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=== Chapter 2: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_war Iraq War] - Eruption ===
=== Chapter 2: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_war Iraq War] - Eruption ===
On March 20, 2003, a coalition led by the US invaded Iraq.  During the lead up to the war, Saddam Hussein was given several opportunities to allow UN weapons inspectors unfettered access to potential weapons facilities. The fact that he did not allow the inspectors in was, in part, evidence that he had significant weapons caches and thus had little to fear from an pre-emptive invasionCovert US intelligence unearthed the foundation for this confidence: Iraq had a new weapon.   
On March 20, 2003, a coalition led by the US invaded Iraq.  American intelligence initially suggests a significant step forward in Iraqi arms in what is initially described as  mechanized body armor, but later is seen to be what appears to be a man cloaked in lava (??).   It appears that there is only one prototype, but it is unstoppable.  On February 2, 2003, the most high tech covert ops are sent in to neutralize the threat, and are soundly defeated, but yeild valuable intelligence on the threat.  Oddly enough, the operator seems to consult an instruction manual frequently when out of combat, as if unfamiliar with the operations of his new armor.  This despite the fact that it moves with unimaginable agility for a mechanism of its bulkFurther contributing to the confusion was that this new body armor was never used in combat against US forces, but rather seemed to be concentrating on gaining access to high security Iraqi facilities, actually attacking the red guard.  It then left for parts unknown with large boxes of unknown contents, but all indications were that they were extremely heavy.  Intellegence speculates that they may be filled with gold pillaged from Kuwait in the first Iraq war a decade earlierObviously, all this was kept away from the media for as long as possible, but once the country was flooded with embedded reporters, tales of sightings and the evidence of destruction was difficult to cover up.
(Alternately, in Iraq war #1:  August 2, 1990.  Saddam Hussein launches an invasion of Kuwait and rapidly secures the countryThe west is concerned that Saudi Arabia will fall next, effectively corning the oil market under Iraqi control and the US moves forces into Saudi territory on August 7.)
The locations where this monstrosity had been at large eventually drew some public attention because of the characteristic devastation of the sitesFor example, the national precious gems gallery had deep burning foot prints etched into the stone and under the right footprint, a curious rune (ben, i just gave elemental a rune on the sole of his burning right foot...??).  Brim was drawn to the coverage, out of academic concern for the irreplacable artifacts held within the museum.  But what caught his eye was that rune.  Where had he seen it before..... oh shit.  On that coffin four years ago that he dug up for that treasure hunter Emir.  At the time it seemed like a devils trade, financing in exchange for some minor plundering of a site.  But what was the connection?
American intelligence suggests a significant step forward in Iraqi arms in what is initially described as mechanized body armor, but later is seen to be what appears to be a man cloaked in lava (??).  It appears that there is only one prototype, but it is unstoppableOn February 2, 2003, the most high tech covert ops (a little help here?) are sent in to neutralize the threat, and are soundly defeated, but yeild valuable intelligence on the threatOddly enough, the operator seems to consult an instruction manual frequently when out of combat, as if unfamiliar with the operations of his new armor.   This despite the fact that it moves with unimaginable agility for a mechanism of its bulk.
Much like any war Iraq was a place of confusion and half truths during the initial steps of the war. Many used the opportunity to further their own personal aims.  Rumors started to abound in Iraq and eventually the internet of a "monster"First people posted it was a new American power armor as it seem to attack Iraqi targets, museums, storage houses, and so on.  Many Iraqi nomads claimed it was an ancient evil, a golem, a magic weapon from a forgotten time. This lead too many calling it the Dessert Yeti.  Eventually however America held a press conference where they confirmed that they had no such powered armor in Iraq matching those specifications.  They had no idea what it was but said they thought it was perhaps some sort of overgrown native.''
''Brim was pouring over some ancient texts he thought may have a clue to his past when he noticed report about the Iraqi monster/yeti/powered armor.  He did some searches on it and found out that in many of the reports the being was reported to have been “on fire”.  He had decided to not swindle the artifact he had found for Emir abu-Kaliq, due to the fact that the scanner he purchased couldn’t tell him what was in it and if he broke it open surely his benefactor would know.  He did take notice however of the odd markings over the mystery box.  While flipping through various blurry cell phone quality images of the beast he stopped on one… a few markings on the beast’s body matched that of those found on the sarcophagus he found.  He tried to analyze the data he had found but was never that great at programming.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 22:15, 8 June 2008 (MST) I'm not really interested in fighting for the government, at all, so I vote anything to do with the war down.  I really want to play more of a supers world, as in we fight villians, not forign powers as much... but m'eh.
