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Anyway, it has all abilities that any creature with a +1/+1 token has.  Tap the creature, target creature gains a +1/+1 token.
Anyway, it has all abilities that any creature with a +1/+1 token has.  Tap the creature, target creature gains a +1/+1 token.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]]-- Posted my addy.
==Ranting and raving or other random comments==
==Ranting and raving or other random comments==

Revision as of 21:57, 20 March 2008

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


Date...........game................Location..........(Advanced attendance)
3/21/08......magic/other..........BnD............... ben gone, Brandon gone, Dieter gone, matt gone
3/28/08......WFRP............BnD............... Gabe gone

Attendance and Food Preference


--Dieter the Bold 11:52, 16 March 2008 (MST) Gone to Norwescon 31.

JASON: Notice that this week both Ben and Dieter are unavailable, so Gabe will need to host. If he cant, and you guys are interested, let me know by Wednesday or so and I could probably have a one shot available.

--Gdaze -- Well I know we still have Lee, Matt and Ed. I can host, I just recently up'd my chair count. I will also have a nice couch fairly soon, maybe even by Friday! Anyways, I can still run Werewolf if need be, granted we will have a much smaller group but I'd like to run it if the characters are down for it. I should be feeling better as well.

--Edmiao 08:30, 17 March 2008 (MST) glad to hear you are feeling better. we've always defined quorum as 3 players + 1 gm. so i'm good to go for WW.

--Gdaze -- Yes these allergies... something nasty, also thanks! Although I haven't taken a pill now for them for over a day and am feeling okay, so yay, knock on wood.

So I guess you'll be needing some instructions to my place, I'll be putting up an addy tonight then. As far as parking goes... Park anywhere! My place doesn't use assigned parking, so you can pretty much park anywhere.

I know it will be hard to do 6 o'clock magic, but will anyone try to get over for that? Oh although, traffic this way isn't nearly as bad. There are no decent pizza places near me save that take and bake place (Is that Murphy's or John's...)

--Edmiao 16:18, 18 March 2008 (MST) I'll try to make 6pm magic. no pizza for me. oh shit, we got no decks. they are all locked up at BnD. spose we can use gabe's crap decks.

--Matts 16:24, 18 March 2008 (MST)I think I won't be able to make it friday, sorry guys.

--Edmiao 16:35, 18 March 2008 (MST)hoser. we can cancel or with Lee, Gabe and I do jason's one shot. kind of slim turnout. or gabe you up for some heroscape and magic?

--Dieter the Bold 17:19, 18 March 2008 (MST) Happy to arrange a pickup if people want to grab some magic decks for Friday. I usually get home around 8:30pm.

--Gdaze 20:53, 18 March 2008 (MST) Well that is fairly lame. So Matt are you saying you might still be able to or what? Um, if people wanna do something like magic here thats fine by me. I could even try to set up a Heroscape board perhaps. I dunno!

--Gdaze -- Phff whatever, my decks rock, and roll, all night long... sweet Sussy. Ed if you are gonna go pick up magic cards... Matt can you drop my CHEESE off at B&D? Also could you pick me up some Thalids? Just the normal ones. I only need two.

I'm down for some magic on Friday I suppose. I could also try to have a heroscape board made up, but not sure I can do that by Friday. I'd really like to break open the 2nd master set I got and the two other castle sets. (That is 2 series one master sets, 1 series 2 master sets, 3 castle sets, 2 lost road sets, 1 lava set, & 1 ice set!)

Did you know that Hasbro was planning on canceling the line? But they handed it over to Wizards who made a large pleas to releash them. Mainly thanks to the Heroscapers fan page. That means we will have the Jungle Set soon... that will be most awesome.

--Edmiao 14:29, 19 March 2008 (MST) dietier, you still have the -2590 phone number? i'll try to call tonight or tomorrow to drop by and pick ups some cards, depending on if i get time.

--Matts 15:06, 19 March 2008 (MST)I'll give you a call too, so that I can DELIVER THE CHEESE.

--Gdaze -- And I'll call too cause I love you. So we doing a little magic Friday...? Or should I just continue to practice having my azz handed to me at Smash Bros. (Which by the way is just freaking awesome with how much there is to do. Xbox achviement points? Please, Smash had it right from the 2nd game, give trophies!!! I actually work to get these things!)

--Edmiao 09:01, 20 March 2008 (MST) I'm a go for magic or heroscape or both on friday. Gabe, i have your cheese and will deliver it, if you bail on me, no cheese for you....for a week. Jason, that cheese smells really good. Matt says it's some kind of experimental new recipe? what'st the name of your cheeze company again?

JASON: Our company is Beecher's Handmade Cheese, it is in Pike Place Market. That cheese was leftover from blocks that were too large to make into standard truckles, so the cheesemakers tried experiments on them for their own benefit. They wanted to try stuff, but we ran out of room at the CAF so they had to get rid of it. I think its aged about 12-15 months.

--Gdaze Sweet Ed, will post my addy when I get home... yeah, I don't know it. And sounds sweet Jason. Long as it doesn't contain like horse piss, human piss is fine. But really free cheese=good in my book pretty much everyday. If there is one food I COULD NEVER give up, it is cheese.

Oh Ed, I got my order of random magic cards yesterday and I got this funky rare I'm going to try to make a deck around, its a green blue... yeah...

Anyway, it has all abilities that any creature with a +1/+1 token has. Tap the creature, target creature gains a +1/+1 token.

--Gdaze-- Posted my addy.

