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(Specialist Robots)
(Military Robots)
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=Military Robots=
=Military Robots=
There are three models of War Robot, based upon the standard
A Battle Robot or War Robot is nothing more nor
less than a cybernetically controlled suit of power armor
capable of performing various combat functions if given
precise orders. There are three models of War Robot, based upon the standard
MekPurr design:
MekPurr design:

Revision as of 21:08, 27 July 2016

‘Robots’ are cyberneticized machines that will act exactly as programmed and ordered. Robotic positronic ‘brains’ can control a vehicle, a gun, a suit of Powered Armour (Battle or War Robot), or even an entire StarShip.

The MekPurrs are the masters of the science of Robotics, partially because that feline race is rather limited in numbers and must augment itself with semi-sentient cybernetic equipment, both on the battlefield and in general society.

Robot Tech Levels

Automation and robotic development have been pursued for centuries. Given the unique needs of a civilization in question, the quality and utility of the robots they produce can be generally approximated with the following chart.

TL5 Simple, single task automatons such as robotic arms.
TL6 Moving and simple programmable automatons.
TL7 Self propelled locomotion with programmable tasks.
TL8 Basic decision making.
TL9 Turing complete almost AI.
TL10 Self aware AI.
TL11 Fully functional, self deterministic AI.

Types of Robots


Service Mek

A ‘robotic’ device designed to perform routine maintainance and repair functions under the direction of a positronic MiniComputer/7 (these are available in Tech/7, unlike the ‘normal Mini/7, but are restricted to cybernetic equipment), the Service Mek can be programmed with any of the MiniC Data Chips as described in Chapter XX Computers. The Mek is an ‘idiot’ specialist in the function for which it is programmed. The Mek is purely functional; thus it is not humanoid in shape. Depending on whether it is designed for heavy work or light work, it will range from 50 kg to 1000 kg in mass. The Mek will be fitted with servo ‘arms’ and manipulators appropriate to its overall functions. Locomotion is typically on rubberized treads, although some units have GravPods or Hover capability. Speed tends to be at the pace of a man Or slightly faster when in motion. The following types are generally available:


*Body point equivalent, If damage exceeds the capacity, the unit must be repaired as if a single system Breakdown class/7. The unit will continue to function if lesser damage is sustained, but a Breakdown roll will be made every 1d6 hours it is operating after being damaged. Repairs can be made by rolling on the breakdown table to find out the extent of the damage. If damage exceeds double damage capacity, the unit is damaged beyond repair.

**Positronic ‘brains’ are sensitive to radiation. If the rad level reaches +1 over the unit’s limit (for instance, a -7 means that it can withstand rad/7, as 7 - 7 = 0; but rad/8 is beyond the limit), roll for break. down. Each rad level above the unit’s shielding factor adds +1 to the Breakdown No., and also to the repair roll. If 21+ occurs on the repair roll, the positronic brain has been destroyed. Check every 1d6 hours exposed.

***The expertise range indicated is that possible for the Mek to perform when programmed. The cost of the Mek, in part, depends upon the maximum expertise level built into the unit.

Technical Meks

Mech/Tech Mek: 250 kg: A mechanic Mek designed to service mechanical equipment. It can lift masses up to 250 kg with its servos.

Basic Cost = CR 25 000 for expertise/2 capacity. An additional CR 2500 per expertise level over Mech/2 buys an improved model. Equipment includes a Mech tool kit.

Hv. Mech/Tech Mek: 1000 kg: A heavy-duty mechanic Mek designed to perform welding and metalwork jobs, erect structures, cut trees, etc. It can lift up to 2000 kg with its servo arms, and has hydraulic jacks to lift masses up to 100t to replace tracks, wheels, etc., as required.

Basic Cost = CR 35 000 for expertise/2, and an additional CR 3500 per expertise level over that. Equipment includes a heavy Mech tool kit.

Com/Tech Mek: An electronics Mek designed to service and maintain all electrical equipment except computers. Its servos can lift up to 75 kg. and its manipulators are capable of very fine work if needed. Equipment includes an electrical toolkit.

Cost = CR 25 000 for expertise/3 plus an additional CR 5000 per expertise level over that.

Com/Tech Computer Mek: An electronics Mek designed to service and maintain computers. It is the same in specifications as a standard Com/Tech Mek, but all costs are doubled. It can also perform Com/Tech operations if necessary.

Power/Tech Mek: A Mek designed to work with high-voltage electricity and to service nuclear reactors, StarDrives, etc., where it is dangerous for living personnel to go. Equipment includes an Electrical, a Mech, and a Heavy Mech tool kit. Its servos can lift 250 kg, and it has jacking equipment which can raise up to 5000 kg if necessary.

Cost = CR 50 000 for expertise/3, plus CR 5000 per expertise level over that. The unit is particularly useful when the servomechanisms in a StarShip Power and StarDrive systems break down, and it can rectify the trouble without requiring the presence of a man.

Personal Robots

Servant Mek: A Mek designed to perform such functions as valet, waiter, cook/chef, etc. It has about the same capacities as an average man.

