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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is.  For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap.  They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.
This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is.  For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap.  They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.
== Location==
== Schedule==
Date...........game................Location..........(Advanced attendance)<br>
Date...........game................Location..........(Advanced attendance)<br>
8/03/07......Entertain yourself!<br>
8/03/07......Entertain yourself!<br>
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== Other Non-RPG gaming Events==
== Other [[Non-RPG]] gaming Events==
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 19:14, 22 October 2007 (MST) Anyone up for board games Sunday afternoon?  Heroscape, Magic, Settlers, whatever?  we could do my place.  Cheryl is interested.
BEN: ooo, board games.  However, I'm going to be unpacking all the stuff Kim is giving me for my apartment, so I doubt that I will be able to make it.  But we'll see...
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 13:47, 27 October 2007 (MST)from lack of responses i guess this is not happening tomorrow.  maybe some other time.
BEN: depending how late the Da'april party goes, I would be up for doing some board gaming / whatever after cleanup, although I imagine this is unlikely.  Anyways, just an idea.
===Dune BITCHES!!!!!===
My plan is to have a megaDune marathon some weekend day.  <br>
Various links: [http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/135668]<br>
This is definitely appropriate: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/28_hour_day.png
== The Next Step in [[WHFRP Reboot]]==
== The Next Step in [[WHFRP Reboot]]==
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== The Next Step in [[Exemplars]] ==
== The Next Step in [[Exemplars]] ==
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 15:44, 21 October 2007 (MST) I say again, since I never got a firm answer.  How many prequils are left to run?  Exemplars prequil 11/9, and maybe 11/16? Start Exemplars 11/30?  Am I off my rocker thinking that this game is rip rearing to go?  was it all a tease...where's the money shot?  what?  who? where? why? how?
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 20:05, 24 October 2007 (MST)Here is where we are: I still have yet to receive a copy of Gabe's character.  He is also pretty much perpetually too busy to ever meet and discuss character stuff, which greatly reduces the chance we will get this off the ground.  Also, I am concerned about the possible tone of the game.  Dieter has a character that isnt super at all, and is just lucky.  His only attacks are guns.  Ben has guns as a primary type of attack, as well as another killing attack.  It is more than just guns and killing.  The tone does not feel very superhero for the group.  I think a lot of what has been issues we have had in the past is that everyone is either not sold on an idea, or not on the same page.  I have been trying to get this figured out all week.  I just dont have the answer.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 21:03, 24 October 2007 (MST) Wait, its all my fault it hasn't gone forward?  Well that is just crazi.  Ah yeah character, let me try resending that.  Yeah, I'm not real big on how un-super heroic most of the party is.  No offense but two main gun users and a midget in a robot.... eh, we are so technoie.  Isn't too bad but I wanted to be a bit more super heroicie.
Anyway re-sent character.  I already provided a history but you said I should do "more' but never really said what you were looking for.  If you want me to tie in with the other characters more juz say so. 
But yeah, I think everyone isn't on the same page.  And no offense but two gun guys?  Sounds like we are turning into an image comic...  I mean my guy can fly through the air, hit people with mind bolts, and keep 16 people connected anywhere in the world at a time.
Also we've been told we aren't going to be killing people.
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 21:32, 24 October 2007 (MST)I dont agree with everything Gabe said, but I do with some of it. First of all, it is no ones fault but mine.  If I had been more dilligent thinking about this stuff we wouldnt have gotten here.  Another thing is, I think the midget is about as comic book as it gets, he is perfect for the story.  I also think the lucky guy and the demon guy are comic book, but not the same series as the rest of the characters.  It would be like Fantastic Four vs Mephisto, one of the most retarded limited series of the 80's. I am not sure how to resolve this.
I never said you need to do more, Gabe.  I said we need to discuss this stuff more deeply.  You are the only character without a strong story role.  That is not going to come during the game.  If we cant find time before the game to get something made, you will never have one.  You can still play and everything, but I think it would be sub-optimal.
It has become clear this year that my ability to think and plan is severely hampered.  I had hoped it would return, but as of yet it hasnt.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] 21:44, 24 October 2007 (MST) AGREE WITH ME PEON!  I mean... uh, delightful!  I justg thought we were kinda technoie.  Anyway, well okay but I'm un sure of how to make my story role stronger.  If you could email me some suggestions I'll check it out.  Also don't be so hard on yourself, we are all lazy as well.  EVEN ME, GASP!
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 23:35, 24 October 2007 (MST) Wow, kick started a storm there.  that's good!  Let's get this ball rollin'.  a few thoughts on the above.  As Jason said, it's good to have the tone of the game set beforehand.  I feel like we did not do that in WFRP Reboot or Gemini.  When someone says "Supers" rpg, not everyone is going to think the same thing.  Comics have taken a darker turn in the last decade, with more lethal and morally ambiguous characters.  I think Jason is going for a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Age_of_Comic_Books Bronze] age comic theme, rather than a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Age_of_Comic_Books Modern] age theme (as opposed to the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_Age_of_Comic_Books Silver] or the extremely cheezy [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Age_of_Comic_Books Gold] age).  Is this a useful and correct way to phrase the game tone you are shooting for, Jason?  Maybe it should be spelled out.  Are these correct statements for the tone? if not then please clarify: characters should have an innate instinct to protect the innocent; characters should not have a dark side vs characters might have a dark side, but have for the most part suppressed or controlled the dark side; characters should be averse to killing anyone even bad guys; characters do not need to instantly bend to authority figures; characters might break the law, but only in pursuit of the greater good; characters would never leave a friend behind..... Is this type of guideline a useful thing for a game like this or would everyone find this kind of thing repressive?
