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=Species Constructs=
=Species Constructs=
What follows are some general descriptions of the most species in the universe. They provide guidelines you can use to create the races that inhabit your universe.  
What follows are some general descriptions of the most species in the universe. They provide guidelines you can use to create the races that inhabit your universe. When choosing a species, the player should also customize their race, via home world, climate or culture to ensure that the racial template has the appropriate cost.
==Humans and Humanoids==
==Humans and Humanoids==
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Humanoids are representative of human races who evolved away from the basic racial type during the long isolation of the Interregnum between Forerunner Civilization and the rise of the current Star Cultures. Because of genetic ‘drift’ and evolutionary adaptations to local environmental conditions, humanoids are not necessarily genetically compatible with humans and exhibit marked differences in general appearance, physical traits, and mental faculties. Arrangement and even function of internal organs is different from the parent race; but despite these and other factors, humanoids are still clearly related to human. This very fundamental relationship makes both intense association and violent conflict possible.
Humanoids are representative of human races who evolved away from the basic racial type during the long isolation of the Interregnum between Forerunner Civilization and the rise of the current Star Cultures. Because of genetic ‘drift’ and evolutionary adaptations to local environmental conditions, humanoids are not necessarily genetically compatible with humans and exhibit marked differences in general appearance, physical traits, and mental faculties. Arrangement and even function of internal organs is different from the parent race; but despite these and other factors, humanoids are still clearly related to human. This very fundamental relationship makes both intense association and violent conflict possible.
Humans and Humanoids may increase one Trait value one level, maximum column 5, but receive no extra Edges, Hindrances or other adjustments.
Humans and Humanoids receive +2 trait value to be used on a trait of choice, as well as +1 training to be used on a trait of choice. They also receive the Edge: Acute Senses: Sight at a frequency of story arc. Humans have 4 Racial Edge slots. Species template cost: 1.
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Races of Transhumans are very rare. They may evidence some external differences from humans, notably in such factors as shape of facial features, ears or other external cues. These races still belong to the human race and can intermarry successfully with humans, their offspring having traits of both parents. Development of Psionic Talent as a mental science also marks the Transhuman Star Cultures. This is quite in keeping with the general thrust toward intellectual attainments which stands as the ultimate goal of individuals and society.
Races of Transhumans are very rare. They may evidence some external differences from humans, notably in such factors as shape of facial features, ears or other external cues. These races still belong to the human race and can intermarry successfully with humans, their offspring having traits of both parents. Development of Psionic Talent as a mental science also marks the Transhuman Star Cultures. This is quite in keeping with the general thrust toward intellectual attainments which stands as the ultimate goal of individuals and society.
Transhuman characters may have no Trait at value 1, and may convert up to one value 3 to value 4 after all selections are made. They also receive one extra training point on up to three different Traits, with a maximum training of 4. Transhumans must be either Latent or Adept in Psionics.
Transhuman characters may have no Trait at value 4, and may add 2 to one trait value after all adjustments. This may not bring the value over 8. They also receive one extra training point on up to three different Traits. Transhumans must be either Latent or Adept in Psionics. Transhumans have increased movement and do not take CT when stepping up. Transhumans have 8 racial Edge slots. Species template cost: 10.
The Pithecines are bipedal creatures with roughly humanoid shape. They have evolved from stock similar to the lower primates of Terra and bear a characteristic ape-like appearance. Some Pithecine races have achieved considerable intellectual and cultural development, but few have equaled human levels.
The Pithecines are bipedal creatures with roughly humanoid shape. They have evolved from stock similar to the lower primates of Terra and bear a characteristic ape-like appearance. Some Pithecine races have achieved considerable intellectual and cultural development, but few have equaled human levels.
Pithecine characters may not assign a column 1 or 2 to Strength or Fortitude, and can add one point of training to one of those.
Pithecine characters may not assign a column 1 or 2 to Strength or Fortitude, and can add one point of training to each of those. Pithecine characters have the racial edge Prehensile Feet at a frequency of session. Pithecines have 6 racial Edge slots. Species template cost: 1
Canine bipeds appear to have descended from stock related to hunting dogs or wolves. They have evolved into a general bipedal shape, but still exhibit many physical traits and behaviors of their ancestors.
Canine bipeds appear to have descended from stock related to hunting dogs or wolves. They have evolved into a general bipedal shape, but still exhibit many physical traits and behaviors of their ancestors.
Canine characters may not assign a column 1 to Strength or Fortitude, and add 1 to their Rate. Canines have one extra level of alertness at character generation. Canines have two levels in the Track Aptitude for free.
Canine characters may not assign a column 1 to Strength or Fortitude, and add 1 to their Rate. Canines have two levels in the Track skill for free. Canine characters have the racial edge Enhanced Hearing at frequency of scene. Canines have 6 racial edge slots. Species template cost: 1
