Current events

Revision as of 13:37, 6 December 2009 by (Talk)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)

9/4/09.....MassEffect....????......Dieter gone to Portland, Gabe absent
9/11/09.....MassEffect....????......Matt gone on honeymoon
9/18/09.....Vamnp One Shot....Ben's condo......Dieter gone to Europe, Matt gone on honeymoon
9/25/09.....cancelled....????......Dieter gone to Europe, Matt gone on honeymoon
10/2/09.....Kingmakers one shot....bens......Dieter gone to Europe
10/9/09.....Kingmakers....Ben's condo......Dieter gone to Europe
10/16/09....Kingmakers....Ben's condo......Dieter late
10/23/09.....board games....Ed's.....
10/30/09.....cancelled......Ed likely absent, Matt likely absent
11/6/09.....Kingmakers....????......ben absent, dieter absent
11/20/09.....Kingmakers....Ben's.......Ed gone
11/27/09.....nada...thanksgiving weekend
12/5/09 Saturday....Kingmakers.....Ben's.......
12/18/09.....????........?????.......Matt absent, ben likely absent
12/25/09.....cancelled...merry christmas!

Attendance and Food Preference

JASON: Anyone interested in Twilight Imperium this Friday? If we can get 5 players we can make a go of it.

--Gdaze 11:37, 30 November 2009 (MST) I may be able to do this, depending on gaming and one other thing.

So guys, this week. Are we on for Saturday? Lets make this happen as we won't be able to meet for awhile.

--Matts 13:44, 30 November 2009 (MST)Let's do it; I'm down. Daytime would work best for me.

Edmiao ok so we have Matt, Gabe, Deiter and myself go for saturday and ben is stonewalling us. everyone good for 1pm? where at? my place may be open, let me check with the wife.

--Gdaze 14:59, 30 November 2009 (MST) Around 1 is best. Not sure exactly at 1 haha. My place is of course open as always.

--Brandon 15:46, 30 November 2009 (MST) I very well might be able to join you guys for a gaming session on Saturday. What do you think of that? Matt, could I play Tristano (di Miragliano), or some version of him? I'll find the character sheet to see what I have for him in terms of stats.

--Matts 15:53, 30 November 2009 (MST)Holy Assbank, wow! Uh, sure! You can play, you can play Tristiano (who was an Estalian Diestro?), and I can think of a number of spectacular entrances, and if you save the group's bacon somebody owes you a Coke!

Ed. We can do my place. Wow brandon awesome.

BEN: Jesus. one afternoon of no reply and everybody goes apeshit. I'm in saturday barring emergencies. We can use my house as well.

--Brandon 01:34, 1 December 2009 (MST) APESHIT! You're close, Matt, he's a Tilean Engineer. You can download a copy of his character sheet on the Tristano (di Miragliano) page.

Ape Oooo ooooooohhh ooooooo AAAAAAAA. oo ooo oo AAAAAAAAAHHHH <<throws shit>>

Edmiao wow. 100% attendance! Ben's place then!

--Matts 11:32, 1 December 2009 (MST)Jesus, this flipped the odds a bit. Should be fun! Somebody catch Brandon up to speed on what's happening!

Edmiao let me esplain. no is too long, let me sum up. oh, wait, i forgot, i have no idea what's going on.

--Gdaze 15:03, 1 December 2009 (MST) Ed likes to flip out over attendance. And yay, full house!

Edmiao I like to flip over your mom

--Gdaze 17:33, 1 December 2009 (MST) Dang, you must be an epic jumper then.

Edmiao no, it required a lot of rope and pullies.

BEN: ok, my place, 1pm until...6 or something? you can check out the updates in the kingmakers section if you want to know what's happened. I'd prefer to get right down to gaming and magic later.

--Dieter the Bold 14:25, 2 December 2009 (MST) Confirm Dieter for 1pm at Ben's on Saturday 12/5.

--Gdaze 17:02, 2 December 2009 (MST) We gonna magic it up some or what? We better.

Jason! I will confirm by tonight what my plans are Friday.

Edmiao i'd like to get some magic in. got a lot of decks that want trying out.

--Gdaze 09:42, 3 December 2009 (MST) I'll top deck you.

And no gaming for me Friday night it would seem.