Feeling a bit guilty, and even more curious, he decided to go to the person who made the scanner…''
--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 23:00, 8 June 2008 (MST)Iraq war II is a better fit timeline-wise.  Also I'd prefer if characters weren't roped in by the government but by personal connections to the situation (i.e., BrimStone calling Viho as opposed to the US military).
=== Chapter 3: Investigation ===
--[[User:Brandon|Brandon]] 00:09, 9 June 2008 (MST) I agree that I'm not so interesting in the government connection.  But, that being said, I don't really see this story - as it's written so far - being too much of a government connection.  Stone is interested in stopping Elemental because he realizes that he had a hand in unleashing him.  The war is just the way that he hears about Elemental's rampaging.  And it seems like Emir abu-Kaliq isn't really a government agent.  He is just profiting by supplying "arms" (and legs, and a torso, and a head) to the Iraqis.
(In which our heroes join the fray and contain/rescue Elemental)
Alternatively, though, Elemental could be rampaging in a non-battlefield contextIt might harder to find a motive for abu-Kaliq in such a context, though.
Brim wraked his memory for days trying to discern the true nature of what he had dug up.  They had never opened the sarcophagus but had some scans using the ultrasonnographic ground scanner that were so scrambled by the lining of the sarcophagus that he could never decode themPerhaps he should try again?  Or better yet, get some help.  Brim had met the fellow who invented the ultrasonnogram at an archaeology conference some years back, and he seemed like a friendly enough chap, was actually genuinely interested in Brim's work at the time (or was suave enough to pretend to be).  So, Brim gave Dr. Ciquala a call.   
=== Chapter 3: Desert Storm - Storm Clouds Rising ===
(In which our heroes join the fray and contain/rescue Elemental)
Viho was indeed quite interested in the problem, although the ultrasonnogram had problems with modern metal alloys, it was well equiped to penetrate any materials from the ancient world.  With the help of Ami, a programmer in Viho's employ, they were able to reconstruct some of the scans, revealing not a mumified skeleton, but a large humanoid made of some substance that was difficult to discern.  And with a characteristic rune on it's right foot. 
........little help here folks? or am i way off base?......
=== Chapter 4: New York, New York ===
The characters collide in the "capital of the world".
Where Elemental is unleashed on new york
Where Viho and Brim converge to combat the monster and eventually subdue it in front of national televised news reports.
While Orobros watches on TV and dreams of being super....
=== Chapter 5: Potential Orobros origin ===
So here is my dude's nemsis.  He really isn't a wants to kill me kind though.  Just some crazy guy I bash heads with sometimes, I left some parts undefinded for you Matt.
'''Ouroboros’s First Super Encounter:'''
It was a sunny June afternoon and Ouroboros had just finished his lunch.  He was currently disguised as Russell Crow, as he had been watching Gladiator the night before.  He was walking down the street when suddenly from a bank across the street an alarm rang out.  He stopped and pondered if maybe this would be a chance to use his powers as a super hero.
With a loud crash the window of the bank flew outwards sending glass everywhere in a prismatic rain.  And there he stood…  Juice.  The well known and somewhat well loved “Robin Hood” of the times.  Standing there in his green and purple outfit with his wild blue hair Ouroboro had to admit, the guy certainly was confident.
“It is so hard to liberate money from banks when everyone asks for your autograph!”  Juice proclaimed to one of his non-descript underlings who was loading up a van.
Ouroboro decided he wasn’t going to let this guy get away.  So he started to walk towards the villain.
“Oh what is this now… another person wants my autograph... No wait, this is someone whose autograph I want!  Mr. Crow I’m a huge fan!”
“Shit… I forgot to change into my normal form…  Gotta play this up…” Ouroboro thought to himself.
“Ha!  You see Juice, I’m not really Russell Crow, I’m Ouroboro!  I used Mr. Crow’s likeness to get close to you and under your defenses!”  He said while morphing into his sleek metal form.
“… are you kidding me?  I mean that’s a cool power and all, but you just forgot who you were shape shifted as didn’t you?”
“..N..No… NO!  I uh.. knew you…”
“You knew what?  I’ve never met you before have I?  I mean if you wanted to get close you could have just you know, posed as a pretty lady.  I’m well known for my love of the ladies… right madam?!?”  As Juice finished his sentence he quickly seemed to produce a rose out of nowhere and flung it into a near by young lady’s hair who turned bright red.
Juice gave the young lady a wink then turned back to Ouroboro.  “What do you think kid?”
Wow... that really works on chicks, that is pretty cool actually... he thought, but said something else.
“Whatever, all your talk and roses don’t make you a hero, what you’re doing is illegal and I intend to stop you villain!”
“Yeah… well bring it on then.. Our..whatever your name is!”
“The name is OUROBORO!”
And so they clashed.  So caught up in the fight was our young hero that he did not notice the van simply drive off.  And while he fought well with Juice, Juice was able to escape.

