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Well i was right no sooner then we leave Law for some place named GO then were attacked by bandits. Otto the women mechanic(mental note she is built like a brick don't go rilen her up to much) was driven the truck when we fell into the bandits trap. They laid a spike strip in the trail and they bursted 2 of the tires. Even with 2 of the tires blown Otto still brought us to a safe stop(Eddie was so wrong when he said women cant drive lesson learned). Soon as were stopped a pack of bandits jumped out and bush whacked us. The feller named Szander hopped outa the truck and started shootin all the bandits like they was standin still(mental not Szander is a big as mountain and strong as a mountain with the brains to match DO NOT GET HIM ANGRY). Otto soon followed and started beating them down with a giant wrench WHACK WHACK(mental note she kinda reminds me of those old tribesman stories of super strong warrior women tales. What were they called?). Lastly but certainly not least there was Lena the child living blender she threw these little metal bits she called shuriken now they weren't killen all that many but they sure weren't doin them any favors. In fact one was buried so deep i had to open his chest up just to get it back out...damn. I swear that child is a walking cutlery trader that is 10x more deadly. Well i think it goes without saying they made short work of the bandits. After wards Szander left to get new tires from Law he should be back soon and we will be on our way. I cant wait to see what other adventures await us.
Well i was right no sooner then we leave Law for some place named GO then were attacked by bandits. Otto the women mechanic(mental note she is built like a brick don't go rilen her up to much) was driven the truck when we fell into the bandits trap. They laid a spike strip in the trail and they bursted 2 of the tires. Even with 2 of the tires blown Otto still brought us to a safe stop(Eddie was so wrong when he said women cant drive lesson learned). Soon as were stopped a pack of bandits jumped out and bush whacked us. The feller named Szander hopped outa the truck and started shootin all the bandits like they was standin still(mental not Szander is a big as mountain and strong as a mountain with the brains to match DO NOT GET HIM ANGRY). Otto soon followed and started beating them down with a giant wrench WHACK WHACK(mental note she kinda reminds me of those old tribesman stories of super strong warrior women tales. What were they called?). Lastly but certainly not least there was Lena the child living blender she threw these little metal bits she called shuriken now they weren't killen all that many but they sure weren't doin them any favors. In fact one was buried so deep i had to open his chest up just to get it back out...damn. I swear that child is a walking cutlery trader that is 10x more deadly. Well i think it goes without saying they made short work of the bandits. After wards Szander left to get new tires from Law he should be back soon and we will be on our way. I cant wait to see what other adventures await us.
Medic Log Date:Monday no wait definatley Thursday.
Some how i ended up back in that first town of shady folk what was its name again? Any way there is some big mystery going on involving lots of folk coming up missin but the weird part is all there stuff is left behind. Now this smells like big adventure Im so excited. Im thinkin it might be best to build some of those special tools just in case cant let the youngins do all the work. The town folk said there is a large bat cave in the nearby hills i should be able to get all the necessary ingredients there. Well i best get going i want to be done before dark.
Medic Log Date:Not sure
Well seems im not cut out for big adventure. I kinda foggy on all the details but while tryin to get the bat shit i was kidnapped. Next thing i know im waking up next to Lena in a broken down building and shes buck naked. My head was spinnin and buzzin and tellin me just to lay down and sleep so of course i got up and tried to leave. I tried taking Lena after putting my shirt on her but no matter ho hard i tried i couldn't leave this destroyed village. After a while Szander and Otto showed up and this is where things get fuzzy. I remember a strange naked bald man shooting lightning, Otto and Szander doing there best to save me from something, and me having an overwhelming urge to dick in this damn mine. Now i sit with Lena outside the town with severe burns because Otto and Lena gave them selves over to the urge to save us. I cant let this stand it not the place of the young to give themselves to save the old so i will return. If youre readin this likely it means i failed i hope this horror is already ended if not i wish you better luck in this adventure....

Revision as of 16:36, 31 May 2009

Ship in, ship out, ship in, and ship out this is the life of a fisherman. Some one who sees the world change in glimpses due to being at sea for 6 month at a time. Such was the life of John Fisher a fisherman from a fishing family who have fished for over 10 generations. He lived a simple life as a shipboard doctor/fisher and was for the most part content. He watched as his brothers and sisters married and had kids, there kids marry and have kids, and there kids kids have kids. He did this for you see for some apparent reason he stopped aging. Many villagers made theories on why like good diet, blessed by the sea or cursed, but the most widely believed theory was John was just to damn cranky for death to want to associate with him. This never really worried the villagers because he was always out at earning a living for the village and keeping the fisherman alive well that was until he tried to retire. Now they weren't unsympathetic for he did his job for more years than any one cares to count(John believes he is 80 but due to a poor sense of time it is likely he is much older) but they couldn't allow such a person living among them. So they did the only rational thing they could they used his trusting nature and talked him into leaving the village in search of adventure. Everyone got together and chipped in for some decent equipment(i.e. crap they had little use for anymore) and sent him off. Now John the no longer fisher wanders the waste seeking to help those in need and make the wastes a better place.

