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'''GABE:''' Yeah I just thought it'd be coo' to tie all in at the same time, but the Iraq thing is neat (I really think we should make it the 2nd Iraq war though...)  I'll let the people sort out their stuff in the middle east then bring my dude in.  Oh man, been reading Marvel Super Hero profiles all day today at work on wiki...  Gotta say there are some very neat ideas... and almost everything has been done!
'''GABE:''' Yeah I just thought it'd be coo' to tie all in at the same time, but the Iraq thing is neat (I really think we should make it the 2nd Iraq war though...)  I'll let the people sort out their stuff in the middle east then bring my dude in.  Oh man, been reading Marvel Super Hero profiles all day today at work on wiki...  Gotta say there are some very neat ideas... and almost everything has been done!
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 18:24, 9 June 2008 (MST) we can move it to the states, if you want.  the iraq idea came from the tie in with Emir in the middle east and Brim as a archeaologist.  also, we don't have to have everyone coming together at one event.  might be more natural if it was gradual.  but that is a bit more work for all involved to create a series of introductions.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 19:47, 9 June 2008 (MST) I don't really care as long as A. It makes the group loyal to each other and want to help each other (Dieter.... at you), and B. Doesn't go against any character's major beliefs or whatever.
That 2nd one isn't very well defined...  Anyhoo, lets try to not focus too much on the middle East... I don't want to always be flying out there to do combat with this dude, he has no holdings in the states at all?  I don't mind some globe troating of course, but if this big bad guy who is in a way 3 peoples' rivals already... well at least strongly 2, he is going to be a major focus of the game I think.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 22:28, 9 June 2008 (MST) does anyone else have a nemesis yet?  does deiter have a character yet?
Gabe, i hear a lot of criticism but don't see any contributions.  I will try to continue to write the text in a modifiable form....  so edit away
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 22:48, 9 June 2008 (MST) Well I realized that your nemesis is in the middle east, and other characters have ties to him.  So I was like wellll I can't really say don't do that.  Just know my guy won't be invovled in the whole middle east thing.  But so far it is seeming like this dude is gonna be a pretty big nemesis, all I'm saying.
--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 23:14, 9 June 2008 (MST)To clarify, my plan is to concentrate the bulk of the action in New York, and you better bet the scion of an oil family has holdings in the states.  Also: I've got two nemeses really planned out, and Ben's is more of a shadowy figure.  For yours, gabe, I've got a plan for a prologue but if you want to see something specific go ahead and email me.
This prologue isn't the only one for the group.  It's just the most fleshed-out at this point in time.
Gabe, we should discuss the prologue you want your character to have, either here or over email, and we'll look for ways to possibly tie it to the Iraq Attack or ways to tie in the other characters.  I think it's fine if you don't want your character to be involved in this particular prologue, but that does mean that it's on you to come up with some good ways to tie Ouroboros to the rest of the group.
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 00:26, 10 June 2008 (MST) Gents, I'm not sure the best way to lay this out, so I'll just start layin' track and hopin' I get done sayin' my part before I run out of track! I'm not too excited about Supers. And I was (and remain) not excited by Werewolf. Nothing against the GMs or you guys. Werewolf is just one step off from an immediate mulligan (Vampire) and I'm just not quite in the Supers mindset. I've thought about it, thought about just making a total ripoff of a character I really like, but it's just not revving my engine. I'm not entirely sure what to do about it at this point, but I do know I can't take 2 separate games of being un-enthused. At least not with dedicated attendance. So, wanting to get some feedback on options. I'm currently entertaining the idea of becoming a recurring player. Jump into any NPC the GM could use, but not make any promises about attendance. This way I still get to play with ya'll, but I don't feel like I have to show up every week and spend many hours doing something that might not be #1 on my list. Normally, gaming is #1 on what I want to do with my Friday nights. I don't know if a Supers/Werewolf combo can keep that up. I know we've got at least half the group enthused about Supers, and I know people are really enjoying their Werewolf characters, and I don't want to be a limp-dick and just bow out 'cause I'll hurt feelings if I say no, but I'm not able to say "yes" to the lineup we have coming down the road. I need at least one game that gets me fired up to be here. I think we're all pretty much that way. And I don't mean that I need to have a perfect game, I can be quite good on two games that I'm only 50/50 about, but I'm nowhere near that high about Werewolf or Supers. We've got until next week before Supers rolls out, so there's still time to go through everything people have written about Supers and see if I can't fire myself up. But until that spark comes along, I'd appreciate any thoughts or feedback you have. Go ahead and put it on the Discussion page for my user profile, so we don't clutter this space up. Thanks.
'''GABE:'''  Well I wish you had said something about Werewolf, but spilt milk and all that.  Also, I made some edits to the wiki-background.  What do you think guys?  I didn't want to write too much into it cause you all know how your guys act the best.  WHAT DO U THINK.
--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 10:03, 10 June 2008 (MST)I do like the iraq part, since New York will doubtless take its share of punishment.  Maybe there's a fight in Iraq, where elemental is subdued but not captured, and then a revenge strike by Emir with Elemental in New York?
'''GABE:''' I was thinking maybe Brim and Viho clash with some goons (hired goons), only to find their targets have eluded them and are... dun dun dun, on their way to NY city.  (By the way, you know by typing New York and Iraq we are SOOOO showing up on some government list!  Maybe we should set it in Seattle?)  Anyhoo, please sound off guys of what you think. 
For example we still need these:
Why did the villian go to the states?  perhpas to acquire arcane artifacts of as yet unknown significance?
Where they able to get back any of the stolen goods?  perhaps thwarted removal of the one in NY but it was unclear which one they were after?
My guy will join in the fight in the states most likely.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 14:06, 10 June 2008 (MST) considering who may be hard to tie to the group, i think Viho will be more in the style of Shennong, who was a group unifier, and less in the line of Aedil/Elrin/Jacob who were dissentious. 
so we should work in your guy to that fight somehow.  If the setting in NYC, I'll have Venutre ind located somewhere just outside the city proabably.  Oro grew up in/near NYC?

