotel after this incident due to the fact that the elders may be a little upset. Redeemer appears and says that Uloque's pack spirit is looking for the characters in the Umbra.

The characters go to meet with the vampire, a Vorgoth, who wants them to wipe out some rival vamps. Something seems to be going on between Shadowgaze and the vamp. The vamp will give a book detailing how the Umbra fort works if they do this.

And thats about it. There are actually some really funny parts like Frank peering up and seeing Underdog pushing around and throwing coffee on men in suits and wondering if he has chosen the right side. Also the BSDs did little to provoke the characters but giving into their werewolf nature, they decided to press the attack.

I'll let the characters fill you in on some details learned from the notes and books.

Werewolf: The Vampire Slayer

The vampires that needed killing run a club downtown, so the pack went clubbing. Christopher got a haircut, Dio got laid, and everyone got some new threads. Then, they killed a bunch of punk ass vampires and got the book. Frank especially had fun setting vampires on fire. Everything seemed golden, except certain packmembers have reported seeing things since we killed all those bloodsuckers. Probably just fatigue . . .


The pack went back to the cairn - with the book - to face the music. Uqule promptly told a spirit to hide the book, and made the pack go to some plane deep in the Umbra to get it back as penance for breaking the litany. Dio complains, Christopher tries his best to respect the decision, and Frank gets really pissed when his guns are (temporarily) turned into tomahawks. Woolly Mammoths are sighted, an eerie cave is found, and everyone gets involved in a fucked up vision of the loss of the Wendigo (?) tribe to one of the heads of the Wyrm. Frank, for some reason, plays the part of the head of the wyrm. After this, everyone is pretty pissed, but the penance is paid by bringing the book back safely.

--Gdaze 18:45, 3 June 2008 (MST) Some other notes...

It was learned that your pack's totem fought in this same battle. The characters did get to take on the Wyrm head (not a rolling combat just stuff described). You may now spend EXP on your pack totem, Frank was given the totem's powers also.