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The 8 Siblings
The 8 Siblings<br>
In the beginning there was One Mother and One Farther.  The two grew lonely as they had no children to care for.  They were unsure of just how many children they should have, or what kind of children for there was nothing but them and the scaled one.  The scaled one was always far away though, and did not bother them.   
In the beginning there was One Mother and One Farther.  The two grew lonely as they had no children to care for.  They were unsure of just how many children they should have, or what kind of children for there was nothing but them and the scaled one.  The scaled one was always far away though, and did not bother them.   
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“This is concerning.”  Replied the Parents.  They also noticed that small white puffs of clouds had been created by the two siblings playing.  For awhile they thought what to do.  Perhaps another child was needed.  Farther motioned towards the small puffs of clouds.  “These have given me an idea Mother.  Let us make another son.  He will provide us with a motion that will push these clouds away and help keep Flame and Sea under control.”  Mother agreed and so the two set to making the 3rd child, and named him Roaring Wind.
“This is concerning.”  Replied the Parents.  They also noticed that small white puffs of clouds had been created by the two siblings playing.  For awhile they thought what to do.  Perhaps another child was needed.  Farther motioned towards the small puffs of clouds.  “These have given me an idea Mother.  Let us make another son.  He will provide us with a motion that will push these clouds away and help keep Flame and Sea under control.”  Mother agreed and so the two set to making the 3rd child, and named him Roaring Wind.
Thus Wind spun into existinance and started to play with his brother and sister.  For a time, things were good.  All the while, the scaled one watched.
Thus Wind spun into existence and started to play with his brother and sister.  For a time, things were good.  All the while, the scaled one watched.
The void was now filled with Light, warmth, water, wind, clouds, steam, sky, air.  However, it all floated around with no sense of order.  Mother and Farther came to their children one day.
The void was now filled with Light, warmth, water, wind, clouds, steam, sky, air.  However, it all floated around with no sense of order.  Mother and Farther came to their children one day.
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“I agree big sister, but what…  there is no place for us to store anything, shall we go ask Mother and Farther?”  Replied Wind.
“I agree big sister, but what…  there is no place for us to store anything, shall we go ask Mother and Farther?”  Replied Wind.
“No!  We must show them that we are clever and resourceful!  Let us think of a plan or find one and bring it to them.  That way we shall earn their respect!”  Cried Flame.
“No!  We must show them that we are claver and resourceful!  Let us think of a plan or find one and bring it to them.  That way we shall earn their respect!”  Cried Flame.
The 3 agreed this was a good idea.  So they sat and thought.  Suddenly Wind clapped his hands together, which blew everyone away a little.
The 3 agreed this was a good idea.  So they sat and thought.  Suddenly Wind clapped his hands together, which blew everyone away a little.
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“Please excuse us Scaled One, but as you can see we have made a mess of the void.  Mother and Farther are mad at us and we want to impress them with a plan.  However we can not think of any as we are still young.  You seem very old and wise though so we came to you for help.”
“Please excuse us Scaled One, but as you can see we have made a mess of the void.  Mother and Farther are mad at us and we want to impress them with a plan.  However we can not think of any as we are still young.  You seem very old and wise though so we came to you for help.”
The Scaled One’s eyes focus on the young Sea, sending shivers down her body.  Even Flame was shaking a little, with Wind behind him shaking even more.
The Scaled One’s eyes focuses on the young Sea, sending shivers down her body.  Even Flame was shaking a little, with Wind behind him shaking even more.
The Scaled One laughed.
The Scaled One laughed.
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“Children.” Said the Parents.  “Isn’t there something you’re forgetting to tell us?”
“Children.” Said the Parents.  “Isn’t there something you’re forgetting to tell us?”
The children looked shy and then admitted to their parents that they had help from the Scaled One in their plan.
The children looked shy and then admitted to their parents that they had help from the Scaled One in their plan. The parents took the children to see the Scaled One.
“Ah, hello to you Children and Parents.”  Said the Scaled One to them when they came.
“We heard that you helped the children come up with the idea to make a place to store their things.  But they have not thanked you properly for it.”  Said the parents.
The children bowed and thanked the scaled one for his help, then asked him if they could do anything in return.  The Scaled One thought it over for a bit then nodded.
“Yes there is something I would ask.  I have my own children, they are here.”
The Scaled One put forward one of his claws which opened to reveal some eggs.  There were 8 total.  The children’s’ eyes lit up at the sight of them for they had never seen such things.
“I would like each of you to take one; I know there are only four of you, and eight eggs.  But the other eggs will be for any other brothers or sisters your Parents might decide on having.”
Each of the children bowed and took an egg.  When Flame took his the egg turned a crimson red.  When Sea took her egg it turned a faint blue with white overtone.  When Wind took his egg it turned a deep blue.  And finally when Gaia took her egg it turned a brown and green color.
“Thank you for these gifts dragons; we shall make sure our Children watch over yours.”  Said The Parents.