Latest revision as of 16:06, 10 June 2008

The heroes will all need to be connected in some way. Maybe you all work for Viho, or maybe you're all related, or maybe you're all drinking buddies. I don't have a specific hook in mind yet; feel free to suggest some that you like in this section here.

  • Everyone works for Viho (probably not a good idea)
  • Characters were a circle of friends in college/high school
  • Characters recruited by SHIELD to participate in the avenger initiative
  • A few of the characters defeated a somewhat powerful villian together, but this was not planned. As in, both just happen to show up and tried to work together. From there on out working together seemed to make the most sense.
  • Characters work for a Mr. Y, who funds the group, he collected them all together but does not directy involve himself... yet!
  • The characters meet at an Inn, Redlion to be exact.

What is the duration of public power use?

  • All characters have been public supers for some time
  • All characters are emgergent together on session 1
  • One character is emergent on session 1, others longer public supers
  • hodge podge, several have been supers and several have not (i think this is a bad idea)

--Matts 09:51, 6 May 2008 (MST)I agree the last isn't as tasty an option. I think the third would be the easiest to handle logistically, but it's really up you y'all.

--Edmiao 19:53, 3 June 2008 (MST)further thoughts on the group hook anyone? I think the main issue is duration of public power use, then we can decide on group formation. This depends on whether matt want to run a few prequils or not.

--Matts 23:38, 3 June 2008 (MST)I want the players to have an active hand in shaping the world, so public power use is up to you all. At most it'll have been since the earliest of the heroes to excercise their abilities in public, so it won't have been that long and there certainly aren't necessarily mechanisms in place to handle such extraordinary people. As for the hook, for a lack of anything better, we can have the heroes meet up to combat a common threat in the first session, if there's no better ideas. Hopefully there are better ideas?

GABE: Can't we start out already being together? It saves so much bothersome time.

--Matts 09:09, 4 June 2008 (MST)Ideally, all of the "group formation" stuff would play out as prequel-style vingettes, followed by a prequel of how you all got into the hero business to begin with.

--Edmiao 09:13, 4 June 2008 (MST) Wiki blocker. I had a different idea, which is below, but that conflicts with the prequil idea, and that was having prequils written in text form on the wiki prior to game start.... but i'm not attached to this idea, it's just an idea. i got wiki blocked on the follows "I think we should and I think it would be better for group unity. Let's say this, that at some point in the past all the characters came together in a confilct. they had all done something in the conflict alone and been rebuffed, but with combined effort they triumphed. Since we have one conflict on the docket, I suggest it be the Elental coming of age party. Matt, unless you are invested in having this playout in roleplay, I would suggest that folks just start writing the story of that conflict here on the wiki. others can modify and add on. each person can tell their solo story. perhaps multiple nemesis villains got together for the elemental story. then we make that happen 1 year prior to game start time."

