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Type II weapons: Primarily AI controlled direct fire weapons.<br>
Type II weapons: Primarily AI controlled direct fire weapons.<br>
Conventional: (d4): 3pts/dice up to 3 dice, 4 pts per dice above that up to 6 dice.  Ammo usage is 1 unit/dice/shot.<br>
Conventional: (d4): 3pts/dice up to 3 dice, 4 pts per dice above that up to 6 dice.  Ammo usage is 1 unit/dice/shot.<br>
Laser: (d8): 6pts/dice up to 3 dice.  9Pts/dice above that up to 6 dice (the high cost of high powered laser batteries is due to the extra fusion power that must be installed to accommodate their tremendous power drain:Nonfunctional in atmospheric conditions (NOT atmospheric speeds, but actual atmosphere).  No ammo usage.<br>
Laser: (d8): 5pts/dice up to 3 dice.  7Pts/dice above that up to 6 dice (the high cost of high powered laser batteries is due to the extra fusion power that must be installed to accommodate their tremendous power drain:Nonfunctional in atmospheric conditions (NOT atmospheric speeds, but actual atmosphere).  No ammo usage.<br>
Railgun (d10): 6pts/dice up to 3 dice.  9Pts/dice above that up to 6 dice.  Ammo usage is 2 unit/dice/shot.<br>
Railgun (d10): 5pts/dice up to 3 dice.  7Pts/dice above that up to 6 dice.  Ammo usage is 2 unit/dice/shot.<br>
Ramjet (d6): 3 pts/dice up to 3 dice, 5pts/dice above that up to 6 dice.  Ammo usage is 3 units/dice/shot.<br>
Ramjet (d6): 3 pts/dice up to 3 dice, 5pts/dice above that up to 6 dice.  Ammo usage is 3 units/dice/shot.<br>
Plasma (d4): 3pts/dice up to 3 dice, 5 pts/dice up to six dice.  No ammo usage.<br>
Plasma (d4): 3pts/dice up to 3 dice, 5 pts/dice up to six dice.  No ammo usage.<br>
Type III weapons:  self-correcting/adjusting weapons such as missiles or powerful precursor weapons:  these are essentially all AI controlled.<br>
Type III weapons:  self-correcting/adjusting weapons such as missiles or powerful precursor weapons:  these are essentially all AI controlled.<br>
Heat/Ion trail/Magnetic/Etc. Tracking missile pod: (d12) 6pts/dice up to 5 dice, 9pts/dice above that up to 10 dice.  Ammo usage is 5units/dice/shot.<br>
Heat/Ion trail/Magnetic/Etc. Tracking missile pod: (d12) 5pts/dice up to 5 dice, 7pts/dice above that up to 10 dice.  Ammo usage is 5units/dice/shot.<br>
AI guided smart weapon (d20):  10pts/dice up to 5 dice, 15pts/dice above that up to 10 dice.  Ammo usage is 10 units/dice/shot.<br>
AI guided smart weapon (d20):  7pts/dice up to 5 dice, 10pts/dice above that up to 10 dice.  Ammo usage is 10 units/dice/shot.<br>
Precursor subspace weaponry: (d100):  you can't afford it.<br>
Precursor subspace weaponry: (d100):  you can't afford it.<br>

Revision as of 19:18, 11 March 2007

Ship building; this section is still a work in progress. For now, the total value of the cards played into the ship pile is multiplied by 3 to give you the build points you have to make your crews' ship. My conception of space opera ships (like Matt's, I think) is that the ship is essentially a character in the group: an almost-living entity with as much personality (with all its adjunct quirks, problems, and traits) as any other member of the crew. Thus, as stated at the end of this document, the ship has a focus and a path rating as well. How this will play out exactly, I haven't decided yet: more to come.

1.)Size: (1-10)^3 tons ship final weight. Length is (1-10)*25 meters.
2.)Quality is 1-10. Subtract from 10 for % chance of breakdown (not total, partial) per adventure: on a 00 is a total breakdown, must be repaired immediately (for 10 quality, this is a partial breakdown.
3.)Atmospheric capability is 5 pts. Fuel costs of Atmospheric travel (other than descent)are: (100 miles/(chassis class)^2)/(Fuel Unit). This is considered “very poor” fuel efficiency. To 'streamline' your ship, spend ((chassis class/2))/level you want to go up on the fuel efficiency chart for atmospheric travel only (see Engines, below).
4.)SDC base: (Size class + Quality class)*10
5.)Cost: (Size class + Quality class)*2.

