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Fucking Wiki-Blocker.
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--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 11:32, 31 July 2008 (MST) oh, you mean you can attack the focus at -2 to hit in order to damage it?

Revision as of 13:32, 31 July 2008

BEN: your character needs to be 75 points TOTAL, including 50 points of disadvantages that you NEVER get bonus XP for. Any disads you take at the start of the game beyond 50 points don't count for anything: you may not take "bonus XP disads" at the start of the game. Unless I'm missing something, right now your character is 75 points + disadvantages?

--Edmiao 21:39, 21 July 2008 (MST) i think he has (will have) 75 points of characteristics and powers and skills. And he (will have) 50 points of disads after i figure out what they are.

--Brandon 17:34, 23 July 2008 (MST) Ooh ooh. Ed's character is now a woman. And a totally hott one at that! I likes me some hott faeries!

GABE: I saw that, with a name change. And sexy insect legs, yum yum! Gotta come up with what I'm gonna call her...

--Edmiao 17:09, 23 July 2008 (MST) you can call her "mistress". preferably "yes mistress". oh and she's gonna get even hotter as the game progresses. yes, sexy insect legs. actually i decided to make them feline-like legs. meow.

GABE: Ah, I liked the insect legs.

You know change environment only affects those inside its radius right? It seems like your trying to make it so she is harder to hit right? You might just want to buy +2 DCV and put those limitations on it with a costs endurance or something. Maybe visible too since DCV is normally invisable.

--Edmiao 14:51, 24 July 2008 (MST) yeah, i wanted it to be that she makes a blur field in the hex where she is standing such that light exits the hex a fraction of a second slower than it should. with time the idea was that the field could become larger, which is why i chose change environment. but the hero program did not have + to DCV in change environment, so maybe it is not legal. need to look at my hero book, which is at BnDs.

GABE: Just AOE the + to DCV? Or just give it useable by others and slowly up that, throw a range on it. Also keep it so it only costs your chick END.

--Edmiao 15:43, 24 July 2008 (MST)hmm.. would work, same effect. will look into.

--Edmiao 08:55, 31 July 2008 (MST) ben, is her leather armor ok for a magic user? i'm thinking its a kind of stylized lightweight leather in blue or maybe pink family heirloom or gift from father.

BEN: just like brandon: a dagger CAN"T give you +1 to DCV. it's OCV or DC, that's it. You can only have items from the book to start (or items that nearly duplicate said items), which means you can't give it half mass unless that's what the one in the book has...I can check it later. And why is half mass a disad. for real armor? that seems like a benefit to me...Also, the armor has to be OAF, especially at 2PD. According to the book, the only way heavy leather (which is what you have) will be mistaken for cloth is in bad light or from far away. According to the book, 2PD/ED armor weighs 5kgs.

--Edmiao 09:38, 31 July 2008 (MST) that's why i was asking. in the regular hero book they have leather armor as 2 pd, cloth armor as 1pd. Gabe only posted a 1pd leather on the equip page so i wanted to double check with you about your intentions. Gabe scared me with talk of killing characters so i thought some resistant defense might be good. I think half mass is an advantage and i typed it wrong. i think the cost was 2 without half mass. i took that because it seemed to be a good idea to have better light armor for a weak character and that was my idea that it was some family heirloom, a high quality light weight leather armor. i wanted a bit of the pd but hard to imagine that wimp in thick leather. i'd have to look at encumberance to see if it's at all realistic. not that i want to use the encumberance tables in general but it would be a decent guide to feisability of weight. Is armor accessible? I can see disarming a sword easily (accessibly) but it seems hard to disarmor someone (inaccessible), but I can change it, would make it cheaper anyway so why am i arguing. i just copied brandons dagger, so i'll change that to ocv or damage class.

BEN: sounds fair. Armor counts as accessible because once you are KO'd, it can be taken off you. inaccessible would be something fused to you, or powered armor, or whatever. but I could be wrong about that. Obviously, with low resistant PD, the risk of death exists, but you do have a healer, you do have a potion maker that will give your respective armors +3 PD, and you do have two combat monsters. As a mage, you should be fragile. Not to mention running away, aborting to dodge (which effectively doubles the DCV of most characters in the first session(s)), etc. In fact, I can't think of a single mage in fiction that wore anything but cloth. I'm not inclined to let characters take "special" items to start, because you will be getting lots of those anyways...and based on your character's background, I don't think your family would give your character special equipment (which she'd probably sell or trade or gamble away anyways) when they are trying to make a point of having her accomplish things on her own.

--Edmiao 11:08, 31 July 2008 (MST) fair nuf. so what do you think, none or switch to cloth 1pd?

--Matts 11:14, 31 July 2008 (MST)I think armor is OIF, unless it's really easy to get at (ie a Disarm action).

--Gdaze 11:15, 31 July 2008 (MST) Armor is OIF, because you can't disarm the person from it. OAF means someone can grab it or disarm it off you even if your resisiting, OIF is for objects that can be taken off but only if the character isn't resisiting.

If something is actually fused to the character, it shouldn't be a focus. This is according to the rules anyway.

Also, you can still attack a OAF or OIF, albe at -2.

Fucking Wiki-Blocker.

--Edmiao 11:32, 31 July 2008 (MST) oh, you mean you can attack the focus at -2 to hit in order to damage it?