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--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 13:18, 17 June 2009 (MST)Oh, also, we could use Iyi's coin for her to reverse-steal the tears into oryxys' mouth, right?  Can we just call all the favors we call in the "coalition of the willing"?
--[[User:Matts|Matts]] 13:18, 17 June 2009 (MST)Oh, also, we could use Iyi's coin for her to reverse-steal the tears into oryxys' mouth, right?  Can we just call all the favors we call in the "coalition of the willing"?
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 14:10, 17 June 2009 (MST) Fantus can prepare the Tears.  Grendel has put off flexing his magic muscles, that is why he is at the school.  I COULD make a golem as well.  Maybe some kinda tank golem.  But that would take a month to make.
Here are things I will do with GM permission:
Up my armor oil:  Will give +8PD & ED, RES.  This does not count as a potion limit, so you can use the oil AND a potion.
Make another golem: More people to fight with us, yay!
Make a potion to throw into the air to shut down flying:  We HAVE to have everyone flying, or shut down his flying, or else we are finished.  We lack his speed, so we shut it down, or get our own.
Now, here is my question... Do you want me to make the World Breaker Potion?  Whoever drinks it, will die.  But I'm willing to pour a ton of points into this.
I'm also thinking of taking some debuffs with my hack magic, most likely to STR, any other ideas on this?

Revision as of 16:10, 17 June 2009

How to kill Grandfather Flame

--Dieter the Bold 16:21, 15 June 2009 (MST) So, I'm thinking we'll be needing a hard and furious assault that doesn't let up. So I'm thinking a way to get a first strike in to quench the breath-attack, a way to keep myself invisible for healing bursts and ways to keep peoples' END and STUN up. Seeing as the last battle that happened our man didn't get a scratch on him but still go KO'd.

--Matts 16:29, 15 June 2009 (MST)Whatever attack powers the dragon has aside from breath will probably be high-level killing attacks, say on the order of 3d6 to 6d6. At 6d6 KA, we need about 20 resistant defense at minimum, probably closer to 25, to not get mauled by a damage spike.

More concerning, though is the immense STUN output of such an attack. Average killing damage from 6d6 KA is 21, which means mean stun is around 50. Aside from damage reduction, I don't see a great way around that.

Aetan's resistant PD right now is like 12, with non resistant around 19 maybe.

So, barring a huge points expenditure on the defenses front, I'm going to say that a frontal assault may not work. This isn't even taking into account his armor, which we could safely estimate to be at least 20 DEF. Probably a similar amount of power defense.

--Dieter the Bold 11:49, 17 June 2009 (MST) Oh, so, I had a great idea. Remember session 1, where we were sneaking around the Temple of the Forge? Well I remember we found a storeroom full of gifts to Daenerys from people that included some pretty pimp gear. I vote we make a run by Caminus and see what we can borrow (and I do actually mean borrow) from there that could help us out. That would also be an excellent excuse to put together something exotic. Like, a specially forged anti-dragon weapon or armor? I'd be happy to burn an XP to find a scale that Oryxys shed when he appeared and 'rescued' Daenerys if we need some kind of link. We could also use the last of our daggers (Aefra) as some kind of special item/link. One dagger was vaporized by Oryxys (Gabe's) and one was shattered in the cold of Amor's Tears (Dieter's), and one was bent around the Old Ways of the world (Matt's). I bet we could pool those metaphysical instances into one of the remaining Daenerys daggers at the forge to come up with some crazy-cool weapon to use. Like a killing attack that's defended by Power Defense (Extra-Dimensional: Old Ways), does extra damage/slows attackers down (Amor's Tears) and provides resistance/immunity to dragon flame. Just some thoughts.

--Matts 12:11, 17 June 2009 (MST)Attack vs limited defense: Old Ways Extradimensional Power Defense is the best advantage I think I've ever heard of. That's a great idea that just makes for a perfect story. I am so down for a gear-up montage.

--Gdaze 12:34, 17 June 2009 (MST) Here are some potions I am thinking of making, pending GM apporval, and also a question! FIRST OFF! We are going to shut down his breath weapon, the insta-kill one, does he have another one besides this? If not, then no need for protection against that. Here is what I see us needing.

Aefra: Spells that bend light around us (+'s to DCV, useable on others, we pay the END for it)

Fantus: Potion of a Dwarf's Mind - Gives a bunch of extra stun, OR, big PD & ED but only VS stun damage.

Aeten: If you can, buy a one time use self rez power, that'd be tight.

Other things we need: Shut down his flying - we are going to be killed if he gets into the air. Maybe I could make a potion to create powerful winds (dispell flying)?

With standing a hit: I addressed this a little above, and Dieter I think your idea of armoring up is good. But I doubt they will give us too much. And I have zero interest in running more quests for some asses to get them.

I think we need to choose a route, either mass buffs to DCV, or to PD/ED.

--Matts 12:42, 17 June 2009 (MST)We're going to have to make preparations one way or another. If we rush in just assuming we can buy our way out of the fight I'm pretty sure we'll get stomped.

Can we call in the Knight of Thorns? I'll make him Regent Protector of Fremante in return! Are there any other allies we've got we can call in, like Sappho or Sascha Novgorod, or fuckin' Grendel?

Gabe, how much is your armor buff?

In terms of damage output, I know Fantus can do what, 5d6 BODY drain? With sufficient strength buff (like up to 50 or 60) Aetan can do 6d6, with +1 Stun multiple, which might even phase a dragon ( 120 stun on a lucky hit could probably phase anything).

--Brandon 13:06, 17 June 2009 (MST) Sorry that I can't be around this week (and most times), but Tithe still has his Daenerys dagger, and he'd be happy to give it up for the cause of killing Oryxys. For what it's worth.

--Matts 13:18, 17 June 2009 (MST)Oh, also, we could use Iyi's coin for her to reverse-steal the tears into oryxys' mouth, right? Can we just call all the favors we call in the "coalition of the willing"?

--Gdaze 14:10, 17 June 2009 (MST) Fantus can prepare the Tears. Grendel has put off flexing his magic muscles, that is why he is at the school. I COULD make a golem as well. Maybe some kinda tank golem. But that would take a month to make.

Here are things I will do with GM permission:

Up my armor oil: Will give +8PD & ED, RES. This does not count as a potion limit, so you can use the oil AND a potion.

Make another golem: More people to fight with us, yay!

Make a potion to throw into the air to shut down flying: We HAVE to have everyone flying, or shut down his flying, or else we are finished. We lack his speed, so we shut it down, or get our own.

Now, here is my question... Do you want me to make the World Breaker Potion? Whoever drinks it, will die. But I'm willing to pour a ton of points into this.

I'm also thinking of taking some debuffs with my hack magic, most likely to STR, any other ideas on this?