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'''GABE:''' Ben, can we change how we have our points in our magic weapon?  The whole ego attck really isn't doing what I wanted, I wanted to change it to a drain body attack, goes along with my character I think.  If not, tis cool.
'''GABE:''' Ben, can we change how we have our points in our magic weapon?  The whole ego attck really isn't doing what I wanted, I wanted to change it to a drain body attack, goes along with my character I think.  If not, tis cool.
BEN: sure, that's fine in principle, but I'd like to give it a once over on saturday.  I think that I've been too lazy in looking over powers people take, and I need to clinch down a bit as you guys start taking nastier abilities.  Also, if you are interested in switching your character, that is something we should also discuss soon.

Revision as of 13:53, 13 March 2009

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


Date...........game................Location..........(Advanced attendance)

2/13/09.....OAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........Ed likely absent, Gabe absent
2/20/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........Ben Absent, Matt absent
2/27/09.....OAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........
3/06/09.....OAAAA.......Ben's Condo.........
3/14/09.....OAAAA.......Ben's Condo.........moved to Sat.
3/20/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........Dieter late or absent (BSG FINALE!!), Ed late, maybe 9-10pm, not sure, Ben available, Gabe Absent
3/27/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........
4/03/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........Ed most likely absent
4/10/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........Dieter maybe absent
4/17/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........
4/24/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........Dieter absent
5/01/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........

Attendance and Food Preference

3/14/09 Saturday 2:30

--Dieter the Bold 09:23, 10 March 2009 (MST) I would be down with a Saturday switch.

--Gdaze 21:11, 11 March 2009 (MST) Yeah I can game Saturday, have a vet appointment at 1:20. I'd perfer a time around 2:30 to 6ish or 7ish.

BEN: Sweet! Ok, we'll play saturday at 2:30pm. See you guys then, my place: we'll be playing OAAAA.

ED: present!

Ranting and raving or other random comments

Other RPG or Non-RPG or Monthly Board Gaming Day gaming Events

3/21 or 3/22

Edmiao cheryl and I are gonna see Watchmen at imax this second sunday. all invited.

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

Next step in Super Heroes

Next step in Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy

Current OAAAA XP: 75 base + 199 XP

Edmiao we have a lot to do on the island. Among them is visiting Fairyland and chatting with King Dionysus and delivering a bucket full of how do you do's from all the folks we met (wood elves and grendel among them)

Matts I'd just like to say that was a hell of a session. I'd like to also point out for the sake of future group survival, that while we kicked a bunch of ass, I also hit stomach, vitals, or head on like 7 out of 10 hits in the session, so it may not be a statistically representative sample.

Wait, no. I meant to say that we whooped the shit out of Sir SISSY, etc, etc. And since I won't be there next session, Aetan only wants to do one thing - defenestrate Arcus. Please allow me this one lagged-out action, or keep that son of a bitch on ice until I'm around!

GABE: Ben, can we change how we have our points in our magic weapon? The whole ego attck really isn't doing what I wanted, I wanted to change it to a drain body attack, goes along with my character I think. If not, tis cool.

BEN: sure, that's fine in principle, but I'd like to give it a once over on saturday. I think that I've been too lazy in looking over powers people take, and I need to clinch down a bit as you guys start taking nastier abilities. Also, if you are interested in switching your character, that is something we should also discuss soon.