Current events

Revision as of 12:26, 6 September 2008 by Edmiao (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)
8/29/08......OAAAA...........BnD...............Matt gone
9/5/08.......OAAAA...........BnK...............Brandon gone (HONEYMOON!)
9/13/08 SATURDAY 6pm......Super Heroes?.....Gabe's..........Ben Gone,
9/19/08......Super Heroes.....BnK..........
9/26/08......OAAAA.....BnK..........Matt here!
10/3/08......OAAAA.............BnK..........Matt gone!
10/17/08..................BnK..........Dieter gone to Canada
10/31/08 or 11/1/08?...........BnK..........HALLOWEEN, will you be here? will you not?

BEN: as far as halloween goes, and as long as we've opened the can of worms that is switching sessions from friday to saturday or vice versa, the 31st of october may be an ideal candidate for saturday, as opposed to friday, gaming. Either way, I still think people should come dressed as their characters.

--since matt is here on the 26th now, should we do the 3 supers and push OAAAA into the next 3 weeks?

Attendance and Food Preference

9/13/08 Saturday 6pm

--Matts 10:10, 4 September 2008 (MST)Something's come up: a friend is leaving the country for good and having his goodbye party on the 12th. I intend to go, which means that there wouldn't be a Super Heroes game. I have a crazy notion, though: A one-time shift to Saturday night, assuming we can arrange for a place to hold the game. What say y'all? Or you could stick to Friday night and just play magic or do whatever.

--Edmiao 10:21, 4 September 2008 (MST)harder, but i will check with the lil lady
--Dieter the Bold 11:41, 4 September 2008 (MST) Would definitely be up for a Saturday switch

GABE: I'm okay for a switch, I think. I'd perfer we start around 2 then if possible or around that time.

--Edmiao 17:09, 4 September 2008 (MST)i can do saturday, but must start at regular time. 2pm is a no go

--Matts 17:38, 4 September 2008 (MST)Defining a Somewhere Else is now necessary then. Any volunteers?

--Gdaze 14:36, 5 September 2008 (MST) I think my place will be open to the masses, although it is small. But never the less the offer stands.

--Edmiao 16:27, 5 September 2008 (MST)i cannot offer my place. so are we on for saturday 9/13 at 6pm?

--Matts 16:12, 5 September 2008 (MST)Saturday at Gabe's, 6pm it is!

Ranting and raving or other random comments

Other RPG or Non-RPG gaming Events

Monthly Board Gaming Day


--Dieter the Bold 11:46, 4 September 2008 (MST) Alright lads. We're gamers, so we're lazy by definition. I am lazier than most. But Halloween is a holiday I always feel bad about for not coming up with an awesome costume. I hereby forward the motion that we make that session a costumed session. Two months to come up with something awesome and wear it to the session. Bonus points to be awarded for those who come as their characters.

--Gdaze 11:00, 5 September 2008 (MST) I'm pretty sure I will be busy on said day. If I'm not, I will come in costume... but one it is over 2 months away so I have no idea, and two, yeah, typically I got out on that holiday.

Other Games

GABE: Dieter... CoV, feel free to play anytime, we get on about every other night, still trying to meet up with the other Matt in-game.

--Dieter the Bold 11:46, 4 September 2008 (MST) We just got some Tubes hooked up to our condo, but we lack a modem. And I also don't have my computer moved over yet. Once all of these things come together in a glorious symphony, I will indeed to spreading tyranny and villainy with you again.

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

Next step in Super Heroes

What's the role of super hero? Is it to protect the innocent? Punish the guilty? Keep a captured villain in a closet and occasionally throw him some Sun Chips?

The Guardians are thinking long and hard about this moral conundrum...

GABE: That was super heroes at their bestest. How about what the heck do we do with all these people we keep beating up??? No place can hold them! I mean Viho only has so many closets.

Next step in Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy