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I think the roving ship idea with islands sounds interesting, similar genre style to gemini and space opera.  Hopefully this time we can make a crew who have similar goals in life.  I would suggest not smuggling, since that was the theme of both gemini and wfrp, and that as a group cohesive element seems to be somewhat lacking.  I think Iggy is the only one with any interest in smuggling these days.
I think the roving ship idea with islands sounds interesting, similar genre style to gemini and space opera.  Hopefully this time we can make a crew who have similar goals in life.  I would suggest not smuggling, since that was the theme of both gemini and wfrp, and that as a group cohesive element seems to be somewhat lacking.  I think Iggy is the only one with any interest in smuggling these days.
BEN: I am fairly certain I would not use the ship idea, because of the way gemini went.  I would agree to it only if I had some assurance from the players that they would make an actual "crew"...I think for this game, actually, I would have the players meet in an inn, or some other classic gaming trope.<br>
my thought for loot was as follows: for some super bad ass piece of loot, it might be pre-described.  But for any other kind of loot, you as the player just describe where it is, or where you found it ("hey look, this mook was wearing some boots of sneaking, and didn't even know it [marks off chunk of xp on character sheet]!  Zing, dibs!").  This eliminates the emphasis on looting, but still allows the characters to loot to their heart's content.  It also incorporates some cooperative storytelling elements, which y'all know I love.  If you have the xp, chances are good that I will allow your expenditure, although super-high powered items will probably have to come from a suitably high powered encounter...haven't thought about limits in this sense yet though.<br>
As for the races, the world will be very classic DnD or whatever in its feel.  Nobody is insular, whether racially or politically.  Obviously, races/kingdoms have prejudices, but you as a player can go ahead and ignore those with appropriate background.  If this turns into a bigger thing, I'll start posting some races: off the top of my head I've got: elves, blood elves, dwarves, wood elves, humans, orcs/goblins (with a persians/samurai feel), were-creatures, treemen/dryads, faeries, golems...possibly some reptilians or other more monstrous creatures as well.

Revision as of 20:46, 16 April 2008

--Edmiao 15:36, 16 April 2008 (MST) deleted old chat.

Do you envision a world where the races are insular, and would not interact, or one where there is diverse trade and cross friendships. i would imagine that the player group would tend to be a mix of races. The idea of buying fat lootz with xp is nice also, one of the problems with dnd was that you find the vorpal blade and only one person can get it. then the other folks are kind of left low on the lootzing. would you allow us to "request" lootz to be incorporated into the sessions? like, hey i'm a theif, i want to spend xp on some boots of sneaking, can the gm help work them into the plot somehow, like on a villain, or would players need to commission them from some magic bootmaker, which would require added money. there's a thought, a big feature of high fantasy is gold, which converts into lootz. would you need both gold and xp to acquire lootz?

I think the roving ship idea with islands sounds interesting, similar genre style to gemini and space opera. Hopefully this time we can make a crew who have similar goals in life. I would suggest not smuggling, since that was the theme of both gemini and wfrp, and that as a group cohesive element seems to be somewhat lacking. I think Iggy is the only one with any interest in smuggling these days.

BEN: I am fairly certain I would not use the ship idea, because of the way gemini went. I would agree to it only if I had some assurance from the players that they would make an actual "crew"...I think for this game, actually, I would have the players meet in an inn, or some other classic gaming trope.
my thought for loot was as follows: for some super bad ass piece of loot, it might be pre-described. But for any other kind of loot, you as the player just describe where it is, or where you found it ("hey look, this mook was wearing some boots of sneaking, and didn't even know it [marks off chunk of xp on character sheet]! Zing, dibs!"). This eliminates the emphasis on looting, but still allows the characters to loot to their heart's content. It also incorporates some cooperative storytelling elements, which y'all know I love. If you have the xp, chances are good that I will allow your expenditure, although super-high powered items will probably have to come from a suitably high powered encounter...haven't thought about limits in this sense yet though.
As for the races, the world will be very classic DnD or whatever in its feel. Nobody is insular, whether racially or politically. Obviously, races/kingdoms have prejudices, but you as a player can go ahead and ignore those with appropriate background. If this turns into a bigger thing, I'll start posting some races: off the top of my head I've got: elves, blood elves, dwarves, wood elves, humans, orcs/goblins (with a persians/samurai feel), were-creatures, treemen/dryads, faeries, golems...possibly some reptilians or other more monstrous creatures as well.