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(Derived Attributes)
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==== Dodge ====
==== Dodge ====
This derived attribute simulates an aspect of combat resolution (armor penetration) by assigning an Attribute to how well a character can try to avoid damage.  Without body armor to stop an attack, this Attribute reflects how well a character can try to get out of harm’s way or try to roll with the punch.  Dodge is determined by adding the rank value of the character’s Reflexes and Acuity Traits and dividing by 2, rounding down (to yield a score between 1 and 5)<br />
This derived attribute simulates an aspect of combat resolution (armor penetration) by assigning an Attribute to how well a character can try to avoid damage.  Without body armor to stop an attack, this Attribute reflects how well a character can try to get out of harm’s way or try to roll with the punch.  Dodge is determined by adding the rank value of the character’s Reflexes and Acuity Traits and dividing by 2, rounding down (to yield a score between 1 and 5)<br />
==== Rate ====
This determines how far the character can move on foot in one action round.  Rate is equal to the die type of the character's Dexterity trait in meters per turn.
=== Skills ===
=== Skills ===

Revision as of 08:16, 9 April 2019

Character Generation

In Past Participle (The old-west themed, pre-alpha playtest version of Future Imperfect), each player will create a character to play in the game. Players will use a point-build system to create their characters, and use their character points to purchase Traits, Skills and Edges for their characters. With these bits of accounting and game mechanics in the bag, it is then up to the players to supply their character with as intricate a history and personality as they desire.

Characters are built on 125 points, though this starting number can be increased or decreased if the Master chooses to alter the beginning competency of the characters.


There are 8 primary Traits in PP; 4 “corporeal” Traits and 4 “intangible.” These form the basis of the range of physical, perceptive and intellectual capabilities of a character. Each Trait has a rank from 1 to 5, with each rank being labelled as one of the standard polyhedral game die types from d4 (rank 1) to d12 (rank 5). Traits are used to determine what “die type” is used when generating a random number while performing skill checks and the like during play. In addition to the “die type,” each Trait will have a training value. The default is 1, but this can be increased through the purchase of training levels (see the Skills section for more information). The training level of a Trait represents the number of “dice” used when making checks using the Trait by itself. Scare quotes are used here around mention of dice because Past Participle uses a deck of Action Cards in lieu of dice, so no dice need be rolled during the game. Action cards and their use are explained in full in chapter XX, Action Cards.

Traits determine certain parameters of each character, such as how much one can lift, how far one can move in combat, how psychologically tough the character is or how much punishment they can take before they are knocked out, to name a few examples. Along with the primary 8 Traits that you spend points to assign, there are 7 derived attributes that are based on these.

Corporeal Traits

The corporeal traits relate to the physical body of the character. What can he do? How well does he interact with the physical world at large? Corporeal traits are easily measured or quantified.

Strength is a measure of brawn and ability to use it. Strength checks and tests are important when moving things, carrying things and when doing damage with melee weapons. The Strength trait determines how much your Hero can lift and carry (Chapter XX).

Dexterity is body control, physical precision and lithe deftness of a Hero. Some examples of when Dexterity is the determining factor are firing ranged weapons, doing precise manual tasks quickly and movement. Dexterity determines the movement speed of the Hero.

Reflexes are the quick reactions and instantaneous movements of a Hero. The most common application of Reflexes is initiative during combat, but it can also be used with the Fast Draw skill, as well in other types of physical contests.

Fortitude is the physical toughness and pain threshold of the Hero. Fortitude is used in stun checks, as well as resisting disease and other effects of physical damage. Fortitude is part of the determination of Concussion Threshold (below).

Intangible Traits

Those traits deemed intangible are much more difficult to measure. They constitute processes which are largely invisible to normal senses (or the senses themselves!)

Acuity is the measure of the mental alertness as well as aptitude of a Hero. Acuity is used when searching for something, as well as noticing something passively.

Knowledge is the sum of the education of the Hero as well as the application thereof. Knowledge is the basis for solving engineering and science problems, and also includes memory.

Presence is the will of the Hero as well as his ability to project that will into the world around him. Presence is used in initiating and resisting psychological contests (Chapter XX).

Essence is that extra something intangible that is not quantified by education. Essence is used for bravery, as well as for mystical abilities.

Trait Cost

Rank Cost
1 (d4) 1
2 (d6) 3
3 (d8) 6
4 (d10) 10
5 (d12) 15

Derived Attributes

Concussion Threshold

Concussion Threshold (CT) is a special Trait that is derived from your character's Fortitude + Essence trait values. This represents the amount of shock, fatigue, or trauma your character can take before he keels over. To determine CT, add the value of the die type of the character’s Fortitude and Essence Traits. A character with rank 3 (d8) Fortitude and rank 2 (d6) Essence would have a CT of 14 (8+6).

When his CT is reduced to zero or less the character is effectively out of the action. There may be circumstances when the Master may allow limited actions, but in general, the concussed Hero is down for the count. They do not roll Reflexes nor draw cards during the combat phase.


Stress is the measure of your character's mental wherewithal, and is used like CT against psychological attacks. A character who is reduced to zero Stress is worn out. Stress is equal to the die type values of Presence + Essence. More on psychological attacks and stress in chapter XX.


Size is the measure of how easily wounds are dealt to your character. When assessing damage, you will take one wound per multiple of your size that is dealt in damage effect. To determine size, add the rank for the character’s strength and fortitude. Most characters will have a size of 6, but for those that don’t, it should be clear why they are more fragile or sturdy.

Strength + Fortitude Size
2-3 5
4-8 6
9-10 7


Willpower is your resistance to psychological effects in verbal or social engagements. It can be compared to the Size Attribute, above, but used against a different type of damage. Willpower is determined by the character’s Presence and Knowledge Traits. Most characters will have a willpower of 6.

