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'''Polyglot''' (1/multiple)--You are fluent in reading/writing/speaking additional languages.  Every level grants fluency in one additional language.<br>
'''Polyglot''' (1/multiple)--You are fluent in reading/writing/speaking additional languages.  Every level grants fluency in one additional language.<br>
'''Practical Chemist''' (2)--You are one of those types who publishes "life hacks" online for fun.  You gain a +2 bonus to improvised tech/science tasks (Ref's discretion), and can sometimes find off-the-wall scientific solutions to problems in the field.<br>
'''Practical Chemist''' (2)--You are one of those types who publishes "life hacks" online for fun.  You gain a +2 bonus to improvised tech/science tasks (Ref's discretion), and can sometimes find off-the-wall scientific solutions to problems in the field.<br>
'''Presence''' (1/3 levels)--You're the type of person people gravitate to at a party, or pay attention to at a meeting.  You can more easily command the attention of those around you.  When making most checks of human interaction (Persuasion/Fast Talk, Intimidate, Oratory, Leadership, etc.), whether EMP or CL-based, you get a +1 bonus/level.
'''Scout''' (2)--You can learn the lay of the land easier than most.  With an easy luck roll, you can find good cover/hiding spots for a small group of people in short order (suitable to evade pursuit or set up an ambush).  When in a tactical encounter, the scout can place 1d6 pieces of 1d6 strength cover within 5 hexes/map inches.  A scout may also be able to spot unusual dangers, find shortcuts/trails or changes to an area he knows well.<br>
'''Scout''' (2)--You can learn the lay of the land easier than most.  With an easy luck roll, you can find good cover/hiding spots for a small group of people in short order (suitable to evade pursuit or set up an ambush).  When in a tactical encounter, the scout can place 1d6 pieces of 1d6 strength cover within 5 hexes/map inches.  A scout may also be able to spot unusual dangers, find shortcuts/trails or changes to an area he knows well.<br>
'''Shoulder Roll''' (1)--In a tactical tabletop encounter, if your move takes you within 2 spaces/inches of cover, you can make it that last bit and take cover.<br>
'''Shoulder Roll''' (1)--In a tactical tabletop encounter, if your move takes you within 2 spaces/inches of cover, you can make it that last bit and take cover.<br>

Revision as of 11:38, 15 June 2014

XCOM: Gray Dawn

These are special abilities, either inherited or learned, that help define a character and grant them special abilities and/or advantages.

Perks can be bought during character creation with skill points. Some can be acquired later on through training. Others must be chosen during character creation. These are inherent, un-learnable traits that some people have. Perks that must be taken at character creation will be marked with an asterisk (*) The cost (in perk points) is listed in parentheses after the name of the perk, as well as if the perk has multiple levels.

