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=Rules Snafus=
=Rules Snafus=
In combat, each character gets 1 card + 1 more per success and raise. There are no actions after cards are done.
Hey, look what I found! http://www.sonic.net/~dkjedi/deadlands/
Dodging costs a card (your next one) and requires you to move at least 1 inch.
Each time you are hit in combat you must test Vigor vs Stun.
Pace is equal to Nimbleness die type.
Movement is a simple action and can be combined with other actions.  No matter how many cards you draw in a turn, you still only move up to your pace, divided however you see fit, each turn.
Your highest wound level is a penalty to every action you attempt.
When casting hexes, the deck is not shuffled between castings.
=The Posse=
=The Posse=

Revision as of 17:17, 15 May 2008

Here is the wikipedia link [1]

If I ran a Deadlands game it would be much less overt than the standard setting. Magic and all those things would exist, but they would not be common knowledge. From the first glance the world would look exactly as ours did in 1873.

Rules Snafus

Hey, look what I found! http://www.sonic.net/~dkjedi/deadlands/

The Posse

Reuben McRotch An ornery old cuss of a prospector who cant seem to keep his mouth shut about how he doesnt trust people, or his ex partner, or, well, anythin' really.

Jonah A huckster from back east. Or at least he dresses like it.

Miranda Valentine A two-gun gal from parts unknown. She doesnt say much, she lets her six guns do the talkin'.

Other Available Characters

Wandering Bear A Shaman of the Peiute tribe. His entire tribal group was wiped out just a few months ago, leaving him their sole survivor. Even though he is only 13, he is determined to complete his visionquest and reunite his tribe and return them to their former glory.

lil' Tim McKenzie A wanderin' muckraker who just might be the one who writes that book about what is happenin' that nobody'll speak of. The tales livin' in this brain pan might curdle a double whiskey.

Father 'Silver' Hank O'Keefe A travellin' preacher who resolves to drive the devils back to hell by force of his faith and will, alone if necessary. He's seen 'em, but he has enough sense to keep to himself about it.

The Links that Fasten 'Em

All of the characters, as well as potential characters, have direct knowledge of the supernatural evil thats pointin' its bony finger at the world. All of 'em are damn sworn to do whats necessary to stop it, too.

The Setting

It is the world of 1873. Things are pretty much as you might see in a history book, with a few exceptions. The Civil War rages on, seemingly endlessly. Every time one side or the other seems poised to make a telling strike, something happens to prevent the conclusion from occurrin'. People are a little on edge; things are a little unnerving everywhere. Nobody knows why, but somehow they all know. The superstitious whisper about devils, or monsters, or things that cant be described. But nobody has any proof, nobody of any respectability has seen them, and no serious intellectual considers it anythin' more than wives tales.

Current Recap

After a little bit o' wrap up from last time, including a good, thorough search of the scene of the final battle, our posse returned to Denver to collect their bounties. Once they had a spell to settle their minds and enjoy the Christmas holiday they received a visitor. Lucky for them he was bearing job offers, instead of something, well, ornery.

Wells Fargo

The man goes by the name of Lewis Hutchens, and he works for the Wells Fargo line, in charge of transportation of metals between towns. It seems that after the previous job, word got around that the posse was capable o' handlin' themselves in a pinch. Seems he needs a few handy individuals to ride shotgun on this operation. Mr. Hutchens was even willing to offer the handsome sum of $10 a day plus expenses for the players services.

Pack 'em up, stagecoach leaves tomorrow!

Miles a way

After a spell o' travellin' down the bumpy road to Pawnee Rock (the first stop), night begins to fall. Its dusk, and a couple o' hours of travellin' is possible, but seein' as how there is a way station right there, hell we might as well stop and have a dry roof over our heads.

Jonah and Lewis stow the horses while Miranda and Reuben step inside for a look. Strangely, there is a pan o' beans sittin' on the stove and a plate on the table. Its all cold. Reuben heads into the bedroom while Miranda takes a gander at the kitchen and front room area. The log books seem to indicate no one has been here for a few days, and an open window and scratches on the floor suggest foul play o' some sort.

Mr. Miles Ketchum, keeper o' this way station, where they hell are ya?

This Harrowed Ground

Much as they would like to turn around and get this reported, they know they got a job and it aint waitin' for the marshal to show up and investigate. So after makin' some quick notes and leavin' 'em where they can be easily found, they all hit the sack. Next mornin' right on time, they head out for the first stop on their trail.

Two days later, they arrive in the dusty, far away town o' Pawnee Rock. This thrivin' metropolis boasts a population of at least 40, maybe even a few more! Lewis finds his way to the mayor's place, seein' as how they are acquainted and such. Reuben high-tails it to the sheriff, just to make sure they know about the missin' man at the way station. On the way everyone notices the town is all spruced up in its Sunday best. Hell, it aint goin' nowhere; must be preppin' fer a celebration!

What For?

It seems that 10 years ago this Friday, a small collection of locals, together with a company of Union soldiers, stood their ground and drove out some Confederate marauders who were terrorizin' the town and stealin' the money o' the good citizens. Just hearin' this story is kinda makin' me festive.

