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== 8/10/07 Prologue ==
== 8/10/07 Prologue ==
Elrin was finding shiny things in a jewelry shop one dark night when he was caught by the watch.  Dementis and his gang of circus freaks convinced the night guard that Elrin, who looked like a shabby beggar with little of his wits about him, was a harmless circus follower.  Dementis then invited Elrin to join the circus, which he did for a time.  Borobro the Carver, attending the circus, saved the life of the bear trainer and met Dementis and Elrin.  Borobro decided to stay with the circus for a time as well as a house medic.  Elrin disappeared after a time, and Dementis and Borobro travelled with the circus to a plague ridden town where everyone was dying.  Borobro helped ease their pain, and in return they offered him their worldly posessions, which he smuggled out and sold elsewhere after disinfecting them.  Later, the circus was in the forest and was beset by plague carriers and had to put them down with the help of their old friend Elrin, who again melted into the trees not too long afterwards.  Some years later, Borobro and Dementis had left the circus and again ran into Elrin at a bar in some town, although they hardly recognized the much better nourished and somewhat more sane Elrin.  The group got a smuggling job and hussled a large box into the city for some guy, who worked for some other guy, and there was some politics of the underworld going on between them.  Borobro set up a barber stall while Dementis danced and sang and they earned some cash.  All the while, staying at Ignotus's house at the invitation of Elrin, who apparently had been taken in by Ignotus some time before.  At the end of the session, the group went on another smuggling run over some mountains.
Elrin was finding shiny things in a jewelry shop one dark night when he was caught by the watch.  Dementis and his gang of circus freaks convinced the night guard that Elrin, who looked like a shabby beggar with little of his wits about him, was a harmless circus follower.  Dementis then invited Elrin to join the circus, which he did for a time.  Borobro the Carver, attending the circus, saved the life of the bear trainer and met Dementis and Elrin.  Borobro decided to stay with the circus for a time as well as a house medic.  Elrin disappeared after a time, and Dementis and Borobro travelled with the circus to a plague ridden town where everyone was dying.  Borobro helped ease their pain, and in return they offered him their worldly posessions, which he smuggled out and sold elsewhere after disinfecting them.  Later, the circus was in the forest and was beset by plague carriers and had to put them down with the help of their old friend Elrin, who again melted into the trees not too long afterwards.  Some years later, Borobro and Dementis had left the circus and again ran into Elrin at a bar in some town, although they hardly recognized the much better nourished and somewhat more sane Elrin.  The group got a smuggling job and hussled a large box into the city for some guy, who worked for some other guy, and there was some politics of the underworld going on between them.  Borobro set up a barber stall while Dementis danced and sang and they earned some cash.  All the while, staying at Ignotus's house at the invitation of Elrin, who apparently had been taken in by Ignotus some time before.  At the end of the session, the group went on another smuggling run over some mountains.
A slighty different version
One fine night Dementis and his friends had stayed out late drinking.  Having been kicked out of the bar but still being full of ale and good cheer they took a rather long way back to their circus tent.  However, they came across a very peculiar site.  A young emancipated man was taking various things out of his pockets while a city guard shouted at him.
This poor young lad looked as if he had no idea what was going on and may be touched in the head.  Dementis was quick to tell the guard that this strange youth was actually a freak in their circus that bit the head off of rats.  With this the guard quickly realized the strange youth whose name it was later learned was Elrin.
Elrin ran with the circus for awhile.  Now as you may know Iron Fist is the bear wrestle of the Floating World Circus… oh what?  I didn’t mention that?  I’m sorry I could have sworn I did.  Anyway, one day the bear must have had an extra ration of spicy meat because this bear just gave it to Iron Fist what good.  Now a doctor was going to be needed, as the bite on Iron Side was a nasty one.  Luckily there was a man in the audience who went by the name of Borobro the Carver.  He went right to work on ol’Iron Fist with just a little bit of interference by Elrin who had actually saved Iron Fist by throwing shit on the bear.  Elrin may be touched in the head but for some reason it seems to know when his lads are in trouble.
So Borobro ends up staying with the circus as a doc and a barber.  And he did a fine job at both I should say.
So Elrin disappeared after that, not really sure where he went.  As the circus kept up its travels the group encountered for the first time… the plague.  An entire town, wiped out.  Borobro, or as he likes to be called, Bro, went in there to investigate.  He came back saying he’d never seen anything like it.  Well we traveled on and found a group of priests of Sigmar with a witch hunter!  So after awhile we were free to go, had to make sure we weren’t carrying the horrible thing.
The troupe came across another dying group of people.  This time however it ended up being an entire family!  Well Borobro went to work on them as best he could.  But they were too far gone; in return for a promise to bury them they gave the circus all their worldly goods.  Borobro cleaned off what he could and well the circus took the items.  Seems low doesn’t it?  Times were hard then dear sirs and madams.  And let me tell you they were buried proper and to this day I’ve not heard one ghost story coming from that area.  You know that means their spirits are at rest.
So they continued on, and after having so many run ins with the plague they decided to hold up in a forest.  But trouble found them, plague victims.  Ripe with the disease and clearly driven mad.  They seemed eager to spread the horrible thing.  Borobro took one look and realized these people were beyond help.  So the circus had to put them down.  And who should show up to help?  Well it was Elrin!  Introduced himself by taking down one of the poor creature in on shot.  Course not long after that he disappeared right back into the trees.  An odd one that youth is, but skilled with a bow.
And so as years passed Borobro and Dementis left the circus to make their own way.  While sitting in a bar one night who should come in and sit down next to them?  None other then Elrin!  Looking much better the he ever had.  Fed, clean, and not too crazy.  Well as they sat there catching up on ol’times and just enjoying the tavern Elrin overheard two people talking.  Something about an “it” and getting it somewhere.  Well, Elrin, being Elrin, decided to enter himself into the conversation.
Before you knew it all three were involved in smuggling!  Well I won’t go into details here, more because I hear all 3 can be quite harsh on those who leak their secrets.  Needless to say I’m sure they are still smuggling right now!  Making sure we can get those cheeses with-out them criminal taxes!

