Current events

Revision as of 17:14, 13 August 2009 by Dieterthebold (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)

7/24/09.....MassEffect....Gabe's House......Ben absent, Brandon absent, Nate?
7/31/09.....OAAAAAAAAA....Ben's Condo...... Gabe maybe absent, iz my birthday, matt absent
8/7/09......OAAAAAAAAA....Ben's Condo......Brandon absent, Cheryl & Salo guest-stars
8/14/09.....MassEffect....????......matt absent, ben absent
8/21/09.....?????..........Ben's Condo......
9/18/09.....MassEffect....????......Dieter gone
9/25/09.....MassEffect....????......Dieter gone
10/2/09.....MassEffect....????......Dieter gone
10/9/09.....MassEffect....????......Dieter gone

Attendance and Food Preference

BEN: sorry guys: important event for some of Meghan's friends. If y'all wanted to move it to any other time that weekend, I could do it (daytime or evening)...Meghan will be camping sat-sun.

ED: that actually might be better for me also. 10% chance i might miss if it's on friday, but probably would be there.

--Matts 09:56, 10 August 2009 (MST)If it turns into daytime during the weekend I would probably be able to attend, but nights this weekend I'm booked.

--Gdaze 14:22, 10 August 2009 (MST) This might work for me as well, but a group of friends is doing something on either Sat. or Sun. I'll know by tomorrow what day is free.

--Matts -- At this point I doubt I'm available regardless of the day. :(

--Dieter the Bold 10:29, 11 August 2009 (MST) Making the big push to move this weekend, so I can't break up the day. Down for Friday night, but not for the weekend or during the day.

--Gdaze 09:33, 12 August 2009 (MST) So Matt is out all together, Ed might miss Friday, Ben will miss Friday, and Dieter can only do Friday. It is actually looking like Friday I may be busy as well. And whatever happens it means we only have two players for whatever day we choose. I'm not sure when I'm doing the Ren Faire, but on the day I'm not maybe we can do some board games? Its all okay, life happens. And this is why I wanted to fight the dragon last time, good big group for it.

--Dieter the Bold 11:33, 12 August 2009 (MST) Let's have a decision by Thursday 5pm. I'm going to go all-out on packing and moving if we're not doing gaming.

BEN: moving? I haven't heard about this. Where are you moving to? Keeping the same roommate?

--Gdaze 14:57, 12 August 2009 (MST) Think he is moving to Bellevue? That said, I can game Saturday. But I mean, either day we do it we only have 2 people, so not really enough.

Edmiao he is moving to bellevue, with a different roommate. guess we need both an rpg and a gossip recap page.

--Dieter the Bold 09:50, 13 August 2009 (MST) All of the above is true. Our lease is up and my current roommate, while still totally gay for me, wants his own place. And so we move. The new place is with another friend and is located in Old Bellevue, a little south of Bellevue Square and close to the water. I'm more than halfway there, just a couple big things and then the actual living stuff (clothes, kitchen, bath). It has a huge table, so we're good to game there if we ever need to.

--Gdaze 12:18, 13 August 2009 (MST) How is parking? ALSO, I will know by 5 if I'm gonna be free tomorrow or not. But looks like no RPG this week as we can only ever have 2 at max.

--Dieter the Bold 15:14, 13 August 2009 (MST) See [Dieter's Den]

Quote(s) of the week

Elemental: (to police chief, who thanked them for their good work) That certainly isn't going to help Viho's colossal ego. (or something like that...)

CyberJesus: I'm so sick and tired of this bullshit Thomas Kinkaid police state!

Ashbury: I grow plants that may or may not be used for pharmaceutical purposes

Ed/Aefra: "I use Seduction on the baby"

"Galen, you're wearing a dress." "Yes, but I still look better in it than in you do in your clothes."

Ranting and Raving

JASON: I just started a gaming blog at[1]. Check it out, tell me what you think.

Ed. Gabe, i can drive you home in the future. Just gotta help me to leave earlier to do it.

