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Here is Hub in the flesh so to speak, least what I see him looking like.
Here is Hub in the flesh so to speak, least what I see him looking like.
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w85/gdaze/screenshot_2007-02-27-20-33-42.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

Revision as of 00:14, 28 February 2007

Hub, or as he is really known, Jonathan Walters, grew up with a mostly normal history. He was a very keen youth, and seemed to always know what people where up to, most just attributed to a keen sense of observation. And while he was quite perceptive what nobody knew was that these were wisps of his Prime powers starting to manifest. He became quite popular, although at times his mouth would get him into trouble. One day at the age of 14 while out with his friends (Peter 13, Saito 15, Sally 14, and Amanda 13) they were mugged.

John and Amanda had been dating for about six months when this event happened. As Peter was stabbed by one of the 3 muggers, and as the other two advanced on the rest of the group something snapped in John. Suddenly he could hear everyone’s thoughts; it was very difficult to understand anything at this point. He felt as if he wasn’t himself but had taken on the aspect of everyone, and everyone was talking, thousands of thoughts a second rushing through his head. Then he heard help, many times from his friends. He was angry, he was confused, and his other powers flooded out. He wasn’t sure what was happening, he just wanted the voices to be gone, the bad guys to be gone, and everyone else to be safe. There was a lot of screaming. Not that he could tell them apart from the voices in his mind. He blacked out. When he came to, he found a scene that is still engraved in his mind. Two of the criminals were totally broken apart. Their arms smashed, bones sticking out from their skin, smashed into near by buildings, missing teeth… and so on. The third one was killed, his head totally caved in. But this was not all; he had hit some of his friends. Saito had a broken arm and Sally had been thrown against a wall several times. And even worse, Amanda lay on the ground, both legs unmoving and bloody.

As it turned out, the damage to Amanda was so serve that she is now confined to a wheelchair

What to do with John? He was one of “them”. He had powers, and clearly he had no control. Meanwhile John’s telepathy would come and go. It was driving him mad. He was kept under lock and key, forbid to see anyone even his parents. After a week a man showed up. His name was Jake Cannon. With him was a man who was known as Maestro, his real name which he never used was Donald Killjoy. The came with 3 FBI agents as well. They wanted to take John with them, to a school that Cannon ran. Maestro said the boy had a lot of potential, and was given access to interview the boy in his cell. Much to John’s surprise, and delight, Maestro could cancel out John’s power, or at least hold it back

Cannon would take him into his school where he would be properly trained. It was agreed however that John must pay for the damage he caused, and the children’s parents were suing him. Cannon agreed to pay for these, and with that John headed to his school. He did get to meet his parents, who although were happy to see him, were very taken back. Amanda actually did come to see him off.

At the school John’s training started right away. He was one of only two other psychic students, so he became very close to them. (Elizabeth Waters & Tom Bancy)

By 17 he had become very apt at controlling his powers. He was now able to project his thoughts into others’ minds and could even carry on conversations between people, acting as a sort of “hub”. He also helped Maestro with many of the new psychic recruits that came to the school. He defiantly had some leadership qualities. He graduated with a few awards when he was 18. Due to his training he was given a government license as a Prime. And so, John Walters, AKA: HUB now was ready to join the Human Gambit.

Personal Motto regarding his powers and such: “Don’t let a wild dog go unchained. It must be trained before it can be useful.”

Pictures: Here is Hub in the flesh so to speak, least what I see him looking like. File:Http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w85/gdaze/screenshot 2007-02-27-20-36-41.jpg http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w85/gdaze/screenshot_2007-02-27-20-35-54.jpg http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w85/gdaze/screenshot_2007-02-27-20-36-41.jpg