--Brandon 13:01, 3 December 2009 (MST) To confirm: I'm definitely in for Saturday gaming (but can't Friday, sorry Jason), and am up to play some Magic after gaming. I've got some new decks too!

BEN: I'm trying for reasons unbeknownst even to myself to build a legacy deck. I would like to put another bitterblossom in it so I will buy it from you gabe if you want to sell it to me, since you said that's the only way you'd part with it. I can offer you 6 bucks for it, and 2 more for your extirpate.

--Gdaze 10:58, 4 December 2009 (MST) Well I actually like the card... so no worries if you buy it from a shop.

HEY! Are we getting pizza tomorrow? I alredy owe money on the last one, but I'm down for some pizza tomorrow!

--Brandon 11:16, 4 December 2009 (MST)I'm down for pizza, and MAY be able to bring Pudge Bros. Will confirm later today. Ben, since Joe and I (mainly Joe) have been doing a lot of trading lately, I'm sure we can track down a Bitterblossom for you, if you'd like.

BEN: really? sweet. I'm planning on building a mono-black legacy deck...likely a POX variant, though I'm going to look at mono black aggro too. But in general I'm not a "super fast aggro" kind of player, it's just too boring...then again long games get boring too...If you don't mind, I may get you the "candidate" decklist, and if you see those cards in people's trade piles, you can get 1-2 (I don't think I will start with 4-ofs for most cards) if they aren't the super pricey cards. I really appreciate it!

--Brandon 23:09, 4 December 2009 (MST)No worries. I'll get a list from you tomorrow. I've already told Joe about the Bitterblossom and the Extirpate. Also, I can pick up pizza tomorrow, so sound off if you want it and we can make it happen.

--Gdaze 05:07, 5 December 2009 (MST) Me want pizza.

--Dieter the Bold 11:18, 5 December 2009 (MST) Always down for the Pudge!! And anyone who didn't pay me last time can pay for me today to even the score.

MATT: I want pizza, I bringing money

Quote(s) of the week

Elemental: (to police chief, who thanked them for their good work) That certainly isn't going to help Viho's colossal ego. (or something like that...)

CyberJesus: I'm so sick and tired of this bullshit Thomas Kinkaid police state!

Ashbury: I grow plants that may or may not be used for pharmaceutical purposes

Ed/Aefra: "I use Seduction on the baby"

"Galen, you're wearing a dress." "Yes, but I still look better in it than in you do in your clothes."

Ranting and Raving

--Matts 11:46, 2 December 2009 (MST)Who remembers the specific penalties for armor in WFRP? As I recall it, Medium Armor is -10% agi, while Heavy Armor is -20% (?) and -1 to Movement (?).

Edmiao top of my head i'm thinking medium -10 ag, heavy -10 ag -1 movement. would need to look at ze book

--Matts 11:41, 3 December 2009 (MST)So I'm super-torn by the new warhammer set. On the one hand, it looks really neat, like Fantasy Flight took their board-game experience and used it to improve the tabletop roleplaying experience. On the other hand, one hundred dollars is a lot of money.

My first impression is that since Rat Catcher isn't a career in the basic box, that this whole enterprise is crass commercialism, banditry and blasphemy, but you never know, I may be wrong.

I'm gonna go sneak a peek at it after work, and I'll let you guys know.

JASON: Everything FF does is bloated, but I tend to enjoy their games.

--Gdaze 15:43, 3 December 2009 (MST) They do make some good games, but this seems like they are turning it into almost a sort of a CCG. Did you read Explorer7337's quick review posted? He says there are only spells for 3 of the magic orders. I think some aspects looked really nice, and I like the idea of a "boxed" rpg set, but it seems to me this is really lacking. The fact that you don't get spells for all the orders is very, very weak.

--Matts 16:01, 3 December 2009 (MST)I don't think it'd be that tough to come up with spells for other orders if necessary. What I'd be most excited for is actually using the templates and making custom adjustments.

It does suck that the business model is obviously to keep bleeding you for 30 bucks with expansions (new spells! new careers!) but I do like the idea of decks of action cards, the stance meter, etc.

I'm excited to check it out, but I share the reservations that it's kind of crassly commercial.

