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--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 11:31, 15 June 2009 (MST) I hit on a lizardwoman.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 11:31, 15 June 2009 (MST) I hit on a lizardwoman.
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 16:24, 15 June 2009 (MST) Par for the course, then?

Revision as of 18:24, 15 June 2009

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


Date...........game................Location..........(Advanced attendance)

4/17/09.....Supers.........Ben's Condo.........
4/24/09.....nada.........Ben's Condo.........Dieter, Ed, Matt Absent
5/01/09.....OAAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........Ed absent
5/08/09.....OAAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........
5/15/09.....OAAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........
5/22/09.....OAAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........Matt absent
5/29/09.....OAAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........
6/12/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........Ed absent, Dieter SIFF @ 9:30
6/19/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........Ed likely absent
6/26/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........Matt absent, getting married. Ben at matt's rehearsal dinner.
7/03/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........
7/10/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........
7/17/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........Ed absent
7/24/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........

Attendance and Food Preference

Quote(s) of the week

Elemental: (to police chief, who thanked them for their good work) That certainly isn't going to help Viho's colossal ego. (or something like that...)

CyberJesus: I'm so sick and tired of this bullshit Thomas Kinkaid police state!

Ashbury: I grow plants that may or may not be used for pharmaceutical purposes

Ed/Aefra: "I use Seduction on the baby"

"Galen, you're wearing a dress." "Yes, but I still look better in it than in you do in your clothes."

Ranting and Raving

--Gdaze 11:31, 15 June 2009 (MST) Alright, so I'm wondering this. We now have the tears, when are we going to fight the dragon? I believe we should have EVERYONE there for this, but don't want to put it off for a really long time. This is going to be a pretty epic fight. Can we try to plan when we will do this? I've never actually fought a dragon in all my years of playing fantasy RPs, so I'm pretty excited about this.

Now, about Mass Effect. By the end of this week I should have all the character creation ironed out. Matt has already rolled stats, so if Ben is okay with it, I'd like us to create characters this Friday. And I should be ready to go next week. Problem is I'd really like everyone to be there for at least the first adventure, but Matt is gone on the 29th, and of course this is quite an event... speaking of which did you send us an invite to your wedding Matt, or are you an ass? Are you actually getting married on Friday? Or that weekend?

Anyway, lets all get together here and plan how we are going to play, I can switch to a Saturday date as well if need be to fight the dragon.

--Matts 11:47, 15 June 2009 (MST)I'm an ass. That friday night is the rehearsal dinner, and the wedding is Saturday, so the dragon fight might need to be after that?

--Gdaze 12:13, 15 June 2009 (MST) Ass. Anyway, what about the 19th? Ed said "maybe" gone. Also need to hear from Ben on this as well. But I don't see us needing to do a whole lot more. I need to prepare the tears, and with my 22- alch roll I think I can do that.

Ed, how "maybe" is this Friday? Ben, do you see us being able to fight the dragon?

BEN: I'm honestly not sure about the dragon. It's the greater dragon from the bestiary, which is about 1200 pts, plus his "insta-destroy" breath attack. you guys are...what, 300 pts each? Plus Lyra, who's about 150 pts more than one of you. And anyone else you can drum up. So I think it's possible. But I also think that at this point, you guys could get completely mauled as well.
I'd also like to point out that you guys have no idea where the dragon is. I think it was revealed to the characters at some point that he isn't at his old cave anymore. So before you fight him, you'll have to find him. But that should be doable inside of 1/2-1 session.
I'm perfectly fine with having people make characters this friday: I won't be able to get home before 6, though. I don't have a strong opinion how we divy up time between the session, magic, and characters.

--Gdaze 13:09, 15 June 2009 (MST) Well I figured we had the insta-kill under control with the tears. That said, I did NOT know he moved... who knew this? You jerks!

BEN: the tears won't insta kill him. they'll just turn off his breath...maybe do some damage, but the main effect is to turn off his breath. I thought we had discussed this fact during the session with Lyra Stoneheart, hope I was sufficiently clear about that.

--Gdaze -- Right, take care of US being insta-killed. I am fully aware they will not kill da dragon.

--Dieter the Bold 16:19, 15 June 2009 (MST) By Grandfather Flame's Dying Light

Mass Effect

--Matts 09:19, 9 June 2009 (MST)Hey, can we throw out the end-of-game twist in terms of where the mass effect relays and the citadel come from? It'd be nice to have them be all mysterious.

--Gdaze 09:34, 9 June 2009 (MST) I have yet to beat the game, but sure. I'm guessing the citadel is actually a Reaper? I should be beating the game this weekend since my dudes are so powerful I just chew up everyone anyway.

--Dieter the Bold 11:14, 9 June 2009 (MST) You're close, Gabe. The Citadel is indeed more than meets they eye!!! And I'm totally down with it all being much more mysterious. Actually, it just hit me that I would be hugely excited about this if the we were all Artifact Traders/Hunters doing something similar to the game. We come across some pimp artifact and are suddenly tracking a millennia old trail across the galaxy. Exploring strange new worlds, killing new and exotic lifeforms, and uncovering terrible secrets best left undisturbed. That would be awesome.
Oh, does anyone have a spare copy of WH40k RP book for us to look at? If we do play on Friday, could you bring it, Gabe? I'd like to show up before my movie and look it over to get an idea about characters.

JASON: If you guys are gonna play on a ship, I have an extra map of a ship that is RAD. Its like 24x30 and fully outfitted with hexes. Ben has seen it, I think you guys would get good use out of it.

--Gdaze 11:56, 9 June 2009 (MST) Sounds like a pretty pimp'in map. And I'm not watching that video until I beat the game! Well it seems people what a kinda... Tomb Raider in space or whatever, so yay! Gives me much more to work with.

I DO have a spare book, but it is with Lew who I will be seeing this Sunday. I shall ask him to bring it back.

--Gdaze 12:59, 9 June 2009 (MST) Alright, we will do artifact hunters. Seems most people are down with this one. Some coniderations... how legal are all of you? There are a number of planets that have a no landing rule but are ripe with ancient ruins. I'm assuming the characters run their own biz as well and don't work for one of the corps.

PLAYERS! Start thinking up a name for your "practice".

--Dieter the Bold 14:03, 9 June 2009 (MST) The video is actually a rickroll to the Transformers cartoon theme song. You know? 'More than meets the eye'? Yeah, I went there. I figure we'll go with our usual lax opinion of legal rules: Follow them when forced to, violate them with varying degrees of sensitivity when not. I'd prefer to run our own business, and I'm betting backgrounds will run from semi-sketchy to sorta-legit. I'd like to steal from Bablyon 5 and go with "IPX", "Interplanetary Expeditions". 'Digging up the past for a better future.'

--Gdaze 14:26, 9 June 2009 (MST) Thinking about it now... yeah, you guys will have to do fairly illegal things. RPin out getting dig permits would be pretty bland.

Edmiao if we do artifact hunters, i have a character named Aedil who wants to make a re-emergence. just kidding. i think. also could borrow a rules book.

BEN: I don't want to be on the same team as a guy who signed his people up to fight alongside the space-nazis and singlehandedly allowed them to take over half of the Gemini. Just saying. is there a point to coming up with a character concept? with classes I imagine things are kind of restrictive in terms of what sort of "role" a character can have.

--Gdaze-- Classes in 40k are actually fairly customizable. Almost all have two, and up to three, different paths they can follow. Plus with the other book I have it has these kinda classes you can take that basically replace a whole section of your level up tree. On top of this you can basically RP it out and ask the GM for a chance to buy a skill you normally wouldn't be able to. It should be noted that while skills and talents are priced anywhere from 100-300, it is stats that end up costing a lot. Like from 250 up to 1750. Players will most likely start with 1000-1200 exp, to get things started. I'd like it if there was at least one human.

Edmiao a one sentence description of what a Krogan is would be good...and the other races

--Gdaze-- Go to the wiki. There is your one sentence. But really I'd read up on all the races on the wiki. Krogan are kinda like killer turtles.

Edmiao dibs on being Krogan. my character will be named Raphael. wait...didn't i already have a Raphael in space? shit!

--Dieter the Bold 16:54, 9 June 2009 (MST) Crap, was getting two races mixed up. Never mind.

--Matts - I'll probably play a human assassin or scum, depending on my characteristic rolls.

--Gdaze - You can assign whatever stats to wherever, assuming they are equal roles.

--Gdaze 12:03, 10 June 2009 (MST) Just want to point this out, what Dieter said above will most likely be the feel of the game, "We come across some pimp artifact and are suddenly tracking a millennia old trail across the galaxy. Exploring strange new worlds, killing new and exotic lifeforms, and uncovering terrible secrets best left undisturbed. That would be awesome."

That cool?

--Matts 12:12, 10 June 2009 (MST)Sounds fun!

--Gdaze 12:26, 10 June 2009 (MST) Also after playing a bit more, I think I will keep that general knowledge about the relays in-tact... it does not mean it is true. And there are certainly people who don't believe it.

Edmiao groovey. please describe the group hook in detail. seems like we would all have been together for a while.

--Dieter the Bold 15:33, 10 June 2009 (MST) Houzaboot we steal a page from Ben's Cyberpunk campaign? We were all crewing a ship for some corporation when [THE EVENT] happened. We suddenly find ourselves with the ship but on our own. This could be because the corporation suddenly ceased to exist (went out of business, hostile action, bought out, etc.), or because we made a big find that we didn't want to share (and either just gave 'em all the finger, or faked our deaths, or made our first illegal sale of what we found and used the proceeds to buy ourselves out along with our ship). This gives us background together for the last X years, gives us pre-established roles we're all comfortable with. And, we have the same enemies (barring personal touches during character creation). I also promise that I won't simply run off and die (like in Ben's Cyberpunk). Thoughts?
Oh, I'm thinking of playing a Jack-of-All-Trades grease-monkey character. Nothing high-level, but can pretty much fix anything and do the nasty jobs that others wouldn't like.