--Gdaze 14:23, 10 August 2009 (MST) Well I should have just gotten the car but Akiko really needed it that day. I should have it on Fridays from now on.

JASON: It seems that for some reason mediawiki allows creation of user pages for users who do not exist. This is silly. The good news is that means the ips are logged and can be blocked. The bad news is they can switch ips, especially within a subnet, fairly easily. I may have to find a cheap ip blacklisting service via http to allow/disallow viewing and posting by location. If this is done it may inadvertently block access for some of you (unlikely). If this does occur, please email me immediately so I can place your ip on the allowed list.

--Dieter the Bold 11:32, 12 August 2009 (MST) Liked your latest post. Would have commented but I don't have any useful profiles to be allowed to. How often did you get sales to the randomly interested vs the dedicated collectors? Also, what were the Most Wanted's number 1 and 2 spot?

JASON: I think a high percentage of sales went to dedicated collectors. We did a lot of business to a few people. As for sales demographics, we sold a lot of DnD 1st and 2nd Ed stuff, hardbacks for $5 etc. We sold everything we had that was $1. We almost sold out of $5 stuff. People really enjoyed the cheap stuff. We sold all of the 40k armies we brought except one. We were pretty much the only people selling used stuff there, and we had just about constant customers. Basically it proves the premise that people will buy anything if the price is right.

--Dieter the Bold 09:52, 13 August 2009 (MST) Well gratz on the booming business. If you start coming across Planescape stuff let me know. I'd like to finish off that collection.

--Gdaze 12:19, 13 August 2009 (MST) I think its great you were selling used game stuff. I mean, everytime I went there, it was just a bunch of stuff I could buy in the store normally, and maybe some pretty new games. Would have liked to stop by, but my personal life is as complicated as usual.

Other RPG or Non-RPG or Monthly Board Gaming Day gaming Events

JASON: Does anyone use or

--Gdaze 12:16, 13 August 2009 (MST) I use to use all the time. I mean... gaming online for free! I used it a lot in Japan when I was there for my month long stay. Its pretty cool.

Mass Effect

Current Mass Effect XP: 1000 Starting + 1300 xp = 2300. (Current at end of 7/24)

Mass Effect Recap

Next step in Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy

Current OAAAA XP: 75 base + 352 XP; Followers: 15 XP (current as of 8/7/09)

Plans to Kill Oryxis

Edmiao tithe bought a pegasus.... thanks to cheryl


ed. Fun dragon slaying all.

ED: How long did you say the interim was between act 2 and 3 again, ben? 10 years would be great, time to fit a lot of goings on.

BEN: 10 years is correct. Some things for the next session of OAAAA:
1.) Everybody will get to spend their bonus "interim" XP as they please, I've changed my mind about forcing expenditures in a certain way.
2.) I want everyone to think about their interim adventures. At the start of the nextsession, I amthinking we may do Gemini style card "prologues" in which we explore people's adventures: the person we are doing it for presents the overall theme/happenings, and then we run through it, with the group contributing details. Group bonus XP will be assigned based on cool story effects people come up with in these. If this idea seems too complex or seems like it will give other players too much involvement in your interim events,we can can it and just let each person do a narrative, in character or out.
3.) I will clarify happenings in the world at the first session of book 3.

ED: Sounds fun. I wrote up a bunch of ideas, i think there's plenty of room for adventures in between the paragraphs. Brandon, what is your email so i can send you the Tithe sheet. I may not have done a great job on him, he was pretty low on the damage potential, but still could take hits quite well. you may want to remod him, i'm sure ben would be fine with that. although i really think you should keep the pegasus, since it played a major role in the fight with the dragon. Let you fly and catch Aeten, bring him back to the battle and Aeten immediately thereafter struck the killing blow.

--Brandon 20:53, 9 August 2009 (MST) Sweet. A pegasus sounds awesome, and I was totally thinking about getting a mount for Tithe anyway, so that's perfect. I'm glad that Tithe played a solid role. My e-mail is olsenb3 [at] I would appreciate a full recap at some point, if someone has the time. Gratz, y'all!!