Ambidextrous* (3)--You can use both hands equally well (or nearly so). If forced to use the "off" hand for a task, you do not suffer a penalty, and the penalty for dual-wielding weapons is reduced by 1.
Animal Empathy* (1)--Domesticated animals positively love you. Feral animals rarely seem to cause you any problems, either. Throw in something weird (like hydrophobia) and you're still on your own. Animals can still be unpredictable, so don't push your luck.
Combat Medic (2)--When tending to the wounded in the middle of combat, you are immune to suppression, even if you are completely in the open. When you start working on an unconscious patient, they immediately get a chance to regain consciousness by rolling a stun/shock save.
Combat Sense (2/3 levels)--You have a keen eye for a bad situation, and are less likely to be jumped in a fight. Each level of combat sense grants +1 to individual initiative and +1 to combat/danger related awareness rolls. Each level also grants +1 bonus to suppression checks.
Concentration (1/10 levels)--You can become extremely focused and solve complex tasks if just given enough time to work through them, or can tune out distractions and focus on the task at hand. Concentration is sort of a meta-skill, and can be used in a few ways. It can be used in conjunction with many other skills to boost a skill roll, but this requires a length of time (Ref's discretion based on the nature of the task and the complexity) Using concentration to aid the decrypting of a message may take hours, using concentration to pick a tricky lock may take several minutes. With enough time, you can add your Concentration to a skill check, up to the level of the skill being used. With Ref approval, Concentration may be used to re-attempt a task that was previously failed with a regular stat and skill roll. Instantaneous concentration checks may also be offered to prevent you from being distracted by your environment.
Crackerjack Timing (3)--You are an expert at timing your peeks from cover, giving you a +2 bonus to suppression rolls. Your timing also allows you to squeeze off shots when your opponents are peeking out from cover, reducing their defense bonus from cover by 2.
Cross-training (1)--Sometimes a fresh perspective can give you new ideas. When making a skill check, if you have the assistance of another character that has the same skill, you can add +1 to your roll. This stacks with lab assistant and concentration.
Deceptive Nature* (2)--You can tell convincing lies, gaining +2 to persuasion/fast talk rolls when you are being flat-out dishonest. As a skilled liar, you are also more adept at figuring out when others are trying to pull the wool over your eyes, or maybe you just feel like they're lying to you all the time...
Devil's Luck (2/5 levels)--You are the passenger who survives a rollover without a scratch. You get a +1 bonus/level to Graze rolls.
Die Hard* (2)--You don't go down easy. All stun and death saves are made at a +2 bonus.
Direction Sense (1)--You always know which direction you are heading. You rarely get lost, and have a much easier time getting your bearings.
Double Jointed* (2)--You can contort your body to fit into small places, and gain a +3 bonus to escape bindings like manacles, cuffs, ropes & straightjackets.
Eidetic Memory* (2)--You have an amazing ability to recall information. Just about any information that you have seen can be recalled instantly.
Field Surgeon (2)--You know life-saving techniques that can prolong the available stabilization period. If a patient you are working on fails a death save, they are allowed one re-roll. Also, while attempting to stabilize a patient, subsequent death saves are made with a +2 bonus.
Gregarious* (2)--You're one of those people everybody seems to like, even when you're being a jerk. Expect fewer negative reactions from people you've first met.
Lab Assistant (2)--Others find your expertise valuable when it comes to technical matters. Your assistance can add +3 to another person's technical or scientific skill rolls. Multiple lab assistant bonuses do not stack.
Light Step (2)--You are very quiet while moving, granting a -2 penalty to be detected by hearing. Also, you have a chance to avoid setting off some traps.
Lightning calculator (1)--You can do complex mathematical computations rapidly and in your head without pen and paper or electronic devices. In some instances this ability can grant bonuses to research, planning or other tasks.
Lucky Charm* (1/3 levels)--Catastrophe never seems to strike others when you're around; if only you were so lucky. You gain one luck re-roll per game session, but it can only be used to affect an ally's roll, or an opponent's roll that directly affects an ally.
Marathon Runner (1)--Extensive training allows you to engage in prolonged feats of endurance. You can literally run a marathon. Endurance checks are made at +3.
Nerves of Steel (2/5 levels)--Nothing fazes you. You never lose a game of flinch or chicken. Gain +1/level to suppression rolls.
Night Person* (2)--You see better than most in low-light conditions, and darkness doesn't bother you. Any penalties from darkness are reduced by 2 (to +1 penalty for insufficient light and +2 for pitch blackness). Additionally, stealth rolls made in darkness get a +1 bonus.
Polyglot (1/multiple)--You are fluent in reading/writing/speaking additional languages. Every level grants fluency in one additional language.
