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No pizza for me thanks.
No pizza for me thanks.
--[[User:Lee|Lee]] 09:02, 14 March 2008 (MST) Actually, the Sola Tower caern sounds good.  Recently relocated, of course.  Though I couldn't find any characters from that area.  Maybe you have something offline?
==Ranting and raving or other random comments==
==Ranting and raving or other random comments==

Revision as of 11:02, 14 March 2008

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


Date...........game................Location..........(Advanced attendance)
1/4/08.......WFRP............BnD...............(Ben Gone, Ed present)
1/18/08......totally cancelled
2/8/08.......W-Wolf .........BnD...............
2/15/08......WFRP............BnD............... ed gone
2/16/08......bday one shot..BnD...............
2/22/08......???.............BnD............... Matt at GDC
2/29/08......???.............BnD............... ed maybe
3/07/08......WFRP(?).........BnD............... Brandon gone
3/14/08......W-Wolf..........BnD............... ben gone
3/15/08......Board Gaming....BnD............... BBQ is an option, so weigh in. Est. Noon starttime.
3/21/08......W-Wolf..........BnD............... ben gone, Brandon gone, Dieter gone
3/28/08......WFRP............BnD............... Gabe gone

For the 3/15 board gaming extravaganza, should I bring a folding table as well, in case we have two games going at once?

--Edmiao 13:48, 10 March 2008 (MST) yes. unless BnD have one

JASON: Anyone want to play a game tonight? Email or call, we are making nachos and will probably play around 8 or so.

--Lee 18:19, 11 March 2008 (MST) BTW, since I'm new (again) to Seattle, can anyone whip up a page for good local gaming stores/resources? (Places where people have found books, Magic cards, etc) Thanks in advance!

--Lee 14:17, 13 March 2008 (MST) Since I had some free time, I went ahead and created the page, Gaming Resources and moved all the talk to the discussion for the new page.

Attendance and Food Preference


--Matts 08:02, 10 March 2008 (MST)I'll be there, no pizza!

--Edmiao 10:09, 10 March 2008 (MST)present, no pizza

GABE: Well I'll be there of course! Geeehuuuk. Is Lee gonna join in?

--Brandon 16:10, 10 March 2008 (MST) I'll be there, with a weak-willed Christopher. Pizza please!

--Lee 17:47, 10 March 2008 (MST) Yes, I plan to be there and join in if that's an option. Pizza for me.

--Gdaze 19:08, 10 March 2008 (MST) Sounds good to me Lee! Um, I dunno how much you know about the WW system, there is a good wiki article linked under the section. You also might want to take a look at the other characters. If you wanted to you could take one of the other Caern members (are all listed under Shadowpine Caern), or you could even be someone from Sola Tower, even one of the asian werewolves.

--Lee 23:46, 10 March 2008 (MST) I'll take a look and let you know!

--Dieter the Bold 09:49, 12 March 2008 (MST) Attending, would like pizza. Also updated the future games to reflect my absence next week. I'll be attending Norwescon 31 down in SeaTac. My very first convention ever. I might show up really late, but don't count on it.

--Brandon 12:47, 13 March 2008 (MST) I'll volunteer to pick up pizza on the way tomorrow, so speak up if you want some (if you haven't already).


--Edmiao 16:59, 13 March 2008 (MST) i will take pizza tomorrow. shocking, i know.

--Gdaze 00:12, 14 March 2008 (MST) Wow... how did my last two posts know who I am... I mean I made those things at work... so like, it shouldn't know unless I made them from home and forgot... Ugh, I hate doing things I don't remember, less it be yer mom.

No pizza for me thanks.

--Lee 09:02, 14 March 2008 (MST) Actually, the Sola Tower caern sounds good. Recently relocated, of course. Though I couldn't find any characters from that area. Maybe you have something offline?

Ranting and raving or other random comments


BEN: my paper got rejected from the Journal of Immunology. After SIX WEEKS in review. with what I would call potentially "crippling" comments. FUCK!!!!

JASON: Crippling immunology... I will resist the urge to mock that and instead offer my condolences. That sucks, man. Maybe you should write them a paper on how to roleplay a hoarse voiced, cigar smoking, veteran doctor of immunology who is pretty much blaise to everything. I bet their readers would enjoy that.

--Matts 09:55, 12 March 2008 (MST)That really, really sucks.

--Edmiao 11:05, 12 March 2008 (MST) FUCK YOU SCIENCE! that blows. sorry ben. colleague of mine at the U sent a paper in to nature medicine and after four weeks they returned it and declined to even send it out for review.

--Gdaze 19:14, 12 March 2008 (MST) I shall say Lameness + + +!

--Lee 20:21, 12 March 2008 (MST) Sorry to hear that your paper got rejected. I say we storm the place! Nothing strikes The Fear™ into a normal person's heart like a horde of rabid gamers ...

--Justin 21:16, 12 March 2008 (MST) I am sorry to hear that. But a word of advice...DON'T LET THE MAAAN GET YOU DAAOWN! "Crippling"?!? Fuck 'em! Stand up, ice your nuts and give 'em hell again! (I hope that makes you feel better.)