And so the children went back to Gaia and played there.  Soon the eggs hatched.  From the crimson one emerged a Red Dragon.  From the light blue and white one emerged a White Dragon.  From the deep blue one emerged a Blue Dragon.  Finally from the green and brown egg emerged a Green Dragon.
The Children and the four Dragons got along quite well.  They played and played.  Eventually the Parents gave the Children another gift.  These new creatures called Alphas look much more like The Children.  They were large and in all ways very strong.  And so Gaia began to be populated.
However, one day Gaia noticed something.
“It is nice that we now have the Dragons and the Alphas, but there aren’t many places for them to rest or stay out of the sun.  Also there is nothing for them to eat.”  Gaia said to her Parents.
“This is true.”  They responded.  “We shall create for you another sibling then.”
The Parents thus set at creating another child yet again.  This one took a bit longer to make but finally The Parents created a new child.  This child’s name was Primal Nature, and was to be there new brother.
The children rejoiced at their new brother, and right away he set about making various planets grow on Gaia.  Soon the Alphas and Dragons and much to eat and enjoyed their life upon Gaia.  The Scaled One came to Nature and offered him an egg, which turned green upon him touching it.  This soon gave birth to a Green Dragon.
As time passed, the Alphas and Dragons increased in population, and the planets continued to grow.  It became clear that Gaia was not big enough.  The Children went to their Parents and asked them what to do.
The Parents told their Children that they would create another child then to help out. 
“This child” said Mother “should be able to help things fall apart, as now everything lasts forever and there is not enough room for that.”  Farther agreed and so the two set at the task of making the sixth child.  Thus soon after a girl was born who they named First Death.  She too was offered an egg, which turned black upon her touch and thus gave birth to a Black Dragon.
Soon after this the world Gaia was given much more order then it had.  And things went well until one day an event happened that would change everything.  It started between some Alphas and Dragons.  The Alphas insisted the Dragons give up some of their land and scaled to that the Alphas might protect themselves.  The Dragons said they would do no such thing.  Seeking help, the Alphas went to the Children.  The Children, looking like the Alphas, sided with them.  The first Dragons went to their farther and told him what had happened. 
“This is an outrage, but I thought it might happen eventually.  You must prepare, the Alphas will try to attack us.”
And so the first war happened.  The Alphas attacked the dragons.  The dragons fought back but with the Children’s’ help the dragons started to loose very badly.  Until the Scaled One came down to Gaia to intervene.  The Children all said
“What are you doing, can’t you see we are taking care of your greedy children?”
“Foolish children, you Alphas are the greedy ones, now I will curse you all with my revenge!”
With that the Scaled One let out a mighty roar.  The ground of Gaia cracked open and out from it poured hordes of horrible clawed and horned beats bearing razor sharp fangs.  For you see, the Scaled One knew of the demonic regions and was a master of traveling them.  So he summoned forth demons onto the planet.  The dragons easily avoided their corruption but the Alphas proved to be easy targets and set upon themselves.  Their greed is what made them such easy targets.
The Parents Watched and decided something must be done.  But what?  The Children had chosen poorly, and so punishment was not out of the question.  The Alphas, having been given the gift of Mana by the Children were quite powerful also.  So the parents created new helpers for their Children, and called them the celestials.  These would aid the Children in battling the demonic forces.  The Scaled One laughed at the parents who looked back at him with narrowed eyes.  They knew this might have been his plan from the beginning.  The Parents turned to their children to give them one last message.
“We shall go and do combat with The Scaled One, or else he will be able to take over all of creation.  However, we will leave you with 2 last siblings.  These two will reflect you children.  One will be cable of much good, pure, and of superior morals.  The other will reflect your greedy side, it will be dangerous, reckless, and hurtful.”
And so the Parents gave birth to their last two Children.  The first was a girl, she was to represent the celestial power.  Her name was First Haven.  Then her brother was created.  He was to represent and have power over the infernal power, that which corrupts man.  His name was Curse.
So the parents decided to attack the Scaled One.  But before doing so they created a few more races to populate the planet.  These were much smaller then the Alphas, in order to control their power.  The Scaled One did the same, although his Dragons still were powerful.  These little dragons were made to serve the Prime Dragons.  And thus the Parents engaged the Scaled one.  They knew their battle would take long and wreck much havoc.  So they used the lost magic of teleportation and fought in another realm.  To this day they fight and heal then fight some more.  Sometimes they may bring the souls of us from Gaia to help them in their fight.
After the Parents left with the Scaled One to fight, the Children were force to create other Gods.  Unfortunately in this creation process the infernal forces had influence and gave birth to Evil Gods.  So now there were sides of war, and each one created more and more helpers to aid them in battle.  They even called on outside helped and ported in creatures from the elemental realms that had been secretly created during the Children’s’ creation.
And now you see, this is how our world came to be.  Learn well, so that we don’t make the same mistakes as the Children and Alphas.<br> 
Eternal First Flame<br>
Beautiful Sea<br>
Roaring Wind<br>
Gaia the Keeper<br>
Primal Nature<br>
First Death<br>
First Haven<br>

