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This category involves any kind of origin that is centered around magic, the occult or things that current science considers 'unexplained'.  It may or may not incorporate aliens, depending on the explaination.
This category involves any kind of origin that is centered around magic, the occult or things that current science considers 'unexplained'.  It may or may not incorporate aliens, depending on the explaination.
[[GM Secret Page:Mystical]]
Characters who undergo some major, life-altering change that makes them who they are would fall under this category.  Changes could range from being bitten by a radioactive spider to deciding one day that powers should manifest.
Characters who undergo some major, life-altering change that makes them who they are would fall under this category.  Changes could range from being bitten by a radioactive spider to deciding one day that powers should manifest.

Revision as of 21:03, 18 November 2006

On this page I will discuss the distribution of super-types, and also include discourse on character generation, assuming Hero is used. I would probably enforce something similar in MoC.


Each character will fall within the one archetype which most closely fits. The gameworld itself (in a more scientific manner) also has data to group Exemplars into appropriate categories. The combination of archetypes and origins will determine which powers are available and what the point maximum and active point limit is. In each category there is a link following which leads to a semi-secret page (entitled GM Secret Page:category so people dont accidentally click them), please do not read those pages unless you are certain your character falls into the given category. If you have any questions, please discuss them with user:Jason. Generally a character should not fit into two or more categories. This means that if two absolutes are stated no character may have both (eg. 30 STR and 20 pts in Martial Arts). No character is required to have one of the minimum thresholds, though a suitable archetype will be chosen nonetheless.


Any character with 30 or greater STR is a brick. Brick's may come from any origin, though Achievement is rare. Normally, even when the character is the result of immense effort, something else was also at work (such as latent mutation).


Any character with greater than 5 SPD is a Speedster. Speedsters may have any origin except Achievement (unless there is a really good reason).

Energy Projector

Any character with a 10 DC or greater ranged attack native to the character (on the character sheet) is an Energy Projector. Energy Projectors may come from any origin.

Equipment Based Heroes

Sometimes referred to as Gadgeteers or Powered Armor heroes, the range of possibilities is vast. Any character with more than 50 points in foci (that are not commonly available) is an EBH. EBH's come from all origins.

Martial Artist

Any character with 20 or more points in martial arts (including DC's) is a Martial Artist. Martial Artists may come from any origin, though achievement tends to be the most common.


Characters with shape changing powers are Metamorphs. Metamorph, unlike other Archetypes, may be combined with another. Metamorphs may have any origin except Achievement (without extreme circumstances).


Any character with more than 10 in Mental Defense and/or a 50 Active Point mental power is a Mentallist. Mentallists may have any origin.


The Origin is the story of how the character got his or her powers. These categories are deliberately vaue, allowing players the freedom to customize them as they see fit.


The character is somehow genetically different from other humans. Science may not have isolated a mutant gene, but it probably exists. Some mutations manifest themselves immediately upon birth, while others come at puberty or later. These details are left to the player.

GM Secret Page:Mutation


Little Lebowski Urban Achievers come from this category, as do many superheroes such as, purportedly, The Ultimate Man. The Achievement itself may have been augmented with an invention (Iron Man), a super serum (Captain America) or anything else the player can envision.

GM Secret Page:Achievement


This category involves any kind of origin that is centered around magic, the occult or things that current science considers 'unexplained'. It may or may not incorporate aliens, depending on the explaination.

GM Secret Page:Mystical


Characters who undergo some major, life-altering change that makes them who they are would fall under this category. Changes could range from being bitten by a radioactive spider to deciding one day that powers should manifest.