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(Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking)
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<b><u>Big Note</u></b>: All characters now have 5pt (no cost) DNPC= A red-haired girl-child named Shandra, who bears the mark of the Forge on her arm (born under the same auspice). She has been fostered with a Dwarven smith in Karak Bjorst.
<b><u>Big Note</u></b>: All characters now have 5pt (no cost) DNPC= A red-haired girl-child named Shandra, who bears the mark of the Forge on her arm (born under the same auspice). She has been fostered with a Dwarven smith in Karak Bjorst.
BEN: I'm sorry: I wasn't clear about this.  I charged each character 1 XP so that the baby is essentially out of the picture for the time being.  THat 1 xp was the "bonus" for this session, so everybody gets 15 XP and has NO new disadvantages.  Sorry about this lack of clarity.

Revision as of 14:51, 23 May 2009

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


Date...........game................Location..........(Advanced attendance)

4/17/09.....Supers.........Ben's Condo.........
4/24/09.....nada.........Ben's Condo.........Dieter, Ed, Matt Absent
5/01/09.....OAAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........Ed absent
5/08/09.....OAAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........
5/15/09.....OAAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........
5/22/09.....OAAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........Matt absent
5/29/09.....Supers.........Ben's Condo.........
6/05/09.....Supers.........Ben's Condo.........Ed likely absent
6/12/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........
6/19/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........
6/26/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........Matt absent, getting married
7/03/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........

Attendance and Food Preference

Quote(s) of the week

Elemental: (to police chief, who thanked them for their good work) That certainly isn't going to help Viho's colossal ego. (or something like that...)

CyberJesus: I'm so sick and tired of this bullshit Thomas Kinkaid police state!

Ashbury: I grow plants that may or may not be used for pharmaceutical purposes

Ranting and Raving

ED: so i have hero designer v2 on my PC. it is all in one folder. i copied the folder to my mac and try to launch the .jar file, but it gives me an error message. any ideas? i also still have hero designer v1 which will launch, but doesn't work correctly, i can't see any tabs on the character (like the characteristics, powers, skills, etc...). mac comes preinstalled with java, and various java things on the web work for me, so i think my java is ok.

JASON: Make sure you have the correct version of java. What is the error message?

ED: according to my mac update program, java is up to date. the error is "The Java JAR file "Hero Designer.jar" could not be launched. Check the console for possible error messages" This happens when i try to run the .jar file. is that the correct one to launch? I also have a .exe file, but when i launch this, it opens as a text file with mumbo jumbo. i presume this is a mac vs pc thing and that in the pc, the .exe is the correct file to run. maybe the pc version does not run on a mac? thought maybe java was java on a pc or a mac. I also have a .lax file that does not know which program to open with.

JASON: Java is platform independent, and plenty of people use Hero Designer on the mac, so it should work. Open your xterm and type Java -version then hit enter. If it says something other than 1.5 you need a new version of java. Once we are sure that is up to date we can move on to other possible issues.

Gabe: You are all dumb. Clearly his Mac was born in sin, just like the rest of humanity. We need to get the demons outta your Mac. After that I recommand you baptize it.

JASON: I have this John the Baptist dish towel, guaranteed to get the demons off your dishes.

Gabe: Now I must know, do you actually have that?

ED - "Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_16-b06-284)" This is not a herodesigner specific problem. i cannot run another .jar java program which runs fine on my older pc. I tried dunking my mac in water, and this did not seem to solve the problem. but it did stop other things from working, like the screen and all the lights. what?

Gabe: Helloooo? It can't be just any water, you have to say the correct prayer and collect the 10 Holy Stones of Aldnana. After that you can try again but this time use a cow's blood instead of water.

Other RPG or Non-RPG or Monthly Board Gaming Day gaming Events

JASON: Everyone one, come one, come all! Memorial Day, the 25th of May I want to have a gaming/non-gaming get together. We can BBQ, play games, talk and otherwise have fun. I am getting my downstairs spare room completely cleaned and ready so there will be plenty of room for games, and the deck is always available for sun and fun, with grilling to be had for all.

Let me know if you can come. Lets plan some kind of potluck thing. Its gonna rule.

--Dieter the Bold 11:03, 21 May 2009 (MST) I'll be there, and trying to drag a friend or two along as well. I have El Grande and Twilight Imperium to bring along.

Gabe: This depends on if Noelle works this day or not. And Dieter, you can only be there for how long?

So I've been picking up old or discontinued CCGs, and I recently got my packs for Warcry, a Warhammer Fantasy CCG (along with The Horus Heresy one and the 40k one). I played Warcry, a starter against a starter, last night and it was quite fun. Very brutal and quick, and I lost... to Noelle.

Also looking forward to Firestorm once I read the 92 page rulebook with six point font.

ED: not going to make it, unfortunately! have fun!

Saturday or Sunday 5/30 or 5/31

Edmiao anyone interested in doing anything next weekend? I have single man syndrome. could do board games + bbq at my place or a one shot.

Gabe Sure. Board games, ccgs, whatever.

JASON: Our game might be off, if it is, we should have a board game day or something. Whats up with single man syndrome? Wife on vacation?

Edmiao conference for cancer docs. in orlando, florida

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

Next step in Super Heroes

-> 3. Drug dealers and criminals all over the city are getting beat up, and quotes from Oliver Cromwell are left at the scene.

Edmiao guess we missed that plot point entirely?

Matts No worries, if you guys tracked down every spitball I threw up, uh, the game wouldn't be very fun.

Matts - Indian Point Nuclear Reactor Pipe Leak - see what happens when you store a radioactive genius underground??

Next step in Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy

Current OAAAA XP: 75 base + 277 XP

Plans to save Danny-Girl from the dragon

Fight the dragon, kill it

Lyra told us where to find the freezing Tears of _____ so we can put out the dragon's breath, right before she extinguished the eternal forge flame in our temple (bitch) by sucking its soul out like a vampire. She will help us fight the dragon. In return we agreed to let her strike the killing blow IF we successfully obtain the Tears. Other allies could also be enlisted in the fight.

Swindle all around

Talk to Grundbad, get him to fight the dragon and kill it. Also, talk to Oryxis, pledge to deliver the ruby shield in return he frees Danny-girl. Dragon dies: Danny free. Grundbad dies, danny free. Win - Win.

Deal with the dragon

Give the dragon something he wants more than Danny. Say the Ruby shield or freeing Iximion.

Dragon vs Dragon

Free Iximion, tell him Oryxis is getting up in his magic shit and doens't he want to kick the shit out of Oryxix for learning magic?

Line of the Session: "I use Seduction on the baby" (Can you guess who said it?)
Follow up Line: "Galen, you're wearing a dress." "Yes, but I still look better in it than in you do in your clothes."

Big Note: All characters now have 5pt (no cost) DNPC= A red-haired girl-child named Shandra, who bears the mark of the Forge on her arm (born under the same auspice). She has been fostered with a Dwarven smith in Karak Bjorst.

BEN: I'm sorry: I wasn't clear about this. I charged each character 1 XP so that the baby is essentially out of the picture for the time being. THat 1 xp was the "bonus" for this session, so everybody gets 15 XP and has NO new disadvantages. Sorry about this lack of clarity.