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--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 12:42, 27 March 2007 (MST) I found this review of an rpg that is more... typical fantasy, when compared to 3E D&D...  It amused me greatly.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 14:16, 2 April 2007 (MST) So like... none of us have any work to do? Haha, I don't due to us moving to a new system.
Ordering a pint of warm mead from the publican, Zig looked about the tavern. At a nearby table he saw two of the strangest individuals he could imagine.
There was a short fellow who looked like he might be halfling, albeit a rather emaciated one. Obviously the poor guy was not getting his daily six meals. Moreover, the 'halfling' had strangely long hair, dyed in four different colours, a silver ring dangling from his nostrils, a platinum ring hanging from his eyebrow, and was talking to a glowing pony beside him. From the few snippits of conversation that Zig overheard, apparently this pony could pop into existence whenever the halfling wanted its company. Weird. Listening some more, Zig learned that this bizarre looking halfling with the magic pony claimed to be some kind of paladin! Warm mead came spewing out from poor Zig's nostrils. Perversely fascinated, Zig listened some more. Apparently the halfling was hoping that he would soon be 'corrupted' so that he could then progress into some kind of 'prestige class' called a 'blackguard'. These 'blackguards', the scrawny halfling mused, had all kinds of interesting powers.
This was too much for Zig's poor brain to handle. But the creature beside the emaciated halfling was even more bizarre. She looked like some kind of strange mix of an elf and ... could it be? ... a red dragon! She was sexy and repulsive at the same time. Leathery emerald wings flapped behind her, and the faint scent of brimstone and perfume circled around her table. Listening to her talk, Zig gathered that she was some kind of sorcerer who had graduated to a 'prestige class' called a 'dragon disciple'. She seemed pleased about the fact that her life had become much easier once she had acquired something called a 'feat' that let her 'eschew material components'. Zig could not follow what she was saying at all, and had to wonder why the authorities had even allowed this beast into the town in the first place.
"Bleedin' freaks," muttered Zig to himself as he ordered three shots of strong dwarven whiskey, chugged them down in twenty seconds, ordered another pint of mead, and walked away.
At another table there sat three weary looking individuals. One was a halfling -- no doubt about it. The little guy had a bulging belly, was puffing away at an over-sized cork pipe, and was industriously polishing his lock picks. Beside him was a haggard-looking middle-aged human with a long dark robe. The guy was sucking some ale through his unruly moustache while thumbing through a thick tome covered in arcane symbols. Ah yes, thought Zig, a user of magic. Also at the table was a comely maiden dressed in chain mail, sipping slowly from a delicate glass of elvish wine. Around her neck hung a golden necklace that displayed the symbol of Amithos, the sun god. She was clearly a cleric -- and a rather attractive one at that (despite the absence of a beard).
"Ahhh ... true adventurers," murmured Zig to himself, "and adventurers in need of a fighter!" He walked over to the group and introduced himself...

Revision as of 16:16, 2 April 2007

I'd rather be bored at work, like it's a chore than gored at work by a wild boar

I'd rather be twiddling my thumbs in ennui than stabbed to death by republicans "freedom isn't free"

Honestly, I supoose it's a good way The mind rots while we collect our pay

It's just, I'd like a bentley or something if I'm gonna be this goddamn bored

--BenofZongo 17:23, 20 March 2007 (MST)Seriously...except I'm not bored, I'm just sick of the shit I have to do right now.

--Dieter the Bold 18:38, 20 March 2007 (MST) Fun for work: 1 and 2

--Gdaze-- I'm tired... and my fucking gums are infected and I have to have my fucking wisdom teeth removed, and I want to sleep. Do any of you see how long you can have your dick outta your fly while your at work?

--Edmiao 14:23, 22 March 2007 (MST) my record is 25 minutes before i got nervous and had to zip it up. Have you ever been caught? and what's your record?

--Matts 02:37, 24 March 2007 (MST)Oh, Messieur

--Gdaze 16:22, 26 March 2007 (MST)Hahaha, check out this, I know our group would LOVE it! http://www.amazon.com/Worlds-Largest-Dungeon-Alderac-Entertainment/dp/1594720290/ref=pd_bbs_1/103-9177017-5232603?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1174950620&sr=8-1

--Gdaze 14:16, 2 April 2007 (MST) So like... none of us have any work to do? Haha, I don't due to us moving to a new system.