Current events

Revision as of 15:30, 7 August 2009 by (Talk)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)

7/24/09.....MassEffect....Gabe's House......Ben absent, Brandon absent, Nate?
7/31/09.....OAAAAAAAAA....Ben's Condo...... Gabe maybe absent, iz my birthday, matt absent
8/7/09......OAAAAAAAAA....Ben's Condo......Brandon absent, Cheryl & Salo guest-stars
8/21/09.....?????..........Ben's Condo......
9/18/09.....MassEffect....????......Dieter gone
9/25/09.....MassEffect....????......Dieter gone
10/2/09.....MassEffect....????......Dieter gone
10/9/09.....MassEffect....????......Dieter gone

Attendance and Food Preference

--Gdaze 19:50, 2 August 2009 (MST) Really sorry about last Friday, the day went to shit. And by the time I was done it was arleady 11.

BEN: we didn't start gaming till 10. shoulda called. But I'm sorry your day sucked, esp with it being your birthday, right? Sorry bro. What are we playing this friday?

ED: don't worry about it gabe. btw we sold fantus's soul to a hag witch to get galen a new bathrobe and aefra a makeover.

--Gdaze 11:25, 3 August 2009 (MST) Yeah, took me 3 hours to get to Olympia, not stop traffic the entire way, no construction, no accidents, no reason. I know it is usually a hour and half drive, but 3? It was fucking insane. Also although I acted okay I am actually not that okay with the whole break up, so it was just a bad day.

Um, lets do one more Mass just to have at least 3? I don't want to put the game off too much right in the start?

UNLESS... we have everyone, then we should go kill the dragon.

--Matts 12:20, 3 August 2009 (MST)I'll be there.

ED: present. how many do we need to kill dragon? do we want brandon and/or nate present? sorry to hear about your bad day. guess there were reasons that you broke up but also reasons that you were together. life sucks sometimes.

--Gdaze 10:28, 4 August 2009 (MST) Well, it seems Dieter will be there too? That means we have four players, two combat characters and two support. Plus an NPC. Brandon, care to stop by for a mother fucking DRAGON BATTLE? Your Future < Made up Battle with Dragon.

Thanks Ed, it was actually a really humbling experiance for me. And changed the type of person I am, much to mine, and others' benefit I believe.

BEN: salo will be there as well, playing an NPC in whichever game we do. Since we are technically still on Mass Effect, I think that should get priority...although if you guys want to battle Oryxys, I can definitely do that. BTW, gabe, what exactly went down friday? you're alluding to some major events, and I'm just curious what is going on in your life.

--Dieter the Bold 12:27, 4 August 2009 (MST) I am indeed attending. I'd prefer to hold off on Oryxys until we have a better plan. I mean, we're not 100% on what exactly we're going to do. Still, I'm down if everyone else wants to make the run, and I have 2 XP saved up for emergency use.

--Matts 20:10, 4 August 2009 (MST)If the weather forecast improves, what do you gentlemen say to a sausage-fest? I can grab some wurst from whole-foods on the way home, vegetarian options included, and we can set them floppy things on fire. Any interest? If the weather forecast stays accurate and it rains, this is obviously a bad idea.

Ed. Totally down for that. Cant pass up chance to wrap my lips around some sausage

--Brandon 14:08, 5 August 2009 (MST) I would certainly be up to bailing on my academic future to fight the dragon on some other date, but this Friday Kate and I are going to the peninsula to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Made up battle with dragon << a happy marriage. That being said, y'all should go one without me. I'm happy if Salo, or anyone else, plays Tithe. Feel free to spend points to bring him up to speed. I can assist with that somewhat if necessary. Happy dagron hunting.

EDIT: Thanks for the quiet assistance, Dieter, but it wasn't a misspelling. Or at least, it was a purposeful one. ; ) Strong Mad says "KILL DAGRON!"

--Dieter the Bold 16:05, 5 August 2009 (MST) Down with a BBQ. Today's turned around, so maybe Friday will be good!?! (knocking on wood). As for Oryxys, given the current situation in Caminus, I'd like us to make a power play there before we head off to fight the dragon. Basically, we rabble-rouse about the new slave market, tell off the punk Kid Prince and let everyone know we're the ones who're going to get Danerys back. And then when we roll back into town with her, shit gets cleaned up and bitches get off our back. Can ya' diggit?

--Matts 16:15, 5 August 2009 (MST)Response below in the planning section!

JASON: Dude, Brandon, thats totally weak. There are like 3 billion women in the world, you can totally get another one. How many opportunities will you have to kill Bens made up dragon? Seriously?

--Gdaze 09:32, 6 August 2009 (MST) Indeed, we will need as many men as possible to defeat Ben's dragon!

Edmiao so what's the deal? are we going to oaaaa and kill a dragon or are we mass effectin' it? if dragon, we should call nate....

--Dieter the Bold 11:14, 6 August 2009 (MST) Down with either.

--Gdaze 11:24, 6 August 2009 (MST) Dragon!

Edmiao sweet, it's on baby.

--Gdaze 16:19, 6 August 2009 (MST) Totally. Totally to the max. We on for magic around six? Been awhile for me.

BEN: magic at 6, although I will probably need some of the pre-game time getting Rez' and Lyra's character sheets up to the current totals. And any other character sheets we might need...

ED: no dogz for cheryl. we still on for that, btw, or do i need to pick up some other food?

--Matts 11:22, 7 August 2009 (MST)Well I don't think it'll be that nice today, maybe we should rain-check the sausage fest?

--Dieter the Bold 11:46, 7 August 2009 (MST) Yesterday ended up being fine. I bet today will, too. I say the grill is a GO. How are we handling contributions to the feast?

--Gdaze 12:35, 7 August 2009 (MST) I'm going to handle this like I would my past relantionships, I'm bringing nothing and expect everything.

--Matts 12:54, 7 August 2009 (MST)I'll bring the sausages, if someone else could bring buns, and someone else could bring fixings, then I think we'd be set.

--Dieter the Bold 13:05, 7 August 2009 (MST) Does that include the veggie sausages, or do we veggies need to provide our own?

Matt: I'll get veggie dogs too.

Quote(s) of the week

Elemental: (to police chief, who thanked them for their good work) That certainly isn't going to help Viho's colossal ego. (or something like that...)

CyberJesus: I'm so sick and tired of this bullshit Thomas Kinkaid police state!

Ashbury: I grow plants that may or may not be used for pharmaceutical purposes

Ed/Aefra: "I use Seduction on the baby"

"Galen, you're wearing a dress." "Yes, but I still look better in it than in you do in your clothes."

Ranting and Raving

JASON: I just started a gaming blog at[1]. Check it out, tell me what you think.

--Dieter the Bold 13:04, 7 August 2009 (MST) Cockblocked by Google Networks. Have the evil spammers moved on from our Wiki to your blog?

Other RPG or Non-RPG or Monthly Board Gaming Day gaming Events

--Gdaze 10:29, 4 August 2009 (MST) Got Galaxy Truckers and the Expansion for my birthday. Played with some friends on Sunday, much fun was had. One Friend kept loosing half of his ship when just one little square was knocked off. We must play.... yes...

--Dieter the Bold 12:28, 4 August 2009 (MST) Lordy. I was introduced to that at Jason's for his BBQ. People can be doing so well in that game and then just get crushed. It is indeed fun, though. Count me in.

ED: love that game and wanted to get cheryl to try it out. only played it once with Jason. let me know if you want to play sometime.

--Gdaze 09:33, 6 August 2009 (MST) Yeah, let me know what times are good for you all. As I know have no obligations I'm pretty much always free.

JASON: Your mom, however, has many obligations but is somehow also always free.

--Gdaze 11:24, 6 August 2009 (MST) Well played sir.

JASON: Thanks. Hear ye, hear ye, all who will be attending Dragonflight this weekend, Rumi and I will be there, and we will not only be attending events but also hosting a table in the dealers room. Come by and say hi if you are in attendance.

--Gdaze 16:17, 6 August 2009 (MST) Fuck, its this weekend? Dang, I was gonna go to the SAM, but fuck that, I haven't been able to go to dragonflight for awhile, totally gonna hit that up. Dieter, you in? Crap gonna have to pay at the door admission...

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

--Brandon 11:45, 1 August 2009 (MST) On Declaring attacks to planeswalkers, from the comprehnsive rulebook:

"Declare Attackers To choose a set of creatures that will attack, declare whether each creature is attacking the defending player or a planeswalker that player controls, and pay any costs required to allow those creatures to attack. See rule 508.1." ED: huh. complicated.

