Talk:Flying Carpet

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BEN: I don't think the flying carpet should be faster than, say 50mph. Also, I don't think it should grant a bonus to DCV. Okey dokey. that is the DCV to hit the flying carpet, i think.

BEN: umm...2 hexes of area will hold 2 PCs that aren't Aetan. To hold 4 PCs including matt's character you need at least 5 hexes, and that doesn't include gear or equipment. The total weight of the party without equipment can be estimated at, say, 60kg per PC equivalent, you need to be able to carry 300 kg. I also assume that each character has about 20kg worth of gear, which is another 100kg, not including any special gear. So the carpet is strong enough, as is, but it should be at least 3x2".

Edmiao one hex per character is in combat. A two hex flying carpet is 12 feet long and 6 feet wide. about the size of a large SUV. I think an SUV can hold 6 people easily, that said, i can make it bigger, no problem. there are no doors on a flying carpet and folks might fall off if it was too small. would be nice to have space for someone to lie down too. I was just looking around my house and measuring 12 feet by 6 and it seemed like a big carpet at that size. As for the strength, maybe you read the character sheet wrong, the carpet has STR 35, which is a lift of 3200kg. I forget the encumbrance rules, but i thought about them at the time, something like half your lift without slowing down? if that is correct, then 1600kg (3500 pounds) at full speed.

Gabe: If you want a large flying carpet, how about we just fire Matt's mom outta a catapult?