--Gdaze-- Would you alll be opposed to a name like Attic (or Basement) Finds? Or something like that because you always use the excuse "We found it in our basement!" I actually don't care, just thought that would be neat and kinda in a ways shows just what kinda business you run. Sounds find Dieter, that you work well, but I'd like it if the company just went out of business. Even better yet, how about if it was a university?

--Dieter the Bold 17:28, 10 June 2009 (MST) Simply went out of business is fine. Are we still working for the University? Why did we leave with a ship if we aren't working for them anymore? Attic/Basement seems a little provincial to me. It would fit if we were running ye' olde' Human curio shop in some quiet section of the Citadel, but if we wanted to be taken a little more seriously, we'd probably need a grander title and tagline. Plus something that's a little more universal (as attic or basement could be unknown concepts to other alien races). Attic/Basement Finds is good if we're a small-time operation without plans for bigger things.

--Dieter the Bold 09:21, 11 June 2009 (MST)
Business names:
Hyades Import/Export Co.
Milky Way Excavations
Interplanetary Expeditions
"Name/Location" _________ (Import Export Co., Antiquities, Excavations, Expeditions)

Wonders from across Space and Time
Creating Opportunities from Ruins
Bringing the Past to Life
Antiquities from the farthest star
Relics of the forgotten past

--Gdaze -- Whatever happened, your ship is your ship. It does not belong to anyone else, you came up with some legal reasons or something. I'll leave it up to you if you all like.

--Matts 10:15, 11 June 2009 (MST)First: The ship is equally owned by all players. Second, I'm going to use the phrase "import/export" all the time. Third, I like the name Hyades Import/Export Co. I like the idea of having a storefront in the Citadel that can be run by NPCs when we're out doing things.

--Gdaze 10:28, 11 June 2009 (MST) Ah yes, thank you Matt I meant to put that in to, it is everyone's ship. Having a storefront in the Citadel is just fine and dandy. Most likely in something like the Wards.

--Dieter the Bold 11:22, 11 June 2009 (MST) A fun hook might be to have the ship partially owned by the bank. So we have some driving reason to get things done in order to pay it off.

--Gdaze 11:54, 11 June 2009 (MST) Your ship is going to pretty much be a piece of junk, upgrading it should be some amount of drive. For the most part this game is not going to invovle some NPC telling the players what to do. That said, I ask that you make character who when faced with an ancient evil, care enough about it to stop it. For some, that means making a big profit as well. Characters with no drive, or who don't care about their friends, don't make them. After all, defeating ancient evil, or whatever, as I just said can make some major money.

--Gdaze 13:21, 11 June 2009 (MST) I thought I should put what will be in the game. There will be gun fights, there will be sneaking, there will be tricky piloting required, there will data discs to crack, there will be ancient and lost civs, there will be trickery. Just letting you all know to help with character concepts. I should metion though that "pilot" really isn't an arch-type that will blend well with this game. Sure it will be nice to have someone who CAN pilot a ship, but doesn't need to be the only thing they can do.

--Dieter the Bold 14:25, 11 June 2009 (MST) NSP17A-Fizzak is rarin' to go. Will there be a WH40k book available tomorrow? Edit: Good call Matt, I'm thinking Tech Priest (never having seen the class).

--Matts 14:07, 11 June 2009 (MST)I'll clarify: I'm thinking about either Scum, Adept, or Assassin careers. I think it'll depend on how the dice roll.

--Gdaze-- I'm testing something out by NOT signing in...

There is a very interesting alt. class for adepts Matt. It makes them far more social and aware in nobal circles and stuff like that.

Other RPG or Non-RPG or Monthly Board Gaming Day gaming Events

--Dieter the Bold 12:59, 4 June 2009 (MST) Awesome fun with BSG: The Boardgame last night. Frakking Toasters managed to get us right before the end. I'm down for Twilight Imperium Friday night.

Edmiao been playing that downloadable Titan, thanks jason. it's pretty cool, and speeds up the gameplay considerably.

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

Next step in Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy

Current OAAAA XP: 75 base + 307 XP; Followers: __ XP

Plans to save Danny-Girl from the dragon

Fight the dragon, kill it

Lyra told us where to find the freezing Tears of _____ so we can put out the dragon's breath, right before she extinguished the eternal forge flame in our temple (bitch) by sucking its soul out like a vampire. She will help us fight the dragon. In return we agreed to let her strike the killing blow IF we successfully obtain the Tears. Other allies could also be enlisted in the fight.

Deal with the dragon

Give the dragon something he wants more than Danny. Say the Ruby shield or freeing Iximion.

Dragon vs Dragon

Free Iximion, tell him Oryxis is getting up in his magic shit and doens't he want to kick the shit out of Oryxix for learning magic?

Edmiao How much xp did followers get again? was it 3 per session? and when did that start, ie how much xp should a follower have?

BEN: it started 2 sessions ago, so a follower should have 6 XP.

--Dieter the Bold 11:28, 15 June 2009 (MST) So what treacherous things did Gabe do to the rest of us once I left?

--Gdaze 11:31, 15 June 2009 (MST) I hit on a lizardwoman.

--Dieter the Bold 16:24, 15 June 2009 (MST) Par for the course, then?