--Gdaze 17:14, 3 December 2009 (MST) I'm a pretty picky consumer though, if something is called a "core" set, and it doesn't have all the schools of magic, I feel a bit slighted. I think the system over-all actually looks very cool. I like the action cards and I like how you can pick more or less depending on other stats. I think it has two kinds of elves though, I don't like that.

Pretty good review, taking into account this guy has written for FFG before (as freelance). Even he says it feels very imcomplete, and really they could have included all the schools and easily come up with add ons.

JASON: Hey Gabe, do you still want that Alternity stuff? Also, do you play Heroscape still? I got a bunch of unused boxes of it Ill sell for like half price. Its two different master sets and two expansions.

--Gdaze 14:10, 4 December 2009 (MST) Yes on both! Sorry, as you know, stuff got all crazy for me. Would it be possible for me to do this next weekend? Which Master Sets are they exactly and which expansions?

JASON: Its Rise of the Valkyrie and Swarm of the Marro, plus 2 copies of The Conflict Begins. How about $75 for it all (and whatever we decided for the Alternity)? I can meet this weekend, And, IM AN IDIOT...DRRRR

--Gdaze 15:00, 4 December 2009 (MST) Totally got yourself a deal. I will see if I can do it Sunday, or maybe mid-week next week? I've actually been wanting a Conflict Begins, and will totally take two. I will totally do a lot of stuff. *waits for your mom jokes*

JASON: Im available whenever, just let me know what works.


Current XP as of 11/20 session: 2800

Edmiao anything fun happen last session?

--Matts 18:23, 23 November 2009 (MST)Lots of cool stuff. The group went around rabble-rousing to defuse tensions with any of the existing heirs to the local lord's family (the Holswig-Abenauers), and sent two of the presumptive heirs to the comfort of Geldrecht (and away from the Castle Reikguard). The third heir said he'd rather work with Franz (your Hans) than be marginalized, so you guys didn't try to swindle him.

Then, with reinforcements from Geldrecht, the group attacked the beastmen. Advance scouting was done by Adrick Snake's fancy looking-glass spell, which discovered that the beastmen had a new leader, a beastman shaman of some kind, and had lost a few hundred to infighting. The group came up with a plan of attack: Franz (your Hans)'s personal troops fortifying across one of castle reikguard's two bridges, and the recently recruited veterans (Hans Hansman's men) advancing across the other. Snake and Falandar stayed with two of the veterans and their prized Hochland Long Rifle to provide fire support.

As soon as Franz's division had set up shop, overturning some carts for an ad-hoc fort, the shaman could be seen from the ramparts directing beastmen. THIS IS WHERE IT GETS AWESOME: Adrick Snake used his looking glass spell as a sort of sniper scope for the long rifle, and the gunners blasted the bejeezus out of the shaman in one shot. The loss of their leader sent the beastmen in to disarray, and ben's character (whose name I inexcusably have forgotten) and Frans Your Hans managed to clean up the remainders with minimal casualties.

After that, the players decided it'd be best to see what was up with Johann (enemy Hans), since very little has been heard out of Stimmigen or Leonberg recently. They arrived in Stimmigen (the larger town) and heard that a) Johann hadn't left the castle in a while, b) some red-haired guy with an organization called the League of the Torchlit Path had become Johann enemy Hans' advisor, and the Knight was questing in the mountains for something in the vicinity of Blood Dragon Keep. Also, there had been some trouble at the orrey where Snake studied. The group spent the night after chitchatting with the local rector, and set out for the orrey in the morning.

At the orrey, they met a robe-clad, red haired wizard who called himself Wilhem Rottfurt. Some vague dancing around the subject afterward, the group determined he had probably killed Magnus Hochser, Snake's old teacher, and they rushed him. He went down easy for a fire wizard. Inside the orrey was evidence of all sorts of frightful behavior and a few grimoires.

The group continued on to Johann's castle to get to the bottom of the mystery, and were greeted at the gate by the Knight, who didn't want to give them the time of day. We stopped with the players getting ready to gang up on him so they could figure out what was up with Johann. From Marie, Johann's third-born, they found out a) Johann is "sick" and b) the Knight brought "a guest" back from his questing.