--Brandon 12:47, 13 March 2008 (MST) As a fellow submitter of papers who knows the sting of rejection, I would just like to say that there is no doubt some arbitrary, capricious bullshit that goes into peer review. Don't let 'em break your stride.

Other Non-RPG gaming Events


Betrayal at the House on the Hill [1]
Dune [2]
Shogun [3]
Fury of Dracula [4]
Blood Royale [5]
Vampire: Prince of the City [6]

Time: 11-12, for BBQ and games after


--Edmiao 10:09, 10 March 2008 (MST) Yes for Cheryl and I
JASON: Yes for Rumi and me, possibly Matt#2. I also invited a dude from work (no confirmation yet).

GABE: I might come, un-sure as of yet.

JASON: In other news, check this out: [7] Just dont let Cheryl know, if any of us ever want to win.

--Lee 08:41, 13 March 2008 (MST) I won't be able to make it, I'll be doing a ton of unpacking all weekend long. Oh and the traditional throwing out of crap that I should have thrown out before it got moved across three states.

--Gdaze -- About what time do you expect the actual gaming to start?

JASON: I would think it starts about 12.

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

--Edmiao 10:09, 10 March 2008 (MST)Brandon, didn't have time last night. how about thursday evening for magic online?

--Brandon 16:10, 10 March 2008 (MST) Thursday evening sounds perfect. I have a deck I think you'll like (which I found on-line) and a version of my goblin deck (though it's T2). Maybe I'll make something new between now and then. What time is good for you?

Ed: i can start up probably around 6:30-7. we can text back and forth or do skype, real easy if you have a microphone. also online now (9:40pm)

--Brandon 00:03, 11 March 2008 (MST) I found what looks to be a really nice article on how to integrate lands in decks at the proper ratio to avoid mana screw and optimize other-people screw: [8].

--Edmiao 12:17, 11 March 2008 (MST) I'll try to make some Standard (T2) decks for future workstation play, brandon. Won't have em by friday, but i do have all my decks from our set in the workstation. my merfolk deck really blew chunks. your goblin and elf decks were nice. I put a link for standard deck rules up on the Magic page, that is correct for T2 = standard, right?

BEN: so, I'm not sure if I will reneg on this at the last minute due to work concerns, but I get the feeling that 6 hours before my flight I won't really want to be busting my ass at the lab any more...so I'm going to see if you guys might be interested in doing some "live" magic at BnD on Thursday evening, say at 7pm. If it's more convenient for y'all to magic workstation it up, that's cool too, especially since I can't say with 100% certainty that I will have time to host, but there it is.

--Brandon 14:05, 11 March 2008 (MST) Yes, Standard=T2. Thanks for liking my decks, though I can only take credit for the goblin deck. My favorite comment so far in a pick-up game was "your deck is weird". I took it as a compliment. As for Thursday, I like "live" magic better than e-magic, but either way I won't be able to start until later (I remembered that I have a commitment from 6:30-8, although I MIGHT be able to weasel out of it). If I can't weasel out, I'd be happy to either drive directly to BnD after, or log-on immediately after. Discuss.

BEN: whenever we start, I have to be done at 10:40pm so that I can get driven to the airport (11:59pm departure time). Other than that I have no restrictions.

--Edmiao 14:31, 11 March 2008 (MST) oh oh, live magic is better. sure, i can be at BnD thursday. i have to quit by like 10:30 cus i gots to work the next day. i can start like 6:30 or 7, whatever.

BEN: so we'll say 7 o'clock start for whoever wants to come (Ed and Me for sure, Dieter, Gabe, Jason, etc, are of course also welcome), with Brandon joining us shortly after 8. We will finish by 10:30 so that I can go to the airport and Ed can go to sleep.

--Brandon 19:26, 11 March 2008 (MST) Perfect! I'll be there as fast as I can. I might buy some cards, so that we can play one round of "open a deck and play it without looking at it" and so that the collection will get some of the newest/newer cards. But, then again, I might not.

--Gdaze 19:15, 12 March 2008 (MST) I'd love to come but these allergies... least I hope they are cause I really think its a sinus infection even if docs says it ain't... But yeah, most likely I won't be able to make it. But I would LOVE to do a sealed deck fight, long as it isnt' a theme deck.

--Brandon 12:47, 13 March 2008 (MST) Sweet, everyone else just bailed on my meeting, which means I can too. I'll be there at 7, with 8 sealed booster packs - 4 Lowryn and 4 Morningtide - which means we can play a 3-way "sealed deck" game (each gets 40 cards, add land at your own discretion). I also picked up a few random cards which I thought might be useful (4 Flowstone Floods, for example).

How exactly does sealed deck work? we just use the cards we unwrap? or is there a draft or what? do you trade at all?

The Next Step in WHFRP Reboot

WHFRP Reboot Recap

The Next Step in Werewolf

Werewolf Recap