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*Grizzled Veteran:  2/4/6: Against a foe type of your choice, your experience allows you to better predict the enemies actions.  For each rank, add +2 to your effective tactics skill against that type of enemy.
*Grudge Borne Fury:  2/4/6: Against a foe type of your choice, your experience allows you to better predict the enemies actions.  For each rank, add +2 to your effective tactics skill against that type of enemy.
*Grizzled Veteran: 2/4/6/8/10: for each level of this ability, you gain +1 cool for Morale purposes only.  You must have GM permission in order to take this ability above two levels.<br>
*Hunted: 2/5/8/11/15 : there is a warrant for your arrest/price on your head/longstanding grudge by somebody.  The reason for this and the party involved is up to you and/or the GM.  At two points, it's somebody who's an annoyance at best.  at 5, their wimpy but potentially dangerous in the wrong circumstances.  at 8 points, their about as bad ass as you, maybe a little more.  at 11, they're nasty or have a lot of influence, and at 15 they're extremely powerful (the Aeneans, a megacorp, etc.).  You must have GM permission to take the 15 point level.<br>
*Hunted: 2/5/8/11/15 : there is a warrant for your arrest/price on your head/longstanding grudge by somebody.  The reason for this and the party involved is up to you and/or the GM.  At two points, it's somebody who's an annoyance at best.  at 5, their wimpy but potentially dangerous in the wrong circumstances.  at 8 points, their about as bad ass as you, maybe a little more.  at 11, they're nasty or have a lot of influence, and at 15 they're extremely powerful (the Aeneans, a megacorp, etc.).  You must have GM permission to take the 15 point level.<br>

Revision as of 01:56, 15 March 2007

Another work in progress. I've just included the ones I've thought of so far. There will be as many as the fancy strikes me. Feel free to make conceptual suggestions on the discussion page (game effects and points cost should not be suggested, only what sort of style of advantage/disad you'd like to see.)

Advantages/Disadvantages: Natural abilities/traits that are not easily characterized as above.



  • Ajax Reborn: (6/12/18) You are very tough. At each level purchased, you gain an extra block (4 boxes) of health levels. These count as additional “light” boxes
  • Vicious: 3/6/9/12/15: for each level, add +1 to damage you deal in close combat.
  • Thick Skulled: 3/6/9/12/15: for each level, you may subtract 1 from any stun rolls
  • Hardened: 3/6/9/12/15: for each level you may subtract 1 from any death saves.
  • Fast: 3/6/9: for each level, you increase your movement by +2”. base movement is 6”
  • Weapon Master: 3: you always count as having a familiarity with any personal weapon you pick up.
  • Wheelman: 6: as weapon master, but for vehicles. Includes ships.
  • Shipborn: 2: You were raised in deep space. You gain +1 to Zero G movement, Endurance when appropriate, *Contortionist when appropriate, etc.
  • Natural Marksman 4: shots at extreme range are at difficulty 25 for you.
  • Steady Hand: 4: You gain an additional +1 to skill rolls for every two levels you go down the time chart.
  • Evasion: 5: ranged shots taken against you are always at +1 difficulty.
  • Environmental Resistance: 3 per type of environment (ie cold, hot, damp, polluted, whatever)
  • Yogi:2/4/6: Each level halves how frequently you have to eat and/or drink to remain functional.
  • Poised: 3: you may reroll any failed Perform, Oratory, or Dance roll once.
  • Night Owl: 3/5: for each level, halve the difficulty increase for performing tasks in the dark.
  • Prometheus: 2/4/6/8/10: for each level, add 10% to your healing rate.
  • G resistant: 3/6: all crew members are probably familiar with high G forces, but you are particularly resistant to this. Each level doubles the G forces you are able, at least temporarily, to handle. This may have significant effects on combat, though the exact effects must be roleplayed out.
  • Fast metabolism: 3/6: each level halves the effectiveness of drugs and/or poisons on you. This includes beneficial drugs.
  • Feel No Pain: 8pts: you may take this advantage for Stamina or Resist Torture/Drugs or Carousing. Whichever skill you select it for, you may choose to automatically succeed on any roll of this type. If you do, the difficulty of the roll divided by 5 is how much damage you take in the process, in addition to any other damage inflicted.