1.)Quality: 1-10. 1 is standard hull plating, increasing in quality from there. Effects: adds quality class in 'Technical' dice (see ship combat). Adds (Quality class)*5 in SDC.
2.)Cost: (Quality Class*Chassis Size Class)/2 (round down).
1.Stealth: 5 pts. Per sensor system type.
2.Reflective hull: 1, 2, or 3 technical dice (reuseable) against lasers only 3 pts. Per level.

1.)Speed: Slow (max speed 250,000 km/h) , Standard (max speed 400, 000 km/h) , Fast (500,000 km/h), Fastest (>500,000km/h): 5 pts. Per level. +1 pts per 100k km/h above 500,000 at fastest, to max of 1.5 million (light speed).
2.)Maneuverability: Non vectored thrust (gas-jet): 0 pts. Atmospheric speed limit for combat purposes (you are always considered at the atmospheric combat state for purposes of combat, even if you are moving at Deep speeds). Vectored thrust (Chassis class)*2 pts. Coastal speed limit for combat purposes. Calibrated-Vector Thrust (Chassis class)*4 pts. No combat speed limit.
3.)Fuel efficiency/Energy Efficiency. Standard (standard fuel unit usage) 0pts., Poor -5 pts. (x1.5 fuel usage), Very Poor (x2 fuel usage) -10 pts. , Good 5 pts. (x.5 fuel usage), Excellent (x.25 fuel usage) 10pts., Best (x.10 fuel usage) 15 pts., Legendary (no fuel usage) 20 pts.
1.Each round of combat uses 50 fuel units in atmospheric, 100 units in coastal, and 200 units in Deep combat. This usage is affected by your 'speed limit' (ie, if you are limited by vectored thrust to Coastal fighting effectiveness, you burn 100 units per combat round even in Deep combat). 4.)Reliability is 1-10. same effect as for Chassis. Cost is (reliability class).
1.Space-Jump: 10 pts.

Life Support:
1.)Quality: 1-10. same effect as for Chassis. Adds (quality rating) in SDC and (quality rating)/3 (round down) in technical dice for ship combat.
2.)Cost: (quality rating).

Piloting/Navigation Systems:
1.)AI quality: -2,-1,0,+1,+2,+3: effect: add this number of dice (d6) to the raise in Maneuvers each turn (!). Add this number to any piloting or navigation rolls.
2.)Cost: (AI quality +1)*10.

Tactical Systems:
1.)AI quality: -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3: effect: add this number of dice (d6) to every raise into the threat pool.
2.)Cost: (AI quality+1)*10.

1.)Quality: 1-10: Effects: the maximum AI quality rating for piloting/navigation or Tactical is limited by sensors/comms level (see below). Add (quality rating)/2 (rounding down) to cosmology and other related rolls.
1.Sensor quality 1 = AI max of -2
2.Sensor 2 -3 = AI max of -1
3.Sensor 4-5 = AI max of 0
4.Sensor 6 = AI max of +1
5.Sensor 7 = AI max of +2
6.Sensor 8+ = AI max of +3
2.)Cost: (quality rating).

Ship features:
1.)Slots: (Chassis size class)^2 slots.
2.)Slot uses
1.Fuel storage: 0 pts/slot: 1000 fuel units/slot.
2. Cargo: 0pts/slot: (size*.7) tons/slot.
3.Passenger compartments: 0pts/slot: sardines: 5 people/slot, crammed 2/slot, comfortable 1/slot, luxury .25 slot. Extravagant 1/.1 slot.
4.Crew compartments: private rooms 1 crew member/slot, doubles: 2crew/slot: 0pts/slot.
5.Weapon systems: number before slash is number of dice, after is cost in pts. Every weapon system occupies one slot.
Type I weapons: Primarily Human controlled direct fire weapons
Conventional: (d4): 3pts/dice up to 3 dice, 4 pts per dice above that up to 6 dice. Ammo usage is 1 unit/dice/shot.
Laser: (d6): 4pts/dice up to 3 dice. 6Pts/dice above that up to 6 dice (the high cost of high powered laser batteries is due to the extra fusion power that must be installed to accommodate their tremendous power
drain:Nonfunctional in atmospheric conditions (NOT atmospheric speeds, but actual atmosphere). No ammo usage.
Railgun (d8): 4pts/dice up to 3 dice. 6Pts/dice above that up to 6 dice. Ammo usage is 2 unit/dice/shot.
Ramjet (d6): 3 pts/dice up to 3 dice, 4 pts/dice above that up to 6 dice. Ammo usage is 3 units/dice/shot.
Plasma (d4): 3pts/dice up to 3 dice, 5 pts/dice up to six dice. No ammo usage.

