Current events

Revision as of 17:07, 29 June 2009 by Gdaze (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)

4/17/09.....Supers.........Ben's Condo.........
4/24/09.....nada...........Ben's Condo.........Dieter, Ed, Matt Absent
5/01/09.....OA.............Ben's Condo.........Ed absent
5/08/09.....OAA............Ben's Condo.........
5/15/09.....OAAA...........Ben's Condo.........
5/22/09.....OAAAA..........Ben's Condo.........Matt absent
5/29/09.....OAAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........
6/12/09.....OAAAAAA........Ben's Condo.........Ed absent, Dieter SIFF @ 9:30
6/19/09.....OAAAAAAA.......Ben's Condo.........Ed absent
6/26/09.....Gutersnipes....Ben's Condo.........Matt absent, getting married. Ben at matt's rehearsal dinner.
7/03/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........
7/10/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........
7/17/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........Ed absent
7/24/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........

Attendance and Food Preference

ED: what's the plan this week. friday is a holiday for most. thus, i may be unable to attend on friday, not sure. we should consider thursday. not sure actually if i can make that one either, but which is better for the rest of y'all?

--Gdaze 13:49, 27 June 2009 (MST) Thursday would work for me, I got Friday off. We could start Mass Effect.

--Dieter the Bold 12:36, 28 June 2009 (MST) Thursday could work, but I'd be late. I have a class at SCCC starting around 6:30.

Edmiao if friday, i will be absent. if thursday i will be present.

--Gdaze 09:49, 29 June 2009 (MST) Alright, so thats 3 of us (me too) who can do Thursday. Anyone else? Also, I got my 2nd 40k book back. Would you all like to start Mass Effect this week?

--Dieter the Bold 11:25, 29 June 2009 (MST) I'd be down, but I'd like some more background work among the players. I made up a bunch of crap about Ed and I, but I haven't heard Ed's take on it yet. And Matt wrote some stuff up about him and Ben, but I haven't heard much more. Not feeling like there's enough hooks among us yet.

--Gdaze 12:45, 29 June 2009 (MST) Wait, I just got this idea. And I'm gonna give two options. The characters met up during the attack on the Citadell. We can either RP it out on Friday, or I will write out what generally happened. Does this sound cool? I figured it would be an event that could bring people together, and might be really fun to RP out. What do you all think? It also might help players like Ed, who don't know as much about the universe.

Edmiao i guess i should read the stuff and actually pick what kind of character i want.

Quote(s) of the week

Elemental: (to police chief, who thanked them for their good work) That certainly isn't going to help Viho's colossal ego. (or something like that...)

CyberJesus: I'm so sick and tired of this bullshit Thomas Kinkaid police state!

Ashbury: I grow plants that may or may not be used for pharmaceutical purposes

Ed/Aefra: "I use Seduction on the baby"

"Galen, you're wearing a dress." "Yes, but I still look better in it than in you do in your clothes."

Ranting and Raving

--Brandon 21:02, 27 June 2009 (MST) Congratulations, Matt!! May you be blessed with infinite turns filled with wedded bliss!!

--Dieter the Bold 12:38, 28 June 2009 (MST) Word to your wife.

JUSTIN: Congrats on the wedding! Hope all went well. Good luck to the two of you.

Edmiao Matt, i presume congratulations are in order. twas a beautiful weekend for a wedding! hope it all went well, except for one thing that was hilariously funny but really inconsequential. we all need stories to tell....

BEN: you mean like the part where matt gets super drunk at his bachelor's party on thursday, runs down the street, and falls flat on his face? And then has to go to harborview and get six stitches in his orbit and has road rash all along his left jaw for the wedding pictures? hee-larious.

Edmiao oh god. i think that would NOT fall under the "really inconseqeuntial" section. A week before my wedding i was playing racketball, turned around during the serve and got beened in the eye, resulting in vision loss for about 15 minutes and the first black eye i ever had. luckily the green cleared up on the wedding day. I hope Rina is forgiving, and has a sense of humor about it. Actually, that probably seems now to not fall in the "inconsequential" ream, but i suspect it will in a month or year or two or ten. she still said "i do", so it's not so bad.

--Gdaze 09:47, 29 June 2009 (MST) As I already said, grats, but wow... Did that actually happen???

Mass Effect

BEN: gabe, I'd like to switch my "designer baby" stat bonuses: +5% from intelligence to ballistic skill and +3% from willpower (perception?) to Agility. If that's ok...I'm trying to make a generalist character, so I'd like to spread the love a bit.

--Gdaze 16:07, 29 June 2009 (MST)That is totally fine.

I'm going to put this here instead of up there, as it is Mass Effect related. So, are you all okay with a starting adventure of being in the Citadell when it is attacked? Do you want to RP that out (yes there will be fighting, running, jumping from exploding things)? Or would you rather me just write something up and let you all kinda just shoot the shit for the first hour to establish how characters interact and make up things ("Remember that time on planet y, when we dug up what we though were mummies and it ended up being an old ship drive?")?

Let me know by... tomorrow.

Other RPG or Non-RPG or Monthly Board Gaming Day gaming Events

--Gdaze 13:50, 27 June 2009 (MST) I really liked the Shadowrun one shot. Any game where I can charge at someone, take a shot from them, and then hack them with an axe is great.

Shadowrun OneShot(s) (6/26)

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

Next step in Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy

Current OAAAA XP: 75 base + 322 XP; Followers: 9 XP (current as of 6/23/09)

Plans to save Danny-Girl from the dragon

Fight the dragon, kill it

Lyra told us where to find the freezing Tears of _____ so we can put out the dragon's breath, right before she extinguished the eternal forge flame in our temple (bitch) by sucking its soul out like a vampire. She will help us fight the dragon. In return we agreed to let her strike the killing blow IF we successfully obtain the Tears. Other allies could also be enlisted in the fight.

Deal with the dragon

Give the dragon something he wants more than Danny. Say the Ruby shield or freeing Iximion.

Dragon vs Dragon

Free Iximion, tell him Oryxis is getting up in his magic shit and doens't he want to kick the shit out of Oryxix for learning magic?

ED: anything interesting happen last week?

--Gdaze 09:21, 23 June 2009 (MST) We raided the Forge's stash. Turns out the Prince took all the shiney stuff, which is actually the weaker stuff. I got a box. Matt got a sword, and we went into the old ways and had it forged by some old dwarf witch. My shadow self called out to my crow and killed it. Oh, there is now basically a pirate town on the island as well. We went to see the fairy king who was way more relaxed then before but still a dick. Matt met the new guard of the fairy bridge.

Oh, and there is a big political scuffle at the Forge (mostly due to our request). It isn't too bad right now though.