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(Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking)
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--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] -- Also what about the people assigned to find a cure? A Stone Elf who seems like she will do any job for the right money, a noble who was kicked out of his home because he fought too much... and a dirty Blood Elf pirate... you know, the guys who stormed her village to start with? I'm pretty sure they won't find a way to get in there. I'm also fairly sure they will find a cure before us (they are after all clearly more experienced and powerful then us).
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] -- Also what about the people assigned to find a cure? A Stone Elf who seems like she will do any job for the right money, a noble who was kicked out of his home because he fought too much... and a dirty Blood Elf pirate... you know, the guys who stormed her village to start with? I'm pretty sure they won't find a way to get in there. I'm also fairly sure they will find a cure before us (they are after all clearly more experienced and powerful then us).
BEN: all very good points, but remember, in regards of them "getting there first": there was no talk of finding a cure at the meeting: it was assumed phaedron would cure her once the 'heroes' got her out of the fire.  Not to mention that experienced does not equal creative, intelligent, driven, or lucky.

Revision as of 22:58, 4 September 2008

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


Date...........game................Location..........(Advanced attendance)
8/29/08......OAAAA...........BnD...............Matt gone
9/5/08.......OAAAA...........BnK...............Brandon gone (HONEYMOON!)
9/13??/08......Super Heroes?.....Somewhere Else..........Ben Gone, Matt Gone
9/19/08......Super Heroes.....BnK..........
9/26/08......OAAAA.....BnK..........Matt Gone
10/17/08..................BnK..........Dieter gone to Canada
10/31/08.......................BnK..........HALLOWEEN, will you be here? will you not?

--Edmiao 17:09, 4 September 2008 (MST)sorry about that. with 13th possible, it is less ridiculous. how's this?

BEN: I'm ok with switching things around to maximize game-age for everybody, I just need to know when I'm up so that I can prep the sessions accordingly.

BEN: as far as halloween goes, and as long as we've opened the can of worms that is switching sessions from friday to saturday or vice versa, the 31st of october may be an ideal candidate for saturday, as opposed to friday, gaming. Either way, I still think people should come dressed as their characters.

Attendance and Food Preference


GABE: So there... must see if everything comes together from our last run. Also 6 o'clock magic per usual?

BEN: of course. see y'all at 6. In for pizza. duh.

--Edmiao 08:34, 4 September 2008 (MST) i'll be there at 6, no pizza as usual. leaving by midnight to 1am as usual
--Dieter the Bold 11:41, 4 September 2008 (MST) Will be there, in for pizza.


--Matts 10:10, 4 September 2008 (MST)Something's come up: a friend is leaving the country for good and having his goodbye party on the 12th. I intend to go, which means that there wouldn't be a Super Heroes game. I have a crazy notion, though: A one-time shift to Saturday night, assuming we can arrange for a place to hold the game. What say y'all? Or you could stick to Friday night and just play magic or do whatever.

--Edmiao 10:21, 4 September 2008 (MST)harder, but i will check with the lil lady
--Dieter the Bold 11:41, 4 September 2008 (MST) Would definitely be up for a Saturday switch

GABE: I'm okay for a switch, I think. I'd perfer we start around 2 then if possible or around that time.

--Edmiao 17:09, 4 September 2008 (MST)i can do saturday, but must start at regular time. 2pm is a no go

--Matts 17:38, 4 September 2008 (MST)Defining a Somewhere Else is now necessary then. Any volunteers?

Ranting and raving or other random comments

--Edmiao 14:21, 30 August 2008 (MST) Hero system question. If I buy Energy Blast 10d6, can I use the power at 5d6 and spend half the END, or do i need to spend the full END even when using power at lower level (I actually want to know for my Images spell, but EB was easier to describe).

JASON: Unless you have a limitation on the power which forbids using it at a lower level you may use any power level up to its maximum and pay the appropriate END cost (1 END/10 Active).

--Edmiao 11:39, 31 August 2008 (MST)groovey. my character has a problem with low END so far. will have to buy more later with xp

--Edmiao 12:11, 3 September 2008 (MST) Damn, missed this exciting conference WOW!