Latest revision as of 15:24, 17 June 2008

--Edmiao 21:43, 8 June 2008 (MST)I begin the Supers wiki-prologue. I would say that any and all should edit at will. you may change anything that i have written, delete it, alter it, change a single name, add to it, whatever. If anyone objects to things for specific reasons, discuss on the talk page. I present an outline of thoughts that arose from friday post WW below.


Viho and Brim are acquainted from archaeological backgrounds - specifically, Stone approached Viho in the past to build him some "special" archaeological equipment. Also, maybe Stone has found some artifacts in Brim that Viho finds technologically interesting (new metals, etc.).

Emir abu-Kaliq hires Brim to do a dig somewhere in africa. In this dig they find a coffin/box which is removed by Emir to parts unknown

Later, during Desert Storm I, Elemental is unleased on the battlefeild. Somehow realizing that this was the thing he dug up, Brim starts to feel bad about giving it to Emir. He contacts Viho to seek aid to take down Elemental.

Together they stop Elemental and find his memory book, and are able to erase or strike out the line that Emir wrote that said "you are the loyal servant of Emir abu-Kaliq." Elemental returns to the states under the stewardship of our heroes.

Somehow, would be good to integrate Gabe's and Deiter's characters into the above as well. feel free to add villians, make setting changes, whatever. general descriptions of the characters would be helpful.

Supers Prequel

Chapter 1: Uneathing an Element

(In which Brim is enlisted by Emir, Elemental unearthed)

Chapter 2: Iraq War - Eruption

On March 20, 2003, a coalition led by the US invaded Iraq. American intelligence initially suggests a significant step forward in Iraqi arms in what is initially described as mechanized body armor, but later is seen to be what appears to be a man cloaked in lava (??). It appears that there is only one prototype, but it is unstoppable. On February 2, 2003, the most high tech covert ops are sent in to neutralize the threat, and are soundly defeated, but yeild valuable intelligence on the threat. Oddly enough, the operator seems to consult an instruction manual frequently when out of combat, as if unfamiliar with the operations of his new armor. This despite the fact that it moves with unimaginable agility for a mechanism of its bulk. Further contributing to the confusion was that this new body armor was never used in combat against US forces, but rather seemed to be concentrating on gaining access to high security Iraqi facilities, actually attacking the red guard. It then left for parts unknown with large boxes of unknown contents, but all indications were that they were extremely heavy. Intellegence speculates that they may be filled with gold pillaged from Kuwait in the first Iraq war a decade earlier. Obviously, all this was kept away from the media for as long as possible, but once the country was flooded with embedded reporters, tales of sightings and the evidence of destruction was difficult to cover up.

The locations where this monstrosity had been at large eventually drew some public attention because of the characteristic devastation of the sites. For example, the national precious gems gallery had deep burning foot prints etched into the stone and under the right footprint, a curious rune (ben, i just gave elemental a rune on the sole of his burning right foot...??). Brim was drawn to the coverage, out of academic concern for the irreplacable artifacts held within the museum. But what caught his eye was that rune. Where had he seen it before..... oh shit. On that coffin four years ago that he dug up for that treasure hunter Emir. At the time it seemed like a devils trade, financing in exchange for some minor plundering of a site. But what was the connection?

Much like any war Iraq was a place of confusion and half truths during the initial steps of the war. Many used the opportunity to further their own personal aims. Rumors started to abound in Iraq and eventually the internet of a "monster". First people posted it was a new American power armor as it seem to attack Iraqi targets, museums, storage houses, and so on. Many Iraqi nomads claimed it was an ancient evil, a golem, a magic weapon from a forgotten time. This lead too many calling it the Dessert Yeti. Eventually however America held a press conference where they confirmed that they had no such powered armor in Iraq matching those specifications. They had no idea what it was but said they thought it was perhaps some sort of overgrown native.