Presence + Knowledge Willpower
2-3 5
4-8 6
9-10 7


Nerve is your character’s defense against fear, compulsion and other psychological attacks. How it is derived will be determined when the section on Social Combat is complete.


This derived attribute simulates an aspect of combat resolution (armor penetration) by assigning an Attribute to how well a character can try to avoid damage. Without body armor to stop an attack, this Attribute reflects how well a character can try to get out of harm’s way or try to roll with the punch. Dodge is determined by adding the rank value of the character’s Reflexes and Acuity Traits and dividing by 2, rounding down (to yield a score between 1 and 5)


This determines how far the character can move on foot in one action round. Rate is equal to the die type of the character's Dexterity trait in meters per turn.


Skills determine the specific abilities and knowledge a character possesses. Skills are ranked from level 1 to 5. When using a skill, determine the associated Trait being used (more on this in chapter XX: Skills). This will determine which column you refer to on the cause table of the action card. The level of the skill determines the row within that column you would refer to. So, if the Trait being used had a value of d8 and the skill being used was level 4, you would refer to the cell of the table in the d8 column in the fourth row. You can also use any result from the cells higher on the table, so you could use the results from the 1d8, 2d8 or 3d8 cells, as well. This allows each action card to represent 25 different possible Trait/Skill combinations in the flip of a single card, covering the possible result from least proficient (1d4) to the best (5d12).

Skills are purchased with character points according to the following table:

Skill Level Cost
1 1
2 3
3 6
4 10
5* 15

*Skills at level 5 may not be purchased during character creation, but skills can be improved to level 5 during gameplay.

Untrained Skill Use

Sometimes a character will be called upon to use a skill they have no training with, or they may try to muddle through a task, hoping their natural abilities will carry them to success. In these cases, use the character’s associated Trait and substitute their training level with that Trait for skill level to determine which row you use. “Great!” you say. “My character has 2d-whatever with every Dexterity-based skill he uses. Why should I buy a weapon skill at level 1?” If using a skill untrained, you must halve the result from the cell referenced, rounding down. Also, you may not use the numbers in the cells above the referenced one; that is a benefit of proper training.

Skill Specializations

Some skills have associated specializations. These can be purchased for 3 character points each. When using the specialization for a skill, if the skill roll succeeds, the player earns one free Bump. (For more on Bumps, see Chapter XX: Skills)


Edges come in two flavors: Rough and Sharp. Rough edges are a character’s weaknesses, foibles, peculiarities or flaws. Sharp edges are benefits or talents that a character might have due to such things as his upbringing, training, or habits. Edges can be used to put some roleplaying “polish” on a character, to help define what kind of character he or she is by allowing the player to define some things about them. Mechanically, edges all follow the same guidelines, but they allow players a chance to put some spin on how they benefit their character during play.

Rough Edges

Rough edges can be voluntarily invoked by the player during the game before a card is drawn to resolve an action. Rough edges incur a -2 penalty to the task at hand, and if the task fails due to the rough edge, the player earns a Story Chip that can be used later (for more on Story Chips, see Chapter XX). When appropriate, the Master can also invoke a character’s rough edge to turn a success into a failure after the card is drawn to resolve the action. This causes the character to earn a story chip if they accept the failure, but they can pay a story chip to override this invocation of their rough edge (perhaps they found a reserve of inspiration or caught a second wind that allowed them to overcome their flaw).

Rough edges cost 1 character point for each time they can be invoked. They have a cost (albeit a low one) because they can be used as a means of obtaining story chips, and they have a limited number of uses to prevent the player from spamming their use (and to prevent the Master from hammering a character with a rough edge).

Sharp Edges

Sharp edges can be invoked by the player to increase the cause or the effect of any check. Regardless of what the edge is named, it can be used to affect any check the character is called upon to make. Of course, players are encouraged to use their edges for tasks that seem appropriate based on how they defined them, but this is not required. The fact is, the players are paying character points for an advantage, and they should be allowed to use them. If they find a way to fit it seamlessly into the story, then more power to them! The story hopefully benefits for their clever ideas. If the player just needs a little boost, then the edge is just a mechanical advantage. Not as memorable, roleplaying-wise, but it gets the job done.

Sharp edges are purchased with a magnitude and a frequency. The magnitude determines the level of the bonus, and has 3 tiers. For adding to the cause (to determine whether a check is successful), the bonus ranges from +1 to +3. When adding to the effect, the bonus is +3, +6 or +9. Only one sharp edge can be utilized to affect a single check. Normally, the edge can only benefit the cause or the effect, but edges may be purchased with dual activation, and can grant a bonus to both results for the same check. Frequency is how many times the edge can be used each game session.

The cost for a sharp edge is shown on the following table:

+1/+3 +2/+5 +3/+8
x1 1/2 2/3 3/5
x2 2/4 4/6 6/10
x3 3/6 6/9 9/15
x4 4/8 8/12 12/20
x5 5/10 10/15 15/25
  • The number after the “/” indicates the cost for an edge of that magnitude with that frequency with dual activation.

Special Edges (Optional)

Some sharp edges can be used to improve derived Attributes beyond what would be indicated by the values of the primary attributes alone. These edges have special costs.

Concussion Threshold: +3/6/9 Cost: 6/9/15

Stress: +3/6/9 Cost: 6/9/15

Size/Willpower 6 to 7: Cost: 15*

Size/Willpower 7 to 8: Cost: 25*

Nerve: TBD

Dodge: +1/2/3 Cost: 5/10/15

Bonus Move: +1/2/3 Cost: 2/4/6 for running, 3/6/9 for swim/climbing

  • Size or Willpower may not be increased if the starting value is 5