GABE: Actually I kinda like that idea Ed. Maybe make a page where we talk about it until we finally agree on how to make it come together? Also by this Friday I should have my guy cleaned up a bit. It is really hard to define someone who has no form. Also I'll have a rough draft of Brandon's guy done.

--Edmiao 13:03, 4 June 2008 (MST)ok, see what others think.

--Gdaze 22:15, 8 June 2008 (MST) I'm not really interested in fighting for the government, at all, so I vote anything to do with the war down. I really want to play more of a supers world, as in we fight villians, not forign powers as much... but m'eh.

--Matts 23:00, 8 June 2008 (MST)Iraq war II is a better fit timeline-wise. Also I'd prefer if characters weren't roped in by the government but by personal connections to the situation (i.e., BrimStone calling Viho as opposed to the US military).

--Brandon 00:09, 9 June 2008 (MST) I agree that I'm not so interesting in the government connection. But, that being said, I don't really see this story - as it's written so far - being too much of a government connection. Stone is interested in stopping Elemental because he realizes that he had a hand in unleashing him. The war is just the way that he hears about Elemental's rampaging. And it seems like Emir abu-Kaliq isn't really a government agent. He is just profiting by supplying "arms" (and legs, and a torso, and a head) to the Iraqis.

Alternatively, though, Elemental could be rampaging in a non-battlefield context. It might harder to find a motive for abu-Kaliq in such a context, though.

BEN: what if in the confusion of the war, emir uses elemental to pillage a bunch of palaces for artifacts? Elemental accidentally runs into some US military, fucks them up, and the "lunatic ravings" of the survivors lead Brim to say "hmm...this sounds like something that strange golem I dug up could do...oh shit, my bad"

--Edmiao 09:17, 9 June 2008 (MST)mmm.. i like ben's idea there. it disconnects Emir from Iraq and simultaneously disconnects the players from the US government. Thus, it is in the setting of war, but not the war itself. good, good.

Gabe: I don't really have any reason to be in Iraq. I mean if their are supers I'm going to bet some fight in Iraq. It just seems outta place for the kind of game we are going to play. I mean is this going to be a heavly international supers game? Also this story hardly ties anyone together with strong binds as I'm seeing it.

Couldn't we have like Elemental plundering some musem here in the states that just received artifacts from "dig site X"? Or even better a direct attack on Viho's base?

--Matts 15:12, 9 June 2008 (MST)Your character's involvement is entirely up to you. Iraq is the setting for Viho's initial conflict with his villain, Emir abu-Kaliq; you're free to either tie your character into this prologue (which takes place several years before june 2008, when the game starts officially ) or to establish a tie to the group in a different manner. I imagine that the iraq prologue wouldn't make a lot of sense for oro, since he'd be like 14 at the time of the invasion.

GABE: Yeah I just thought it'd be coo' to tie all in at the same time, but the Iraq thing is neat (I really think we should make it the 2nd Iraq war though...) I'll let the people sort out their stuff in the middle east then bring my dude in. Oh man, been reading Marvel Super Hero profiles all day today at work on wiki... Gotta say there are some very neat ideas... and almost everything has been done!

--Edmiao 18:24, 9 June 2008 (MST) we can move it to the states, if you want. the iraq idea came from the tie in with Emir in the middle east and Brim as a archeaologist. also, we don't have to have everyone coming together at one event. might be more natural if it was gradual. but that is a bit more work for all involved to create a series of introductions.

--Gdaze 19:47, 9 June 2008 (MST) I don't really care as long as A. It makes the group loyal to each other and want to help each other (Dieter.... at you), and B. Doesn't go against any character's major beliefs or whatever.

That 2nd one isn't very well defined... Anyhoo, lets try to not focus too much on the middle East... I don't want to always be flying out there to do combat with this dude, he has no holdings in the states at all? I don't mind some globe troating of course, but if this big bad guy who is in a way 3 peoples' rivals already... well at least strongly 2, he is going to be a major focus of the game I think.

--Edmiao 22:28, 9 June 2008 (MST) does anyone else have a nemesis yet? does deiter have a character yet?