Practical Chemist (2)--You are one of those types who publishes "life hacks" online for fun. You gain a +2 bonus to improvised tech/science tasks (Ref's discretion), and can sometimes find off-the-wall scientific solutions to problems in the field.
Presence (1/3 levels)--You're the type of person people gravitate to at a party, or pay attention to at a meeting. You can more easily command the attention of those around you. When making most checks of human interaction (Persuasion/Fast Talk, Intimidate, Oratory, Leadership, etc.), whether EMP or CL-based, you get a +1 bonus/level. Scout (2)--You can learn the lay of the land easier than most. With an easy luck roll, you can find good cover/hiding spots for a small group of people in short order (suitable to evade pursuit or set up an ambush). When in a tactical encounter, the scout can place 1d6 pieces of 1d6 strength cover within 5 hexes/map inches. A scout may also be able to spot unusual dangers, find shortcuts/trails or changes to an area he knows well.
Shoulder Roll (1)--In a tactical tabletop encounter, if your move takes you within 2 spaces/inches of cover, you can make it that last bit and take cover.
Silver-Tongued Charmer (2)--You have the ability to calm down people you've accidentally pissed off. If something you've said seems to anger an NPC, you can pull a mulligan (once) and try to set them at ease. The silver-tongued charmer is far more likely to get off scot-free (Ref's discretion).
Sixth Sense* (3)--You can't remember the last time someone snuck up on you. Is it your sharp hearing? Cat-like wariness? ESP? Who knows? It is nearly impossible to ambush you in hand-to-hand combat, and any Awareness roll to detect a ranged ambush is made at a +3 bonus.
Small Unit Tactics (2)--You work well as a member of a team. With good communication, training and familiarity with his squadmates, the PC can act a bit faster in a fight, granting +1 initiative. Additionally, every member with SUT in the group grants an extra +1, up to +4.
Snap Shot (3)--You have quick reflexes and an itchy trigger finger. After you have taken your action in a combat round, if an opportunity to take a shot presents itself in the form of an opponent moving from cover, you can opt to take an extra action at -3 (just as if you had declared an extra action at the beginning of the round). When attempting a snap shot, make an opposed REF roll vs. the opponent. If the shooter wins, he can take his shot before the target can attempt a combat action. The disadvantage to taking a snap shot is that it throws off your next combat action--if you take a shot during the next round, it is at -3.
Special Equipment* (1/no limit)--You own or have access to specialized, useful gear at the outset of the game. Some examples of special gear include: AR-15, gas mask, lock picks, cutting torches/welder, Doomsday Prepper Pantry, Taser, Pepper spray, extensive toolkit, ghillie suit, parachute, etc. Nothing impossible to acquire or illegal, but uncommon/expensive that most people don't have. Every level of special equipment allows for 5 pieces of nifty gear. Since this perk deals with gear you start the game with, this perk must be purchased during character creation.
Speed Reading (2)--You can skim through written material rapidly (around 20 pages/minute) and retain as much of the relevant information as anyone else.
Spider Monkey (2)--You can climb almost anything, and fear of heights is for other people...other people called "sissies." Basic climbing tasks are usually made with no skill check unless adverse conditions exist, and even those will be made with a +5 bonus.
Squad Leader (3)--You are experienced leading a team in a fight, boosting their confidence and effectiveness. When in combat, players led by a Squad Leader get a boost of +2 to their Cool stat for the purposes of overcoming suppression. This bonus also equates to a +1 to any ranged combat rolls. The character with the Squad Leader perk does not gain these benefits; he should already be cool as a cucumber to bestow that kind of confidence in his squaddies.
Toughness (3)--You can take punishment that would reduce lesser men to quivering heaps. You have +1 to your BTM
Walk it off! (3)--You ain't got time to bleed. If you are not in mortal condition, after an encounter, you can erase any 1-point hits from your wound track. Also, add +2 to any resist torture rolls, or pain-related endurance skill checks.
Waterboy/Girl (2)--With a bit of preparation, you can hold your breath for up to 5 minutes. Under other circumstances, you can hold your breath twice as long as most people, about 2 minutes. You are at home in the water, can swim fast, far and dive deep.
Work Ethic (2)--Your organization in the work area is impeccable, as well as your attention to detail. Add +1 to any rolls for science, research, tech or repair tasks, and expect your methods to allow quicker completion of just about any job. Additionally, your care and safety means you are less likely to hurt yourself if there is a lab/industrial accident.
Wound Triage (2)--You can more effectively treat the most serious wounds and the mild trauma of slight wounds does not hamper your life-saving efforts. Ignore 1-point wounds when calculating the stabilization target number. Also, once per patient per game session, you can effectively eliminate a light wound, erasing up to 4 points from the wound track.