Medic Log Date:Damned if I know.

I have started my travels and after a while i have come to a village. They seem nice enough if a little unintelligent but my gut tells me somethin aint right about them. So Im gettin some directions to some major city called Law and will leave immediately. The place sounds kinda uptight I mean it is named Law after all but like little sue always said"dont judge nothin till you know it enough to kick it". Also mental note i might be needing to make some useful items don't forget.

Medic Log Date:Later than the last one...yeah.

Had my first run in with the local wild life a pack of wild dogs. Well i couldn't out run the damn things and shooting them was out of the question. I mean they out numbered me and my only weapon is this damn crossbow(mental note trade for rifle asap or a pistol at least). So in giving them the slip i had to dump half my rations and run my ass off. Well as fast as i can run on this bad leg maybe i should learn to drive or ride might help in theses situations. Well I'm close to Law now should be there in no time....Damn my hat...

Medic Log Date:I think its a tuesday.

Met up with some folk outside law and decided to travel with them. Law was interestin well what i saw of it anyway(they wouldn't let me in guess they didn't like the cut of my jib). Things in the city happen really fast one moment me and this young nurse are healin a sick kid and next thing i know im in the middle of a theft ring arrest. During the Hoopla i lost those drill bits young Mary Wilhelm gave me insisting they would be useful. Well they weren't and i still cant fathom what she was thinking. Any way im now travelin with some folk and my gut tells me there good folk so i think ill stick with them for the rest of there lives. I mean not like i know how much longer i have and they seem like they have no shortage of adventure.

Medic Log Date:Couple days later.

Well i was right no sooner then we leave Law for some place named GO then were attacked by bandits. Otto the women mechanic(mental note she is built like a brick don't go rilen her up to much) was driven the truck when we fell into the bandits trap. They laid a spike strip in the trail and they bursted 2 of the tires. Even with 2 of the tires blown Otto still brought us to a safe stop(Eddie was so wrong when he said women cant drive lesson learned). Soon as were stopped a pack of bandits jumped out and bush whacked us. The feller named Szander hopped outa the truck and started shootin all the bandits like they was standin still(mental not Szander is a big as mountain and strong as a mountain with the brains to match DO NOT GET HIM ANGRY). Otto soon followed and started beating them down with a giant wrench WHACK WHACK(mental note she kinda reminds me of those old tribesman stories of super strong warrior women tales. What were they called?). Lastly but certainly not least there was Lena the child living blender she threw these little metal bits she called shuriken now they weren't killen all that many but they sure weren't doin them any favors. In fact one was buried so deep i had to open his chest up just to get it back out...damn. I swear that child is a walking cutlery trader that is 10x more deadly. Well i think it goes without saying they made short work of the bandits. After wards Szander left to get new tires from Law he should be back soon and we will be on our way. I cant wait to see what other adventures await us.

Medic Log Date:Monday no wait definatley Thursday.

Some how i ended up back in that first town of shady folk what was its name again? Any way there is some big mystery going on involving lots of folk coming up missin but the weird part is all there stuff is left behind. Now this smells like big adventure Im so excited. Im thinkin it might be best to build some of those special tools just in case cant let the youngins do all the work. The town folk said there is a large bat cave in the nearby hills i should be able to get all the necessary ingredients there. Well i best get going i want to be done before dark.

Medic Log Date:Not sure

Well seems im not cut out for big adventure. I kinda foggy on all the details but while tryin to get the bat shit i was kidnapped. Next thing i know im waking up next to Lena in a broken down building and shes buck naked. My head was spinnin and buzzin and tellin me just to lay down and sleep so of course i got up and tried to leave. I tried taking Lena after putting my shirt on her but no matter ho hard i tried i couldn't leave this destroyed village. After a while Szander and Otto showed up and this is where things get fuzzy. I remember a strange naked bald man shooting lightning, Otto and Szander doing there best to save me from something, and me having an overwhelming urge to dick in this damn mine. Now i sit with Lena outside the town with severe burns because Otto and Lena gave them selves over to the urge to save us. I cant let this stand it not the place of the young to give themselves to save the old so i will return. If youre readin this likely it means i failed i hope this horror is already ended if not i wish you better luck in this adventure....