Bored at work
I'd rather be bored at work, like it's a chore than gored at work by a wild boar
I'd rather be twiddling my thumbs in ennui than stabbed to death by republicans "freedom isn't free"
Honestly, I supoose it's a good way The mind rots while we collect our pay
It's just, I'd like a bentley or something if I'm gonna be this goddamn bored
--BenofZongo 17:23, 20 March 2007 (MST)Seriously...except I'm not bored, I'm just sick of the shit I have to do right now.
--Dieter the Bold 18:38, 20 March 2007 (MST) Fun for work: 1 and 2
--Gdaze-- I'm tired... and my fucking gums are infected and I have to have my fucking wisdom teeth removed, and I want to sleep. Do any of you see how long you can have your dick outta your fly while your at work?
--Edmiao 14:23, 22 March 2007 (MST) my record is 25 minutes before i got nervous and had to zip it up. Have you ever been caught? and what's your record?
--Matts 02:37, 24 March 2007 (MST)Oh, Messieur