From the talk above, perhaps Ben and Deiter's characters have the more tormented psyche and dark undertones of a Modern Age comic.  I think my character, Viho, fits into the Bronze/Silver classification quite easily, he's a midget super scientist by god!  He doesn't have any huge chips on his shoulder, he got used to being a midget years ago.  He would be generally interested in the greater good, and is intrested in the rise of exemplars in the population.  As to Deiter's Luck guy, Luck as a power sounds comic bookish to me, but y'all have more N stars in your comic book column than I do (Although I trump you in Lego Nerd stars).
These are good things to talk about and work out here.  I think working them out will get people excited about the game and get it rolling.  That said, we should guard against overanalyzing the game which could make it frustrating and decrease enthusiasm.  Jason, (to echo Gabe), we're all a bit lazy and don't be hard on yourself.  I've enjoyed the games that you have run in the past quite a lot.  (Well i didn't like space opera, but that was because Raphe got old to play, but i loved the plot).  Also enjoyed PA a lot.  Honestly, I think this game will be quite fun, which is why I keep egging to get it going.
BEN: is location the right subheading for this?  Anyways, I just went with my demon guy cause I liked his background.  I'm happy to make the guardian back to one of the other configurations we had him in.  And I can come up with a more heroic background, also fine by me.  I'm actually pretty open to what kind of character I play, I'd like to experiment/see what I can do in a different role, so I'm even happy to have the GM make my sheet and I'll just come up with the background.  One thing I do not want to do is spend another 10 hours making a new character, so the next time we have an exemplars get together, maybe you (Jason) and I can get together an hour before, make the sheet, and then I can bust out a 1-2 page background summary the following week.<br>
just as a total aside, my character as he stands neither uses guns much, nor does he have a killing attack (a body drain, which is incidentally much worse, but hey, I'm arguing semantics here).
--[[User:|]] 10:16, 25 October 2007 (MST)More to come, but just some basics before this gets out of hand.  Nobody needs to redo their backgrounds.  Ben's character has a fine background and so does Dieter's.  Dieter's fits the plot extremely well.  My concern is with the power sets and what may come about during game time.  Also, this is a modern age comic, but its not Frank Miller.  The Valiant universe is as violent as any, in fact one thing I was just thinking about is that the Eternal Warrior is constantly killing stuff.  Yet, that never becomes the focus of the book because the writers choose to approach it that way.  I may or may not have that kind of power.  I want to draw from Valiant comics, not copy them.  Their unified theme of all characters translates particularly well into rpg, this is what was my inspiration.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] --  Hey you deleted my post!  Bastard!  Yeah it wasn't the background but the powers I was wondering 'bout.
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 11:00, 25 October 2007 (MST)I didnt mean to delete your post.  Should I dig it out of the archive and repost it?
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 11:18, 25 October 2007 (MST) jeez, from recent posts, it sounds like there are really only minimal complaints from Jason about specifics of powers on character sheets.  that sounds very manegable and easily fixable.  so onward exemplars!  As for Ben, a setting where characters aren't going around killing folks, Drains seems much more in genre than killing attacks.  As for planning, I reposit my suggestion: exemplars prequil 11/9 and 11/16 (if we need two sessions of prequil) exemplars campaign starts 11/30 and continues 12/06.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]] -- N'aw, and yeah for super hero rpg!
Oh also, Ed, I think we have to wait for that guy to move here first.  So its like... its kinda up to that right?
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 11:30, 25 October 2007 (MST)Body drain is deadlier than killing attacks. Anything that primarily does body is a killing attack, the actual name of the construct is irrelevant. These things arent minor.  Breaking the tone/genre ruins the game.  I am not going to put a bunch of work every week into making a game that frustrates me.  And on the Matt#2 moving here front, it should be any time now, within the next few weeks.  I can do preludes without him if necessary.  Its not a delaying factor.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]]-- Yeah I was gonna say... and infact body drain can be even deadlier due to it needing power defense.
P.S. My mom has body drain, 8D6, NND (rubber)
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 13:50, 25 October 2007 (MST) I think i was confusing drains and suppress.  if you get drained does it just come back in a few turns or is it real damage that you have to heal?  because i got hit with gabe's moms NND and I don't think i've recovered at all.  and that was 6 days ago.  ok, so Exemplars prequil 11/9 for Gabe and 11/16 for Deiter or Ben. Further, we should expect that Matt#2 should be here by the end of Novemember (because "any time now...next few weeks" translates into 2-4 weeks in my brain) so likely 11/30 for real start.
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 13:57, 25 October 2007 (MST)Drain recovers like a standard adjustment power, unless it kills you.  When you are at -(your body), you die.  Unless something completely outrageous happens Matt#2 will be fully moved here by December 1 at the latest.  I dont think we should start in December considering everyone is gone like all the time.  You guys and your damn holidays.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]]-- Less of course they have delayed return rate...  As for the attack you got hit by Ed...
Drain Body, 8D6, Area of Effect One Hex, NND, Does Body, Delayed Return - 1 week, Reduced END - 0 End Cost (presistant or constant... forgot which one).  Limitations:  Uncotrolled, Side Effects.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 14:45, 25 October 2007 (MST) what's wrong with december?  we've got three weeks in a row with only one planned absence on the third week 11/30, 12/06, 12/13.  that's as good as it gets with our group.  i think we all have good enough memory to continue in January.  Down with procrastination!
--[[User:Jason|Jason]] 14:52, 25 October 2007 (MST)It may be a possibility.
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 18:27, 25 October 2007 (MST) your decisiveness leaves me at a loss for words and quashes my ability, neigh, my desire to excersise independent thought.  I kow tow to your iron will, my friend.  Humbly,  -- your sevant.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]]--  ... you a bitch!
--[[User:Edmiao|Edmiao]] 08:42, 26 October 2007 (MST)that's what i said to your mom last night.
--[[User:Gdaze|Gdaze]]-- Well I hope you added "dirty" before it.

