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(Ranting and raving or other random comments)
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Gabe, since you didn't post your cell and seem noncommittal, i'm gonna offer the heroscape seat to Ben.
Gabe, since you didn't post your cell and seem noncommittal, i'm gonna offer the heroscape seat to Ben.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 03:09, 16 September 2007 (MST) Oh crap I did!  Haha, tis okay though.  Had a busy day doing apartment searching and what not anyway.  Sorry about that.  Dude that would have been an awesome way to do it... BOOM everyone is 'xploded, make up new guys.
== Other Non-RPG gaming Events==
== Other Non-RPG gaming Events==

Revision as of 05:09, 16 September 2007

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


8/03/07......Entertain yourself!
8/17/07......Gemini....Ben and Dieter's wonderful gaming wasteland
8/24/07......sucking nuts.....each to his own
8/31/07......WFRP......BnD WGW
9/07/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wunderhaus or the Wasteland!?! (Only you can decide)
9/14/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wunderhaus

Attendance and Food preference

--Edmiao 10:55, 15 September 2007 (MST) absent 9/21 and 9/28 (on vacation)

Ranting and raving or other random comments

--Gdaze 09:10, 14 September 2007 (MST) Time for a lame post. Sorry to say guys, but I will be dropping out of Gimmni. It is not really one thing, but for quite awhile it just doesn't do it for me. No offense to Ben or any one person in particular. It will also free up a free Fridays in a row for me. I mean everyone else seems to be enjoying it well enough so I don't wanna be like "Well I don't like it, change it!" So I am instead just opting out so to speak, I really don't want to impead everyone else's time.

--Edmiao 12:08, 14 September 2007 (MST) i think our gaming group is sounding it's death knell in general if gabe is dropping out of half the games. three players is insufficient in my opinion. If Gabe opts out of Gemini, then I say we end it unless we recruit new players. not sure if it's worth a wrap up session or not? if gabe wants to only show up half the time to the group, then we need to recruit new players.

Ben here: I'll be hosting this gaming group for a long time to come, regardless of who comes or goes. I started it with three players, and as long as there are people who want to play, I will keep it going. I will work on recruiting new players, and I'm fine with having people bow out of whatever they want, but the idea that this means the group is going to fall apart is absurd. I have some ideas about a new game I'd like to run that would depend on less players, rather than more, anyways.

--Gdaze -- And too many players can be bad as well ya know? I'm not dropping it for free time so much by the way, more that well... as I said above. Don't sound those final horns yet partner, less players just means people get more time on stage.

Ben: Fundamentally, I've always been opposed to having partial attendance: ie, people GMing and not playing in the alternate game, or people playing in one game and not the other. Gaming groups thrive on good social energy, and when that starts to break down, that's bad. Even though I've given up on making this argument, I'll just say it again: I don't understand why people think that "going it alone" for a solution to the problems they have in our gaming group (or any social situation) is a good approach. But like I said, at this point I'd just like to let people do their own thing, get a sense for what that is, and then piece something together from what falls out. I put this group together from the ground up back in 02 and I'll do it again if that's what's necessary.

--Jason 12:36, 14 September 2007 (MST)I dont understand what you mean by go it alone.

--Edmiao I'm in all the way of course, long live Ben's condo!!!! I just know that when we drop to 1gm and 2 players, we kind of have sucked in the past. and if we are max of 3 players, you can't expect perfect attendance every week. btw i will be there tonight and gone the next two weeks. If gemini tanks, we should work more thoroughly on group unity in the future. maybe, like in whfrp, if matt has a plot in mind, that plot should start after 4 sessions of the group just doing what they do, run some smuggling jobs, develop their characters and their interactions better. this might be less necessary if the players themselves were more willing to buy into plots, but many of our group like to try to play the character to the fullest, which often ends up with "why would captain no want to do a yes?" Ben, I agree with wanting players to be involved in both running games in the group, having those who say "i'm down for my game but not yours" is counterproductive to keeping a unified and well attended group. we'd have to have half in one game, half in another. but if we have more irregulars who are good, that's fine as well. Nate is always fun when he shows up, and we enjoy the guest appearances by Justin, Jason and Brandon. Less regular players have to buy into the plots more, if they are gone when plotlines are generated. I've been trying to think of anyone i know who may be interested in joining, asked one person but got no response. I do know others who I don't know as well, have done board games with, who may be interested if you want me to cast a broader net.

btw gabe, jason, (or others), I'm playing heroscape tomorrow (sat) afternoon-eve, maybe starting at 5 and there might be an open seat. not sure yet if they are full or not. anyone tentatively intrested?

--Gdaze -- No offense Ed but you talking about group unity is the pot calling the kettle black. You burned your story telling points just to kill some people I was rescuing... and even looked right at me as you did. Then burned points to mess up a cargo run... I mean come on man, that certainly hurt the group unity. You made a character who although loyal has been one of the least "team players" in the crew. I know it is just the way his character is, but like Grant, should never have been made in the first place. I mean as a GM some people will be like "I wanna play this." And I'm like "No, that just won't fit." Why? While group members might argue over things at times, if you have one or two characters who just do whatever they want all the time it isn't FUN, which is the purpose of the game.