Ranting and raving or other random comments

FREE CHEESE: Yep, thats right. I have TONS of cheese of reserve quality and anyone who wants some, come get it! Its way more than I can eat (10+ pounds). Its still wrapped in cheesecloth. Have at it, folks.

--Matts 11:21, 17 March 2008 (MST)HOLY MOTHER OF GOOSEDOWN POOP PILLOWS I want in on that! When should I come get it?

--Edmiao 11:30, 17 March 2008 (MST)dude. so want cheese. do i have to drive all the way to your house?

JASON: I can meet you guys both somewhere like Cap Hill, especially since I go to Half Price Books all the time.

--Edmiao 11:38, 17 March 2008 (MST)sweet. when? i could do after work today or any day really.


JASON: I am meeting Matt for lunch tomorrow, how about I give him your wheel too, Ed? You can grab it from him Friday.

--Edmiao 13:16, 17 March 2008 (MST) sweetness

GABE: Anyway I could get in on that sweet sweet cheese as well? If possible I'd like Matt to grab mine too... Thanks if I can, or not!

JASON: No problem, 3 wheels of cheese, coming right up!

--Gdaze 22:03, 17 March 2008 (MST) Sweet dude! Thanks! Although I know I will see you evetually if you want to give him a few hero clix maps kekeke, oh wow, moocher be me...

--Justin 23:41, 18 March 2008 (MST) I'd like my cheese delivered, too please! BTW Jason, yes I will sell you my Serenity RPG book. It is in a box and have not been able to locate which one, yet. How does half retail price sound?

--Justin 23:41, 18 March 2008 (MST) Jason and Matt, sorry I have not responded sooner, I have been out of it. Matt, I will respond to your email as soon as I can. Sometime this week.

JASON: I swear I put this here yesterday, but its not showing up. Justin, I will send you a block of cheese, but it has to be delivered overnight to ensure freshness. Will someone be around to sign for it?

Other Non-RPG gaming Events

Game day seemed to go very well. After speaking with Dieter and others, I am creating the following page so we can track future events: Monthly Board Gaming Day

--Edmiao 08:30, 17 March 2008 (MST) Cheryl and i had a great time. sorry to ditch out a little early, you can blame Deiter's bean dip induced abdominal distress. Cheryl felt better after some flatulance and burping. I never wrote this.

-- Gdaze: Hahaha!

--Dieter the Bold 12:12, 17 March 2008 (MST) Dude, I totally had my bathroom all cleaned up. She was welcome to make frequent visits. Did she think it wasn't clean enough? Ben/Kim would've been fine if she wanted to camp out in their bathroom, I'm sure. I know I had to make more frequent visits than normal.

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

-- Matts: I got Magic Workstation, assembled some blue white decks, and am ready for them to fail!

--Edmiao 08:30, 17 March 2008 (MST)eeeexccelent. when shall we play? How about thursday? I'm trying to make a millstone deck without millstones out of our real set. kind of difficult

--Matts 15:11, 17 March 2008 (MST)Thursday no go for me; guests in town. We'll figure some time out. As an aside, what other good sacrifice-land-for-benefit cards are there besides Zuran Orb?

--Edmiao 17:06, 17 March 2008 (MST) Matt, jason played your blue white deck last weekend and he got the uber combo, cast balance, then he cast the 8/8 monster and gave all his lands to Matt#2. then matt#2 unsummoned the 8/8 monster. it was rad.

--Matts 18:11, 17 March 2008 (MST)Yeah, the thing getting bounced is sort of a problem. A guy online made a nasty deck with an enchantment that lets players choose to force a draw to go to the graveyard for 2 life, Zur's Wierding, I think. Really you need to know what the other guy's got in his hand. But if you balance at the right time, it'll take at least 2 turns for the other guy to get the mana to unsummon, right?

It's pretty pathetic that I spent a significant chunk of my weekend thinking up sky swallower combos. Damn you, card game!

--Edmiao 18:16, 17 March 2008 (MST)right, that was the problem that jason had. he balanced, then next turn he cast biggie. if he had 7 land, he could have loaded up the mana pool, cast biggie, given away all his land, and then used the 2 mana in his mana pool to cast balance as long as opponents had a creature. timing is important in magic. i spent a few hours trying to make a millstone deck and in the end i don't think it will work.

BEN: ummm...getting a little into magic, are we?

JASON: Unsummon only costs one blue. Its a chance you have to take with this kind of combo. Consider the instance where you opponent is playing green and/or red, little chance to send the creature away, they have to deal with it the old fashioned way. I would prefer to cast the creature after balance, ensuring nobody has any creatures but you. In this case you can maximize the damage it does before it goes away. Also, had Ed not been able to cast a bunch of instants in response to Balance I would have been able to draw a bunch of cards over the next couple of turns, which would have been critical.

GABE: You know what might be nice for that combo, though now your up to 3 cards, is one of those cards that doesn't allow any other cards to be played as long as it is on the stack. (I think it is called burst or something.) Man I wanna make a neat themed deck... though I do like my spore and my pest deck.

--Matts 12:42, 18 March 2008 (MST)Ben, you shut up. You shut all the way up, like up-past-Ontario or up-all-night shut up! I AM NOT AN ADDICT!

GABE: Maybe and addict to pain, like the pain I just brought to your ass. (Stack is now open to reacts)

The Next Step in WHFRP Reboot

WHFRP Reboot Recap

The Next Step in Werewolf

Quick Question to those who are playing on Friday: Do you want to continue with the main plot line or do a sort of side plot line thing on Friday? It would involve much Umbera stuff.

--Edmiao 16:18, 18 March 2008 (MST)either is fine.

Werewolf Recap