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Unlike Avatars, MekPurr are very lithe and leisure oriented. Their cultures prize intellectual pursuits, especially the highly technical. Their cultures are the recognized masters of cybernetics and robotic automation. MekPurr have retractable claws.
Unlike Avatars, MekPurr are very lithe and leisure oriented. Their cultures prize intellectual pursuits, especially the highly technical. Their cultures are the recognized masters of cybernetics and robotic automation. MekPurr have retractable claws.
All Feline races receive two free levels of alertness and one extra training in Acuity. Avatars receive an extra point of training in Strength, Dexterity and Fortitude, and add two to their Rate. MekPurr receive an extra training in Knowledge. Avatars increase their Reflexes value one level, to a maximum of 5.
All Feline races receive one free level of alertness and one extra training in Acuity. Avatars receive an extra point of training in Strength, Dexterity and Fortitude, and add two to their Rate. MekPurr receive an extra training in Knowledge. Avatars increase their Reflexes value one level, to a maximum of 5. Avatars may not assign column 1 or 2 to Strength, Dexterity, Reflexes or Fortitude. MekPurr may not assign column 1 to Dexterity, Knowledge or Acuity.
Avatars may not assign column 1 or 2 to Strength, Dexterity, Reflexes or Fortitude. MekPurr may not assign column 1 to Dexterity, Knowledge or Acuity.
Avatars have 4 racial edge slots. Species template cost: 10 MekPurr have 6 racial edge slots. Species template cost: 4.
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Ursoid characters may not have column 1, 2 or 3 in Strength or Fortitude. They also may not place column 5 in Acuity or Knowledge.
Ursoid characters may not have column 1, 2 or 3 in Strength or Fortitude. They also may not place column 5 in Acuity or Knowledge.
Either the Strength or Fortitude value may be increased by one level, maximum 5. They receive two extra levels of training in Strength (maximum 4) and one extra in Fortitude. Ursoids add one to their size.
Either the Strength or Fortitude value is +2. They receive two extra levels of training in Strength and one extra in Fortitude. Ursoids add one to their size. Ursoids have 6 racial edge slots. Species template cost: 7
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Avians are bipedal, with wings evolved into ‘arms’ with grasping appendages that function efficiently as ‘hands.’ Avian legs are strong and adapted to running at high speed. Feet typically possess talons suited for kicking and striking at enemies. The head has all of the characteristic avian shape of lesser species, often resembling the features of hawks and eagles, with keen eyes and sharp beak. The head and body may be covered with feathers of various hues, males tending to be more decorative than females. The feathers themselves tend toward a downy, almost fur-like appearance and texture. Avian musculature is strong, but body weight is relatively lower than for other species of similar size because most Avians retain hollow bones. Speeds are definitely faster than for most races.
Avians are bipedal, with wings evolved into ‘arms’ with grasping appendages that function efficiently as ‘hands.’ Avian legs are strong and adapted to running at high speed. Feet typically possess talons suited for kicking and striking at enemies. The head has all of the characteristic avian shape of lesser species, often resembling the features of hawks and eagles, with keen eyes and sharp beak. The head and body may be covered with feathers of various hues, males tending to be more decorative than females. The feathers themselves tend toward a downy, almost fur-like appearance and texture. Avian musculature is strong, but body weight is relatively lower than for other species of similar size because most Avians retain hollow bones. Speeds are definitely faster than for most races.
Avians may not place column 4 or 5 in Fortitude. They may not place column 5 in Strength. An Avian may be deemed a glider. Avians add two to their Rate. If so chosen, their Dexterity may not exceed column 4, but they may glide at a speed equal to their Rate. Avians subtract one from their size.
Avians may not place column 4 or 5 in Fortitude. They may not place column 5 in Strength. An Avian may be deemed a glider. If so chosen, their Dexterity may not exceed column 4, but they may glide at a speed equal to their Rate. Avians add two to their Rate. Avians subtract one from their size. Avians have 6 racial edge slots. Species template cost: 0
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Saurians may not place a column 1 in Strength nor a column 1 or 2 in Fortitude. They also may not place a column 5 in Reflexes. They receive one extra training in Fortitude.
Saurians may not place a column 1 in Strength nor a column 1 or 2 in Fortitude. They also may not place a column 5 in Reflexes. They receive one extra training in Fortitude.
Saurians receive the Edge: 360 Degree vision. They also receive the Edge: Vibration Sense.
Saurians receive the racial Edge: 360 Degree vision. They also receive the racial Edge: Vibration Sense. Saurians have 8 racial edge slots. Species template cost: 1
IRSOL are descendants of humanoids who grew up in low or zero gravity, in a managed environment. They tend to resemble their humanoid ancestors, but are somewhat taller and slimmer. Because of their origin in a very controlled environment, they are also less able to adapt. One physical advantage they do gain is increased lung capacity and tolerance to changes in pressure.
IRSOL are descendants of humanoids who grew up in low or zero gravity, in a managed environment. They tend to resemble their humanoid ancestors, but are somewhat taller and slimmer. Because of their origin in a very controlled environment, they are also less able to adapt. One physical advantage they do gain is increased lung capacity and tolerance to changes in pressure.
IRSOL may not place column 4 or 5 in Strength or Fortitude. They receive the Edge: Adapted Lungs.
IRSOL may not place column 4 or 5 in Strength or Fortitude. They receive the Edge: Adapted Lungs. IRSOL have 10 racial edge slots. Species template cost: -2

