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That said, here are my thoughts. I liked the Deadlands system if only because the cards mix it up a bit and I like dthe setting. I'd love to go for outer space adventuring. Indy sounds like an interesting idea and I've wanted to dig deeper intot he Battletech universe for a long time. I can't tell, from the info given, what Exemplars is, othewr than that it sounds super-heroish which is fine by me. So, I would say Indiana Jones in Space, then Examplars, then some other sort of space compaign, Deadlands, then Fantasy as my order of preference.
That said, here are my thoughts. I liked the Deadlands system if only because the cards mix it up a bit and I like dthe setting. I'd love to go for outer space adventuring. Indy sounds like an interesting idea and I've wanted to dig deeper intot he Battletech universe for a long time. I can't tell, from the info given, what Exemplars is, othewr than that it sounds super-heroish which is fine by me. So, I would say Indiana Jones in Space, then Examplars, then some other sort of space compaign, Deadlands, then Fantasy as my order of preference.
CHARLES: Well, DragonQuest is something I've been interested in for a long time, so that's going to be the #1 for me. (This should not be a surprise to Jason.) #2. Mechwarrior--I confess some curiosity about this setting. I think it would be interesting to see how it really works. #3. Space Opera--I've never done anything in this setting, and I confess more curiosity there. #4--Then I guess, IJIS (Indiana Jones, etc.).

Revision as of 23:49, 8 September 2008

RUMI: My preference is Exemplars, Deadlands, Fantasy, then space. I'm not experienced enough with different systems to really have an opinion on what they should be played on. I think doing a trial run on various systems is a brilliant idea. So I think it'd be best if we ran a few one shots of various system contenders and see what major stories can fit into a system we like. That said, I also think it's important that we save the major storylines for when we have a good system so that we don't ruin a potentially good story with a broken system.

--Edmiao 08:30, 8 September 2008 (MST) if you guys run exemplars, we should like 4 or 5 months down the road have a cross over session with our two gaming groups. totally in the comic book spirit.

JASON: Yeah, it could be Deathmate.[1]

--Dieter the Bold 11:01, 8 September 2008 (MST) OMFG. Mechwarrior, Indy in Space, Deadlands, Exemplars. But Mechwarrior by a long shot. The economics/tactics of it are ridiculous, but GIANT ROBOTS... IN SPACE!!!! Loves it. So hott.

--Gdaze 12:12, 8 September 2008 (MST) Although I'm not really invovled... Ed's idea is cool! And we all know what happens when two super groups meet, clobberin' time!

That said, I may be interested in joining these... if that is okay. I had two quick questions/suggestions, or whatever. I don't want to feel like I'm forcing anything, but when I make suggestions I have a bad habbit of sounding like that is the ONLY way I want something, so keep that in mind!

For Mechwarrior, instead of using hero have you thought of using Mekton Zeta? Its robot building and combat is pretty stright forward and is based around giant robot fights. DMG by location, all that jazz. Only problem is building mechs can be a tad bit math intense. Also the skill of the pilot makes a huge difference in combat (like critting a guy right off and blowing up his power plant). Also there are no real rules for how much upgrades cost and such.

I'd also be very interested in a Indy in Space game, although for ease of play have you though of Dark Heresy? The big problem with this system is most of the classes seem to not have many skills outside of combat. But overall it is an easier system for combat and stuff (as hero combat can be quite involved). Although the space game we ran with hero went well enough I think (actually it was one of my favorite games).

How often do you do the Saturday game?

Also, all the games actually look pretty cool. I love WHFRP, so that is always coo'. Old West type games seem really fun as well.

JASON: Thanks for the input, Gabe. If I do Mechwarrior I would use Battletech for the mech combat and Hero for everything else. I do have a copy of Mekton, the original version. I may have a Mekton II book too, but I dont have zeta. So, no, I havent thought about that. If done this way I wouldnt need to do any converting.

I do not have Dark Heresy, so I havent considered it as a possibility. The reason I would choose Hero here is that I already did all the conversion work. I also have this idea of using counters to reduce the bookkeeping in Hero, and I would like to see how that works. I am open to DH as a system, but I would need to buy it and fully absorb it before I considered running something in it.

We play pretty much every Saturday at 1. I think 5 players is the absolute maximum I can handle (we have 4 now, though if we do Mechwarrior one might opt out). The group is pretty good with attendance, so there arent many absences, though there are some. That being said I would not be surprised if we lost a player someday. There is always room for occasional players, however. I think if you are interested and feel like you can show up regularly (we all miss a game now and again, I dont mean every damn week) you should participate in this as if you will play.

AMIR: So, like Rumi, I don't have any real opinion on what system to use. I'm pretty much a n00b at this stuff. Additionally, the info given on some of the options is scanty enough to be useless to people who haven't played those games or systems before.

That said, here are my thoughts. I liked the Deadlands system if only because the cards mix it up a bit and I like dthe setting. I'd love to go for outer space adventuring. Indy sounds like an interesting idea and I've wanted to dig deeper intot he Battletech universe for a long time. I can't tell, from the info given, what Exemplars is, othewr than that it sounds super-heroish which is fine by me. So, I would say Indiana Jones in Space, then Examplars, then some other sort of space compaign, Deadlands, then Fantasy as my order of preference.

CHARLES: Well, DragonQuest is something I've been interested in for a long time, so that's going to be the #1 for me. (This should not be a surprise to Jason.) #2. Mechwarrior--I confess some curiosity about this setting. I think it would be interesting to see how it really works. #3. Space Opera--I've never done anything in this setting, and I confess more curiosity there. #4--Then I guess, IJIS (Indiana Jones, etc.).