Gabe, i hear a lot of criticism but don't see any contributions. I will try to continue to write the text in a modifiable form.... so edit away

--Gdaze 22:48, 9 June 2008 (MST) Well I realized that your nemesis is in the middle east, and other characters have ties to him. So I was like wellll I can't really say don't do that. Just know my guy won't be invovled in the whole middle east thing. But so far it is seeming like this dude is gonna be a pretty big nemesis, all I'm saying.

--Matts 23:14, 9 June 2008 (MST)To clarify, my plan is to concentrate the bulk of the action in New York, and you better bet the scion of an oil family has holdings in the states. Also: I've got two nemeses really planned out, and Ben's is more of a shadowy figure. For yours, gabe, I've got a plan for a prologue but if you want to see something specific go ahead and email me.

This prologue isn't the only one for the group. It's just the most fleshed-out at this point in time.

Gabe, we should discuss the prologue you want your character to have, either here or over email, and we'll look for ways to possibly tie it to the Iraq Attack or ways to tie in the other characters. I think it's fine if you don't want your character to be involved in this particular prologue, but that does mean that it's on you to come up with some good ways to tie Ouroboros to the rest of the group.

--Dieter the Bold 00:26, 10 June 2008 (MST) Gents, I'm not sure the best way to lay this out, so I'll just start layin' track and hopin' I get done sayin' my part before I run out of track! I'm not too excited about Supers. And I was (and remain) not excited by Werewolf. Nothing against the GMs or you guys. Werewolf is just one step off from an immediate mulligan (Vampire) and I'm just not quite in the Supers mindset. I've thought about it, thought about just making a total ripoff of a character I really like, but it's just not revving my engine. I'm not entirely sure what to do about it at this point, but I do know I can't take 2 separate games of being un-enthused. At least not with dedicated attendance. So, wanting to get some feedback on options. I'm currently entertaining the idea of becoming a recurring player. Jump into any NPC the GM could use, but not make any promises about attendance. This way I still get to play with ya'll, but I don't feel like I have to show up every week and spend many hours doing something that might not be #1 on my list. Normally, gaming is #1 on what I want to do with my Friday nights. I don't know if a Supers/Werewolf combo can keep that up. I know we've got at least half the group enthused about Supers, and I know people are really enjoying their Werewolf characters, and I don't want to be a limp-dick and just bow out 'cause I'll hurt feelings if I say no, but I'm not able to say "yes" to the lineup we have coming down the road. I need at least one game that gets me fired up to be here. I think we're all pretty much that way. And I don't mean that I need to have a perfect game, I can be quite good on two games that I'm only 50/50 about, but I'm nowhere near that high about Werewolf or Supers. We've got until next week before Supers rolls out, so there's still time to go through everything people have written about Supers and see if I can't fire myself up. But until that spark comes along, I'd appreciate any thoughts or feedback you have. Go ahead and put it on the Discussion page for my user profile, so we don't clutter this space up. Thanks.

GABE: Well I wish you had said something about Werewolf, but spilt milk and all that. Also, I made some edits to the wiki-background. What do you think guys? I didn't want to write too much into it cause you all know how your guys act the best. WHAT DO U THINK.

--Matts 10:03, 10 June 2008 (MST)I do like the iraq part, since New York will doubtless take its share of punishment. Maybe there's a fight in Iraq, where elemental is subdued but not captured, and then a revenge strike by Emir with Elemental in New York?

GABE: I was thinking maybe Brim and Viho clash with some goons (hired goons), only to find their targets have eluded them and are... dun dun dun, on their way to NY city. (By the way, you know by typing New York and Iraq we are SOOOO showing up on some government list! Maybe we should set it in Seattle?) Anyhoo, please sound off guys of what you think.

For example we still need these:

Why did the villian go to the states? perhpas to acquire arcane artifacts of as yet unknown significance?

Where they able to get back any of the stolen goods? perhaps thwarted removal of the one in NY but it was unclear which one they were after?

My guy will join in the fight in the states most likely.

--Edmiao 14:06, 10 June 2008 (MST) considering who may be hard to tie to the group, i think Viho will be more in the style of Shennong, who was a group unifier, and less in the line of Aedil/Elrin/Jacob who were dissentious.

so we should work in your guy to that fight somehow. If the setting in NYC, I'll have Venutre ind located somewhere just outside the city proabably. Oro grew up in/near NYC?