BEN: just some details. double ulric's on the shaman for 28 points of damage in one hit. The veterans led by my guy didn't take a single casualty, and routed four units of beastmen: the first one on a single, glorious casualty inflicted by my character (Heinz Caesar). The green troops with franz made two under 25 break checks and also generally distinguished themselves. My character is also at -4 wounds for the fight with the wizard, and is in mid-charge against that knight, once we realized that the guest was likely a vampire. The plan is to have dieter's character convince the guards to stay out of the fight, while ed, gabe and I try to stomple the knight. I'm basically gonna rock max defense, if that's cool...since he has 3 attacks and full plate. But i could easily lose my last fate point here.

Edmiao the most awesome part of that summary is that Matt forgot Ben's character's name. I hope you remember that my character sux in a fight as of yet. unless we get our xp before the fight and I get to do some retroactive shopping for guns. ben, did you start with 2 fate points or 3? ie did you die again last session, cus that would be awesome.

Edmiao so.... are we starting with a big boss fight? how are gabe and deiter's characters at fighting? cus my guy sux until he gets his next xp infusion.

--Gdaze 15:14, 30 November 2009 (MST) I'm totally awesome in a fight.

--Matts 15:30, 30 November 2009 (MST)Didn't I give you guys 300xp or something? No?

BEN: we got 300 halfway through last session. I'm a good fighter but I've taken 4 wounds already and this boss is big and bad. If Brandon's character shows up we should be ok, I hope.

--Gdaze 09:44, 3 December 2009 (MST) Its no biggie. I mean we basically tried to take down two big guys back to back. So we may all just get slaughtered! Yeeee!

BEN: that was a good session today...lots of fun, even if my character nearly got killed again. nice emperor battle too. We should try to do something next weekend, since the 18th is likely out.

Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy

Current OAAAA XP: 75 base + 352 XP; Followers: 15 XP (current as of 8/7/09)

ED: How long did you say the interim was between act 2 and 3 again, ben? 10 years would be great, time to fit a lot of goings on.

BEN: 10 years is correct. Some things for the next session of OAAAA:
1.) Everybody will get to spend their bonus "interim" XP as they please, I've changed my mind about forcing expenditures in a certain way.
2.) I want everyone to think about their interim adventures. At the start of the nextsession, I amthinking we may do Gemini style card "prologues" in which we explore people's adventures: the person we are doing it for presents the overall theme/happenings, and then we run through it, with the group contributing details. Group bonus XP will be assigned based on cool story effects people come up with in these. If this idea seems too complex or seems like it will give other players too much involvement in your interim events,we can can it and just let each person do a narrative, in character or out.
3.) I will clarify happenings in the world at the first session of book 3.

ED: Sounds fun. I wrote up a bunch of ideas, i think there's plenty of room for adventures in between the paragraphs. Brandon, what is your email so i can send you the Tithe sheet. I may not have done a great job on him, he was pretty low on the damage potential, but still could take hits quite well. you may want to remod him, i'm sure ben would be fine with that. although i really think you should keep the pegasus, since it played a major role in the fight with the dragon. Let you fly and catch Aeten, bring him back to the battle and Aeten immediately thereafter struck the killing blow.

--Brandon 20:53, 9 August 2009 (MST) Sweet. A pegasus sounds awesome, and I was totally thinking about getting a mount for Tithe anyway, so that's perfect. I'm glad that Tithe played a solid role. My e-mail is olsenb3 [at] I would appreciate a full recap at some point, if someone has the time. Gratz, y'all!!

--Dieter the Bold 15:41, 13 August 2009 (MST) I think such a prologue adventure thing would be awesome. I heartily approve. Also, I personally would like a little GM wild-card in how points get spent, but that's just me. Ben, do you have the time/interest to do that with Galen?

BEN: sure...or rather, if you want you can use your prologue adventure thing to drive your xp expenditure. Or I'm happy to take as heavy of a hand as you want. Also, if we do this, the player who was "on the spot" would have full veto power over any card played: this may sound like a cop-out, but the point is to generate a backstory for those 10 years that appeals to the given player, and that trumps. I don't anticipate this being a problem, but it's easier to enforce than a "don't be a dick" policy. Also, any given player can just opt-out and write/come up with his own background for that time.

--Gdaze 13:48, 16 September 2009 (MST) So is that exp at the top, all the exp we have? Or am I missing the extra bit for the last 10 years? Also, Ben, should I email you with what my guy has been up to? Or are we doing this card thing?