Current events
This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.
Date...............Game.................................Attendance Notes
03.20.2010......Saturday Champions...........Amir out. Maya & Jason V. need to be done by 6pm.
03.27.2010......OFF...................................Jason B. & Rumi out of town.
04.03.2010......Seattle By Night..................Jason V. off of work!
04.10.2010......CANCELED........................Maya out.
04.17.2010......Saturday Champions...........Maya out. Jason V. off of work!
04.24.2010......Seattle By Night..................Rumi may be late.
05.01.2010......Seattle By Night..................Jason V. off of work!
05.08.2010......Seattle By Night..................Jason V. Late 15:30!
Monday Board Games
Click above for results and other, more lengthy discourse.
Date..............Requests...............................................Attendance Notes
05.03.2010.....Requesting Agricola; it's been a while.
Schedule attendance)
03/27/10.....Ben's Bday Shindig.......
BEN: on 6/5/10, Saturday, Meghan is going to be out of town in the evening. I am going to a BBQ from ~4-7pm, but afterwards I'm "game" to host some sort of shindig...board games, one shot, magic tourney, whatever. Let me know who's interested.
Attendance and Food Preference
--Dieter the Bold 15:09, 28 April 2010 (MST) UPDATE Consistent boardgaming night is now open at my place, Saturdays at 7pm. You can check out options at Dieterz Gamez
Ranting and Raving
Edmiao hope there wasn't anything important in there, i just cleaned this up. have y'all seen the movie "monster camp"? its about LARPing in seattle. apparently hilllarious. just put it on my netflix que. Addendum: Meh, it was not that hillarious. kinda sad actually.
Edmiao hey, next week, wedensday, is brandon's defense!!! i just wet my pants in anticipation.