Cost = CR 20 000 for expertise/3, plus an additional CR 2000 per expertise level above that. Each expertise level adds +3% to a base 80% chance of performing an assigned ‘servant’ task. Failure means that the unit mixed the Martini with too much gin, spilled the soup in a special guest’s lap, burned the roast, or failed to sew that loose button on, etc.

Household Mek: A Mek designed to perform routine cleaning and other related tasks, relieving one of the drudgery of such unpleasant activities.

Cost = CR 5000 for expertise/3, plus an additional CR 1000 per expertise level above that. The unit can also perform routine maintainance and repair on household appliances, for which the expertise is used. Occasional emergencies like a toaster burning out or a leaking faucet can be called on by the StarMaster to activate this ‘Mother’s Helper.’

Specialist Robots

MediTech Mek: A Mek designed to work alongside a Physician as a replacement for a trained MediTech. If operating alone, it has only 2/3 of its normal capacity.

Cost = CR 40 000 per expertise/3, plus CR 4000 per expertise level over that. It cannot perform operations, etc., but contains such facilities for use by a Physician. It also contains a FMK Field MediKit.

Military Robots

A Battle Robot or War Robot is nothing more nor less than a cybernetically controlled suit of power armor capable of performing various combat functions if given precise orders. There are three models of War Robot, based upon the standard MekPurr design:

Light Infantry Robot: Equivalent to Scout Powered Armour. Hand-to-Hand Combat factor = 110. The unit has no jetpack. Movement is equal to Powered Armour ‘A’, with units being either tracked or ‘legged.’ EW = 7, with HUD/1. Each Tech/level above Tech/7 adds +1 EW, and +1 to HUD rating. Expertise equivalent with weapons and Hand-to-Hand combat = level/5. Rad Shield = .8. Breakdown No, = 2/4. Mass = 250 kg. Damage Capacity = 65.

Cost = CR 150,000. Standard Armament = Blast LMG.

Support Robot: Equivalent to the Light Infantry Robot, but with a hand-to-hand combat factor = 115. The unit will be armed with a Blast MMG and a Lt. PML. It may be issued with a Flame MG in place of the PML.

Heavy Infantry Robot: Equivalent to Marauder Powered Armour. Hand-to-hand combat factor = 135. The unit has no jetpack. Movement is equal to powered armour ‘A’, with units being either tracked or ‘legged.’ EW = 7, with HUD/1. Each tech level above Tech/7 adds +1 EW, and +1 to HUD rating. Expertise equivalent with weapons and hand-to-hand combat equals level/6. Red Shield = -9. Breakdown No. = 2/4. Mass = 350 kg. Damage Capacity = 100.

Cost = 250,000 CR. Standard Armament = Blast HMG.

Heavy Assault Robot: Designed in Tech/10 levels by MekPurr armament engineers, the Heavy Assault Robot is equivalent to Assault Powered Armour. Hand-to-hand Factor = 140. The unit has no jet pack but is equipped with anti-grav to permit it to cross water, swamps, etc. Normal movement is on tracks. Movement is Power Armour ‘A’ on tracks or anti-grav. EW = 10, with HUD/4. Expertise equivalent with weapons and hand-tohand combat = level/8. Red Shield is total. Anti-APROBDIF ‘brainscreen’ = +2, and a +3 can be fitted for an additional CR 25,000. Mass = 500 kg. Damage Capacity = 135. Breakdown No. = 2/4.

Cost = CR 350,000. Standard Armament is a Blast HMG, a hand flamer, and a stun pistol. The unit can handle other weapons as issued. Only MekPurr personnel can operate these robots.

Specialized Robot Equipment

Brain Screen: CR 10 000 units can be equipped with a +1 antiaprobdif positronic ‘Brain Screen.’

Rad Shield: All Battle Robots have ‘total’ anti-radiation shielding.

Robotic Vehicles: The MekPurrs have installed positronic ‘brains’ in combat vehicles, usually on the Terran model. EW = 9 in Tech/7, and graduating upward by +1 per Tech level thereafter.

Cost = CR 125 000 to cybernetize the vehicle, so add to the basic vehicle cost. Robotic units are used to provide support for manned MekPurr armour, with the SabreTiger’ MBU typically acting as a Command Vehicle. Expertise of Robotic fighting vehicles = expertise/7. They all have +3 positronic ‘Brain Screens’ and full radiation protection.

Command Control Unit: MekControl units are available for CR 25 000. These consist of a wiremesh ‘helmet’ connected to a MiniComputer. The ‘helmet’ converts brain waves directly into electronic signals by the MiniC, and these signals are then beamed out by radio and sub-space communications to the Robots and Meks under the controller’s charge. Mass = 500 kg. Range = range of communicator to which the system is linked. Breakdown = 1/2 (direct hit only). Duration: 5000 hr. powercell. Tech/7+ MekPurr device. Cost = CR 25 000 x 20.d10% for non- MekPurr races. The MekPurr unit cannot be easily overridden by foreign MekControls, as it is totally integrated with the Robotic systems it commands.

