PSCB Notes

Revision as of 18:23, 27 September 2009 by (Talk)

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Because I am a sucker for punishment Im gonna help Frank with his Oakland A's in the PSCB.

2009 Oakland A's

C Matt Wieters
C Taylor Teagarden
2B Jamey Carroll
2B Kelly Johnson
2B Rickie Weeks
2B Sean Rodriguez
3B Chase Headley
3B Alex Gordon
SS Jose Reyes
LF Carl Crawford
LF Conor Jackson
LF Marcus Thames
LF Josh Willingham
CF Dexter Fowler
RF JD Drew
SP Joe Blanton
SP Chris Volstad
SP Fausto Carmona
SP Carlos Zambrano
SP Joe Saunders


Great youth. Lots of high quality prospects. Loaded OF.


Few hot cards. Pitching, especially relief.


Depending on the willingness of others to make deals and the strengths of the draft, this team could actually be a competitor if we made some moves. Given what you said about Reyes injury, this could be the time to unload him for maximum value. Those OF could be turned for other positions.


So far, its been dud after dud. People seem to want to talk, but there is very little actual movement. With everyone wanting to cover eligibility so much its a lot more difficult to deal.


I dont see this happening. He really wants Crawford, or so he says, but what he really doesnt want to do is pony up some reasonable value for him. I refuse to take Upton straight up. He has indicated that Cain is not available. Feliz, nope. He hardly wants to talk about anything except one for one.

Chris Davis

Now that Wieters is in the fold, we need to replace Butler. I have inquired about Davis. Its a good fit because he has a lot of upside and plays 3B as well. He also isnt very good this year but still showed he has skills. The Tigers need OF badly and we have a ton, and with Lee playing 1B he doesnt need Davis. I am thinking maybe Willingham and a little something for Davis and Kouzmanoff. We dont really need Kouzmanoff, but Ill find a suitor for him.