After sharin' some drinks with the populace and otherwise socializin' for a spell, the posse gets word from old mr Hutchens that they will be stayin' on 'til Friday, since thats when the miners will be bringin' in their hauls for them to safeguard. Nothin' like a little new years shindig to warm the spirit on a cold Colorado night. They hole up in a local bar called the Crazy Buffalo, while Lewis finds company with his friend the mayor and his family.


In a once in a lifetime gesture o' hospitality, ol' Reuben finds himself a'helpin' the local busybody spruce up the joint in preparation fer their big day. Miranda spent some time meetin' the locals at the snazzy as hell local hangout, The Cackling Crow. Why hell, even Jonas had to admit that this shack was the equal of any high class bar in New York City. Thats a whole lot o' loot. Where did it come from?

There's gold in them there hills?

Turns out, soon after their heroic deeds the lord hisself smiled upon those great heroes, and blessed them with a rich strike o' gold. After a short talkin' with the crotchety old assayer, the posse learned not only that, but also where their claim sits, as well as the interestin' fact that he cant remember another gold strike within 30 miles. This is a silver town, plain and simple.

That struck our intrepid heroes a little peculiar, so to speak. In keepin' with the curiosity bent they have been so famous for cultivatin', they tack up their animals and head for the hole in the mountain responsible for these stories. One look and its clear this mine hasnt been worked in years, though that fits with the stories. A big fence and rusty lock block their path, but of course, that aint nothin' to this posse. It only takes a minute er two of jury-rigging, and voila (as the French say).

Once inside Reuben spends a few minutes inspecting the antiquated minin' equipment litterin' the floor, and comes to the not-so-surprisin' conclusion that this mine aint been worked in years. He also fails to find any trace o' gold here. Not one flake. On the way back, they ponder what this means, and generally come up empty.

Cemetery Man

Later that afternoon, while the intrepid (accordin' to them) posse sits enjoyin' a fine meal at the Crazy Buffalo, a sure-fire ruckus breaks out in the street. No less than 6 kids are runnin' and screamin' their lungs out, and this aint some kind o' new fangled game. No sirree, seems they saw somethin' up at the cemetery.

Naturally the sheriff heads on up there, and the posse tags along. When they arrive, starin' 'em strait in the face they see the corpse o' Claude Lemley, local handyman and smith. Now theres a tragedy, werent he one o' them there heroes theyre honorin' this Friday?

Bein' as how they got nowheres to go, the posse stick around for a spell so they can query the local doc. Yep, seems old Claudes heart just gave out. Oh, that look o' horror on his face? Thats nothin'. Can ya give me a hand movin' him back to my office?

Sure, Reuben agrees, but Miranda has somethin' else on her mind. Where is the grave o' the leader of the Union soldiers? The sheriff indicates the general direction, and this upsets her. How can he not know right where it is? Why isnt there a memorial. After a little examinin', she finds it, as well as another strange coincidence. Among those Union graves is a Mr Tom Hapgpood, but also, the newest grave (since they are arranged chronologically, not familial) is of a Tom Hapgood. Must be junior.

Breakfastis Interruptus

The next morning, Claudes death is the talk o' the town. Well, that is, until a collection o' cowpokes come tearin' in to town, bearin' news. Mr Lemley aint the only one whos dead. Seems someone shot good, ol' Clovis Garmin in the back in the wee small hours of the mornin'

Quickly, they mobilize and head out there to inspect the scene. Seems he owns a ranch, and employs 20 or so hard workin' men, and supports a wife and two youngins. A look around reveals that the only thing missin' is an old army revolver, heck, even the $800 cash he kept around for expenses (in the same drawer no less) is still there.

Now, bein the upstandin' gentleman that he is, old Reuben spends a few minutes talkin' with the widow Garmin, and tells her that since the town was gonna be honorin' her husband, aint no reason they cant honor his sons instead. It would give the little men a great way to remember their old pa, as well as keep his memory alive in town. She readily agrees.

Back in the Rock

After seein' two bodies in two days, Reuben needs a drink, and that fancy Crow place is just the place to get one. Or six. While lubricatin' his pipes, he notices a saber hangin' over the bar. That seems interestin', so he starts quizzin' old Karl the barkeep about it. Seems this belonged to Harmon Linkous, the yankee captain who led his troops in defense o' the town. That seems damn important, so he insists on seein' it up close.

Happy to oblige, stranger.

La la land

Its been a rough night, so Miranda turns in early. After a few generous hits on the opium pipe, of course. Reuben and Jonah on the other hand, spend some time reflectin' before they hit the sack. But little do they know, their slumber wont last long...

Shot in the dark

Awakened by shots in the still of the night, followed by the hysterical screams of a barmaid, Reuben and Jonah skedaddle down the street towards the Crow. Hysterical, and clearly scared as hell, she rambles a story that even after the past events is, well, hard to swallow.

Seems she heard a shot, and she let her curiosity get the better o' her sense, so she investigated. Standin' there in the doorway o' Bernards door, is a ghostly figure, wearin' that sword from over the bar and the gun from Clovis' place. In his hands, still smokin', is Bernies own shotgun, both barrells emptied into poor Bernies chest.

But that aint all. Not only has he written a message on the wall in the newly deceaseds blood, but he also threatens the whole town if they keep honorin' traitors and the like. What that means, nobody knows.

Past Recaps

Deadlands Recaps

What's Next?

Next Sunday: 'Round the Mountain

After a few months convalescin', the posse heads back to Denver on a fancy steam locomotive.