Revision as of 23:06, 11 June 2016

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Chapter 10: Populating the Universe

Creating Races and Species

All races and species begin creation the same, with a II-2 in each Trait, a size of 6, and no Edges of any kind. Species templates are built on this framework, and races cascade from these species templates. Customization costs are added to create the total species template cost. Consult the customization table below.

Cost Customization Limit Notes
2 +2 Trait Value 12 No more than 4 traits may be improved
1 +1 Training 5 No more than 4 Traits may be improved
6 Racial Construct 2 Sharp edge
Variable Racial Edge 2xRank Any Edge
-2 -2 Trait Value 4 No more than 2 traits may be reduced
-1 -1 Training 1 No more than 2 traits may be reduced

Species Constructs

What follows are some general descriptions of the most species in the universe. They provide guidelines you can use to create the races that inhabit your universe. When choosing a species, the player should also customize their race, via home world, climate or culture to ensure that the racial template has the appropriate cost.

Humans and Humanoids

Humans are very similar to the standard Terran model and represent races sprung from common stock during the Forerunner Period. With the collapse of the great interstellar empires of the Forerunners, the various planets containing the human races were isolated, and local variations crept into each planetary subspecies. However, all humans are genetically compatible and may intermarry.

Humanoids are representative of human races who evolved away from the basic racial type during the long isolation of the Interregnum between Forerunner Civilization and the rise of the current Star Cultures. Because of genetic ‘drift’ and evolutionary adaptations to local environmental conditions, humanoids are not necessarily genetically compatible with humans and exhibit marked differences in general appearance, physical traits, and mental faculties. Arrangement and even function of internal organs is different from the parent race; but despite these and other factors, humanoids are still clearly related to human. This very fundamental relationship makes both intense association and violent conflict possible.

Humans and Humanoids receive +2 trait value to be used on a trait of choice, as well as +1 training to be used on a trait of choice. They also receive the Edge: Acute Senses: Sight at a frequency of story arc. Humans have 4 Racial Edge slots. Species template cost: 1.