Revision as of 11:47, 20 August 2007

8/10/07 Prologue

Elrin was finding shiny things in a jewelry shop one dark night when he was caught by the watch. Dementis and his gang of circus freaks convinced the night guard that Elrin, who looked like a shabby beggar with little of his wits about him, was a harmless circus follower. Dementis then invited Elrin to join the circus, which he did for a time. Borobro the Carver, attending the circus, saved the life of the bear trainer and met Dementis and Elrin. Borobro decided to stay with the circus for a time as well as a house medic. Elrin disappeared after a time, and Dementis and Borobro travelled with the circus to a plague ridden town where everyone was dying. Borobro helped ease their pain, and in return they offered him their worldly posessions, which he smuggled out and sold elsewhere after disinfecting them. Later, the circus was in the forest and was beset by plague carriers and had to put them down with the help of their old friend Elrin, who again melted into the trees not too long afterwards. Some years later, Borobro and Dementis had left the circus and again ran into Elrin at a bar in some town, although they hardly recognized the much better nourished and somewhat more sane Elrin. The group got a smuggling job and hussled a large box into the city for some guy, who worked for some other guy, and there was some politics of the underworld going on between them. Borobro set up a barber stall while Dementis danced and sang and they earned some cash. All the while, staying at Ignotus's house at the invitation of Elrin, who apparently had been taken in by Ignotus some time before. At the end of the session, the group went on another smuggling run over some mountains.

A slighty different version

One fine night Dementis and his friends had stayed out late drinking. Having been kicked out of the bar but still being full of ale and good cheer they took a rather long way back to their circus tent. However, they came across a very peculiar site. A young emancipated man was taking various things out of his pockets while a city guard shouted at him.

This poor young lad looked as if he had no idea what was going on and may be touched in the head. Dementis was quick to tell the guard that this strange youth was actually a freak in their circus that bit the head off of rats. With this the guard quickly realized the strange youth whose name it was later learned was Elrin.

Elrin ran with the circus for awhile. Now as you may know Iron Fist is the bear wrestle of the Floating World Circus… oh what? I didn’t mention that? I’m sorry I could have sworn I did. Anyway, one day the bear must have had an extra ration of spicy meat because this bear just gave it to Iron Fist what good. Now a doctor was going to be needed, as the bite on Iron Side was a nasty one. Luckily there was a man in the audience who went by the name of Borobro the Carver. He went right to work on ol’Iron Fist with just a little bit of interference by Elrin who had actually saved Iron Fist by throwing shit on the bear. Elrin may be touched in the head but for some reason it seems to know when his lads are in trouble.

So Borobro ends up staying with the circus as a doc and a barber. And he did a fine job at both I should say.

So Elrin disappeared after that, not really sure where he went. As the circus kept up its travels the group encountered for the first time… the plague. An entire town, wiped out. Borobro, or as he likes to be called, Bro, went in there to investigate. He came back saying he’d never seen anything like it. Well we traveled on and found a group of priests of Sigmar with a witch hunter! So after awhile we were free to go, had to make sure we weren’t carrying the horrible thing.

The troupe came across another dying group of people. This time however it ended up being an entire family! Well Borobro went to work on them as best he could. But they were too far gone; in return for a promise to bury them they gave the circus all their worldly goods. Borobro cleaned off what he could and well the circus took the items. Seems low doesn’t it? Times were hard then dear sirs and madams. And let me tell you they were buried proper and to this day I’ve not heard one ghost story coming from that area. You know that means their spirits are at rest.

So they continued on, and after having so many run ins with the plague they decided to hold up in a forest. But trouble found them, plague victims. Ripe with the disease and clearly driven mad. They seemed eager to spread the horrible thing. Borobro took one look and realized these people were beyond help. So the circus had to put them down. And who should show up to help? Well it was Elrin! Introduced himself by taking down one of the poor creature in on shot. Course not long after that he disappeared right back into the trees. An odd one that youth is, but skilled with a bow. And so as years passed Borobro and Dementis left the circus to make their own way. While sitting in a bar one night who should come in and sit down next to them? None other then Elrin! Looking much better the he ever had. Fed, clean, and not too crazy. Well as they sat there catching up on ol’times and just enjoying the tavern Elrin overheard two people talking. Something about an “it” and getting it somewhere. Well, Elrin, being Elrin, decided to enter himself into the conversation.

Before you knew it all three were involved in smuggling! Well I won’t go into details here, more because I hear all 3 can be quite harsh on those who leak their secrets. Needless to say I’m sure they are still smuggling right now! Making sure we can get those cheeses with-out them criminal taxes!