GABE: That is like ultra-nerd. But very cool. Also your dang right you have END problems, like how my foot always ENDs up in yer ass! Sorry, couldn't resist (opening for mom jokes).

--Edmiao 15:31, 3 September 2008 (MST) No, see, I want more END. I want your mom's foot to END up in my ass more. um...

GABE: Nice, foot up ass fetish.

On a side note, both me and Noelle applied at a school in Japan. She got to the interview step and I didn't... I really must be doing something wrong. Maybe attaching the photo of me stepping on their flag did it.

Other RPG or Non-RPG gaming Events

Monthly Board Gaming Day


--Dieter the Bold 11:46, 4 September 2008 (MST) Alright lads. We're gamers, so we're lazy by definition. I am lazier than most. But Halloween is a holiday I always feel bad about for not coming up with an awesome costume. I hereby forward the motion that we make that session a costumed session. Two months to come up with something awesome and wear it to the session. Bonus points to be awarded for those who come as their characters.

Other Games

GABE: Dieter... CoV, feel free to play anytime, we get on about every other night, still trying to meet up with the other Matt in-game.

--Dieter the Bold 11:46, 4 September 2008 (MST) We just got some Tubes hooked up to our condo, but we lack a modem. And I also don't have my computer moved over yet. Once all of these things come together in a glorious symphony, I will indeed to spreading tyranny and villainy with you again.

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

JASON: So, I have a Lions Eye Diamond and it bothered me that this was the most expensive card in my collection (or at least very close). Finally I looked up how to use it today (because I am too retarded to figure it out), and although its cool, I dont see how it is $22.50. The valuation of magic cards is a very strange thing.

--Edmiao 13:48, 30 August 2008 (MST)so what's the trick, is it for Madness cards?

JASON: Madness works. Also you can use it in response to stuff (since its a mana ability it doesnt go on the stack, however). For instance, I cast Demonic Tutor then sacrifice my Lions Eye for 3 red mana to cast the card I will grab (Wheel of Fortune, for instance). Another good one is Braingeyser. In any case, use any of the tutors to grab something, and sacrifice the Lions Eye to cast them. Thats just one use, but the others involved cards I didnt know.

--Edmiao 13:54, 1 September 2008 (MST) reading planeswalker rulings.

This is awesome: Mycosynth Lattice, March of the Machines, Experiment Kraj plus any planeswalker. Turns the planeswalker into an artifact, then an artifact creature, then Kraj puts a +1/+1 counter on the planeswalker artifact creature and gains its activated abilities. Howerver, Kraj is not a planeswalker, so he can use the abilities as much as he wants. Attack with infinite 99/99 beast tokens with trample. game over.

also, but less interesting:
Damaging a planeswalker with a spell is a redirect effect for damage; this means you cannot target a planeswalker with loss of life spells.

You cannot redirect damage you do to yourself to a planeswalker (ie can't use planeswalker to soak your 3 damage from orcish artillery).

Loyalty on a planeswalker is "This permanent comes into play with a number of loyalty counters on it equal to its printed loyalty number" (from the official rules). Thus loyalty is counters, thus Clockspinning should work on them. see second ruling.

BEN: or, better than clockspinning, try gilder bairn.

--Brandon 21:38, 2 September 2008 (MST) Hmmmm. So far Shards of Alara looks kinda cool.

--Gdaze 22:22, 2 September 2008 (MST) What the fuck... I.... whatever! Great more planeswalkers... which I still don't understand because I thought the player WAS a planeswalker...

--Brandon 00:35, 3 September 2008 (MST) Sure, you are a planeswalker, but that doesn't mean you can't make another planeswalker your bitch.

--Gdaze That one card that does 3 damage and makes the oppent discard 2 cards... crazyness, seems tri-color is gonna be the new way to go. Also that 3/4 lifelink RHINO MONK is nasty... Rhino Monk... Running a bit thin on ideas?

