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--[[User:Dieter|DietertheBold]] 08:39, 8 November 2006 (MST) I should be good for the 22nd of December, but unsure of Thanksgiving. I may be out of town. That's still up in the air. If I'm in town then I'm totally down.
--[[User:Dieter|DietertheBold]] 08:39, 8 November 2006 (MST) I should be good for the 22nd of December, but unsure of Thanksgiving. I may be out of town. That's still up in the air. If I'm in town then I'm totally down.
--[[User:BenofZongo|BenofZongo]] 23:48, 12 November 2006 (MST)I plan on seeing casino royal at the cinerama next saturday: anyone else interested?  I"m thinking the 2:05pm show, but I could probably make the 11am one as well.  I"ll probably buy my ticket tomorrow.
== The next step in WHFRP ==
== The next step in WHFRP ==

Revision as of 01:48, 13 November 2006

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


10/13/06.....PA............Ben's Condo
10/20/06.....WHFRP.....Jason's Comix Dungeon
10/27/06.....WHFRP.....Justin's Pad
11/3/06......PA.......Ben's House
11/10/06.....PA.......Change of Venue (unless Jason really wants to host): Ben's House this week again. Feel free to discuss if you find it necessary

Food preference

--Edmiao 11:59, 7 November 2006 (MST) pass on pizza.

--DietertheBold 08:40, 8 November 2006 (MST) I'd like some pizza.


--Edmiao 18:48, 6 November 2006 (MST) yavol!
--DietertheBold 21:52, 6 November 2006 (MST) Battlestar calls, but I made my EGO roll to resist. I'll be there.

--Matts 23:04, 6 November 2006 (MST)Rina's birthday is the night before. I may come, but I may also earn major points by going out with her and her architect friends.

Other random comments to the group

--Edmiao 18:52, 6 November 2006 (MST)again i cleaned this up. i moved some supers conversation to the discussion page on jason's world politics.

--BenofZongo 17:41, 7 November 2006 (MST)Just as sort of a poll: I'm going to make my reservations to fly home for xmas soon: Are we wanting to game on the 22nd or not? If we are, I will probably leave the morning of the 23rd, but if we don't, I'll probably leave on the 22nd.

--Matts 18:03, 7 November 2006 (MST)I'll probably be gone on the 22nd. At least, I was thinking I'd be gone for two Friday Nights, and that makes the 22nd and 29th, since I'll probably be coming back on the 31st.

--Jason 18:11, 7 November 2006 (MST)Whats the deal with the 24th of November, day after Thanksgiving?

--Edmiao 18:36, 7 November 2006 (MST) I will likely be available Nov 24th. I may, or may not, have relatives in town December 22nd and 29th. likely I will be open for one of the two, and if we do game Dec 22/29, I might want to bring my brother-in-law, who will be visiting.

--BenofZongo 19:10, 7 November 2006 (MST)I will definitely be gone the 29th of december. I should be good to game on the 24th, though I'll double check with Heather, since we're having thanksgiving at her parents' house. Like I said above, I should be good for the 22nd of December as long as there's enough interest.

--DietertheBold 08:39, 8 November 2006 (MST) I should be good for the 22nd of December, but unsure of Thanksgiving. I may be out of town. That's still up in the air. If I'm in town then I'm totally down.

--BenofZongo 23:48, 12 November 2006 (MST)I plan on seeing casino royal at the cinerama next saturday: anyone else interested? I"m thinking the 2:05pm show, but I could probably make the 11am one as well. I"ll probably buy my ticket tomorrow.

The next step in WHFRP

Jacob wants to kill himself a von Teumar. let's hunt some witchunter.
Hassan has things to do in Quenelles, after that I can let you know my plans.

Matt: Note that you guys haven't emerged from the forest yet... the dramatic reveal is yet to come!
Ambros is waiting with baited breath...

Hmmm, it's going to be hard to plan much of anything if a major plot event is going to happen right at the start of the next session. Either way, Anjou pretty much feels there's nobody outside of the group that is trustworthy, and that basically the group has fulfilled it's mission. He believes Teumar to be very evil and so would like to eliminate him, since it seems apparent that we can't escape him. Anjou initially thought it might be a good idea to visit Altdorf and try to convince the emperor his empire was being fucked up but a.) what's the likelihood he'll believe us b.) what's the likelihood he doesn't have his own plans already? c.) what's the likelihood he'd trust us and/or use us for his own machinations? d.) what's the likelihood we'd make it in/out alive? So yeah, I'm pretty much game for whatever plan.

--Matts 20:32, 24 October 2006 (MDT)You're all on the road to Miragliano; discuss!

--BenofZongo 20:57, 24 October 2006 (MDT)Hurray! spain! WTF were you guys thinking? It sounds like we're sort of wandering aimlessly, I'd love to get some sort of sense where we're going, and why. Ed's notes on the WHFRP page were rather...vague

-- 21:16, 24 October 2006 (MDT)Im pretty sure Miragliano is in Italy. We chose that location because it was the nearest large city we could find, and with it being a port we could easily get anywhere.

--Edmiao 23:54, 24 October 2006 (MDT)Magnus (now an NPC) wants to go home to set up for war profiteering. Northman wanted to go north for unstated reasons. I think Ambrose wants to head back to Altdorf, although he never stated that specifically. The fastest route north was via nearest port, which was south. Jacob wanted to bee line it towards von Teumar directly North, and take him out, but this idea was met with an unfortunate lack of enthusiasm. Seem that some characters are afraid of vT after getting near killed by his fireball. whatever, pussies.