Type II weapons: Primarily AI controlled direct fire weapons.
Conventional: (d4): 3pts/dice up to 3 dice, 4 pts per dice above that up to 6 dice. Ammo usage is 1 unit/dice/shot.
Laser: (d8): 5pts/dice up to 3 dice. 7Pts/dice above that up to 6 dice (the high cost of high powered laser batteries is due to the extra fusion power that must be installed to accommodate their tremendous power drain:Nonfunctional in atmospheric conditions (NOT atmospheric speeds, but actual atmosphere). No ammo usage.
Railgun (d10): 5pts/dice up to 3 dice. 7Pts/dice above that up to 6 dice. Ammo usage is 2 unit/dice/shot.
Ramjet (d6): 3 pts/dice up to 3 dice, 5pts/dice above that up to 6 dice. Ammo usage is 3 units/dice/shot.
Plasma (d4): 3pts/dice up to 3 dice, 5 pts/dice up to six dice. No ammo usage.

Type III weapons: self-correcting/adjusting weapons such as missiles or powerful precursor weapons: these are essentially all AI controlled.
Heat/Ion trail/Magnetic/Etc. Tracking missile pod: (d12) 5pts/dice up to 5 dice, 7pts/dice above that up to 10 dice. Ammo usage is 5units/dice/shot.
AI guided smart weapon (d20): 7pts/dice up to 5 dice, 10pts/dice above that up to 10 dice. Ammo usage is 10 units/dice/shot.
Precursor subspace weaponry: (d100): you can't afford it.

6.Shuttle: (size class)^3 slots (unless external, see special equipment): cannot be larger than (Chassis size class)/2 (round down). : Cost: (size class)*10 pts.
7. Ammo storage: 0 pts/slot. Each slot holds 10 ammo units. Ship ammo costs 100 credits/unit. The ships ammo stores are d100% full at the start of the game: burning a fortune point will make them completely full.
8.Special equipment (ex: med bay, archeo-chamber)
Med Bay: (1-10)*2 pts: uses (level)/2 slots. adds 1-10 to Medical rolls. Level is also the % chance of breakdown per adventure (fancy stuff breaks more easily). Each point spent equals one cryo chamber.
Archeo-storage Chamber: 2 pts/slot: holds same amount as a cargo slot. Prison: 1pts/slot. Holds same as passenger compartments above.
Secret compartments: 1pts/slot. Holds half as much as a cargo slot.
Machine Shop/Repair Bay/Etc: (1-10)*2 pts: uses (level) slots. Adds 1-10 to repair/building/whatever rolls.
Extra Armor: 2 pts/technical dice for combat(one use). 1 slot holds up to 3 dice of armor.
Self repair system/diagnostics system/etc.: 4pts/technical dice for combat. 1 slot holds up to 5 dice of repair stuff.
Tug setup: 5pts for towing wrecks up to (chassis class), 10 pts for (chassis class)*2, 15 pts for (chassis class)*3. Uses 2, 4, 8 slots, respectively.
Hacking/Programming rig: Hardware rating of 1-10, Software rating of 1-10: Cost is (hardware rating + software rating) for rigs up to 5 points; for rigs 6-10 cost is (hardware rating + software rating)*2. This increased price is in effect if either software or hardware is six or above. Uses 1 slot.

Other stuff:
Reputation: 1-10. Cost is (reputation rating).
Focus/Path: the ship also has a focus and a path. If the ship violates its path (or the crew does something that violates the path), it risks losing path rating, focus rating, and there is an immediate 10% chance that something on the ship breaks in the next scene. The focus and path will be GM designed based on suggestions from the players as with player focus/path. A ship cannot have more focus than it has reputation, to a minimum of 1.
External shuttle mount: 3 pts, 6 for atmospheric ships.