Talk:List of Mission Types your character/crew may be interested in

Revision as of 20:24, 31 March 2007 by Dieterthebold (Talk | contribs)

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--Dieter the Bold 18:24, 31 March 2007 (MST) Okay fools, since it looks like this is the game we're playing, let's get some serious discussion about what kind of focus we want. One thing I'd personally like to see decided early on is whether we want a jump-capable ship or not? If we do, thats an Ace and a 3 (50 points) in the Ship Creation pile that's already spoken for. And one character has to have a Queen or better for character creation. Upside is they could theoretically be pilot, navigator and captain. Regardless, I think that's something we should decide on early. Any other decisions that really skew the Prologue? We also want to decide what kind of focus we want to have as a group (stay loose, Ed, stay loose). I think we're all agreed that piracy/ship-of-the-line isn't the way we want to go. Ed sounds like he's leaning hard towards an archeology-focus, and Gabe sounds interested in that. I'm not opposed to either of those, although I'd be less interested in an intense focus on archeology and would really enjoy a Search & Rescue operation. A little salvaging could make for some fun.