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--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 10:40, 30 November 2006 (MST)Wik is too busy thinking up [[Wik's planned insults for this rodeo clown who captured us]] to be of any real help, I think.
--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 10:40, 30 November 2006 (MST)Wik is too busy thinking up [[Wik's planned insults for this rodeo clown who captured us]] to be of any real help, I think.
--[[User:Dieterthebold|Dieter the Bold]] 21:35, 4 December 2006 (MST) Grant wants to go after the rest of the group, but has no idea where to start. Also, no one rumbles with the Big Top. And while Grant's willing to rumble for the sake of his friends, he worries about any backlash that might affect his family. So he wants to hook up with Shennong and start some serious planning. Obstacles: (1) Find the Big Top, (2) Find friends within Big Top, (3) Rescue friends with all available dynamite and C4 in most awesome action sequence evah.

Revision as of 23:35, 4 December 2006

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


12/8/06....Exemplar's one shot...Jason's, possibly Ben's if Justin shows up (Heather would like to see Justin as well)
12/15/06...PA............Ben's House
12/22/06...PA............Jason's, possibly Ben's house
12/29/06...Nada.......Week Off

Food preference



-- 21:08, 4 December 2006 (MST)Ben will be attending: as far as I know, Nate has given a "good to go" via email. That makes three of us, including Jason, confirmed for Friday

--Dieter the Bold 21:32, 4 December 2006 (MST) I will not be in attendance. Family affairs that I feel I can miss a one-shot for. Sorry gents.

Other random comments to the group

--Edmiao 13:20, 24 November 2006 (MST) Cleaned up section.. to sum up discussion for Dec 22ng gaming:
Ed - 99% no for the 22nd, most likely available for 29th
Ben - maybe for 22nd and gone for 29th
Matt - gone on 29th
Dieter - good for 22nd

--BenofZongo 17:34, 19 November 2006 (MST)Another thing I'd like to bring up for discussion: the comic book reading. This is something that started out as a part-time, one to two people at a time kind of thing. But at last session it was one player talking to me, five reading comic books. I understand that when the group is fragmented, and all the possible plans have been made, people get bored, and I apologize for that, it happens. But I think that it's disruptive because it means that players are essentially completely tuned out: I have to directly address someone to get them to pay attention. That has it's good sides too, in that players aren't very aware out of game of things they shouldn't know in game, but...I just think that if this gets out of hand, it could get very disruptive. I will do my best to work around this, but if people could make an effort to be aware of when I'm addressing other players whose characters are in their characters vicinity/story arc/whatever, that would be good.

--Jason 18:52, 19 November 2006 (MST)Its not just comic book reading, its novel reading, DnD book reading and other non-game related stuff that constantly happens. I just dont think we can curb it. We have too many players to expect to be able to have everyone constantly involved in anything other than dungeon crawls (which we never do).

--Edmiao 23:32, 19 November 2006 (MST) I like the comics for when the action is on others, especially last session where each person was <50% game time. However, there were times when I noticed players were in the scene and they were reading comics/books. bad.

--Matts 10:30, 30 November 2006 (MST)I'm as guilty of the next man of this, but I want to avoid it as much as possible in the next session. I'll tell you guys right now, that there is a *lot* of stuff I'm not going to be handing the group on a silver plate, and if you're not up on thinking about what's going on, you'll probably miss it. And I won't be the least bit sorry, but I will die a little bit inside.

--BenofZongo 11:21, 30 November 2006 (MST)It was minimal at the last session. Btw, I'm as guilty OF the next man...wow, I think I'll let Jason have at that one.

--Matts 12:08, 30 November 2006 (MST)Gobble a cock, grammar boy! Also, there's less distractions at your house; it'll be a challange (french accent) to keep focused with all those comics about horny mutant teens around.

The next step in WHFRP

--Matts 22:27, 19 November 2006 (MST)Cleared out old discussion. I'm going to do a few things from now on, I hope: I'll put links to new material I've made that is especially relevant to the current section.




For these pages, if only the player involved wouild read it, that'd be great, cause that means less drop pods. Also, if you guys could put your motivations and thoughts about your characters on these pages, that'd be great.

Secret GM Info for Robert

Secret GM Info for Hassan

Secret GM Info for Voldrath

Secret GM Info for Anjou

Secret GM Info for Jacob

Secret GM Info for Eckhardt

Secret GM Info for Ambros

--Justin 15:40, 22 November 2006 (MST) What!?! No "Secret GM Info for Ambros"!?!? bitch...

-- 17:41, 22 November 2006 (MST)There you go!

--Matts 15:43, 24 November 2006 (MST)Everyone read your shit! Also, you can feel free to read the stuff on Miragliano, though your characters probably know little of it.

--Matts 10:39, 30 November 2006 (MST)Discuss your next steps!

--Edmiao 13:00, 30 November 2006 (MST) jacob wants to follow ambrose (Arturo Giovani may be of help). although he is right ready to slit the throat of any old joe, he is actually highly loyal to his friends (he's had precious few) and the idea of Ambrose bumbling towards danger does not sit well with what conscience he has.

--Jason 14:41, 30 November 2006 (MST)Ill wait for you in Miragliano. Ambros has his own reasons, they are none of my business.

--Edmiao 17:47, 30 November 2006 (MST) i don't think we should set up camp anywhere until we are sure that vT is no longer interested in us or is dead. unless we want to fight him, which Jacob is ready to do whenever you panzies grow some nuts. so we should all stay and wait for vT to show or no show, or leave together for somewhere else.

--Justin 10:36, 2 December 2006 (MST) What makes you think Ambros is bumbling? You trully do not know Ambros' motivations, nor do you know all of his secrets...

--Edmiao 14:04, 3 December 2006 (MST) jacob thinks he is bumbling in combat. he thinks this from direct observation.

The Next Step in PA

--Edmiao 13:17, 24 November 2006 (MST) cleaned up old stuff
--Edmiao 11:38, 19 November 2006 (MST) Shennong will be worried about his friends, and suggest radioing 3 rivers. Because of his distrust in Sarah's judgement, he is also considering that maybe he and Grant should go back and blow up the Harbinger project before the others come back. We've had a few days to recover from the radiation sickness, we should be able to go back now. The other lead Shennong wanted to follow - the dynamite trail in edgewood - he thinks has likely gone very cold by now. What say you Grant?

--BenofZongo 17:37, 19 November 2006 (MST)One other thing: I'd like an email from each of you describing your feelings/loyalties towards each of the other characters. This is not to be put on the wiki, because I'd like the full version of what your character thinks about everyone else. In particular, I'd like to know about which other characters your character feels loyal to, and why, and which characters they particularly dislike/distrust/hate/are planning to kill and why. In the next week would be ideal, but anytime before next session will do.

--Matts 10:40, 30 November 2006 (MST)Wik is too busy thinking up Wik's planned insults for this rodeo clown who captured us to be of any real help, I think.

--Dieter the Bold 21:35, 4 December 2006 (MST) Grant wants to go after the rest of the group, but has no idea where to start. Also, no one rumbles with the Big Top. And while Grant's willing to rumble for the sake of his friends, he worries about any backlash that might affect his family. So he wants to hook up with Shennong and start some serious planning. Obstacles: (1) Find the Big Top, (2) Find friends within Big Top, (3) Rescue friends with all available dynamite and C4 in most awesome action sequence evah.