  • Electromagnetically unstable: 5 pts: your body, for whatever reason, will not accept cybernetic implants of any kind.
  • Allergy: 1pt for something uncommon, 2pts for something very common. You're allergic to something: if you come into contact to it, you must make 5 stun saves or be temporarily incapacitated. If you fail more than 3 of these, you will die without medical attention.
  • Scarring: You have some very visible, ferocious scars: 2 pts. Per -1 to attractiveness. Note that if your attractiveness falls to 0, you are hideously deformed.
  • One eye: 5 pts: you are at double difficulty for all ranged attacks not made with a smartgun or a scope. You suffer -3 for any sight based awareness check.
  • Lost limb: 5 pts: for legs, your movement is reduced to 1”, for arms, you can't do anything that requires two limbs. Note that this disad and the one eye disad are relatively low points because they can be easily replaced in a world with cybertech and vat grown limbs.
  • Clumsy: 5pts: In non-combat situations, you must always reroll any successful dexterity roll. In combat situations, you must reroll only any successful stealth roll.
  • Sensitive: 4 pts: Any sensory-damaging stimulus has a double effect upon you.
  • Albino: 2 pts: For every hour you are exposed to sunlight without sunscreen, you must make a stun roll. Visually damaging stimuli have double effect on you. Social stigma in some socieities.
  • Heart condition: 15 pts: If you fail either any stamina roll or a stun roll, make an immediate death save: if you fail, your heart stops. You will begin to suffer major physiological consequences in about 1 minute, and die within 5 or so. If you have cybernetic surgery that affects your circulatory system, you die of shock.
  • Faint: 5/10: for each level, you are at -1 for stun saves.
  • Fragile: 5/10: for each level, you are at -1 for death saves.
  • War Wound: 4 pts: When entering any combat, make one stun save.
  • Hairless: 1 pt: social stigma in some societies.
  • Child: 15 pts: Your strength and Toughness are limited to 2, and your cool to 4. all but 5 skills are limited to 5 or lower without GM permission. Social stigma
  • Aged: 6 pts: Your strength, dexterity, and toughness are limited to 4. you are at -1 to stun saves. Social stigma.
  • Lightweight: 5 pts: you automatically fail any stamina or resist torture/drugs or carousing roll (pick one).



  • Lightning Calculator: 3/6/9: at 3 pts, you can do geometry, algebra, and trigonometry in your head. At 6, you can do calculus, differential equations, etc. At 9 pts, you can do any mathematical problem in your head outside of those written by a mathematics professor specifically to stump you. You must have lighting calculator at 9 to have psycho-navigation.
  • Master Strategist: 4/8/12/20: for the first three levels, you gain one temporary fate point per session only for strategy or tactics rolls. At the 20 point level, you gain these three re-rolls, AND a permanent fate point in strategy or tactics that regenerates EVERY session. No more than one PC in a campaign may have the 20 point level (if he/she gets killed, too bad, Alexander the Greats aren't born every day).
  • Perfect Pitch:1pt:




Combat Technician: 2/4/8/6/10: for each level, add +1 to your character's attempts to repair SDC at the end of each ship combat round
Machine Spirit: 20/40/60/80/100: for each level, your character adds 1d4 to any technical raises made by him/her. This effect is reusable (ie, every turn this character operates a repair system/armor/just fixes shit, they get the bonus dice). When not in combat, EVERY technical roll made on the ship (by any character) gains +1 per level as long as the character is on board.
Technical intuition: 5/10 pts: at the 5 point level, you may attempt a jury rig roll on any mechanical/electrical item regardless of whether you understand it or have an appropriate skill. at 10 points, you may attempt to actually fix any mechanical/electrical item, using whatever skill comes closest.
Lovin' Care: 15 pts: With a successful appropriate skill roll, you may improve the quality of any item from either low or average to good.


Caveman: 4/10/20/40: at 4 points, you are unfamiliar with fairly advanced tech: cybernetics, genetic mods, and ship AI. At 10 points, you're backwater: you can't take any 'modern' technical proficiencies, and can only work with tech at the level of about the 21st century level of complexity. at the 20 point level, you're illiterate, with all accompanying problems with your education. At 40 points, you were raised in a box, by wolves, what have you. You know nothing of technology that can't be constructed out of rocks and sticks. GM permission is required for the 20 or 40 point levels of this disadvantage.
Jargon: 2pts: your character is so obsessed with technology, particularly the internet, that your speech is littered with technical and obscure jargon. This may give you penalties or possibly even bonuses in some social situations, but it should be primarily roleplayed out.



  • Grudge Borne Fury: 2/4/6: Against a foe type of your choice, your experience allows you to better predict the enemies actions. For each rank, add +2 to your effective tactics skill against that type of enemy.
  • Grizzled Veteran: 2/4/6/8/10: for each level of this ability, you gain +1 cool for Morale purposes only. You must have GM permission in order to take this ability above two levels.


  • Hunted: 2/5/8/11/15 : there is a warrant for your arrest/price on your head/longstanding grudge by somebody. The reason for this and the party involved is up to you and/or the GM. At two points, it's somebody who's an annoyance at best. at 5, their wimpy but potentially dangerous in the wrong circumstances. at 8 points, their about as bad ass as you, maybe a little more. at 11, they're nasty or have a lot of influence, and at 15 they're extremely powerful (the Aeneans, a megacorp, etc.). You must have GM permission to take the 15 point level.
  • Enemy: 2/4/6/8/10: having an enemy is different than being hunted. hunters are actively trying to get you, and they will definitely show up now and again to try and do that. Enemies just hate your guts and, given the opportunity, will make you miserable/kill you. The progression in power level is similar as for hunted, except that GM permission is not required for the 10 point level (it should be taken with caution, however.)



  • Zeroed: 2/5/8 pts: at the 2 point level, add +2 to attempts by other characters to get info on the character in question. at the 5 point level, the character's secrets are impossible to discover, while common information is at +4 difficulty. at the 8 point level, there is no information on the character available anywhere.
  • Animal Magnetism: 3 pts: You automatically succeed on your seduction rolls against targets that have failed a carousing and/or resist torture/drugs (if appropriate) roll this scene.


  • Slave: 5/10: at the 5 point level, the character is a freed slave. This carries social stigma and exposes the character to the risk of re-enslavement, since he has little in the way of identity. At the 10 point level, the character is an escaped slave.
  • Party Animal: 3/6/9: anytime you have the opportunity to engage in an activity that might require you to either make or resist a carousing and/or seduction roll, make a cool roll or dive right in. at 6 pts., you're at -1. At 9, you automatically fail unless you spend a temporary fate point.



  • Daredevil: 3/6/9: for each level, you gain +1 to ANY skill roll in which you are attempting some sort of “death-defying” maneuver. If there is not serious risk to you or your teammates, this bonus will NOT apply.
  • Sanctity: 20 pts.: For whatever reason, people always assume the best possible motive for your actions. This doesn't mean that they fool themselves about what you did, just why you might have done it. This has no "hard", dice-rollin' effects on the game, per se, but is more of a roleplaying effect. Important note: Sanctity does NOT affect PCs.
  • Dangerous: 3/6/9: Something about you exudes threat. This is a mixture of reputation, status, and perma-intimidation. Any rolls in which being perceived as scary or violent might be beneficial receive a +2 per level. Of course, situations where this might not be so good get minuses as well.


  • Laughable: 3/6/9: The opposite of dangerous. Even if you've got a bloody knife in your teeth and a shotgun in your hand, its hard for people to take you seriously. you get -1 per level to rolls where you are trying to be threatening (like intimidate) or powerful (like command).



Attunement: 20 pts: Any piece of equipment you use is treated as if it were one level higher on the quality chart. this effect only works for you.


  • Electromagnetic Anomaly: 10/20: at the ten point level, your character's most valuable technological item breaks (but is repairable) at the end of every storyline/adventure. At the 20 point level, the item either breaks irreparably, or this effect occurs at the end of each session (!).
  • Superstitious: 5 pts.: the character suffers a -3 penalty to any actions performed with equipment that is not either explicitly his/hers or part of the ship loot (from the prologue only, not later acquired loot).
  • Snob 5/10/25/40: Each level raises the minimum quality of goods you will use: 5 for good, 10 for excellent, 25 for best, and 40 for custom. best and custom restrictio as disadvantages require GM permission.