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! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! Ag !! Int !! Per !! WP !! Fel
!Characteristic! WS !! BS !! S !! T !! Ag !! Int !! Per !! WP !! Fel
| 23 || 31 || 28 || 29 || 31 || 32 || 37 || 39 || 28  
|Starting| 25 || 31 || 28 || 29 || 31 || 32 || 37 || 39 || 28
|Current| 25 || 31 || 28 || 29 || 31 || 32 || 42 || 39 || 28

Revision as of 22:31, 19 June 2009

Mass Effect

Early History

Cairn was born to an upstanding Spacer family, wanting for no luxury during his spoiled and opulent upbringing. Unbeknownst to him or his family, his mother, Natalia, had been exposed to Element Zero during her (decorated) military career, and Cairn was born with biotic sensitivities.

Given that both his father and mother had decorated military careers, Cairn enlisted at the earliest possible age. He showed enough fortitude and potential that he was considered on a shortlist to join the prestigious N7 special-forces school, when his biotic sensitivity was detected by his training officer, Sanford Kahn. As a result, he was inducted into the nascent BaAT biotic training program, implanted with the dangerous L2 biotic implants, and ruthlessly trained in order to reach his "superman potential".

The L2 biotic implants debilitated Cairn's designer physique, leading to uncontrollable tremors, migraines, and violent outbursts. After a christmas break visit to his family resulted in the destruction of several priceless family heirlooms, his mother used her connections to get Cairn extracted from the program, and put his name into consideration for N7 once again. By that time, though, Cairn was in no shape to be considered top-notch recruit material. Though a powerful biotic, his abilities were unpredictable, and his physical ailments prevented him from passing the notorious N7 initiation camp.

After flunking his entry exam, Cairn dropped out of his parents' rarefied society, and took to slumming around with a band of artifact chasers based out of the Lower Wards.

Current Status

Cairn met Alistair Quartermain while in Chora's Den in the Lower Wards. Both had arrived there to bid on a Prothean artifact that was well out of either of their budgets, and both found themselves in the same alley looking to knock out the gentleman who'd won the bid. Neither had a particularly good idea how to go about it. Instead of larceny, the two retired back to the bar, and discussed their shared interests in Prothean relics.

The two combined their scant resources, and started following up on leads for other finds.


Cairn managed to scrounge up a ship, dropping his family's name for perhaps the last productive time on the Citadel. It was a junker, a real piece of garbage, but it got the pair to a find, and they managed to dig up an artifact of some value. When it was robbed by *POTENTIAL RECURRING GROUP ENEMY* at gunpoint, the two decided to look into hiring some security help when they returned to the Citadel. When their jalopy of a ship broke down half way there, they resolved to find a mechanic. Imagine, then the coincidence that when they found one they found the other...


Cairn is slightly taller than average, but very skinny, with nasty dreadlocked red hair. One of his eyes is completely black. The cause? Cairn won't say. Most assume it's simply another side effect added to the laundry list of ways L2 implants destroy a man.

Known Abilities

As an L2 biotic, Cairn can call upon a wide array of psychokinetic abilities, and is potentially more powerful than other varieties of human biotics. However, the L2 implants are also dangerous and unrefined, and mistakes or malfunctions can cause terribly painful side-effects.

Cairn prefers to use his abilities during the course of excavations, retrieving artifacts from hard-to-reach places, or lifting heavy debris out of the way. He takes a certain meditative pleasure in the easy rhythm of these activities, and the intense concentration required. The hectic nature of combat makes it impossible for Cairn to concentrate, and in such high-stress situations he often misjudges the strength of his power, often greviously harming someone he only wished to subdue, and usually triggering an agonizing migraine.

When under pressure, Cairn tends to act prematurely. His biotic reflexes are essentially self-taught, and his triggers are often subvocal or subliminal. As a result, he can find himself starting a fight when he had only meant to consider the possibilities.


These are preliminary, pending GM approval of my various machinations:

Race: Human

Background: Gutter Trash (Though he was born to high-up muckety-mucks, his L2 implants have wrecked his superior genetics, and slumming around the Lower Wards have eliminated any benefit he could derive from his connections in his family)

Characteristic! WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
25 31 28 29 31 32 37 39 28 25 31 28 29 31 32 42 39 28

Starting Abilities - Human Gutter Trash

* Common Lore - The Citadel
* Language - Basic Prothean
* Peer(Underworld)
* Peer(Workers)
* Light Sleeper

Starting Abilities - Sanctionite

* Psy Rating 1
* Speak Language(Common)
* Psynniscience(Per)
* Invocation(WP)
* Trade(Merchant)(Fel)
* Literacy(Int)
* Melee Weapon Training(Primitive)
* Pistol Weapon Training(SP)

L2 Side Effects: Cairn is covered in thousands of tiny scars, from lacerating early manifestations of his powers.


*   +5 WP (100)
*  Awareness(100)
* Drive( Ground Vehicle ) (100)
* Meditation (100)
* Ancient Lore(Reapers) (100)


* Decieve(100)
* Psy Rating 2 (200)
* Minor Psychic Power(Float)(100)
* Pilot(Civilian Craft)(100)

Total XP: 1000


Sword, Staff, Compact Stub Revolver, 3 bullets, Knife, Quilted Vest, Tatty Robe