Latest revision as of 01:32, 17 April 2007

The 8 Siblings
In the beginning there was One Mother and One Farther. The two grew lonely as they had no children to care for. They were unsure of just how many children they should have, or what kind of children for there was nothing but them and the scaled one. The scaled one was always far away though, and did not bother them.

Mother had an idea first for a child. “Farther, I know how we should make the first child. Let him bring us light and warmth. This way the next children will be able to see and stay warm.”

Farther nodded his head and agreed.

So the two went at the task and created their first son, Eternal First Flame. He was a reckless youth, who ran about the void they lived in. After awhile Mother and Farther decided it was time to make Eternal First Flame a sister. Farther spoke on his idea for this.

“Mother, Flame is a good son, but he is hard to control and tends to run amok easily. Let us make his sister, the 2nd child, able to help keep him in line. As Flame makes everything here hot, his sister shall help keep him and we cool.”

Mother agreed and they went at the task of creating the 2nd child, Flame’s sister. Thus Beautiful Sea was created. Flame ran over to Sea right away upon her creation. He was excited to have a sister. The two ran off to play. At first it seemed they got along well, but soon it become apparent that Sea controlled Flame too much, and his Fire couldn’t reach as far or wide as it use to.

“Mother, Farther!” Flame came to the Parents yelling. “I am glad you gave me Beautiful Sea, but she never lets me have any fun! Every time I try to fill the void with warmth and light, she puts me out with her water!”

“This is concerning.” Replied the Parents. They also noticed that small white puffs of clouds had been created by the two siblings playing. For awhile they thought what to do. Perhaps another child was needed. Farther motioned towards the small puffs of clouds. “These have given me an idea Mother. Let us make another son. He will provide us with a motion that will push these clouds away and help keep Flame and Sea under control.” Mother agreed and so the two set to making the 3rd child, and named him Roaring Wind.

Thus Wind spun into existence and started to play with his brother and sister. For a time, things were good. All the while, the scaled one watched.

The void was now filled with Light, warmth, water, wind, clouds, steam, sky, air. However, it all floated around with no sense of order. Mother and Farther came to their children one day.

“Children.” Mother and Farther said. “Look at this mess. Although we are proud of you and you have filled the void with your playing, it has no order. This is a mess, please clean it up so that we might have some sense of order, this shall make your parents happy and not have to worry.”

The children, not wanting to anger their parents and prove they were all good children set about the task of cleaning up. This was no easy task. Flame tended to burn away the clouds, while Sea tended to put out anything Flame did, meanwhile Wind kept blowing everything away that Sea did.

“This is not working brothers! We have to think of something else.” Said Sea.

“I agree big sister, but what… there is no place for us to store anything, shall we go ask Mother and Farther?” Replied Wind.

“No! We must show them that we are claver and resourceful! Let us think of a plan or find one and bring it to them. That way we shall earn their respect!” Cried Flame.

The 3 agreed this was a good idea. So they sat and thought. Suddenly Wind clapped his hands together, which blew everyone away a little.

“I know, why don’t we ask the scaled one!”

“Him?” replied Sea, “He is kind of scary though… he just sits so far away from us and watches. Plus he is so large, almost as big as Mother and Farther.”