BEN: of course there will be new planeswalkers: apparently according to a design article they are relatively easy for players to understand (I agree) and it adds a new dimension to their game, AND it's "mythic rare" fodder (new rarity 'level' they are introducing). I think overall this set is looking much more like bread and butter magic: no fancy new rules, just lots of tri-color and interesting combinations of powers we all know pretty well. I personally really like the "kiss of the amesha" and the "stoic angel" cards...but then again, who couldn't have guessed that I'd be all up in white-green's bidness?

--Gdaze -- I just find it hard to understand storywise... B'ah I still say! I hope there is Rhino sinergy.

--Edmiao 11:35, 3 September 2008 (MST) Hellkite overlord, an 8/8 with flying trample and regenerate is nasty, but add in haste! fuck. at least it costs 8 mana of three colors to cast. my "i hate new mechanic" buzzer actually does not go off on the planeswalkers. they are powerful, but don't break prior game mechanics like wither did to regenerate.

JASON: I just bought a batch of magic cards that had Tarmogoyf and the red planeswalker in it. I am still a little hazy on how planeswalkers work.

BEN: sweet! the red one is only worth 3-4 bucks, I think, but she's my favorite. Pair her up with gilder bairn for instant 10 damage to your opponent and all their creatures! The Tarmagoyf is worth like 30 bucks though, that thing is vicious.

--Jason 19:46, 4 September 2008 (MST)I think Tarmogoyf is overrated. I will probably put it out for sale at about $50 (at local cons), it sells online for $30. Yes, its cheap, but you really need to have particular things in your deck to make him more than a 3/4 (and even that requires a creature, instant and sorcery in the graveyard). I need to find a Scrye somewhere so I can check prices.

Next step in Super Heroes

What's the role of super hero? Is it to protect the innocent? Punish the guilty? Keep a captured villain in a closet and occasionally throw him some Sun Chips?

The Guardians are thinking long and hard about this moral conundrum...

GABE: That was super heroes at their bestest. How about what the heck do we do with all these people we keep beating up??? No place can hold them! I mean Viho only has so many closets.

Next step in Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy

BEN: last session was excellent. Props for: 1.) Ed and Gabe RPing out Aefra being unable to figure out which potion was the strength potion.
2.) Being smart about the fight at the crone's hut and coming away with a solid victory (just as a poll: how difficult would you guys have rated that fight: easy or intermediate?)
3.) Brandon trusting his instincts over his dice rolls and burning an xp to find out the high attendant is, in fact, untrustworthy. Besides being character appropriate and beneficial to the group in the metagame sense, it also contributes nicely to the story. This third item nets the group (as in, each character separately) ONE BONUS XP. Gratz, don't spend it all in one place.

--Brandon 17:20, 3 September 2008 (MST) Sweet! Well done all. My only plans this upcoming session were to: 1) Meet up with Aetan pronto to tell him what's going on (i.e., that we have 3 options for chasin' the cure), 2) to try to find Lyra to make sure no one actually gets Daenerys out of the fire before we come back with a cure. At the very least, I want to do (2) before we leave the island (which I am assuming we will be doing before too long). Have fun. Kill me a dragon or something!

BEn: I think she gave you 4 possibilities, although 2 are pretty similar...and of course, those are only the ones she knows about...

--Gdaze 23:04, 3 September 2008 (MST) Dragon, best bet hands down.

--Edmiao 08:37, 4 September 2008 (MST) Aefra's first priority is to see that Daenerys is safe, we may be gone for a long time. and with the high priest not trustworthy, maybe the poisoner, it seems we best take care of that before leaving. it may be a long trip and we don't want to give the baddies several months to work out how to finish the job.

--Gdaze -- Also what about the people assigned to find a cure? A Stone Elf who seems like she will do any job for the right money, a noble who was kicked out of his home because he fought too much... and a dirty Blood Elf pirate... you know, the guys who stormed her village to start with? I'm pretty sure they won't find a way to get in there. I'm also fairly sure they will find a cure before us (they are after all clearly more experienced and powerful then us).

BEN: all very good points, but remember, in regards of them "getting there first": there was no talk of finding a cure at the meeting: it was assumed phaedron would cure her once the 'heroes' got her out of the fire. Not to mention that experienced does not equal creative, intelligent, driven, or lucky.