Mass Effect

Current Mass Effect XP: 1000 Starting + 1300 xp = 2300. (Current at end of 7/24)

Mass Effect Recap

Next step in Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy

Current OAAAA XP: 75 base + 337 XP; Followers: 12 XP (current as of 7/31/09)

Plans to Kill Oryxis

BEN: assuming we switch to OAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA again this week: 1.) As I mentioned to dieter and ed already: you are all proceeding with "planning" and "scheming" as your current approach to the above, rather than "leeeerrrrooooyyy Jenkins!". I think that's great: frankly, your job is "defeat the dragon" and how you do that is totally up to you. But I just want to take a moment to say that I want PLAYERS to keep their own expectations in mind. If you come up with a brilliant, foolproof ambush, don't be TOO surprised if the dice fall in your favor and it goes off without a hitch, and the dragon dies without much of a fight. If you want an EPIC battle where you have to pull out all the stops, it's largely up to you as players to make that happen (of course, I'll hand some of it out freely, but you will certainly contribute, see below).
2.) Ed and Dieter made an arrangement for the life stealing javelin, as a spoiler: As has been my habit (and it seems to be good) I will give some metagame info about how this doohickey plays out. The javelin is 1 (one) charge, not recoverable. For game purposes, it reduces the struck target to -1 body automatically, at which time they start taking bleeding damage (contrary to our normal rules) until they die. The damage is not amenable to non miracular healing.
3.) Assuming you decide to stick to your hag-bargain, Lyra will be joining you. She is about the characters' point total +100-125 more pts. She will be an NPC.
4.) Salo will be around and will play for us: if nate doesn't show, she will get to play nate's character (or whoever else doesn't show, she can pick). If you don't want her to play your character, let me know...although every time she has played she has reaped tremendous rewards for those characters, just FYI (ask dieter).
5.) you can potentially recruit other NPCs. HOWEVER, whereas I will hesitate to char PCs (hesitate, but not refuse, for such a boss battle), I have no such compuctions about NPCs. You have been warned.

Ed. Nothing goes better with sausage than a little charred npc

--Matts 16:16, 5 August 2009 (MST)Aetan will be the muscle for a political upheaval, especially if there's a chance to defenestrate one or more people.

--Gdaze 09:32, 6 August 2009 (MST) Fantus just came in his pants.

--Dieter the Bold 11:20, 6 August 2009 (MST) The only downside to this is if Ben pulls a Mario on us (i.e., your princess is in another castle). End of last chapter we rocked all the evil doers, then had our priestess jacked by the dragon. If we huff-and-puff on Caminus and then come back with a dead or otherwise incapacitated Danerys, shit probably won't work out quite so well for us. Still, I think it's worth the risk, 'cause we all know the place is going to hell as it is, so might as well 'roll the hard-six' and see if we can't kill two birds with one stone. My basic plan is we do a little tour of Caminus with lots of speeches, then end up in the 'Night Market' and do some real Temperance/Prohibition rabble-rousing there. Then sail off with grand proclamations before the authorities start anything.

--Matts 11:30, 6 August 2009 (MST)Two things: One, do we know where oryxys is? Two, do we have a boat?

Edmiao who needs a boat when you have a flying carpet?

--Dieter the Bold 16:12, 6 August 2009 (MST) And who needs to go looking when you have a crazy alchemist with magic berries?

--Gdaze 16:19, 6 August 2009 (MST) To make this fight more epic I propose we find Grand Father Flame's ancestors' bones, fashion a ship out of them, and come sailing up to him on it. Or, we have a bridge off, who can make the best bridge. I will work on my guy tonight and buy the dragon sensing ability.

Speaking of all of this... we want to bring any NPCs? Like that dwarf? Or maybe the king? Personally I think we are good, unless you can think of an NPC that annoys ya.

BEN: the dwarf doesn't like you anymore. Which king?

ED... Cheryl is coming too she may not role play much but she's willing to help us kill the dragon if we have an extra character. also, she won't stay too late, only probably last til midnight. ben, i can help make characters when i show up. do we have Tithe's sheet?

--Brandon 01:05, 7 August 2009 (MST) I sent Ben the most up to date HDC file I have (it's somewhere around 260pts.). You can also find most, if not all, of that at Tithe. Soup him up, and have fun storming the castle.

--Gdaze 09:31, 7 August 2009 (MST) The king of the island we come from. If he were still a prince we could call him a Prince Popper! Who cares, lets just go enslave his ass (dwarf). Hey, you guys wanna buy a whole mess of slaves, give them daggers, and send them at the dragon? I mean since other party members like to just have slaves die at the market, might as well let them go out in a blaze of glory? GOBLINS! We need goblins! Lots of 'em!

--Brandon 10:18, 7 August 2009 (MST) I have already arranged with Ben to spend all of Tithe's remaining XP (So, like 125pts.) on newly freed feral wood elves with daggers. Their target, however, isn't Oryxys. I'll give you a hint: it rhymes with "Pant Us".

--Gdaze 11:34, 7 August 2009 (MST) Can you rhyme two words with one? Thats fine, I have a 20D6 AOE Entangle, called "Net of Saving Savages from their stupid primative ways and Tithe's debased morals." I actually found it in a D&D magic item book.