“I’m not afraid of him! Let us go, I shall protect my little brother and sister from harm!”

So the 3 children went up to the scaled one. He was large indeed. His two large yellow eyes watched the 3 children coming towards him, a mass of fire, water and wind. Although he rarely moved, he now did so. His coils starts to unravel and he stood up, his 5 pairs of massive wings stretching out to full length. He had been watching and listening and was hoping they would come to him.

“The Three Original Children, why have you come to me? What could I possible have for you?” The Scaled One bellowed out.

Sea, being the most polite of the three stepped forward and bowed. Water poured across the void and spilled over the Scaled One’s feet.

“Please excuse us Scaled One, but as you can see we have made a mess of the void. Mother and Farther are mad at us and we want to impress them with a plan. However we can not think of any as we are still young. You seem very old and wise though so we came to you for help.”

The Scaled One’s eyes focuses on the young Sea, sending shivers down her body. Even Flame was shaking a little, with Wind behind him shaking even more.

The Scaled One laughed.

“Ah, is that all? You can ask help from me anytime. After all, I have known your parents for a long time, helping out their children would be an honor. As for your problem I may have an idea.”

The children’s’ eyes lit up at this and started jumping up and down.

“Now listen carefully. You need a place to store everything, here in the void that is very hard. Because of your nature children, you will always move things everywhere without control. So you should ask your parents to create a place to store things, this way you will be able to sort everything. Please remember that I helped you in the future, for I might ask for a favor in return.”

The children thanked the Scaled One, and started to run off. They told their parents about the idea. Mother and Farther nodded and agreed.

“We shall create a new child then.” Mother and Farther said.

“This time, let us create a daughter who will help our children store everything they have created. Also this child will have to be strong for she will support everything.” Mother suggested.

Farther agreed and so the two went to the task of creating the 4th child, who would be there 2nd daughter. She was one of the more difficult creations and finally after a bit of time their 4th child formed into the void, she was Gaia the Keeper.

Gaia quickly set about her task and created a sphere out of all the materials the others had. She formed the fire with water, wind with fire, water with wind, and in this she threw into the mixture, stone. The other children looked on in fascination. Even though Gaia was so young, she was clearly very smart and claver. Gaia turned to them when done.

“Here I have created a planet; here we can store our things. We can play here, Sea you shall be in the sky, on the stone, and fill the planet with oceans. Fire, you shall be deep in the planet to keep it warm, and I have created a planet just for you as well. It is your planet and you can do with it what you will. It shall give light to the planet I have created for all of us. Wind, you shall pass over the entire planet, moving the clouds, stirring the seas, and brining air to everything. In this way we shall have some order for our things and our parents will not be cross with us.” The other 3 children tackled their youngest sister in joy and all four went to play. The parents knew the children had asked the Scaled One, and they looked to him. He watched, and then grinned. “Children.” Said the Parents. “Isn’t there something you’re forgetting to tell us?”

The children looked shy and then admitted to their parents that they had help from the Scaled One in their plan. The parents took the children to see the Scaled One.

“Ah, hello to you Children and Parents.” Said the Scaled One to them when they came.

“We heard that you helped the children come up with the idea to make a place to store their things. But they have not thanked you properly for it.” Said the parents.

The children bowed and thanked the scaled one for his help, then asked him if they could do anything in return. The Scaled One thought it over for a bit then nodded.

“Yes there is something I would ask. I have my own children, they are here.”

The Scaled One put forward one of his claws which opened to reveal some eggs. There were 8 total. The children’s’ eyes lit up at the sight of them for they had never seen such things.

“I would like each of you to take one; I know there are only four of you, and eight eggs. But the other eggs will be for any other brothers or sisters your Parents might decide on having.”

Each of the children bowed and took an egg. When Flame took his the egg turned a crimson red. When Sea took her egg it turned a faint blue with white overtone. When Wind took his egg it turned a deep blue. And finally when Gaia took her egg it turned a brown and green color.

“Thank you for these gifts dragons; we shall make sure our Children watch over yours.” Said The Parents.

And so the children went back to Gaia and played there. Soon the eggs hatched. From the crimson one emerged a Red Dragon. From the light blue and white one emerged a White Dragon. From the deep blue one emerged a Blue Dragon. Finally from the green and brown egg emerged a Green Dragon.

The Children and the four Dragons got along quite well. They played and played. Eventually the Parents gave the Children another gift. These new creatures called Alphas look much more like The Children. They were large and in all ways very strong. And so Gaia began to be populated.