Transhumans tend to appear occasionally in human populations and seem to represent individual evolutionary mutations pointing toward a new stage of racial development. It has been the hypothesis of some geneticists that the ‘Transhuman’ or Transitional Human is evidencing some of the traits of the parent Forerunner Race as Forerunner genetic manipulations of the human stock grow weak with the years and permit the release of the potentials carefully restrained in the interests of breeding ‘warriors’. Detection of these unique individuals is rare, and many say inconclusive as well, for there are little external or internal differences to really set Transhumans apart from the human races from which they arise. It is suspected that most have naturally developed Psionic powers, but such powers tend to be carefully hidden from general knowledge by the Transhumans themselves.

Races of Transhumans are very rare. They may evidence some external differences from humans, notably in such factors as shape of facial features, ears or other external cues. These races still belong to the human race and can intermarry successfully with humans, their offspring having traits of both parents. Development of Psionic Talent as a mental science also marks the Transhuman Star Cultures. This is quite in keeping with the general thrust toward intellectual attainments which stands as the ultimate goal of individuals and society.

Transhuman characters may have no Trait at value 4, and may add 2 to one trait value after all adjustments. This may not bring the value over 8. They also receive one extra training point on up to three different Traits. Transhumans must be either Latent or Adept in Psionics. Transhumans have increased movement and do not take CT when stepping up. Transhumans have 8 racial Edge slots. Species template cost: 10.


The Pithecines are bipedal creatures with roughly humanoid shape. They have evolved from stock similar to the lower primates of Terra and bear a characteristic ape-like appearance. Some Pithecine races have achieved considerable intellectual and cultural development, but few have equaled human levels.

Pithecine characters may not assign a column 1 or 2 to Strength or Fortitude, and can add one point of training to each of those. Pithecine characters have the racial edge Prehensile Feet at a frequency of session. Pithecines have 6 racial Edge slots. Species template cost: 1


Canine bipeds appear to have descended from stock related to hunting dogs or wolves. They have evolved into a general bipedal shape, but still exhibit many physical traits and behaviors of their ancestors.

Canine characters may not assign a column 1 to Strength or Fortitude, and add 1 to their Rate. Canines have two levels in the Track skill for free. Canine characters have the racial edge Enhanced Hearing at frequency of scene. Canines have 6 racial edge slots. Species template cost: 1


The Felines are descended from large hunting cat stock, but they have evolved into a bipedal humanoid form. Felines exhibit many of the characteristics of the ancestors, particularly a well-developed fastidiousness and a seemingly ‘nervous’ temperament that is really a continual readiness to act decisively in an emergency.

Felines are highly individualistic creatures and respond sullenly to unjust or dictatorial treatment. They rarely forgive and never forget an injury, and a resultant tendency to seek personal vengeance therefore characterizes most Felines. All Feline cultures are circumscribed by propriety, with customs and behavior patterns that establish the bounds of ‘correct and proper conduct’. This sense of what is fitting and proper replaces the human concepts of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. However, as propriety largely aims at defining the areas of personal freedom so vital to Felines, the overall result of their views is an attitude corresponding closely to many human ideas of justice. All Felines are unreformed carnivores and not only enjoy eating meat, but also prefer to hunt their prey where possible. Feline metabolisms tend to be iron-based. Life expectancy is 100 - 125 years in advanced races, and about 50 years for ‘primitive’ races. Felines have two distinctly different racial classifications.


Avatars are members of a highly individualistic Feline racial group that eschews many of the trapping of technological ‘civilization’ as decadent excepting weapons. These Feline races stand very close to the ancestors in their aloof, sensual manner and in their sheer ferocity when angered. Avatars have permanently extended, very sharp claws.


Unlike Avatars, MekPurr are very lithe and leisure oriented. Their cultures prize intellectual pursuits, especially the highly technical. Their cultures are the recognized masters of cybernetics and robotic automation. MekPurr have retractable claws.

All Feline races receive one free level of alertness and one extra training in Acuity. Avatars receive an extra point of training in Strength, Dexterity and Fortitude, and add two to their Rate. MekPurr receive an extra training in Knowledge. Avatars increase their Reflexes value one level, to a maximum of 5. Avatars may not assign column 1 or 2 to Strength, Dexterity, Reflexes or Fortitude. MekPurr may not assign column 1 to Dexterity, Knowledge or Acuity.

Avatars have 4 racial edge slots. Species template cost: 10 MekPurr have 6 racial edge slots. Species template cost: 4.


