Talk:OAAAA Character Creation

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--Edmiao 08:50, 15 July 2008 (MST) details requested: what is the racial makeup of our island? is there a class stratification by race, like are all the humans the grunt workers and the elementals are the merchant class?

BEN: in the central isles, most islands are primarily (say 60-95%) human, with a hodge-podge of all other races making up the remaining percentage. Your island is particularly diverse, since the Temple of the Goddess of the Forge (Regina Templum Camini) has made it fairly prosperous by attracting traders and merchants from all corners of Amora. The government is fairly tolerant towards non-humans because of this, although the nobility of the island does frown on them and, unless they come to the island wealthy and powerrful, it is rare for them to achieve such status on the island. There are exceptions to this: dwarves, because of their skill at crafts of all types, are highly regarded on the island as long as they pursue a manufacturing trade and typically find patronage almost immediately (although they are still seen as "loose-cannons" and often as thuggish simpletons). Because of the importance of trade to the island (and most islands, at that), Sea Elves are also treated exceptionally well, regardless of their rank or station.
An odd thing about your island: since the patron goddess is a Goddess of the Forge, essentially a goddess of fire, Blood Elves, the piratical corsairs of Amora, are treated more respectfully than almost anywhere else (much to the chagrin of many islands' law enforcement). They are of course not permitted to "set up shop", but they are not murdered regularly in back alleys either.
The nobility is primarily human. A Sea Elf trade representative can be counted as among the nobility, living in a splendid house-boat in one of the islands' lagoons. There is also a wealthy Imadigo prince, exiled from his country, who runs in the noble circles. But overall, there is no class stratification by race.

Gabe: I like to put forward a strong vote/request to NOT have characters starting with different points... also that we be at least 75 points.

BEN: well, certain races will get "racial benefits" regardless, so we'll see.

JASON: Whether or not races get racial benefits, the player has to pay for them. If a race has infravision, the character still pays its points, it isnt free.

--Edmiao 11:28, 15 July 2008 (MST) at risk of overanalyzing things and pissing the gm off, I second gabe's request. and per jason's note above suggest that if you are of the "fairy" race that you must buy certain skills: 5 points cross dressing, 2 points knight vision, minimum charisma of 13. so you can make like a base racial character that the players add on to. or, different races could come with different "everyman" skill sets (dwarves have "weaponsmith at 8-" for free, humans have "doing gabe's mom at 8-" for free and orcs have "being gabes mom 8-" for free).

--Edmiao 11:32, 15 July 2008 (MST) no power frameworks i say yay! just imagine how nasty a spell book framework would be. will we be adding disads as the campaign progresses as well? do we have to rp out all our advancements (please say no)?

BEN: there will be no need to RP out advanacements: within the limits set out at the beginnning (most powers and some martial arts stuff, which will be by GM permission only) of the campaign, you get to spend your points where and when you want. There will be a "disad adder" system, based loosely on the deadlands system: I'm not going to elaborate till I have a better sense for how to do it.

Gabe: Sweet. Are there going to be langauge groups, like in the main book? Also I can't wait to see orcs, which is what I'm gonna play, which makes Ed's above statement that much funnier.

--Edmiao 15:47, 15 July 2008 (MST)not sure if this is what you were thinking: i suggest that characters take disads in game either voluntarily, because everyone needs to take more as game goes on, or by GM mandate. Characters get no character points for taking a disad in game. thus all maximum character points will be from starting 75 + xp. whatever disads you accumulate don't let you buy more spells. they are just part of the xp that everyone got (so some characters may have more disads but all will have the same max character points). ie i can't say, i want to take disad: afraid of dwarves for 5 points extra so that i can buy that dagger.

BEN: I've put up the disad system on the character creation page: feel free to comment, but overall I like it. there will be language groups, although I don't knwo what the rules are for buying a group rather than an individual language. I may turn to "the ultimate skill" book for this. Also, disads. will fall into the "by GM permission only" group of stuff.

JASON: I dont think you buy language groups per se. Instead, related languages allow you to speak their cousins at a reduced level. For instance (numbers not official), if you have German at 3, you can speak Yiddish at 2. If you speak Ukrainian you can then also speak Russian, etc.