However, one day Gaia noticed something. “It is nice that we now have the Dragons and the Alphas, but there aren’t many places for them to rest or stay out of the sun. Also there is nothing for them to eat.” Gaia said to her Parents.

“This is true.” They responded. “We shall create for you another sibling then.”

The Parents thus set at creating another child yet again. This one took a bit longer to make but finally The Parents created a new child. This child’s name was Primal Nature, and was to be there new brother.

The children rejoiced at their new brother, and right away he set about making various planets grow on Gaia. Soon the Alphas and Dragons and much to eat and enjoyed their life upon Gaia. The Scaled One came to Nature and offered him an egg, which turned green upon him touching it. This soon gave birth to a Green Dragon.

As time passed, the Alphas and Dragons increased in population, and the planets continued to grow. It became clear that Gaia was not big enough. The Children went to their Parents and asked them what to do.

The Parents told their Children that they would create another child then to help out.

“This child” said Mother “should be able to help things fall apart, as now everything lasts forever and there is not enough room for that.” Farther agreed and so the two set at the task of making the sixth child. Thus soon after a girl was born who they named First Death. She too was offered an egg, which turned black upon her touch and thus gave birth to a Black Dragon.

Soon after this the world Gaia was given much more order then it had. And things went well until one day an event happened that would change everything. It started between some Alphas and Dragons. The Alphas insisted the Dragons give up some of their land and scaled to that the Alphas might protect themselves. The Dragons said they would do no such thing. Seeking help, the Alphas went to the Children. The Children, looking like the Alphas, sided with them. The first Dragons went to their farther and told him what had happened.

“This is an outrage, but I thought it might happen eventually. You must prepare, the Alphas will try to attack us.”

And so the first war happened. The Alphas attacked the dragons. The dragons fought back but with the Children’s’ help the dragons started to loose very badly. Until the Scaled One came down to Gaia to intervene. The Children all said

“What are you doing, can’t you see we are taking care of your greedy children?”

“Foolish children, you Alphas are the greedy ones, now I will curse you all with my revenge!”

With that the Scaled One let out a mighty roar. The ground of Gaia cracked open and out from it poured hordes of horrible clawed and horned beats bearing razor sharp fangs. For you see, the Scaled One knew of the demonic regions and was a master of traveling them. So he summoned forth demons onto the planet. The dragons easily avoided their corruption but the Alphas proved to be easy targets and set upon themselves. Their greed is what made them such easy targets.

The Parents Watched and decided something must be done. But what? The Children had chosen poorly, and so punishment was not out of the question. The Alphas, having been given the gift of Mana by the Children were quite powerful also. So the parents created new helpers for their Children, and called them the celestials. These would aid the Children in battling the demonic forces. The Scaled One laughed at the parents who looked back at him with narrowed eyes. They knew this might have been his plan from the beginning. The Parents turned to their children to give them one last message. “We shall go and do combat with The Scaled One, or else he will be able to take over all of creation. However, we will leave you with 2 last siblings. These two will reflect you children. One will be cable of much good, pure, and of superior morals. The other will reflect your greedy side, it will be dangerous, reckless, and hurtful.”

And so the Parents gave birth to their last two Children. The first was a girl, she was to represent the celestial power. Her name was First Haven. Then her brother was created. He was to represent and have power over the infernal power, that which corrupts man. His name was Curse.

So the parents decided to attack the Scaled One. But before doing so they created a few more races to populate the planet. These were much smaller then the Alphas, in order to control their power. The Scaled One did the same, although his Dragons still were powerful. These little dragons were made to serve the Prime Dragons. And thus the Parents engaged the Scaled one. They knew their battle would take long and wreck much havoc. So they used the lost magic of teleportation and fought in another realm. To this day they fight and heal then fight some more. Sometimes they may bring the souls of us from Gaia to help them in their fight.

After the Parents left with the Scaled One to fight, the Children were force to create other Gods. Unfortunately in this creation process the infernal forces had influence and gave birth to Evil Gods. So now there were sides of war, and each one created more and more helpers to aid them in battle. They even called on outside helped and ported in creatures from the elemental realms that had been secretly created during the Children’s’ creation.

And now you see, this is how our world came to be. Learn well, so that we don’t make the same mistakes as the Children and Alphas.

Eternal First Flame
Beautiful Sea
Roaring Wind
Gaia the Keeper
Primal Nature
First Death
First Haven