The Ursoids are bear-like creatures particularly notable for their great strength and hardiness. Ursoids are bipedal, with 2 arms and 2 legs, and erect posture. Forepaws have evolved into hands, but powerful and very dangerous claws are retained. Body hair is full and dense, ranging in color from ‘polar bear’ white to buff, brown, and black. Overall appearance is very bear-like, with massive musculature. Ursoids have ‘refined’ body shapes, compared to primal ancestors, and are well adapted to bipedal locomotion. Males range from 180 cm to 225 cm in height and mass of 100 kg to 220 kg. Females are somewhat smaller, but still are significantly larger and heavier than the males of human species, attaining as much as 125 kg mass and height of 200 cm. Ursoids can attain speeds comparable to those of humans both in sprints and over long distances.

Ursoid characters may not have column 1, 2 or 3 in Strength or Fortitude. They also may not place column 5 in Acuity or Knowledge.

Either the Strength or Fortitude value is +2. They receive two extra levels of training in Strength and one extra in Fortitude. Ursoids add one to their size. Ursoids have 6 racial edge slots. Species template cost: 7


The Avians are descended from ground-dwelling birds. Even in low gravity conditions, flyers do not attain sizes sufficient to make racial dominance on the planet a likely prospect, however some Avian species do glide.

Avians are bipedal, with wings evolved into ‘arms’ with grasping appendages that function efficiently as ‘hands.’ Avian legs are strong and adapted to running at high speed. Feet typically possess talons suited for kicking and striking at enemies. The head has all of the characteristic avian shape of lesser species, often resembling the features of hawks and eagles, with keen eyes and sharp beak. The head and body may be covered with feathers of various hues, males tending to be more decorative than females. The feathers themselves tend toward a downy, almost fur-like appearance and texture. Avian musculature is strong, but body weight is relatively lower than for other species of similar size because most Avians retain hollow bones. Speeds are definitely faster than for most races.

Avians may not place column 4 or 5 in Fortitude. They may not place column 5 in Strength. An Avian may be deemed a glider. If so chosen, their Dexterity may not exceed column 4, but they may glide at a speed equal to their Rate. Avians add two to their Rate. Avians subtract one from their size. Avians have 6 racial edge slots. Species template cost: 0


Saurians are descended from warm-blooded hunting dinosaurs and exhibit many characteristic of their ancestors. The Saurians are especially notable for their considerable strength and size, which rivals that of Ursoids.

Saurians are ‘reptilian’ bipeds with 2 arms, 2 legs, and erect stance which is aided by a balancing tail. The general shape is that of a small hunting dinosaurian of approximately man-size. The skin is a fine scale of greenish to brownish hue, although other shades may be encountered, including vivid coloration in iridescent greens, blues, reds, etc. Some species have a form of body hair related to the feathers of birds, and this covering may also be colored as variously as scales, The heads are remarkably bird-like in appearance, especially in the fur-covered species, and the Saurians therefore have anything except a ‘reptilian’ look to them. Their tongues flick in and out regularly to smell the environment, as the olfactory sense is typically maintained in the tongue. Some species have olfactory organs in the nostrils, however. As in the case of most sentient races, their forepaws have developed into hands with thumbs and, opposing fingers, some races still retaining short claws which can be used in fighting. The feet are taloned in much the same way as noted for Avians, and these are used as fearsome weapons in close combat. The jaws also contain formidable fangs capable of rending and tearing an enemy with good effect.

Saurians may not place a column 1 in Strength nor a column 1 or 2 in Fortitude. They also may not place a column 5 in Reflexes. They receive one extra training in Fortitude. Saurians receive the racial Edge: 360 Degree vision. They also receive the racial Edge: Vibration Sense. Saurians have 8 racial edge slots. Species template cost: 1


IRSOL are descendants of humanoids who grew up in low or zero gravity, in a managed environment. They tend to resemble their humanoid ancestors, but are somewhat taller and slimmer. Because of their origin in a very controlled environment, they are also less able to adapt. One physical advantage they do gain is increased lung capacity and tolerance to changes in pressure.

IRSOL may not place column 4 or 5 in Strength or Fortitude. They receive the Edge: Adapted Lungs. IRSOL have 10 racial edge slots. Species template cost: -2