Revision as of 13:13, 28 October 2007

This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.


Date...........game................Location..........(Advanced attendance)
8/03/07......Entertain yourself!
8/17/07......Gemini....Ben and Dieter's wonderful gaming wasteland
8/24/07......sucking nuts.....each to his own
8/31/07......WFRP......BnD WGW
9/07/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wunderhaus or the Wasteland!?! (Only you can decide)
9/14/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wunderhaus
9/21/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wasteland
9/28/07......WFRP......THe BnD Gaming Wunderhaus
10/5/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wasteland
10/12/07.....WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wissenland
10/19/07.....Board games............BnD ..........(Dieter and Matt absent)
11/9/07......Exemplars prequil...BnD ............(Matt gone)
11/16/07.....Exemplars prequil...BnD..........(Matt gone)
11/23/07.....Go see the family...???..........(Matt, Ed, Ben gone)
12/13/07.....??????....................???..........(Matt Gone to Japan)
12/20/07.....??????....................???..........(Matt Gone, Ben likely Gone)
12/27/07.....??????....................???...........(Ben, Matt Gone)

Attendance and Food preference


Ranting and raving or other random comments

Other Non-RPG gaming Events

The Next Step in WHFRP Reboot

WHFRP Reboot Recap

The Next Step in Exemplars