Brim was pouring over some ancient texts he thought may have a clue to his past when he noticed report about the Iraqi monster/yeti/powered armor. He did some searches on it and found out that in many of the reports the being was reported to have been “on fire”. He had decided to not swindle the artifact he had found for Emir abu-Kaliq, due to the fact that the scanner he purchased couldn’t tell him what was in it and if he broke it open surely his benefactor would know. He did take notice however of the odd markings over the mystery box. While flipping through various blurry cell phone quality images of the beast he stopped on one… a few markings on the beast’s body matched that of those found on the sarcophagus he found. He tried to analyze the data he had found but was never that great at programming.

Feeling a bit guilty, and even more curious, he decided to go to the person who made the scanner…

Chapter 3: Investigation

(In which our heroes join the fray and contain/rescue Elemental)

Brim wraked his memory for days trying to discern the true nature of what he had dug up. They had never opened the sarcophagus but had some scans using the ultrasonnographic ground scanner that were so scrambled by the lining of the sarcophagus that he could never decode them. Perhaps he should try again? Or better yet, get some help. Brim had met the fellow who invented the ultrasonnogram at an archaeology conference some years back, and he seemed like a friendly enough chap, was actually genuinely interested in Brim's work at the time (or was suave enough to pretend to be). So, Brim gave Dr. Ciquala a call.

Viho was indeed quite interested in the problem, although the ultrasonnogram had problems with modern metal alloys, it was well equiped to penetrate any materials from the ancient world. With the help of Ami, a programmer in Viho's employ, they were able to reconstruct some of the scans, revealing not a mumified skeleton, but a large humanoid made of some substance that was difficult to discern. And with a characteristic rune on it's right foot.

........little help here folks? or am i way off base?......

Chapter 4: New York, New York

The characters collide in the "capital of the world".

Where Elemental is unleashed on new york

Where Viho and Brim converge to combat the monster and eventually subdue it in front of national televised news reports.

While Orobros watches on TV and dreams of being super....

Chapter 5: Potential Orobros origin


So here is my dude's nemsis. He really isn't a wants to kill me kind though. Just some crazy guy I bash heads with sometimes, I left some parts undefinded for you Matt.

Ouroboros’s First Super Encounter:

It was a sunny June afternoon and Ouroboros had just finished his lunch. He was currently disguised as Russell Crow, as he had been watching Gladiator the night before. He was walking down the street when suddenly from a bank across the street an alarm rang out. He stopped and pondered if maybe this would be a chance to use his powers as a super hero.

With a loud crash the window of the bank flew outwards sending glass everywhere in a prismatic rain. And there he stood… Juice. The well known and somewhat well loved “Robin Hood” of the times. Standing there in his green and purple outfit with his wild blue hair Ouroboro had to admit, the guy certainly was confident.

“It is so hard to liberate money from banks when everyone asks for your autograph!” Juice proclaimed to one of his non-descript underlings who was loading up a van.

Ouroboro decided he wasn’t going to let this guy get away. So he started to walk towards the villain.

“Oh what is this now… another person wants my autograph... No wait, this is someone whose autograph I want! Mr. Crow I’m a huge fan!”

“Shit… I forgot to change into my normal form… Gotta play this up…” Ouroboro thought to himself.

“Ha! You see Juice, I’m not really Russell Crow, I’m Ouroboro! I used Mr. Crow’s likeness to get close to you and under your defenses!” He said while morphing into his sleek metal form.

“… are you kidding me? I mean that’s a cool power and all, but you just forgot who you were shape shifted as didn’t you?”

“..N..No… NO! I uh.. knew you…”

“You knew what? I’ve never met you before have I? I mean if you wanted to get close you could have just you know, posed as a pretty lady. I’m well known for my love of the ladies… right madam?!?” As Juice finished his sentence he quickly seemed to produce a rose out of nowhere and flung it into a near by young lady’s hair who turned bright red.

Juice gave the young lady a wink then turned back to Ouroboro. “What do you think kid?”

Wow... that really works on chicks, that is pretty cool actually... he thought, but said something else.

“Whatever, all your talk and roses don’t make you a hero, what you’re doing is illegal and I intend to stop you villain!”

“Yeah… well bring it on then.. Our..whatever your name is!”

“The name is OUROBORO!”

And so they clashed. So caught up in the fight was our young hero that he did not notice the van simply drive off. And while he fought well with Juice, Juice was able to escape.