As for Ben saying that games strive on social energy and unity and if you play in one you should play in both... But the problem is I'm just not enjoying Gemini. I don't think I should play in a game if I don't enjoy it. The very idea that you have to play in every game is kinda absurd to me.

I guess because I don't game JUST for storytelling. I game to watch my guy grow, gets loots, and work out difficult situations, and FIGHT. I like a story that can change based on what the characters do, not have the characters be a prisoner to a story the GM wishes to tell. For example, Dementis as a character found it very amusing when Bro came waltzing in, after all he sees life as a joke. So all his hard work was like puff! Great stuff really. On the other hand I knew we wouldn't be allowed to kill off the said npcs. And for me gaming is more of letting the characters do what they want, with a healthy amount of overall story.

So in closing, I don't feel I'm going it alone, as more... I'm not having fun, other people are, so I'm opting out of said game. I'm certainly not going to opt out of a game if I'm having fun. I know that if I voice all the problems, it could just cause even MORE contention.

HEROSCAPE! Man I'd love to play. I just played a game last night seiging a castle and my brother slaughtered me. If I come is it cool if I bring my own army? I've got 2 more sets of turn markers for 8 player chaos.

--Jason 13:33, 14 September 2007 (MST)What is Heroscape?

Also, I really think Ed inadvertently hit on one of the problems in his discussion. Playing a character to the fullest isnt often desirable for a whole host of reasons. If the game has just one character, then thats fine. The game is ultimately about everyone, and creating and/or running a character that is at odds with the group often, or does obnoxious stuff often, is in the vast majority of cases bad for the game. Its a collaborative storytelling game, not a 'pick an archetype and never bend on some arbitrary set of ideals' game. Interesting things happen when characters have to compromise things that are important for them. Things will continuously crash and burn if it is expected that every session and/or arc every character needs to be convinced to participate.

--Gdaze Slow day at work Jason? Haha, we finally have one.

Heroscape is a somewhat simple yet robust table top combat game made by hasbro. The rules are kept simple to keep action moving, but still allow for a lot of stragy. Basically it is Ragnarok, and warriors from all times/places are fighting. Let me just say that when a cowboy snipes a demon, it rocks.Or even better when said demon crushs a samurai's skull under his axe. I will be hosting some games in the future as well, should be getting my own place soon.

True true. I actually will use Robert as an example. He did EVERYTHING he hated. He become a criminal! Yet, he went along. Why? His friends did. It was face the world alone, or at least face it with people who you could count on in a fight. (although if he had found out about the northman's betrayel he would have been hella pissed) Making the characters criminals I guess helps but then switchs the whole feeling of the campign.

--Edmiao 17:05, 14 September 2007 (MST) Gabe, guity as charged. but i found all that highly amusing. Jason, yes, although i think i hit on it intentionally not inadvertently. playing characters to their fullest can be bad for the group and the story. take Capt. gloval's rant in the psychonav bar and Aedil breaking Orentes finger and Orentes killing the entire group. that was a pretty lame session because we all played our characters strictly to their fullest. and that's when the game pretty much jumped the shark.

-- 18:45, 14 September 2007 (MST)I think the lesson is that playing to an archetype is not playing a character. Real people make decisions based on lots of factors, only one of which being their beliefs/morals. If you need to work with people, you will often do and say things you dont like. Something that might be fun in the moment could be terrible for the game.

--Ed-- Gabe, still likely going to heroscape tomorrow, but not 100%. 5pm. what's your cell # and i'll call tomorrow with details

--Gdaze 21:52, 14 September 2007 (MST) Haha, yeah I was gonna say Ed actually did kinda make that a point! Jumped the shark, pun, HA. Well that rant was actually not me being commited, so much as really... that is just how he fealt about his crew. I mean we come in there with one member with a broken finger... everyone else in total disunity, and then they expect us to get their item back? Its like HA! You kicked our asses so good, what makes you think we can get it back? But luckly all went well. I could kill that guy for saying get along better with the other navigators. I found the characters to be oddly forgiving... Anyway, all water and such.

Heroscape eh? Hmmm, I just bought some more expansions haha! I'm not even sure I can.

Ben here: I may be interested in playing heroscape tomorrow night, Ed. Let me know if there's a spot open.

--Edmiao 10:55, 15 September 2007 (MST) About the Gloval rant: : a perfect example of you playing the character exactly like you thought he should be at the expense of the game as a whole. Just like I did with Aedil breaking fingers. Just like Deiter did with Orentes killing the entire group. Ben should have let Gemini die when Orentes killed everyone, that would have been an awesome way to end a game. Hindsight 20-20 n all, i think we would have balked at the time.

Gabe, since you didn't post your cell and seem noncommittal, i'm gonna offer the heroscape seat to Ben.

--Gdaze 03:09, 16 September 2007 (MST) Oh crap I did! Haha, tis okay though. Had a busy day doing apartment searching and what not anyway. Sorry about that. Dude that would have been an awesome way to do it... BOOM everyone is 'xploded, make up new guys.

Other Non-RPG gaming Events

Dune BITCHES!!!!!

My plan is to have a megaDune marathon some weekend day.
Various links: [1]

The Next Step in WHFRP Reboot

WHFRP Reboot Recap

The Next Step in Gemini

Gemini Recap

Also See Ship's Log for past conversations and Talk:Gemini

Next episode: the other side of the jumped shark.