--Justin 09:54, 26 October 2006 (MDT) We are on the road to Talia because it was the only idea that Matt hadn't thought of and we thought we would give him some extra work to do. And for some reason, Hassan and Angus thought it would be a great idea...Besidesa dey hava da spaghetti der!

--Matts 10:18, 26 October 2006 (MDT)Do you guys know how you're gonna buy passage on a ship when you don't have enough money to buy decent mountaineering clothes?

--Edmiao 12:23, 26 October 2006 (MDT)Here's the thing. we kinda figured the gm would buy it for us, you know, like when we needed a boat before we ran into capt. Ahmed. Besides, if the gm is not willing, Angus can always open up a blacksmith shop and sell some swords.....hey, wait a minute....

--Matts 23:31, 26 October 2006 (MDT)So you think you can just blunder into whatever situation you want and the GM will bail you out? Oh, i blew all my money on hookers and cocaine and my mortgage payment is due tomorrow! The GM will fix it! Oh, I just told some crazy gangster that I fucked his mom last night, but the GM will bail me out! Oh, I just got stabbed by Von Teumar sword, but hey, it's the GM's fault!

--Edmiao 23:40, 26 October 2006 (MDT)Do I think that? No. Do our characters think that? apparently so. because we just set off on a long trip in the wrong direction to catch a boat that we can't afford. Does anyone have plans for catching a ride? Jacob proposes murdering a lot of rich Reiklanders and taking their money. seriously. you in Robert?

--Edmiao 10:54, 3 November 2006 (MST)I just crapped my pants after looking at the recent changes page. "GM's notes -- players don't read!‎; 16:55 . . Matts (Talk | contribs) (→Jacob's Untimely Demise by Unrelenting Rape)"

--Jason 12:48, 3 November 2006 (MST)Well Ed, I have just one thing to say to that: FINALLY

--Edmiao 12:59, 3 November 2006 (MST)Oh man, it keeps on going!! However, these are the GM's plans. last time he tried to kill jacob he just had to use godly GM intervention, despite what was it, 4 ork (i mean hill people) gang up. he's tough as nails (alternately lucky as stink) and not afraid to turn tail and run.

The Next Step in PA

Considerations for Wik: Stop breaking yourself!

Considerations for Hassan: Find hookers.

Considerations for Jason: write his considerations under the right fucking heading for fucking, fucker. Nobody's looking for hookers in PA...at least not that their aware of (See Considerations for Angus and Grant, above, unless your NOT Angus and Grant, in which case use your fucking imagination).

Considerations for who wrote this: know the difference between you're and your, and they're and their

Oh, and yeah Im a dunce for writing about Hassan in PA

--BenofZongo 20:56, 24 October 2006 (MDT)Agreed...I'm a dunce for mispelling you're and they're

--BenofZongo 15:58, 2 November 2006 (MST)As those who were in attendance at the last PA session know, we ended in the middle of a combat. A big, drawn out combat. I'll try to have things set up to make this go as smoothly as possible, but a large portion of this next session will be spent in combat time (as in, using turns). We'll start as soon as we have 4 players, or it is 7 o'clock, whichever comes 2nd, so try to be on time. Strict limits on how much time you may spend executing/planning your actions will be enforced.

--BenofZongo 02:06, 12 November 2006 (MST)I'd like the group to consider whether they want wik to be with them in the mountains or left behind in Three rivers: he'll have stuff to do either way. If you want him along, you need to figure out how that would have happened: wik also does not have riding, and I won't permit shennong, grant, and wik to all ride on the same horse. Also, feel free to scheme, with my input or without it, as to what y'all want to do next session.

--Jason 17:32, 12 November 2006 (MST)I think Wik should be at the Kromminers. I also believe, that because so much of our stuff is split right now, we should tell you what we all want to do, you should make all the appropriate rolls and then when we arrive you can narrate what happens. It will give you a great opportunity for orchestrating some good drama.

--Edmiao 17:39, 12 November 2006 (MST)Matt could read the recap and decide where he thinks Wik would be. Somehow, i think if Wik knew the plan he would opt to be with the group (as he has no liking for Salome, I think). However, I don't think it is possible for him to be with the group based on the horse situation (unless he has some xp and takes ride?). I'm conflicted about Jason's idea above, it would be more streamlined, but playing it out in split groups could be a lot of fun.

--BenofZongo 19:18, 12 November 2006 (MST)Just as a heads up...I just looked at the bleeding rules, and we've made some errors. FIrst, you can only get the "stop bleeding" effect if you do nothing else in the preceding turn. second, under the section "death": if you are at or below zero body you lose one body per turn automatically. Bleeding rules apply, usually, regardless of whether you are at or above 0. My plan for using these rules is as follows, for simplicity: at or below 0 body, you lose one body per turn, and take STUN (but no additional body) as per the bleeding rules. YOu do not bleed if you are above 0 stun. Ok?

--BenofZongo 19:22, 12 November 2006 (MST)I'll run the "run up" to next session however you guys want. I have plans for Wik if he's not with you guys, so I'd rather not leave him at the Kromminers' place: he can be either in 3 rivers, or with you guys (if y'all can figure out a way to get him there prior to next session). I'd prefer to save dice rolling for the actual session, though, but I'm happy to hear the layout of what anyone wants to do.